Apel închis: Voluntari pentru un stagiu SEV, Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana “Kronika” din Bytom, Polonia (Martie 2014-Martie 2015) [DL: 2Februarie]

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logo-KRONIKAThe Centre for Contemporary Art KRONIKA is looking for volunteers for the
” Filling empty spaces” EVS project, to be implemented in Bytom, Upper
Silesia, Poland. The 12 months project will start in march/april 2014 and 
involve two volunteers, one from Germany and one from Romania. They will
support with the educational program in KRONIKA, organizing language
workshops and innovative artistic and cultural activities. The aim of the
program is to increase knowledge and skills of young people living in
postindustrial cities of Upper Silesia. Volunteers will be working mainly
with children and young people with lower opportunities . They will have a
chance to learn about the way contemporary art influences local
communities, they will explore the environment in which the young people
live on a daily basis, where they spend their time and try to make they
dreams come true . 
Also the volunteers will have the opportunity to help in the
implementation of contemporary art projects such as: exhibitions,
installations, discussions , artistic residences organized in KRONIKA .
They will be involved in work related to the organization of events and
their promotion and gain skills and experience in managing cultural events.

Project start: march (april) 2014

Project length: 12 months

Volunteer profile:

We are searching for 1 volunteer from Romania and 1 volunteer from
Germany, motivated to work with young people through innovative art
projects. Interest in contemporary art will be an advantage. Applications
including a CV and motivation letter should be sent to the project
co-ordinator Ms Agata Gomolinska-Senczenko at biuro@pfee.org.pl 

and in CC to the sending organization from the partner country:

Ulla Eberhard: ulla.eberhard@koeln-freiwillig.de 
Kölner Freiwilligen Agentur e.V.

Cristina projectinfo.mc@gmail.com 
Millennium Centre Association in Arad

Application deadline is the 2nd of February.

Pentru alte detalii, persoana de contact este Agata Gomolinska-Senczenko –
coordonator proiect, e-mail: biuro@pfee.org.pl