Tag: Germania

Apel închis: Scoutingtrain 2014 – 1st international conference of Wagon-Conductors

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scoutingtrain 2014

Cercetasii germani ne invita la un nou camp mai… deosebit! Intr-un tren! Mai jos aveti invitatia trimisa de acestia. Va rugam sa ne trimiteti un mail sau sa lasati un comentariu cu toate intrebarile :).
Academy of ScoutingTrain 1st international conference of Wagon-Conductors
ScoutingTrain 2014’s Directorate kindly invites you to our conference of wagon conductors on the occasion of the International Conductors Academy.
The first international Meeting is scheduled from November 6 through 11, 2013 in Kronberg, close to Frankfurt/Main Germany
Wednesday (Nov. 6) and Monday (Nov.11) are considered travel days for those traveling from afar and possibly intent spending some extra time in Germany.
The core program commences on Thursday, (Nov. 7) at 8:00 pm until Sunday (Nov. 10) at 2:00 pm.
During that time, your uninterrupted presence is requested

Our conference venue will be BdP‘s Fritz Emmel Hostel http://www.fritz-emmelhaus.de (you will find travel directions on the website in German – English Translations on request)
This invitation extends to all ScoutingTrain Conductors, the Train Directorate as well as representatives of Switch women and Switch men (Project Mentors).Representatives of participation scouting organizations in support of this project will also be present.
Those wagons that have not yet been connected to the train but have received concept approval by the Directorate until November 1st are also invited.
Please contact the ScoutingTrain Directorate as soon as possible (scoutingtrain@pfadfinden.de)
Besides getting to know each other, this meeting is geared towards detailed presentations of the current planning status of „ScoutingTrain 2014“ as well as program-details that will enable this international project.
It is essential that a minimum of two conductors from Germany and conductors from our international partners of each wagon will participate. The Directorate further invited potential foreign conductors to allow them to “hook-up” to German wagon
teams. Under http://geschichten.scoutingtrain.org/pool/ we have provided the opportunity for introductions to each other. Make use of this great opportunity!
A Project of BdP and its Partners

Cost – Travel – Visa
Meeting costs are covered by sponsorship. Accommodation, food and transportation expenses will be covered by the ScoutingTrain project.
Co-payment will be at 20 % of individual travel expenses at a minimum of € 6 per day.
For late cancellations (after Nov. 1st) no travel expenses will be reimbursed and cancelation fees might have to be borne by the individual.
German conductors will only receive reimbursement of travel expenses after payment of the first installment (€ 150) of their total ScoutingTrain travel cost.
Approval for air-travel or other travel expenses in excess of € 100 will be granted by the directorate member Enno (strudthoff@scoutingtrain.de)
We request to make use of car-pooling http://mitfahren.pfadfinden.de/ or the use of ticket specials for trains.
Visa support should immediately being requested from directorate member Jan Schütte (schuette@scoutingtrain.de)!
Conference language will be English. Worries of insufficient language skills are unfounded. You can always ask a colleague for support. We do not require formal Oxford English! During breaks, networking and communication in your mother tongue are permissible. We further will provide translation support in case of difficulties during planning discussions.

Accommodation and Food
The hostel will provide shared rooms for all participants. Alternatively, tents can be pitched on the lawn. Linen has to be brought along or can be rented at € 5 (not reimbursable) locally. No sleeping bags are allowed on the beds.
We will have full board to allow us maximum time focusing on our project. Please let us know with your invitation if you have food allergies or are vegetarian
Program and List of Participants:
Prior to the conference, all participants will be provided with a program as well as a
listing of all participants (name, country, organization, e-mail contact) for better

Since space is limited, your registration requires confirmation. This will happen shortly
after receipt.

Apel inchis: Erasmus+, Germania, 3-7 feb 2014, [DL: 24 nov 2013]

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Cum stai cu apetitul? Nu ti-e pofta de proiecte si de ACTiune?!

Ce anume? Curs international de formare si initiere in programul
Erasmus+/Tineret in Actiune intitulat APPETISER
Pentru cine se recomanda? Pentru membrii organizatiilor care NU au avut
inca nicio experienta internationala in contextul programului Tineret in
Actiune (TiA)

Cand? 3-7 februarie 2014

Unde? Germania

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 24 noiembrie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 25 noiembrie 2013 (data postei).

