Tag: turcia

Apel inchis: MYRAGE, 21-31 oct 2013 [DL: 28 sept 2013]

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Intre 21 – 31 octombrie, are loc in Istanbul, Turcia, training-ul MYRAGE(Mediatizes Your Rights And Gathering Europe), prin Youth in Action. Tematici generale: drepturile omului si comunicarea.
Tari participante: Austia, Belgia, Romania, Franta, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Olanda, Polonia, Slovenia, Spania, Marea Britanie, Turcia.
Participanți din aceste tari se reunesc pentru a avea o imagine mai clara despre panorama culturala a acestui continent si despre viitorii membri ai UE (Turcia).
In cadrul acestui proiect se va filma si se vor realiza materiale audio, video, marturii foto, media pentru multiplicarea mesajelor participantilor si concluziile in urma proiectului per total.
Criterii de participare. Aplicantii eligibili sunt:
– fluenti in limba engleza;
– activi pe intreg parcursul programului proiectului;
– real interesati de domeniul drepturilor omului si implicati in activitati;
– cunoscatori sau interesati de domeniul media;
– rezidenti in Romania;
– detinatori de pasaport;
– deschisi la a continua colaborarea cu Start Focus la intoarcerea in tara prin transmiterea si punerea in practica a celor invatate in cadrul proiectului.
Candidatii ce nu indeplinesc aceste conditii nu vor fi luati in considerare.
Activitatile sunt programate sa aibe loc atat in Istanbul, cat si in Mardin. Avand in vedere ca deplasarea de la Istanbul la Mardin nu este inclusa in cheltuielile de proiect ce tin de finantarea prin Youth in Action, in cazul in care partenerii organizatori nu reusesc sa stranga suma necesara acestei deplasari, activitatile se vor desfasura doar in Istanbul.
– prin programul Youth in Action 70% din transport va fi rambursat ulterior primirii tuturor dovezilor de transport in original(tren clasa II, autobuz, avion low cost, combustibil maxim 7,5 l/100km ) la finalul proiectului.
– cazarea, masa si materialele sunt asigurate prin program, de catre organizatia gazda.
Cu acest proiect am introdus Asigurarea de razgandeala. Prin urmare, candidatii selectati vor depune o suma drept asigurare. In cazul in care participantul/a deja selectat se razgandeste subit inainte de inceperea training-ului si responsabilii de proiect, voluntari, din partea Start Focus, au munca extra fara motiv, aceasta asigurare de razgandeala nu va fi returnata. In cazul participarii, active si responsabile, aceasta sumă va fi returnată. Asigurarea de răzgândeală nu este o taxă, este o asigurare pentru munca depusa de voluntarii nostri cu rolul de responsabilizare a aplicantilor.
Pentru a participa la acest training trimite-ne la contact@startfocus.org formularul de aplicare in engleza completat pana la data de : 28 septembrie.
Formularul il primiti in urma unui mail la international@scout.ro .

Apel inchis: Training Course internațional despre încălzirea globală, efecte și soluții Batman, Turcia (23 – 30 nov) [DL: 23 oct]

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Dacă …
  • ești un tânăr motivat (cu vârsta între 16 și 25 de ani) să afli mai multe despre încălzirea globală,
  • ești interesat să cunoști oameni din alte părți ale Europei,
  • ești dornic să vizitezi zone locuite de oameni încă din secolul 7 înaintea erei noastre, în zona dintre Tigru și Eufrat,
  • vrei să participi la refacerea unei păduri, plantând câțiva copacei,
  • vorbești engleză la un nivel mediu și vrei să-ți îmbunătățeși aptitudinile de comunicare și de lider într-un cadru non-formal,
       … atunci
          Participă la acest Training Course internațional împreună cu alți tineri din Spania, Lituania, Bulgaria și Turcia. Cursul se desfășoară pe perioada 23 – 30 noiembrie în localitatea Batman, Turcia, iar aproape toate costurile sunt asigurate de noi. Tema principală a cursului este încălzirea globală, efecte și soluții.
Ce îți oferim?
          Ai oportunitatea unică de a lua parte la aceasta experiență internațională,cazarea și mesele sunt asigurate pe toată durata cursului și îți rambursăm 70 % din cheltuielile de transport.
Pentru mai multe informații și înscriere, contacteaza-ne până in data de 23 octombrie.
Persoana de contact
DUMA Alexandra Maria
tel: 0751365959

Apel deschis: Selectie 3 participanti pentru proiectul “The street is my bed”,Turcia

