
Apel inchis: “FWD: Train your leader!” 3-9 July 2013 | Chisinau, Vadul lui Voda, Moldova [DL: 1 iunie]

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leadershipInternational Training course: “FWD: Train your leader!”
3-9 July 2013 | Chisinau, Vadul lui Voda, Moldova

“FWD: Train your leader!” is an international training which will take
place from 03rd to 09th of Jully, in Moldova with the support of European

Organizer: Association of International Volunteering from Moldova (NGO)

This activity is for participants from:
Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine,
United Kingdom

Application deadline: 1 June 2013

More info:

Apel inchis schimb de tineri TiA in Vilnius, Lituania [DL: 23 mai]

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426432_495382530519841_40934743_nAsociatia CDCD – Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitara Durabila din Judetul Dolj, anunta selectia a 3 tineri pentru a participa la un proiect in Vilnius, Lituania. Aveti in continuare detaliile acestuia:

Titlul proiectului: “EcoCalls”
Tipul proiectului: Youth Exchange (Youth in Action, A1.1)
Data desfasurarii: 28 mai – 5 iunie 2013
Locatia desfasurarii: Vilnius, Lituania
Numar de participanti: 3 (preferabil lideri sau lucratori de tineret, voluntari sau tineri interesati de tematica proiectului)
Deadline inscrieri: 23 mai 2013

Descrierea proiectului:

Conditii de participare:
– varsta de participare este 18-25 ani pentru acest eveniment
– se deconteaza 70% din costurile de calatorie. Costul de transport pana in Lituania nu trebuie sa depaseasca 480 euro dus-intors
– se asigura in proportie de 100% cazarea, masa si materialele pentru training
– nu este nevoie de pasaport pentru a calatori in Lituania
– veti primi un certificat YouthPass la sfarsitul proiectului

(Solicitati detalii suplimentare la adresa de mail:

Informatii despre alte proiecte gasiti accesand pagina noastra web: sau pagina noastra de Facebook

Apel inchis: EuroDIG New Media Summer School, Portugal [DL: 15 mai]

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internet-marketingDeadline: 15 May 2013 23:59h CET
Open to: 18-30 year old leaders from Albania , Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Turkey, Switzerland, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Egypt
Venue: 16-22 June 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal


New Media Summer School will bring together 32 young people from 32 countries prior to the free-of-charge European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal  between 20th and 21st June 2013 in order to develop the field of internet governance bringing forward the opinion of young people from different regions in Europe and its surrounding areas.

The event aims to develop young people’s competences on internet governance issues, make the voice of young people heard and provide them a chance to participate in IG debate. It is organised my consortium of 5 International Youth Organisations: Youth for Exchange and Understanding International, AEGEE, JEF, European Youth Press and Federation of Young European Greens and coordinated by European Youth Forum.

The idea of the project arose from several previous events and IGF-s where no youth voice was represented but where youth matters were discussed. At the moment children and youth related topics are one of the core issues in IGF meetings; however youth voice not represented nor heard. Furthermore, youth e-participation is becoming more and more relevant every day; some even say that in some years it’s more vital to reach non organised young people online than face to face. Therefore it’s important to develop effective tools and methods how to involve young people online regardless to their background. In addition, e-participation is one of the means of developing democracy and therefore needs to be explored a lot.


The participants are obliged to have receipts of the ticket, boarding pass and invoices of credit card that was used for buying the tickets for online payments. All participants will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer.

Fee for the conference is 50 EUR.


  • to create a space for young people to develop their skills, knowledge and attitude (SKAs) regarding IG and hate speech
  • to provide a space for young people to develop their competences and encourage them to use creative and innovative approaches in new media issues & bring their ideas forward in order to develop the field of internet and new media
  • to foster activism and development of main message of campaign against hate speech by providing best practices and innovative tools
  • to strengthen the input and influence of young people and youth organizations in EuroDIG
  • to explore the ways to combat with hate speech in the online world and discover approaches to use it effectively in youth organizations and civil society
  • to identify the specific needs and channels for education through online media for youth
  • to introduce the concept of youth and internet rights


They intend to use a variety of methods based on non-formal education: inputs from the facilitators and experts, simulations and role plays, intercultural learning as a process present throughout the project, brainstorming, energizers, YEU eurogames 2010 T-kit, discussions and creative thinking (both in small groups and in plenary), input from participants.


Participants should be from one of the following countries: Albania , Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Turkey, Switzerland, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Egypt

They should also match the following characteristics:

  • leaders very motivated to act in their organisation on Internet Governance matters
  • Between 18 and 30 year old (2 places will be reserved for 31 year old/older participants)
  • Have an interest and expertise in the topic
  • Willing to learn & motivated to share experience after the event
  • Are able to work in English
  • Are committed to attend for the full duration of the event


In order to apply candidates must complete the online application form HERE by May 15th 2013 23:59h CET. Participants will be selected on the basis of their applications, ensuring a balance in terms of gender, organizational participation and cultural background.

For more information, see the website HERE.