Informatii detaliate despre curs si conditiile de participare se gasesc la
adresa de mai jos:

Apel inchis: “COP19-21”-dream, 1st seminar, Berlin, Germania (Oct 31-Nov. 3rd 2013) [DL: 27 oct 2013]

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SEW 3„Leave the world a little better than you found it“

How can we do it?
The start point is an „Education&Networking Event“ for Scouts
who want to work on ecological politics topics, especially climate. This is the initial
meeting to work from now on until the climate summit (COP21) in Paris 2015.
Core ideas of this network are:
• Build up a network which works on environmental-oriented topics
• Educating each other and other scouts on ecological themes
• Develop ways to increase our influence on world climate summits
• Creating contact with decision-makers and discuss perspectives of Youth
• Collaboration with civil society organisations
Who can participate?
You are 18-30y, member of an european scout/guiding organisation and
interested in networking on ecological topics on European level?
You are able to communicate in English and interested to become part of an
international team?
Great! Join in!
Costs: 60,00€
Date: Thursday, 31.10.2013 till Sunday, 3.11.2013 Venue: Gaeste-Etage, Berlin
Closing date for registration: 27.10.2013


Plata transportului se face individual, de catre participanti.

Cei interesati in participarea la acest seminar pot aplica printr-un mail la international@scout.ro.

Apel deschis: Akela 2014 (2-6 august 2014) [DL: 30 martie 2014]

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akela 2014


Vrei sa…

participi intr-un camp international pentru lideri?

sa cunosti alte tari si culturi?

sa aflui mai multe despre intalnirile saptamanale ale cercetasilor din strainatate?

sa faci schimb de idei si concepte?

sa afli mai multe despre subiectele discutate de cercetasii si ghidele din alte rai?

Atunci prima adunare a liderilor de lupisori “Akela 2014” este locul potrivit pentru tine!

Aici veti avea timpul si spatiul sa va cunoasteti unii pe altii, sa faceti schimb de pareri si experiente si sa dati nastere a noi idei!

O sa intalnesti prieteni din toata lumea, vei invata despre noi abordari educationale, vei afla idei noi pentru intalnirile saptamanale, si vei lua parte la schimburi de oprinii intre liderii de ramura pentru ramura de lupisori.

Bineinteles, daca vrei sa ajuti la organizarea campului, poti face parte din IST. Mai multe detalii despre IST gasesti aici: http://www.akela2014.de/fileadmin/user_upload/akela_ist.pdf

Perioada: 2-6 august 2014

Locatie: Centru international Westernohe, Germania

Taxa: 90 EURO (dupa 1 ian 2014)

Mai multe informatii gasiti aici: www.akela2014.de  si aici: https://register.akela2014.de/static/AKELA_conditions.pdf

Apel închis TiA: Curs de formare ‘Competences for All’ – Germania [DL:30.06]

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Youth employment apprenticeshipsEsti lucrator/lider de tineret, manager de proiect, membru activ al unei
organizatii non-guvernamentale care lucreaza direct cu tinerii sau esti
asistent social?
Esti interesat sa explorezi posibilitatile pe care le ofera invatarea
nonformala pentru dezvoltare personala si sociala in proiecte Tineret in
Ai raspuns cu DA? Atunci acest curs de formare este pentru tine!

Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Germania
organizeaza Cursul international de formare “Competences for all”, care se
va derula in perioada 27 octombrie – 2 noiembrie 2013 in Berlin,
Germania, la care sunt invitati sa participe lucratori de tineret din
tarile programului.

Detalii si informatii referitoare la acest curs se pot accesa la
urmatoarea adresa (descriere, obiective, profil candidat etc):

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 30 iunie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 1 iulie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatii necesare legate de acest curs (profilul participantului,
criterii de selectie si procedura de inscriere) se gasesc in apelul
national publicat pe link-ul de mai jos:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel inchis: Eurocamp on European Diversity in Magdeburg, Germany [DL: 14 mai]

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diversityDeadline: 14 May 2013
Open to: Applicants between 18 and 25 years of age with basic knowledge of German language
Venue: Magdeburg, Germany from 28th July until 18th August 2013


Getting to know Europe on your own skin in region of Saxony – Anhalt  by having breakfast the Italian way, working with Finns, play theatre with Serbs, sing Latvian songs and hear Icelandic jokes… Seems impossible to have all of that in one day and place, right? Only Eurocamp in federal region of Saxony- Anhalt  offers you this once in a lifetime chance to discover, learn and feel Europe and different cultures!