Publicat pe de scout.ro
summer courses
Asociatia UMANIA
 anunta selectia a 3 participanti cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 25 ani care sa participe la activitatile proiectului “The street is my bed” in Turcia, in perioada 11-19 Noiembrie 2013.
Proiectul este finantat de Comisia Europeana prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, 1.1.Schimb de tineri, fiind coordonat de organizatia Sokağın Çocukları din Turcia (sokagincocuklari53@gmail.com, +90 539 315 33 34), in parteneriat cu 4 organizatii din Romania, Lituania, Grecia, Polonia.
Pentru detalii, consulta informatiile de mai jos:
Profile of the participants
Motivated young people, actively involved in youth work in the field of unemployment, inter-ethnic conflict, minorities or volunteering. Volunteers,  youth workers, youth leaders, NGOactivists, educators, social workers.
• Aged between 18 and 25 years old
• Are interested to share experience and learn about the subject of the youth exchange
• Are able to work in English
• Have basic experience related to the topic of the youth exchange
• Can act as multipliers within their own organization or community
• Are able to attend for the full duration of the activity.
About the project
“The street is my bed” will be realized between 11st of November and 19th of November, 2013 in Erzurum, Turkey. Within the framework of the project, the principal activity will last 9 days and will engage 35 young people, in the 18-25 age range, from 5 different countries (Romania, Turcia, Lithuania, Greece, Poland). Activities will be realized on the topics of homeless young people and European citizenship.
During the activities, participants will discover ways of strengthen the work in the field and to provide better facilities to homeless young people. Sharing good practices and experience, identifying shortcomings and methods of work are important points during the meeting.
The aim of the Project is to present the point of view towards the homeless young people in accordance with European Awareness and is aimed to eliminate the prejudice about the homeless young people.
English will be the project language.
We will reimburse 70% of the travel costs for the Youth Exchange on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, APEX-flights etc. by bank transfer after the Youth Exchange. The maximum travel costs reimburse for 1 participant per organization from home town to Erzurum and back is 350 €.
The ticket is around 250/350 euro in this period.
Participants shall send the arrival/ departure forms (attached), indicating SUM and CURRENCY paid for the tickets (as stated in the invoice/ticket) and a copy of the travel ticket until September  29 2013to organizers.
Also they must send the receipt of complete and original tickets, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc.
Arrival day in Turkey is 11th of November 2013 (later arrivals are not possible). Official departure day is 19th of November 2013 (earlier departure times are not possible). An emergency phone contact number will be given in time by email to future participants. Participants must travel from country of sending organization, and back.
Please note!
1. On this event there is no participation fee
2. Any costs for taxi are not eligible (exceptions possible after consultancy)!
3. The Project is not pay for visa if you will need one.
4. In case persons will arrive before 11th of November 2013 or will leave after 19th of November 2013 any related costs (e.g. for booked hotel room) will be reduced from the travel cost reimbursement.
5. Following the guide lines of the Youth in Action program, the travel must be realized by the participants on direct way within maximum 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel etc.) there is no reimbursement of travel costs!
6. The reimbursement of travel costs will happen not before all participants from your country will have sent their complete travel documents as described above.
7. Missing tickets will not be reimbursed. Any faked tickets/documents will not be reimbursed.
Please, fill and send the form attached with your Passport Page (only page with photo) to umania.ffs@gmail.comtill 14th August, 2013. *
* If you do not own a valid passport but you are motivated to participate in this project, you can send the completed application form within the time stipulated above and the passport copy till 1st October.
I am here for your questions with great pleasure.
See you soon J
Ioana-Delia Rusu
Asociatia UMANIA
+40 749 914 856

Apel închis TiA: Curs de formare ‘Chance’ – Turcia [DL:9.06]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

brazil_socialDaca esti lucrator sau lider de tineret si esti interesat sa explorezi
posibilitatile pe care le ofera educatia nonformala in proiecte Tineret in
Actiune cu tineri exclusi social, avem o noua “sansa” pentru tine…

Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Turcia
organizeaza Cursul international de formare “Chance”, care se va derula in
perioada 15-21 septembrie 2013 in Turcia, Germania, la care sunt invitati
sa participe lucratori si lideri de tineret din tarile programului. Scopul
principal al cursului este constientizarea modului in care poate fi
folosita educatia nonformala ca instrument pentru incluziune sociala.