Apel deschis: Participanti pentru doua proiecte de schimb de tineri in Turcia

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Multicultural_Education2-300x200ATCE-Speranta Ramniceana ( cauta participanti romani pentru 2 proiecte in Turcia. Descrierile proiectelor sunt mai jos. Pentru detalii si inscrieri, va rugam sa trimiteti un mail la si cu un CV atasat si o scurta motivatie pentru participarea la proiect, cat mai curand. Asociatia nu percepe nicio taxa de participare. Garantia ca dvs mergeti in proiect este achizitionarea biletului si transmiterea biletului electronic, a facturii si a dovezii platii pe mailul nostru, dar numai dupa ce ati discutat cu noi si v-am confirmat ca puteti face demersuri de plecare.

Title: “European Cuisine”
Type of project: youth exchange, Action 1.1, YIA Programme
Main international meeting dates: 20-30 May 2013
Venue: Gaziantep/Islahiye, Turkey
Organizer and coordinator: İslahiye Eğitim ve Gençlik Gurubu
Aim: The main aim of European Cuisine project is to break prejudice and to get to know new cultures with intercultural dialogue methods and also we want to pay attention to healthy life and obesity problem in the world. For these reasons, we will organize workshops about obesity, healthy life, healthy foods and food cultures. Also we will have crossing activity every morning before breakfast. We will meet with Spanish, Romanian, Italian, Polish and Bulgarian partner between 20th of May and 30th of May 2013 to organize this project in Gaziantep, Turkey. Participants targeted: 6 participants (between 18 -25) + 1 Leader (no age limit for leader); able to communicate in English and available to attend all activities due to take place in Gaziantep, interested to learn more on gastronomic diversityand non-formal education and willing to share our Romanian cuisine. Experience is an advantage, but not mandatory.

Financial conditions: Food and accommodation are 100% covered. No participation fee required. Participants should purchase their tickets and they will be refunded by the organizers 70% of the tickets costs within the limit of 300 euro/person.

Type of project: youth exchange, Action 1.1, YIA Programme
Venue :in İznik in Bursa
Dates: between 18 june 2013 – 28 june 2013
Group: 4 participants under 25 years old + 1 group leader (no age limit)
Summary: Photography is a contemporary art that its’ popularity is growing really fast especially among young people today. We believe, one of the most important reasons which make photography so popular is that, photography requires different points of view to objects, people, events, nature and life. Just like in photography, cultures are also different points of view to life. Every community has a different style of


perceiving and living the life and every photographer have different style of perceiving and capturing the theme and the moment. In our project, named “Look, Feel and Capture”, participants from 6 programme country will take photographs of some certain themes, with different cameras (digital or analog, amateur or professional) and by their points of view. Then we will discuss about the differences in the photographs and differences in the cultures. Participants shouldn’t necessarily be a professional photographer. Even they know nothing about photography, it is not a problem because, as youth we are all amateurs of this life, just like we are amateurs of photography. We will also stress on anti-racism/xenophobia and intercultural-learning. In the activities we will learn a little about photography but a lot about each other; have long-lasting friendships, and erase the prejudices in our minds among each others’ community and culture.

Project activities
-we will take photo everywhere in İznik
-we will tour historic and cultural places and we will created promotion pages
-we will use social networks (facebook,twitter)
-press conferences
-we will organize a photo exhibition with our photos
-we will talk with young people who live in İznik


Apel inchis TiA: Curs de formare ‘Outdoor brings more!’, Slovenia [DL:1.06]

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Esti lucrator sau lider de tineret si iti place sa lucrezi cu grupuri de
tineri in aer liber?

Daca esti interesat sa iti imbunatatesti competentele in metode “outdoor”
pe care sa le aplici apoi in viitoare proiecte de schimburi de tineri, te
invitam sa te inscrii la Cursul international de formare “Outdoor brings

taking-chancesCursul este organizat de Agentia Nationala Tineret in Actiune din Slovenia
si se va derula in perioada 18-24 august 2013 in Bohinj, Slovenia. Cursul
se adreseaza celor care NU au experienta in programul Tineret in Actiune,
dar au o experienta de cel putin un an in lucrul cu grupuri de tineri.

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 1 iunie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, a dosarului de
candidatura este: 3 iunie 2013 (data postei)

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel inchis: Curs de formare Letonia, 19-26 iunie [DL: 19 mai]

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in-india-volunteers-at-schoolAsociatia POD cauta 6 participanti pentru un curs interesant de formare in Letonia. Detalii la link:
Locatie: Aglona, Letonia

Perioada: 19 – 26 Iunie 2013

Finantator: Tineret in Actiune – actiunea 4.3., curs de formare

Tari partenere: Letonia, Lituania, Turcia, Ungaria si Romania

Profilul participantilor: 6 persoane active in lucrul cu tinerii cu posibilitati reduse (lucratori de tineret, asistenti sociali, coordonatori proiecte, directori de organizatii, traineri, voluntari etc.) care sunt interesati de subiect si pot integra experienta si cele invatate in cadrul cursului in munca zilnica; capacitate de lucru in Engleza; disponibilitate de a participa activ la activitatile planificate pe intreaga durata a cursului

Scopul proiectului este de a imbunatati calitatea activitatilor adresate tinerilor, a oferi support si a creste capacitatea organizatiilor active in lucru cu tinerii.
Metodele utilizate in acest proiect vor fi seminarii, discutii, ateliere, activitati sportive si jocuri de rol.

