NATO Headquarters Internship Programme (DL: 19 aprilie)

Deadline: 19 April 2013
Open to: students or recent graduates from NATO states (country list HERE) or members of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (country list HERE) or Partnership for Peace Framework (country list HERE)
Remuneration: €800 monthly salary, travel expenses reimbursed, plus 2.5 days leave per month


NATO needs your skills! NATO Headquarters (HQ) introduced its Internship Programme in 2004. The aim of the programme is to provide a small number of current or recent students with the opportunity to intern with the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels and in a few other NATO bodies. Internships will in principle last 6 months. Starting date of internship will be in March or September 2014, depending on preference and division.

The NATO Internship Programme has four main objectives:

  • To provide the Organisation with access to the latest theoretical and technical knowledge that the intern can apply through practical work assignments, as well as with additional staff resources.
  • To provide interns with an opportunity to learn from the NATO community and get a better understanding and a more balanced view of the Organisation.
  • To contribute to creating a more diverse workforce.
  • To expand understanding of NATO in Alliance countries.

Tasks will depend on your background, the Division to which you are assigned, and the period during which you will do your internship. In the past, interns have been assigned the following duties:

  • Assistance in drafting and preparing official documents
  • Attending and summarising council and committee meetings or conferences
  • Research
  • Supporting public relations
  • Media analysis
  • Supporting technical and administrative services

Besides interesting assignments and exciting developing opportunities related to NATO’s activities and daily agenda, interns at NATO receive the following package:

  • Remuneration: Interns receive a lump sum of 800 EUR per month. The salary is not exempt from taxation. Interns may receive emoluments from outside sources (such as scholarships or grants).
  • Travel: Interns will be reimbursed for their travel expenses on taking up duty and on leaving the service based on a return economy ticket and for an amount of up to 1,200 Euros.
  • Leave: After three months of service, interns shall be entitled to leave (including sick leave) at the rate of 2.5 working days for every month of service completed.

More information is available at the Frequently Asked Questions page HERE. Please refer to the NATO Internship Programme Policy HERE for a full description of the programme.


In order to apply for an internship at NATO, you must fulfill all criteria outlined below:

  • Age: you must be over 21 years of age at the time of your application.
  • Nationality: you must be a citizen of a NATO member state (Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Rep, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States)
  • Educational Status: you must be a university student or a recent graduate (in other words, you have obtained your highest degree less than a year ago).
  • Studies: if you are currently studying, you must have successfully completed at least two years of post-secondary studies and be enrolled in your third year at the time of your application.
  • Languages: you must be thoroughly proficient in at least one of the official languages of the organization (English and French).

Nationals of NATO partner countries (PfP/EAPC) should contact their delegation at NATO HQ directly for information on internships. More information is available HERE.

  • Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) partner countries: Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Macedonia, Georgia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyz, Republic, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
  • Partnership for Peace (PfP) countries: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland,Georgia, Hungary, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia,Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Macedonia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Further eligibility information about security clearance and health insurance is AVAILABLE HERE.


Applications are due by 19 April 2013. Applicants must complete the on-line application form HERE and submit a CV and Letter of Motivation.

Shortlisted candidates will be notified in September 2013. Those candidates not selected are requested to login in order to check their updated status, by the end of September 2013. The final selection of candidates will be made in October 2013.

For more information, see the official website HERE.

Apel inchis: Curs de formare ‘Coach 2 Coach’, Scotia [DL:1.05]


Ai experienta in lucrul cu tinerii si vrei sa imbunatatesti calitatea
activitatilor legate de proiectele de initiative ale tinerilor (Actiunea
1.2 a programului Tineret in Actiune)?

Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din UK organizeaza
un curs de formare pe aceasta tema, intitulat sugestiv “Coach 2 Coach”.
Cursul se va derula in perioada 18 – 23 iunie 2013 in Scotia si va reuni
lucratori de tineret (cu experienta ca indrumatori/coach pe proiecte de
initiativa) din tarile programului.

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 1 mai 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 7 mai (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel inchis TiA: TC ‘Feel. Share. Act’ – Belgia [DL:22.04]

Societatea pluralista in Europa este esentiala in aceste zile. De aceea, este important sa invatam sa pretuim atat asemanarile, cat si deosebirile, in special in context urban. O buna cunoastere a propriilor valori constituie un real ajutor in acest proces.