Detalii si informatii referitoare la acest curs se pot accesa la
urmatoarea adresa (descriere, obiective, profil candidat etc):

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 9 iunie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 10 iunie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatii necesare legate de acest curs (profilul participantului,
criterii de selectie si procedura de inscriere) se gasesc in apelul
national publicat pe link-ul de mai jos:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel deschis: Participanti pentru doua proiecte de schimb de tineri in Turcia

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Multicultural_Education2-300x200ATCE-Speranta Ramniceana (http://atcesr.wordpress.com) cauta participanti romani pentru 2 proiecte in Turcia. Descrierile proiectelor sunt mai jos. Pentru detalii si inscrieri, va rugam sa trimiteti un mail la strimbeid@gmail.com si office@atcesr.ro cu un CV atasat si o scurta motivatie pentru participarea la proiect, cat mai curand. Asociatia nu percepe nicio taxa de participare. Garantia ca dvs mergeti in proiect este achizitionarea biletului si transmiterea biletului electronic, a facturii si a dovezii platii pe mailul nostru, dar numai dupa ce ati discutat cu noi si v-am confirmat ca puteti face demersuri de plecare.

Title: “European Cuisine”
Type of project: youth exchange, Action 1.1, YIA Programme
Main international meeting dates: 20-30 May 2013
Venue: Gaziantep/Islahiye, Turkey
Organizer and coordinator: İslahiye Eğitim ve Gençlik Gurubu
Aim: The main aim of European Cuisine project is to break prejudice and to get to know new cultures with intercultural dialogue methods and also we want to pay attention to healthy life and obesity problem in the world. For these reasons, we will organize workshops about obesity, healthy life, healthy foods and food cultures. Also we will have crossing activity every morning before breakfast. We will meet with Spanish, Romanian, Italian, Polish and Bulgarian partner between 20th of May and 30th of May 2013 to organize this project in Gaziantep, Turkey. Participants targeted: 6 participants (between 18 -25) + 1 Leader (no age limit for leader); able to communicate in English and available to attend all activities due to take place in Gaziantep, interested to learn more on gastronomic diversityand non-formal education and willing to share our Romanian cuisine. Experience is an advantage, but not mandatory.

Financial conditions: Food and accommodation are 100% covered. No participation fee required. Participants should purchase their tickets and they will be refunded by the organizers 70% of the tickets costs within the limit of 300 euro/person.

Type of project: youth exchange, Action 1.1, YIA Programme
Venue :in İznik in Bursa
Dates: between 18 june 2013 – 28 june 2013
Group: 4 participants under 25 years old + 1 group leader (no age limit)
Summary: Photography is a contemporary art that its’ popularity is growing really fast especially among young people today. We believe, one of the most important reasons which make photography so popular is that, photography requires different points of view to objects, people, events, nature and life. Just like in photography, cultures are also different points of view to life. Every community has a different style of


perceiving and living the life and every photographer have different style of perceiving and capturing the theme and the moment. In our project, named “Look, Feel and Capture”, participants from 6 programme country will take photographs of some certain themes, with different cameras (digital or analog, amateur or professional) and by their points of view. Then we will discuss about the differences in the photographs and differences in the cultures. Participants shouldn’t necessarily be a professional photographer. Even they know nothing about photography, it is not a problem because, as youth we are all amateurs of this life, just like we are amateurs of photography. We will also stress on anti-racism/xenophobia and intercultural-learning. In the activities we will learn a little about photography but a lot about each other; have long-lasting friendships, and erase the prejudices in our minds among each others’ community and culture.

Project activities
-we will take photo everywhere in İznik
-we will tour historic and cultural places and we will created promotion pages
-we will use social networks (facebook,twitter)
-press conferences
-we will organize a photo exhibition with our photos
-we will talk with young people who live in İznik


Apel inchis TiA: Curs de formare “Inclusiv-E”, Turcia [DL: 18 aprilie]

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inclusionAgentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Romania
(ANPCDEFP) va invita sa va inscrieti la un nou curs international de
Este vorba despre “Inclusiv-E”, un curs international de formare ce isi
propune sa constientizeze cu privire la aspectele diferite ale includerii
in lucrul cu tinerii si sa incurajeze organizarea de activitati si
programe in acest domeniu prin prezentarea unor instrumente si resurse
utile care sa ajute participantii in activitatile lor viitoare pe

Cursul se va derula in perioada 8-14 iunie 2013 in Istanbul, Turcia, si va
reuni lucratori/lideri de tineret, asistenti sociali din tarile
programului, motivati sa dezvolte proiecte viitoare pe tema includerii
prin programul Tineret in Actiune.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este: 18
aprilie 2013 (data postei)

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul national publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

URGENT! Se cauta participanti pentru un schimb de tineri in Turcia (26 martie-1 aprilie)

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Action 1.1 Project called ‘Acting time against addiction’ will be implemented in Aksaray / Turkey. The Romanian partner needs participants to send from Romania to Aksaray / Turkey.
The project will be implemented between the dates 26 March – 01 April 2013.

If you are interested in please contact Anisia (bucovina.institute@gmail.com) and / or Kerem Sahin (kereming@gmail.com)