Apel ÎNCHIS: Energy Globe [DL: 22 septembrie 2014]

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   With more than 160 participating countries, the Energy Globe Award is today’s most renowned worldwide environmental award. The international recipients of each category are presented with their awards as part of a ceremony that is broadcast all over the world. Also, they will receive a 10,000 euro cash award and are featured by international media.
We are particularly interested in youth projects each year because it is just as important to transmit knowledge and create more awareness for these issues as it is to implement environment-conscious and energy-saving projects.

As one focus of the scout movement is the environment we think that there are a lot of projects which are relevant for the award. So we beg you to forward this E-Mail to the scout groups in your country and ask them to hand in their projects. 

The process of applying is very simple. You find all instructions on this website:

Conditions of Participation

  • Projects focusing on the conservation of resources, the improvement of air and water quality, the efficient use of energy, the implementation of renewable energies as well as creating a heightened awareness for issues related to climate change can be entered. No project is too small and none too big. Such projects also include ideas involving ways to heighten awareness (for example in schools) or projects geared towards a better protection of the environment and creating a more sustainable and worthwhile future for generations to come.
  • Participation is free of charge for everyone.
  • Projects can be entered by individuals as well as companies, clubs, organizations, schools, universities, and public authorities. A single project may be jointly entered by several partners (please indicate the name of the primary contact partner).
  • It is also admissible for one contestant to enter several projects.
  • Excluded from participation are political initiatives such as online petitions.
  • Only projects that have already been implemented will be considered for the Energy Globe Award. ‘Implemented’ means that enough progress must have been made for a project to be assessable. Examples:
    • A functioning prototype –or–
    • Partial implementation of a project consisting of several stages. (For example: 10,000 new trees are due for planting in several stages. Such a project can be submitted as early as in the course of the first implementation stage. Or: A school project has been planned for 100 schools and the pilot project was successfully implemented for the first school during the project’s initial year.)
  • Continuous projects and initiatives (such as ongoing garbage collecting and recycling initiatives) that have not yet been completed but are already showing initial results may be entered as well.
  • Projects still at an early planning stage with no implementation results may be entered as well. However, they will not be considered for the Energy Globe Awards; instead they will be evaluated by Energy Globe partners willing to offer project financing or startup consulting.
  • In order to be considered for an award, projects must be submitted together with a complete description as described in the question categories provided on the submission form. In order to be entered into the Energy Globe online database, at least 25 percent of the total possible assessment points must be reached.
  • The international awards are presented for the categories of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Youth. A detailed description of these categories is providedhere. The final decision concerning a project’s category shall remain with Energy Globe. All international award winners will be presented with a cash award of 10,000 euros.
  • Depending on the project’s implementation location and partners, and depending on the fact if an award is presented on a regional or national level, winning projects may be presented with winner’s certificates or even gift awards or cash prizes. There is no legal claim to any prize.
  • Project assessment is performed in the course of a multi-stage process by independent experts not related to Energy Globe. Energy Globe has no influence on the assessment process and can therefore not provide any information on jury decisions.
  • By entering a project, participants agree that their data may be processed and utilized by Energy Globe and its partner networks.
  • Project submission deadline for the 2015 Energy Globe Award:
    22 September 2014.

Award Categories

Category Earth

Earth is our home and the only planet we know on which we can live. This planet provides us with everything we need in terms of living, heating, electricity, food and clothing. More and more people are living on this planet and ever more people utilize its natural resources and recreation areas, often excessively and without thinking about the future. Therefore conservational and sustainable treatment of our planet and its resources is the order of the day. Any measures that contribute to this effort can be submitted in this category, including projects on topics such as building materials, buildings, energy plants, and traffic routes.

Category Fire

Fire represents energy, a topic that commands everyone’s attention nowadays. Energy means progress and comfort on the one hand but pollution and climate change on the other. Over millennia humans have utilized various fuels, some of which are available only in limited supply: our oil reserves will be depleted in a few decades, while plants and trees, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power and solar power are renewable sources that do not harm the climate. Projects that involve energy production, the use of renewable fuels, energy distribution and transport, energy utilization, and energy optimization and thereby achieve optimized efficiency and sustainability can be submitted in this category.

Category Water

All life began in water, and without water there can be no life. Millions of people worldwide experience this dilemma daily, while millions of other people thoughtlessly waste or pollute this lifeblood of nature. The battle over distribution of water has long since begun, and war is its consequence. Conservational utilization of this resource on the part of all people accompanied by innovative technologies can make water available to everyone. Any measures that contribute in this direction can be submitted for an ENERGY GLOBE. This includes projects in areas such as drinking water supply, domestic water, irrigation, protection of waterways, shipping, and avoidance and treatment of waste water.

Category Air

Air is an element of life that always surrounds us and without which we could not survive for more than a few minutes. Thanks to the clever concept of nature, clean air is provided by trees and plants. Humans and animals need clean air to breathe, and air serves as the carrier for water that returns to the earth. The element air best symbolizes the unification of the cycles of nature. Any measures that contribute to improving air quality, including the avoidance of CO2 emissions (climate change), can participate in the ENERGY GLOBE. This includes projects involving optimization of combustion processes, reduction of greenhouse gases or emissions, indoor air quality, etc.

Category Youth

Young people of today are the architects of the world of tomorrow. What they learn today, they can apply tomorrow for the benefit of our environment. The knowledge of older generations and the good ideas of young people serve as the best combination toward this end. Any measures that promote sustainable thinking and action on the part of young people and any actions that young people implement for the benefit of our environment can be submitted for an ENERGY GLOBE in the category Youth.