In acest context, Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Belgia organizeaza Cursul de formare intitulat “FEEL.SHARE.ACT! Training course for youth workers to empower multicultural urban youth”. Cursul isi propune sa ofere lucratorilor de tineret cunostinte, abilitati si perspective pentru a lucra cu tinerii intr-un context multicultural urban.

Cursul se va derula in perioada 1 – 7 iunie 2013 in Antwerp, Belgia, si va reuni lucratori/lideri de tineret, manageri de proiect si voluntari din tarile programului, interesati sa implice in proiectele lor tinerii din mediul urban.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, a dosarului de candidatura este: 22 aprilie 2013 (data postei)

Toate informatiile despre curs si modul in care puteti candida se gasesc pe site-ul Tineret in Actiune la adresa de mai jos:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…


(Apel inchis) TiA: PBA ‘Work for Inclusion!’ – Spania [DL:15.04]

Segovia-Spain-5Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Spania
organizeaza un seminar de contact (PBA) dedicat proiectelor de includere
si intitulat sugestiv “Work for Inclusion!: YiA as a Tool for Youth
Employment”. Scopul principal al acestui seminar este de a promova
incluziunea sociala a tinerilor, in special a tinerilor someri, prin
programul Tineret in Actiune.

Seminarul se va derula in perioada 4-9 iunie 2013 in Ceuta, Spania, si va
reuni lucratori/ lideri de tineret, mentori SEV care lucreaza cu tineri cu
oportunitati reduse (in special someri). Participantii trebuie sa fi
derulat proiecte de includere sau sa fie motivati sa dezvolte astfel de
proiecte in viitor, prin programul Tineret in Actiune.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este luni,
15 aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

(Apel inchis) TiA: Laborator ‘SHAREWARE!’, Romania [DL:15.04]

leadershipDoar azi te mai poti inscrie!

Ai experienta ca lider, indrumator, mentor sau formator in proiecte
Tineret in Actiune?
Stii o metoda buna pentru facilitarea procesului de invatare a tinerilor?
Vrei sa o SHARE-uiesti si, la randul tau, sa afli de alte experiente
similare, care sa te ajute sa fii si mai bun in lucrul cu tinerii?

Daca ai raspuns cu DA, s-ar putea sa avem cursul potrivit pentru tine! 🙂

Vino la “SHAREWARE!” – un laborator pentru facilitarea invatarii, pentru a
impartasi si experimenta metode, instrumente si procese de invatare
alaturi de alti lideri, indrumatori, mentori si formatori in proiecte
Tineret in Actiune din Europa si regiunile invecinate! Evenimentul este
organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din
Romania (ANPCDEFP) intre 14-19 mai 2013, la Predeal, Romania.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea ONLINE, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu CONFIRMARE de PRIMIRE, este 15
aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul national publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel inchis TiA: TC Ability, Portugalia [DL:1.04]

“Raise your ability to work with disability!”

Esti lucrator de tineret si iti doresti sa dezvolti proiecte Tineret in
Actiune in care sa implici tineri cu dizabilitati, dar nu ai incredere in
abilitatile tale de a lucra cu astfel de tineri?

Nicio problema! Inscrie-te la “TC ABility – raise your ability to work
with disability” si neincrederea ta va fi de domeniul trecutului!

Cursul de formare se va derula intre 13 – 18 mai 2013 in Braganca,
Portugalia si va reuni 25 de lucratori de tineret din tarile programului
Tineret in Actiune.

Chiar daca acest curs nu se adreseaza in mod special lucratorilor de
tineret cu dizabilitati, acestia sunt incurajati sa se inscrie in cazul in
care doresc sa invete sa lucreze cu tineri cu alte dizabilitati.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este: 1
aprilie 2013 (data postei)

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…down syndrome

Apeluri inchise TiA: Leader 2B, Mentor 2B si Coach 2B! Just B![DL: 1 aprilie]

anpcdefpIn luna aprilie am pregatit trei zile de formare pentru lucratorii de tineret care sunt sau doresc sa devina lideri in cadrul Schimburilor de tineri, indrumatori in cadrul Initiativelor tinerilor si mentorilor in cadrul proiectelor de tip Serviciul European de Voluntariat.

