Tag: Russia

Apel închis: ‘Pilorama Lab’ Youth Forum in Perm, Russia [DL: 31.05]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

russia1Deadline: 31 May 2013
Open to: Young people from all over Europe
Venue:  Perm, Russia from July 24-28, 2013


The annual European Forum for Young Professionals “Pilorama Lab” offers young people from all over Europe working in public administration, business, NGOs, universities, think tanks and other spheres of professional engagement a unique communication and exchange platform for civil society issues. Main goals of “Pilorama Lab” are to update the common European agenda in different fields of life, transfer knowledge and best practices as well as develop partner networks. “Pilorama Lab” will take place on July 24–28, 2013 in Perm and at “Perm 36″, the only GULAG museum in Russia.


The programm of “Pilorama Lab” 2013 includes five workshops:

  • Urban Space. Sustainability. Future
  • Corruption
  • Multinational Europe: Future Scenarios
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • History. Identity. Intercultural Dialogue

Working languages are English and Russian.


Accommodation for participants is supposed to be in the tent camp by the Memorial Centre of the History of Political Repressions “Perm 36″. The costs of board and lodging will be covered by the organizers. Travel expenses of the foreign participants may be refunded up to 100 €. Participants from Russia have to pay their travel costs themselves.

Application procedure

You can apply online here. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2013.

For any questions and concerns which you might have you can use the contacts here.

The official website.