Already for 22nd time will Eurocamp invite young people from 40 countries from 28th July until 18th August 2013 to Saxony Anhalt to discover European diversity, unity and also differences. The host for Eurocamp 2013 is Magdeburg, the capital of federal region Saxony-Anhalt. During the three weeks we will contribute with our work in making the city and Bildungshaus Ottersleben more pleasant and beautiful.


If you are interested in other cultures, have basic knowledge in German, are among 18 and 25 years of age, as well are motivated to find out more about intercultural exchange and Europe, you can apply for Eurocamp already now.


Participants will be accommodated in rooms with 3 beds. Bed linen and covers will be provided by organizers. Three meals per day will also be free of charge. About the travel costs, participants should contact partners in their countries to arrange their travel in accordance with basic rules. The amount of the allowance is based on the cost of the cheapest travel option depending on the country of origin and contains a reasonable amount. The list of partners is here.

How to apply

If you want to apply, please fill in the application form (currently only in German language) by 14 May 2013. The filled-in forms should be send to the partner organizations in the country of origin of each applicant. The list can be found here. The choice of participants in your country will be taken over by partner organizations. Please contact them directly if you have questions, inquiries or requests. They will be also the ones who will be able to explain about particular procedure of applications in your country.

The official website.


Apel inchis: Global Entrepreneurship Summer School, Germany [DL: 30 aprilie]

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summer_schoolDeadline:  April 30, 2013 (for Early Bird applications) and May 31, 2013 (regular deadline)
Open to: MBA and PhD students enrolled in any university at any time during 2013
Venue: Munich, Germany from Sep 17 to Sep 27 2013

About The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School in Munich

Don’t miss the chance to be part of the most exciting Summer School around the Globe. Apply now and meet leading Entrepreneurial Talents from around the World for more than one week in Germany! This is not just a conventional Summer School.

The vision of the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is based on the claim „Billion Dollar Projects to Foster Societal Change“The organizers want to encourage and connect outstanding students from all over the world to challenge society’s problems by entrepreneurial means. Organizers want the students to think big and contribute to sustainable change in the dimension of billion. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is a collaborative project of the four leading university-based Entrepreneurship Centers in Munich – that’s why organizers believe in the power of entrepreneurial thinking for a better und sustainable future.

During the Summer School the student teams develop ideas that have both a sustainable impact for society and a self-sustaining, profitable business model. The students learn about entrepreneurship, develop their own sustainable business ideas and build a long-lasting network of international excellent and entrepreneurial students. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer Schools fosters the important role of education, entrepreneurship and networking for a sustainable development. You can have more insight in the curriculum HERE!

Who can Apply?

Applicants have to be enrolled in any university at any time during 2013 and have to be between 18 – 27 years old. Example: If you are enrolled only until February 2013 you can apply even if you won’t be enrolled in September 2013.”Enrolled” applies in our definition also to MBA or PhD students.

Costs & Scholarships

Participants will be provided for free accommodation from Sep 17 until Sep 27
 either in the guesthouse of the LMU or at other places such as apartments of other participants from Munich.

Food & Travel in Munich
Participants will be provided for free some exclusive dinners as well as many snacks and coffee during the whole week. Travel expenses for the public transport in Munich throughout the whole week will be covered as well.

Global Scholarships
International students who are invited to Munich will automatically receive a travel scholarship. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School will contribute 50% of your total travel costs (mostly flight tickets) up to a cap of € 500,-. Just to remind you, accommodation, travel during your stay and lots of food during the week is also included!

There is a small tuition fee of € 79,- for early bird applicants and € 119,- for regular applicants per selected participant.

If you are a student from Germany and you can provide accommodation to an international participant you won’t have to pay a tuition fee – no matter when you apply.

How to Apply?

This year 35 outstanding students will be accepted from around the world who will get an invitation to Munich. In addition 15 virtual participants will be accepted. All applications will go through a very strict, but fair selection process. The deadline for Early Bird applications will be April 30, 2013. The regular deadline will be May 31, 2013 (GMT -12). We will inform everybody at the latest during the last week of June about their application status.

Please apply HERE with your CV and motivational letter (max. around 200 words) as PDF attachments 
If you have any questions please check first the FAQ Page and if you still have questions please send a mail to info@globalsummerschool.org.

For more information please visit the official website!