Cand? 11 – 15 aprilie (11 este zi se sosire, 12, 13, 14 sunt zile de lucru si 15 este zi de plecare)

Unde? Predeal

Pentru mai multe informatii despre Leader2B cat si pentru a aplica, acceseaza urmatorul link:

Pentru mai multe informatii despre Mentor2B cat si pentru a aplica, acceseaza urmatorul link:

Pentru mai multe informatii despre Coach2B cat si pentru a aplica, acceseaza urmatorul link:

Puteti sa accesati si platforma on-line unde gasiti mai multe informatii in Coltul LideruluiColtul Indrumatorului siColtul Mentorului. Totodata puteti sa contribuiti cu experiente personale, resurse, materiale, instrumente si sa fiti la curent cu noile practici, provocari si experiente din viata unui lider, indrumator si mentor in proiectele finantate prin programul Tineret in Actiune.

Apel inchis TiA: PBA Democracy Explored, Irlanda [DL:5.04]

YouthDemocracyBigMouthTe intereseaza sa dezvolti un proiect pe tema democratiei si vrei sa afli
mai multe despre proiectele pentru democratie participativa – Actiunea 1.3
a programului Tineret in Actiune? Ce zici de un seminar pe aceasta tema?!

“Democracy Explored” este o activitate de constituire de
parteneriate/seminar organizata de Agentia Nationala pentru programul
Tineret in Actiune din Irlanda in perioada 15-18 mai 2013.

Seminarul se adreseaza membrilor organizatiilor non-guvernamentale,
reprezentantilor autoritatilor locale si ai altor institutiii publice care
sunt deja activi in domeniul participarii tinerilor si sunt interesati sa
implice tinerii in procesul democratic.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este
vineri, 5 aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel închis: Participare World Scout Moot Canada 2013 [DL: 27 martie ]


Pentru cercetasii dornici de aventura, va propunem ceva nou! World Scout Moot Canada 2013.

Data: 8-18 august 2013

Locatie: Ottawa, Canada

Se cauta doi participanti, un baiat si o fata, varste cuprinse intre 18 si 26 de ani, pentru a concura pentru un loc la acest eveniment.

Aveti nevoie de o scrisoare motivationala, cuprinsa intre 700 si 1000 de cuvinte, in engleza sau franceza, care sa indeplineasca urmatoarele cerinte:

  • cum te-a ajutat cercetasia in dezvoltarea personala, dand exemple de abilitati pe care le-ai obtinut ori dezvoltat
  • de ce acest eeniment reprezinta o continuare a acestor experiente si abilitati castigate.

Indrumari:     Poti  vorbi despre tine, iti poti folosi imaginatia.  Uita-te atent in  trecut, inca de la inceputul cercetasiei, urmareste firul, identifica lucrurile care te-au ajutat sa te dezvolti. Este foarte important sa mentionezi ce ai invatat si ce ai putea invata pe viitor, cu ajutorul acestui eveniment. Fa un exercitiu, uita-te la evolutia ta ca cercetasi si scrie tot ce simti!

DDL: 27 martie

Trimite scrisoarea redactata in engleza sau franceza la adresa

Detalii mai jos:

Dear friends

As you are probably aware, the next World Scout Moot will be held in Canada from 8 to 18 August 2013 in Ottawa.

The Moot organisers have offer some support packages and we have been able to negotiate that 2 participants from category B countries (according to the WOSM fee system) will be able to

participate in the event – all expenses paid – providing that they can arrive in Ottawa under their own resources. This package is worth CAD 1000 per person, about €750.

Last weekend, the European Scout Committee agreed to contribute €500 to each of these participants towards the travel.

The conditions that applicants should meet are:

• To be a member (young leader or Scout) involved actively in the youth programme of his or her association

• Be aged between 18 and 26 – on 8 August you must have reached your 18th birthday, but not reached your 26th birthday

• Proficient in English or French (written or spoken)

• Candidates who have never before participated in an international Scout event outside their own country

• In good physical health

In order to select the two sponsored participants from Europe, please advise young people in the correct age bracket that there is an open competition for 1 male and 1 female participant. They will come from two different countries.

