Tag: serbia

Apel inchis: 9th Serbian Scout Jamboree, DL: 15 iunie 2014

Publicat pe de scout.ro



Dear friends in scouting,

The Scout Organization of Serbia would like to invite you to the 9th Serbian Scout Jamboree that will take place in Bela Crkva from 25th  July to 8th  August 2014.

Under the motto  “One idea, one dream – one goal” the event will bring scouts working together, exploring the rich and diverse Serbian culture and traditions, sharing ideas and engaging in diverse activities and programs.

The program of the jamboree is aimed at two different age sections in Serbian scouting: scouts aged 11-15 and venture scouts aged 15-19. Rovers aged 19-25 and adults can participate either as leaders, or as the members of the IST.


The participation fee is 60 Euros+10Euro (for Romanians). The fee covers all the meals, the program materials, participants pack and short field trips that will be organized as a part of the program.


Rovers aged 18-25 and adults can join the Jamboree as a part of the International service team. The full list of positions available for the IST will be published on the jamboree website. The participation fee for the members of the IST is 75% of the full participation fee.


Meals will be distributed from a centralized kitchen since cooking is not allowed on the site. There will be three meals per day served in disposable packaging. The participants will only have to bring their own utensils (knife, fork, spoon, etc). Special dietary needs will be observed in case they have been announced during the registration process.


Accommodation is in tents that participants bring with them. The full list of equipment needed will be distributed at the later stage.


Deadline for registration is May 31st 2014. The registration forms in English can be obtained by request. Deadline for payment and payment details will be announced at a later stage.


The website:  www.jamboree.rs

Taxa: 70 de Euro, Pentru inscrieri va rugam sa contactati departamentul (international@scout.ro) sau pe Ioana Frincu ioana.frincu@scout.ro

Apel închis: International scout camp in Zaječar, 1-9 august, Serbia [DL: 20 iunie]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

scout campPersoanele interesate sa participe sunt rugate sa trimita un e-mail cu CV-ul lor cercetasesc si o scrisoare de intentie de maxim 200 de cuvinte redactata in limba engleza la adresa international@scout.ro.

The best way to have fun this summer is to spend a week in the town of Zaječar and its surrounding area. This is the opportunity to take part in various scouting activities, meet scouts from many countries and learn about different cultures and traditions. If you want to try out your scouting skills, have fun spending time outdoors, enjoy making new friends and have memorable experiences, join in a summer adventure “International scout meeting – Feel the Nature 2013”.

Programme is intended for:

Boy scouts and Girl scouts (age 11 – 14)
Seniro Boy scouts and Senior Girl scouts (age 15 – 18)
Senior scouts and Lady scouts (age 18+)

*Each group having 6 to 12 members of the same scout category, except Senior scouts, must have one 18- year- old or older group leader.*


Participant fee: 85 euros

Participant fee includes:

– dinner on the day of the arrival, breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner seven days during the stay and breakfast and lunch (to go) on the closing day;

– transport to the campsite places

– campsite place tax

– transport to the Roman imperial palace”Felix Romuliana”;

– tickets and passes for all culture and historical sightseeing tickets

– Gifts, prizes, diplomas and certificates for competitions and activities


Programme activities:

* Staying outdoors for several days:
– Scout camp (11-14)
– Backpacking adventure (15+)

* Orienteering: use of map and compass, orientation without the use of compass, topography…

* Pioneering: use of pioneering tools, knot tying, shelter building, fire making, gadget making…

* Ecology and healthy living: workshops, medicinal herbs, healthy food…

* First aid: injuries, stretcher making…

* Scout all-around competition: fire making, fast knot tying, semaphore, first aid, air rifle shooting, scout and all around challenge…

Night orienteering competition (optional)

* Culture and history: sightseeing tour of the town and nearby area

* Trip to the Roman imperial palace “Felix Romuliana”

* Spiritual values

* Sport competitions: scoutball, football, beach volleyball, mini golf…

* Entertainment

Apel inchis: Training Course ‘Beyond Clashes’ – Serbia [DL:5.03]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

beyond clashes“The Youth Dialogue Programme” organizeaza un curs de formare pe tema
interculturalitatii intitulat “Beyond Clashes, Training focused on dealing
with Intercultural Clashes”. Scopul acestui curs este de a dezvolta
competentele lucratorilor de tineret si ale formatorilor din proiectele
Tineret in Actiune de a gestiona procesele si conflictele interculturale
in activitatile organizate in contextul programului Tineret in Actiune.

