Tag: seminar

Apel inchis: “Zoom in”- Seminar cu tema incluziune sociala, Polonia (DL: 19 iulie)

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Youth Express Network is a European youth NGO working on social inclusion of young people since 1993. Their mission is “to make a more open, more accessible, more visible network of local youth organisation working on youth and social inclusion questions”.

The seminar “Zoom In!” is the second activity of Y-E-N Work Plan “ITINERAR-Y-E-N: On the Road of Social Inclusion of Young People”. It will take place in Miechucino in Northern Poland (40 km from Gdansk) from 7-12 of August 2014, gathering 26 participants from 22 countries.

The objectives of the seminar are:

  • to develop a common definition of social inclusion;
  • to share, learn and collect good practices on social inclusion of young people based on experience and expertise of the young people and youth workers;
  • to raise awareness on the impact of youth work as a tool to actively promote social inclusion.

The seminar will be based on non-formal education and will combine sessions of group/team building, theoretical inputs and individual/small groups work.


The seminar is designed for young people with fewer opportunities, who are pushed out of the society for many reasons, and for the youth workers who empower then to find their place.

The eligible countries are: Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Luxembourg and Sweden.


This seminar is financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. The participants will be provided with accommodation, meals and visa support. The travel expenses will be 70% reimbursed.

A participation fee will be asked. Depending on your country of residence it will be between 20 € and 40 €.


The deadline to apply is 19 July 2014. Participants will be selected by 20 July 2014.

In order to apply interested participants must fill in the application form and send it via email to:  y-e-n@wanadoo.fr with the subject “ZOOM IN”.

For further information you can direct your questions to Véronique Bertholle at: y-e-n@wanadoo.fr or by phone at +33 3 88 35 37 45.

  Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.eu/2014/07/15/seminar-zoom-in-in-poland/#ixzz37Wzq8a90

Apel inchis: “COP19-21”-dream, 1st seminar, Berlin, Germania (Oct 31-Nov. 3rd 2013) [DL: 27 oct 2013]

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SEW 3„Leave the world a little better than you found it“

How can we do it?
The start point is an „Education&Networking Event“ for Scouts
who want to work on ecological politics topics, especially climate. This is the initial
meeting to work from now on until the climate summit (COP21) in Paris 2015.
Core ideas of this network are:
• Build up a network which works on environmental-oriented topics
• Educating each other and other scouts on ecological themes
• Develop ways to increase our influence on world climate summits
• Creating contact with decision-makers and discuss perspectives of Youth
• Collaboration with civil society organisations
Who can participate?
You are 18-30y, member of an european scout/guiding organisation and
interested in networking on ecological topics on European level?
You are able to communicate in English and interested to become part of an
international team?
Great! Join in!
Costs: 60,00€
Date: Thursday, 31.10.2013 till Sunday, 3.11.2013 Venue: Gaeste-Etage, Berlin
Closing date for registration: 27.10.2013


Plata transportului se face individual, de catre participanti.

Cei interesati in participarea la acest seminar pot aplica printr-un mail la international@scout.ro.

Apel inchis TiA: Seminar JANUS, 2-9 august UK [DL: 2 iunie]

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inclusionAi experienta in proiecte Tineret in Actiune? Ti-ar placea sa sarbatoresti
sapte ani de Tineret in Actiune alaturi de alti tineri si lucratori de
tineret din tarile programului si sa reflectezi asupra realizarilor si
impactului pe care l-au avut proiectele tale?

Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din UK te invita sa
participi la Seminarul JANUS, un eveniment ce isi propune sa sarbatoreasca
tot ceea ce au realizat partenerii Tineret in Actiune din intreaga Europa
si impactul pozitiv asupra vietii tinerilor.

Seminarul se va derula in perioada 2-9 august 2013 in Londra, UK, si va
reuni lucratori/lideri de tineret, manageri de proiect cu experienta si
tineri participanti in proiecte TiA din toate tarile programului.

Participarea la acest curs se face in perechi formate din tineri (varsta
minima 18 ani) si persoane cu experienta in lucrul cu tinerii, membri in
aceeasi organizatie. Este de dorit ca cei doi sa fi impartasit experiente
in cadrul aceluiasi proiect TiA (in calitate de lider de grup/manager de
proiect, respectiv participant in acelasi proiect).

