Apel inchis: 9th Serbian Scout Jamboree, DL: 15 iunie 2014

Publicat pe de scout.ro



Dear friends in scouting,

The Scout Organization of Serbia would like to invite you to the 9th Serbian Scout Jamboree that will take place in Bela Crkva from 25th  July to 8th  August 2014.

Under the motto  “One idea, one dream – one goal” the event will bring scouts working together, exploring the rich and diverse Serbian culture and traditions, sharing ideas and engaging in diverse activities and programs.

The program of the jamboree is aimed at two different age sections in Serbian scouting: scouts aged 11-15 and venture scouts aged 15-19. Rovers aged 19-25 and adults can participate either as leaders, or as the members of the IST.


The participation fee is 60 Euros+10Euro (for Romanians). The fee covers all the meals, the program materials, participants pack and short field trips that will be organized as a part of the program.


Rovers aged 18-25 and adults can join the Jamboree as a part of the International service team. The full list of positions available for the IST will be published on the jamboree website. The participation fee for the members of the IST is 75% of the full participation fee.


Meals will be distributed from a centralized kitchen since cooking is not allowed on the site. There will be three meals per day served in disposable packaging. The participants will only have to bring their own utensils (knife, fork, spoon, etc). Special dietary needs will be observed in case they have been announced during the registration process.


Accommodation is in tents that participants bring with them. The full list of equipment needed will be distributed at the later stage.


Deadline for registration is May 31st 2014. The registration forms in English can be obtained by request. Deadline for payment and payment details will be announced at a later stage.


The website:  www.jamboree.rs

Taxa: 70 de Euro, Pentru inscrieri va rugam sa contactati departamentul (international@scout.ro) sau pe Ioana Frincu ioana.frincu@scout.ro