Cursul se va derula in perioada 5-14 aprilie 2013 in Serbia si va reuni
lucratori de tineret si formatori din: Germania, Italia, Romania, Marea
Britanie, Turcia, Albania, Bosnia si Hertegovina, Macedonia, Serbia si

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 5 martie 2013

Pentru mai multe informatii despre curs si inscriere, accesati linkul de
mai jos:

Cursul de formare este finantat prin programul Tineret in Actiune
(Actiunea 4.3). Participantii vor avea asigurate cheltuielile de cazare si
masa si 70% din cheltuielile de transport.

Pentru alte detalii, persoana de contact este: Snezana Baclija Knoch
(e-mail: beyondclashes_training@yahoo.com).

Apel închis: Jamboree internationala “Feel the Nature”, 1-9 August 2013, Serbia (DL: 15 mai 2013)

Publicat pe de scout.ro

jamboree serbiaPentru inscrieri va rugam sa trimiteti CV-ul si scrisoarea de motivatie prin e-mail la adresa international@scout.ro.


Time: 01-09 August 2013
Place: City of Zajecar, Timocka Krajina Region, Serbia
Host: City of Zajecar
To find out more about Zajecar go to:
http://www.zajecar.info http://toozajecar.co.rs


Organizer: Scout Group “ Djordje Simeonovic”, Zajecar
First founded in 1927 and reestablished in 1955 after the World War II, the scout group
now has 300 members. It actively participates in many scout events and jamborees. It is
decorated with the “Eagle Scout Group” every year. It is the member of the Scout Association of
Serbia and WOSM… https://www.facebook.com/zajecarscouts
Members of the Scout Association of Serbia and other national associations members of the
Boy scouts and Girl scouts (age 11 – 14)
Senior Boy scouts and Girl scouts (age 15 – 18)
Senior scouts and Lady scouts (age 18+)
Each group having 6 to 12 members of the same scout category, except Senior scouts, must
have one 18- year- old or older group leader.
Leaders with groups of 12 scouts pay NO participant fee!
Programme & Activities
Life and work outdoors, scout and sports activities, aquatics, trips, visiting historical,
cultural and tourist locations in Zajecar and nearby area.
– Staying outdoors for several days:
– Scout camp (11-14)
– Backpacking adventure (15+)
– Orienteering: use of map and compass, orientation without the use of compass,
topography training…
– Pioneering: use of pioneering tools, knot tying, shelter building, fire making, gadget
– Finding food outdoors and medicinal herbs
– First aid: injuries, stretcher making
– Scout all-around competition: fire making, fast knot tying, semaphore, first aid, air rifle
shooting, sport skills…
– Night orienteering competition – NOC 2013*
– Ecology and protection of the environment
– Culture and history: sightseeing tour of the town and nearby area
– Spiritual values
– Trip to the Roman Imperial Palace Felix Romuliana
– Entertainment
– Aquatics
– Sport competitions
Individual and group equipment of the participants:
To find out more go to: http://www.feelthenature.in.rs/equipment.php
The organizer provides the campsite for the accommodation of all participants.
*Participants bring their own tents and sleeping equipment.
The organizer provides dinner on the day of the arrival, breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven
days during the stay and breakfast and lunch (to go) on the closing day. The organizer also
provides the dining tent, tables and benches.
Participants who need a special diet because of religion, health or other reasons, should
inform the organizer about that in their application forms.
The organizer provides the transport for all the participants to the locations planned for the
Security measures
There will be police officers on duty. The commissioner of the camp will organize scout security
in the camp. During the camp, a firefighter unit will also be on duty with the necessary
Sanitary supplies
The organizer provides presence of a medical unit.
All the participants must bring their medical-care cards. Participants from countries other
than Serbia must bring their health insurance policies. Each scout group should bring their
own first-aid kits.
Hygiene measures
The organizer provides toilets and showers as well as a sufficient number of trash cans and
plastic trash bags.
The organizer provides water supply pipes, electricity supply as well as sewerage and drainage
Participant fee
– Participants should send applications and pay 85 euros fee until 31st of May, 2013
Leaders with groups of 12 scouts pay NO participant fee!
(Beneficiary): /RS35160005080001367134 ODRED IZVIĐAČA, VAŠARIŠTE BB,
ZAJEČAR, Republic of Serbia
Purpose of pay: ISC „FEEL THE NATURE“
Application forms for the participants from countries other than Serbia
and information about the Scout Association of Serbia:
Milena Pecarski – International commissioner of the Scout Association of Serbia
e-mail: milenapec@gmail.com
Detailed information about the camp, as well as application forms, will be available from 1st of
February, 2013 at our website, Facebook page, or through contact persons:
Web site : www.feelthenature.in.rs
Facebook page Feel the nature 2013
Office mail office@feelthenature.in.rs
Information about camp:
Biljana Andrejević
Information about activities:
Ivan Andrejević
Stefan Gramić