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 2 iunie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 3 iunie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

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Apel inchis: International Seminar on Democratic European Citizenship, Sofia [DL: 28 aprilie]

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evs bulgariaDeadline: 28 April 2013
Open to: Young people between 18-30 from EU member states
Venue: Sofia, 7 – 14 May 2013


The National Student Confederation along with JEF and UEF-Bulgaria have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the international seminar “Democratic European Citizenship: Turning the Concept into Reality”. 2013 has been designated as the European Year of Citizens to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the European Union Citizenship under the Maastricht Treaty. Today, European citizenship is more than a concept. It is a practical reality that brings tangible benefits to citizens. The better Europeans understand their rights as EU citizens, the more informed decisions they can take in their personal lives. This will lead to a more vibrant democratic life in Europe at all levels.


The international seminar “Democratic European Citizenship: Turning the Concept into Reality” to be held in Sofia from 7 to 14 May, 2013 will meet the need to inform the young people how the EU works and the rights and obligations the EU citizenship brings in order to provide young people with knowledge and skills for active participation in the democratic life of the union. The political, social, economic and cultural aspects that the seminar addresses will contribute to shape a vision how to strengthen European democracy and reaffirm the concept of active European citizenship.

The participants will acquire competence about how to develop activities fostering active European citizenship and build capacity for preparation and conduct of campaigns aiming to boost the turnout in the European Elections. The ideas and knowledge generated during the course can be used by every participant and be implemented at local level.


Panel discussions, working groups, lectures, plenary sessions, simulation games and information market will be some of the methods used to debate these issues. The rich social program will enable the participants to explore the night life in Sofia , enjoy a horse ride in Vitosha mountain (optional) and see the Rila Monastery, one of the most significant and picturesque monuments on the Balkans, part of the UNESCO book of world heritage.


  • Age 18-30
  • Countries EU Member states


  • 70% of Travel Costs will be reimbursed (up to 230 Euro)
  • Fee/person 75 Euro participation fee/person
  • Board & lodging covered by the organisers

How to apply

More details and application form can be obtained by contacting the organizers at nsc@scas.acad.bg; ehsofia@hotmail.com. 


(Apel inchis) TiA: PBA ‘Work for Inclusion!’ – Spania [DL:15.04]

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Segovia-Spain-5Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Spania
organizeaza un seminar de contact (PBA) dedicat proiectelor de includere
si intitulat sugestiv “Work for Inclusion!: YiA as a Tool for Youth
Employment”. Scopul principal al acestui seminar este de a promova
incluziunea sociala a tinerilor, in special a tinerilor someri, prin
programul Tineret in Actiune.

Seminarul se va derula in perioada 4-9 iunie 2013 in Ceuta, Spania, si va
reuni lucratori/ lideri de tineret, mentori SEV care lucreaza cu tineri cu
oportunitati reduse (in special someri). Participantii trebuie sa fi
derulat proiecte de includere sau sa fie motivati sa dezvolte astfel de
proiecte in viitor, prin programul Tineret in Actiune.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este luni,
15 aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

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Apel inchis TiA: PBA Democracy Explored, Irlanda [DL:5.04]

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YouthDemocracyBigMouthTe intereseaza sa dezvolti un proiect pe tema democratiei si vrei sa afli
mai multe despre proiectele pentru democratie participativa – Actiunea 1.3
a programului Tineret in Actiune? Ce zici de un seminar pe aceasta tema?!

“Democracy Explored” este o activitate de constituire de
parteneriate/seminar organizata de Agentia Nationala pentru programul
Tineret in Actiune din Irlanda in perioada 15-18 mai 2013.

Seminarul se adreseaza membrilor organizatiilor non-guvernamentale,
reprezentantilor autoritatilor locale si ai altor institutiii publice care
sunt deja activi in domeniul participarii tinerilor si sunt interesati sa
implice tinerii in procesul democratic.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este
vineri, 5 aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

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Apel inchis TiA: Seminar ‘Video and youth projects: the Big Picture!’, Franta [DL:10.04]

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youth-filmakerAi experienta in folosirea materialelor video ca o modalitate de a integra tinerii in proiecte, in special pe cei care se confrunta cu dificultati? Ai exemple de buna practica in utilizarea materialelor video pentru promovarea muncii tale si a implicarii tinerilor?

