Apel inchis: Lumina Pacii, Viena, AU (14 decembrie) [DL: 10 octombrie]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

peace light



Cercetasii austrieci ne invita la celebrarea Luminii Pacii, in Viena.

Mai jos aveti informatiile din partea lor:

When: Saturday, December 14th 2013 at 2pm
Where: 1090 Vienna, catholic parish Votivkirche Rooseveltplatz

1.) Ecumenical Service:
The motto of this year’s celebration will be: “Never underestimate the small; it
might surprise you – from a small beginning to greatness” (Micah 5).
From each country delegation a small team of 3 people (“wish” speaker, light
bearer, flag bearer) will be allowed into the restricted area close to the altar. (Please
arrive at the church early to allow time for instructions concerning the ceremony)
Please prepare a short “wish”/prayer for peace. (As you would do in a service)
There will be an official photographer taking photos and preparing a photo CD for
each delegation to take home after the service.

If you want to take photos or videos you must apply for an approval in advance and
show the written permission to the security staff at arrival, otherwise taking photos
or videos is prohibited at all times during the service.
Group photos can only be taken after the service!
Please let us have the name and contact details of your head of delegation as soon
as possible.
Please let us have the names and positions of any VIP persons you might have in
your delegation so that we can welcome them at the beginning of the service.

2.) Side program:
For those of you who want to meet after the service we found a new location close to
Votivkirche: „Kriterium 2“, Ebendorferstr. 10, 1010 Wien. We will meet you there after
If you need help to find an accommodation or help with any other business
concerning the service please let us know early in advance but at the latest on 15th of
October 2013.
To guarantee support we need to know your exact arrival details (size of group,
arrival time, train station, …)


Va rugam sa trimiteti un mail la international@scout.ro, daca doriti sa va implicati.