Apel inchis : ACCESSIBILITY INSPECTORS!-Ankara,Turcia [DL:23.02.2014]

Training Course

4-11 April 2014 | Ankara, Turkey

“Accessibility Inspectors” is a 7 days Training Course,organized in Ankara-Turkey to support youth organisations to improve their work with young people having disabilities in terms of designing accessible youth activities for mixed ability groups.


-to learn more about disability and accessibility concept through UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)
-to develop mutual understanding and build empathy between young people with and without disabilities
-to promote equality and social inclusion in upcoming Erasmus+ programme
-to develop together strategies and methodology which fulfill the explored learning and participating needs of young people with disabilities
-to learn how to design and implement inclusive and accessible youth activities
-to gain new skills to organize youth events with mixed ability groups


Non-formal training methods will be used

Profile of participants:

-Youth workers, leaders, trainers, multipliers having both need and experience in working with young people having disabilities
-Also participation of youth workers, leaders, trainers having disabilities will be encouraged
-High motivation to implement accessible and inclusive youth projects
-Over 20 years old
-English will be the working language. Participants must have sufficient understanding of English.

Mai multe detalii pe: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/accessibility-inspectors.4063/