Daca raspunsul este da, s-ar putea sa avem seminarul potrivit pentru tine!

“Video and youth projects: the Big Picture!” este un seminar european organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Franta, ce se va derula in perioada 5 -9 mai 2013 in Montreuil (Franta), si care va reuni 30 de participanti (lucratori / lideri de tineret, formatori, coach, mentori SEV) din tarile programului.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este
miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune: http://www.tinact.ro/detaliu-calendar/IDevent/880

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Re-thinking Youth Participation Seminar 23-27 aprilie, Vantaa, Finlanda [DL: 24 martie]

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youth and the cityDeadline: 24 March 2013
Open to: youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Activists, volunteers, professionals working with youth participation from Youth in Action Programme Countries
Venue: 23-27 April 2013 in Vantaa, Finland


“Re-thinking Youth Participation: Breaking Patterns, Changing Practice” is a seminar to be held 23-27 April 2013 in Vantaa, Finland.

Youth participation is on everybody’s lips. But what do we mean by it? In people’s minds youth participation can be a fossilized term meaning only things that young people are not willing to do. Save yourself – break away from old misconceptions!

Whether you work for an NGO, a community or city, whether you are active in a youth initiative or youth democracy project, whether you volunteer in a youth group or are a youth worker, youth trainer, youth leader, youth activist — join this seminar to think again!

Together with you, they want to improve the variety, innovation, quality and sustainability of participation projects in and beyond the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme –

  • through widening our overall understanding of youth participation and its diverse concepts, approaches, forms and formats,
  • through looking and going beyond standard aims (such as influencing politics), standard formats (such as round tables), standard target groups (such as very motivated and active young people), standard themes (such as how can we can get young people to vote), standard approaches, standard networks, …..,
  • through tackling common and uncommon obstacles met while implementing participation projects,
  • through developing ideas for projects covering the entire range of possibilities within the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme.

The seminar will be facilitated by an experienced team of trainers using exciting non-formal participative methods. They are looking for people to join them who would like to re-think youth participation (within and beyond the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme) with them.


The Finnish National Agency of Youth in Action Programme will cover international participants’ costs considering travelling to Finland, accommodation and meals during the activity and the activity costs. The participants are entitled to acquire a travel insurance, which will cover unused travel tickets in the situation when tickets are not used.

Sending participants to the activity will not cost anything for the sending National Agencies, if the NAs will not cover the participants domestic travel costs. The Finnish NA will cover all the international travel costs of the participants. We ask interested sending National Agencies to open the call in their country in good time and make the selection by the time provided. The Finnish National Agency will make the final selection of participants according to the availability of places.


This Seminar is for 30 participants from Youth in Action Programme Countries and recommended for youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Activists, volunteers, professionals working with youth participation.

They expect participants to:

  • be willing to re-think youth participation
  • be able to actively communicate in English
  • be able to attend the whole seminar
  • be at least 18 years old
  • be prepared to share your experiences with youth participation projects
  • be willing to develop project ideas with new international partners
  • come from a YOUTH IN ACTION Programme Country


Applications must be submitted by 24 March 2013 using the online application process AVAILABLE HERE. The date of selection is 3 April 2013.

The seminar is being organized by CIMO National Agency of Youth in Action Programme in Finland. Please contact Hilma Ruokolainen for further inquiries and information at hilma.ruokolainen@cimo.fi or by phone at +358 295 338 505.

For more information please see the official website HERE.


Youth Democracy Contacts Making Seminar, Dublin [DL: 22 martie]

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YouthDemocracyBigMouthDeadline: 22 March 2013
Open to: youth workers from Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania or Austria.
Venue: 15-18 May 2013 in Balbriggan, Dublin, Ireland


This Seminar will bring together 34 participants from 17 countries (Ireland, Denmark, France Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania and Austria) with the aim of creating Partnerships for Youth Democracy Projects.

What is a Youth Democracy project?
Youth Democracy projects allow young people to increase their participation in democratic practices. The projects are for young people, aged 13-30 and their leaders and enable participants to make their voices heard on issues that affect them. A project involves working with a partner organisation from your own country and that national partnership will cooperate with a duo partnership elsewhere in Europe, carrying out activities that are linked to active youth participation and democratic issues for 3 to 18 months.