The initial task is:

Write a motivational letter indicating what you have gained for your personal development by being a Scout, giving examples of what you have achieved and why the Moot would be a good

continuation of these experiences. You may support the letter with an innovative mechanism –

video, text, cartoon, drawing, ……

The letter should be 700-1000 words in length, in either English or French, and should be submitted before 1 April 2013. Successful candidates will be advised by 16 April 2013.

There will be an ongoing commitment to provide short articles  and a full report of 1000 words will be required no later than 1 month after the event.

You can find background information on the Moot here

We will endeavour to put you in touch with other European delegations so that you may share their preparations and travel plans – maybe even travel with them

Best wishes

David McKee

Regional Director

Apel inchis: 1 year EVS Project at Messzelátó Association, Budapest, Hungary [DL: 31 martie]

Nota: Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei este acreditata pentru trimitere si gazduire de voluntari EVS. Daca doriti sa aplicati pentru aceasta pozitie de voluntar, puteti sa treceti ONCR ca si organizatie de trimitere pentru voi!
EVS Project at Messzelátó Association, Budapest, Hungary
Messzelátó Egyesület would like to host 2 long term volunteers from September 2013 for a period of one year.
We would prefer to hire volunteers who speak proficient English and/or Hungarian.
Who we are?
Messzelátó Association, Hungary
Messzelátó Association was founded in 1999. Our goal is to realize a diverse, value-driven sustainable society based on cooperation and active communities.
The main focus of Messzelátó is ‘sustainable city life’ in which we aim to bring back sustainable methods to modern city peoples’ lives that are still used in rural areas. On our practical workshops we teach preparing our own soaps, cosmetics, bread, cheese, pasta etc. We use environmental friendly materials and also teach up-cycling garbage. We run national campaigns promoting eating seasonal, local, healthy food. We are interested in urban gardening: we are a part of a community garden, we teach balcony gardening and worm composting. We work with a wide range of groups from elementary students to elderly adult learners in our workshops.
We have 3 staff members, 40 active supporting members and more than 300 registered volunteers. We are a community that learns, thinks and acts together.
Application process:

  • Fill in our form. We don’t want you to write a motivation letter – please put down all your motivation to this form!
  • Instead of a regular CV we prefer you make a video or a Prezi about yourself. We ask you to send their links in the above mentioned application form. (For another project we created some guides for our favorite online tools: Prezi and PicMonkey. You find them attached to this page.)
  • Please try and send us a references as well. You can send us their links in our application form. The best is if your introuduction will contain this! 😉
Application deadline: 31.03.2013.
Selection will be hopefully be made by 15.04.2013.
If you have any questions, send them to evs (at) messzelato (dot) hu. Please do write in the subject of your e-mail: “EVS Messzelátó 2013”!
Volunteer tasks
Here we describe what usually a volunteer can be assigned to in our project. This is a kind of menu – when starting the project we consult with the volunteer what is his/her interest, which tasks would he/she want to take. So please look at this list as a list of opportunities and tell us in your application what you would be interested in and why you would be good at it! If you have your own project idea, tell us too!

  • He/she can be responsible for the content of the organisation’s webpage/Facebook page/green newsletter and blog writing, helps in office administrational work and offers support to our coordinators in planning and realising green communication campaigns.
  • He/she can be responsible for assisting the organisation in on-going workshops and the educational projects of the association, and helps in making new workshops related to sustainable urban living. She/he can participate in our educational program that includes giving lectures and imparting training in environmental fields.
  • The volunteer can be also included in the Association’s day to day work and has also the possibility to join the other projects of Messzelátó about which further details can be found on the above mentioned webpages.
The chosen volunteers should be able to develop project ideas and coordinate his/her own projects. They should be available to EVS for one year starting from September 2013. It is an added advantage should you have experience in these fields, should you be good in computer graphics (if you can edit website or brochures by using Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign or other relevant programs) and/or should you be able to organize projects on your own and possess some knowledge about community media, and in writing newsletters and articles.
We would be nore happier should you be fond of gardening and/or hiking.
More info: