WURZL’14, Jamboreea Regionala a Cercetasilor din Salzburg va alea loc intr 3 si 13 august 2014, in Bad Hofgastein, Austria.
Aplicatiile vor avea loc intre noiembrie 2013 si ianuarie 2014. Pana atunci puteti sa va pre-inregistrati.
From now on you can already pre-register.
The application will be possible from November 2013 to January 2014 . Until then, we need the exact dates of each participant!
Till the end of October 2013, we offer the opportunity to pre-regististration for the Wurzl’14on the website.
An accurate pre-registration is very important to us as it allows us to plan and prepare better. Pre-registration is easy: Just follow the link below and register your group. You’ll get an email instantly to activate your account. From there on you can enter your group data and the estimated members.
A small incentive to offer you to help us, we will be giving away under all pre-registered groups of 5 free-bearing participations – totaling € 1.650, –
Mai multe informatii puteti gasi aici: www.wurtz14.at