This project is financed by the TCP budget of the Youth in Action Programme and is being coordinated by a local NGO. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project – except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. If you come from a country other than Programme Countries, please contact the host NA for further information about the financial details.

Aim of the Contact Making Seminar
The aim of the CMS is to establish partnerships for Youth Democracy Projects and to develop projects and skills to apply for this action in the YIA programme.


  • To find partners and develop an International Youth Democracy Project
  • To gain an in-depth understanding of Youth Democracy Projects and how to apply for grants from Youth in Action programme
  • To develop a project plan and identify the competences needed to implement an international project
  • To reflect on the added value and impact of international projects, particularly Youth Democracy Projects, for local communities.
  • To get ideas and inspirations on activities that can be implemented in the local community to deepen the dialogue between young people and decision makers.


Participants have to be residents of one of the following countries: Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania or Austria.

The programme is designed for (youth) workers who represent youth organisations, local authorities, or work in local governments or other public institutions that are already active in the area of youth participation or have an interest in getting young people involved in democratic processes. Participants are expected to spend time before the seminar preparing a project proposal together with their National project partner and a group of young people.

Participants are expected to:

  • Have ideas and potential partners to develop a 1.3 project
  • Have interest and the possibility within their organisation/group to set up a 1.3 project after the seminar
  • Are able to communicate and work in English
  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of the Youth in Action Programme


Applications must be submitted using the online application process AVAILABLE HERE by 22 March 2013. Participants will be selected by 5 April 2013. Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.For questions, please contact Mieke McMahon at miekemcmahon@gmail.com.

For more information, please review the official website HERE.


(Apel inchis) Seminar Youth And The City – Direct Democracy on spot, Azerbaijan (DL: 1 martie 2013)

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youth and the cityDeadline: 1 March, 2013
Open to: applicants coming from any Council of Europe member state, Belarus or Kazakhstan, interested in the topics of this event, aged between 18 and 30
Venue: 28th – 5thMay, April 2013, Azerbaijan


The Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe  is announcing a call for participants for the seminar Youth and the City – Direct Democracy on spot. This project will take place from the 28th April to 5th May 2013 Azerbaijan. It is so far financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Green Forum Sweden.

The seminar will explore the theory of direct democracy as a tool for ensuring the fair and sustainable development of our communities and society. The emphasis will be put on the local community as the arena in which everyday decision-making and citizenship activity takes place.

As well as studying theory, we will compare direct democracy practices around Europe, identifying commonalities, good practice and the stakeholders involved. Specifically, we will look at different urban communities based on direct democracy such as squats, recent social movements, communities who have reclaimed space for public use and collective activity outside traditional political institutions.


  • Promote direct democracy as tool for ensuring fair and sustainable development of societies, focusing on endorsing local community as arena for living out participation in decision making processes
  • Stress importance of active engagement of youth and civil society in creation and shaping today and tomorrow environment and society
  • Support participation and strengthen involvement of youth in improvement of urban environment in order to fight discrimination, inequality and ensure equal access to rights


  • This call is open for applicants coming from any Council of Europe member state, Belarus or Kazakhstan.
  • Applicants should be interested in the topics of this event, willing to take active part in the seminar and its follow-up, and able to be in Azerbaijan during the time period mentioned above.
  • It is to the applicant’s advantage (but not a condition) to have a green organisational background and some experience with the topics of the event.
  • Considering that this is a youth event, the participants must be aged between 18 and 30. The seminar preparation team will select the participants during their meeting in mid-March 2013.


  • The organizers will partly reimburse your travel expenses, likely to be 70 % of your travel costs, upon presentation of all original receipts (remember to scan/photocopy them before posting). There will likely be an overall limit for travel costs beyond which the estimated 70 % reimbursement will not  apply.
  • Participation fee for the event will be around €30 per participant, depending on how much the organizers are able to fund-raise. The succesful applicants will be informed about this once the selection  procedure has been completed around mid March 2013.
  • Accommodation, meals, educational materials and refreshments will be provided by organizers for the entire duration of the activity, free-of-charge.
  • The working language of this event is English

How to apply

Application form is available here

DEADLINE for completing and submitting this application to office@cdnee.org is: Friday 1st of March 2013, midnight CET.

For further details read the Official Call

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/2013/02/20/youth-and-the-city-direct-democracy-on-spot-seminar-in-azerbaijan/#ixzz2LRk0SGKx