Odata cu alegerea unui nou Comitet, European, se reinnoiesc si echipele de lucru de la nivelul Regiunii Europene Scout. Daca sunteti interesa de a aplica la o pozitie in aceste echipe, va invitam sa cititi anuntul de mai jos si sa ne trimiteti pana pe data de 20 septembrie, ora 20.00 aplicatiile voastre la adresa international@scout.ro impreuna cu un CV in format Europass (in engleza).
Apelul lansat de Regiune
Formularul de aplicatie
Following the pattern established at the 19th European Scout Conference, and on behalf of the current European Scout Committee, we are launching the Open Call for those who wish to be considered for working to support the delivery of the Regional Scout Plan which will be adopted at the 21st European Scout Conference in Berlin, Germany.
We are very conscious that the working methods for the Regional Scout Plan have not yet been set, but as an attachment to this Conference Circular 6 (English, French), please find the Draft Regional Scout Plan, which was distributed at the beginning of July as Conference Document 3 (English,French). This is a distillation of the work, which took place at the 5th European Scout Symposium in Dublin, Ireland in April 2013.
The clear focus of the plan is on the two Strategic Objectives – Diversity & Inclusion and Youth Empowerment. In addition there will be 3 core groups supporting the areas of Educational Methods, Organisational Developmentand External Relations & Funding.
Alternatively, you may be interested in being a Global Support (formerly called Tailored Support) Consultant.
The Committee is keen to encourage volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds – age, gender, geography etc. to reflect the composition of the Region. It is not anticipated that volunteers will work in two areas as we recognise the pressures that this brings in balancing priorities. The application form is attached (English, French).
Deadline for receiving applications is on Monday, 9 September 2013 at the World Scout Bureau – European Regional Office, Geneva, preferably by email. Applications must be endorsed by the International Commissioner. If the International Commissioner is not available, then an alternative verifiable office bearer may be used.
To build on previous experiences, it is likely that there will be a selection process to put together the best possible team. Some of the selection may be by skype call or similar method. It is also likely that not all applicants will be selected and we feel that it is better to advise this from the start. Successful applicants and their NSOs will be advised as soon as possible after this date if they have been selected. It would help us greatly if applications are made in good time.
Please circulate this information widely.