Limba utilizata in cadrul cursului: Engleza



  • Jocuri de cunoastere, spargerea ghetii
  • Intalniri cu organizatii locale de sport pentru a descoperi cultura Letoniei in acest domeniu
  • Participarea la un eveniment local organizat de tineri cu oportunitati reduse
  • Vizite de studiu in cadrul ONG care lucreaza cu persoane cu dizabilitati
  • Familiarizarea cu terapia cu animale
  • Familiarizarea si practicarea de sporturi special utilizate in lucrul cu copii cu dizabilitati fizice
  • Impartasire de experiente si bune practice in domeniu


Conditii financiare: Costurile de cazare, masa si activitati vor fi finantate 100% prin Programul Tineret in Actiune – actiunea 4.3. Costurile de transport pana la locatia proiectului si retur vor fi rambursate 70%.
Nu se percep taxe de participare!

Daca te intereseaza sa participi la acest proiect, vorbesti Engleza, ai experienta in munca cu tineri cu posibilitati reduse si doresti sa inveti noi metode de lucru pe care doresti sa le incluzi in munca ta te invitam sa ne contactezi pana pe 19 mai 2013.

Apel inchis: EVS Project in Kukes, Albania [DL: 10 mai]

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Flag-Pins-Romania-AlbaniaNota: Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei este organizatie acreditata pentru trimitere si gazduire de voluntari EVS.

Deadline: 10 May, 2013
Open to: young people 18 – 30 years old, motivated enthusiasts ready for new experiences in life, interested in various topics related to youth participation, youth activism and social inclusion
Conditions: accommodation, food, pocket money, insurance and 90% of the travel costs are provided

Youth in Free Initiative (YFI) association is looking for four volunteer from EU and SEE countries available for the period January 2014 – September 2014. Volunteers will take part in the long term EVS project: “Promoting voluntarism through youth participation” hosted and coordinated by YFI association in Kukes, Albania.

YFI is a local NGO that seeks to inspire individual and collective transformation to create positive social change. YFI foster and protects human rights with young people, promotes youth participation, voluntarism, gender issues, and youth activism fostering a culture that is rooted in self reflection, sensitivity and participation.

Volunteers will work in a combination of three different environments which consists of:

  • high schools;
  •  Social Service Center of Kukes Municipality;
  •  the host organization, YFI.

The biggest proportion of the volunteer’s time will be shared between Social service center and Hosting organization. The volunteers will be very welcomed to develop their own initiatives connected with youth people and children as well. Other activities will be proposed to the volunteers, in order to get them involved, such as; organizing intercultural evenings, presentations of their cultures and education system of their countries they come from.


The main activities that EVS volunteers will carry out during the project are:

  • Helping in the elaboration and organization of public events and workshops of the hosting organization, especially regarding the communication, logistic and operational levels;
  •  Informing youngsters about existing opportunities of Youth in Action programme and other international exchanges;
  • Assisting social service center staff in organizing animations for children with disabilities;
  •  Promoting volunteering among young people in the region, through EVS experience and YiA programme.
  •  Assisting and facilitating outdoor activities of young people from high schools of Kukes region.
  •  Updating the website and social network of YFI association with new activity information and announcements.
  • Keeping contacts with international partner associations of YFI
  • Learning Albanian language and culture


  •  The ideal candidate should be a young and motivated enthusiast, open for new experiences in life interested in various topics related to youth participation, youth activism and social inclusion.
  •  Volunteers should be cheerful, serious, open-minded, patient, eager to learn a lot, but also ready for new friendships. They also should be responsible for their tasks, enjoy working as part of a team, taking initiatives, are excited about living in Albania and have good communication skills.
  •  Interested and willing to learn Albanian language
  •  He/she has to be capable to deal with situations where unconventional methods concerning integration and activation practices of the people who are suffering from social exclusion.
  • The call is open to the candidates from EU and SEE countries
  • Candidates should be between 18 and 30 years old in the moment of application.


The EVS project will cover the following costs:

  • Accommodation
  • Food and pocket money
  • Travel costs – 90%
  • Health insurance – AXA
  • Visa costs


All the candidates interested in the project should find sending organization ind their countries and send their CV and Motivation Letter to the email address or before Friday 10th May 2013.

The Official Website


Apel inchis: EU Citizenship Summer University in Hungary [DL: 15 mai]

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summer coursesDeadline: 15 May 2013
Open to: students from Central European Initiative countries (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine)
Venue: Kőszeg, Hungary, June 23 – July 6, 2013


The 18th International Summer University will be held June 23 – July 6, 2013, in Kőszeg, Hungary with the theme “Who is Sovereign? Citizenship in Europe and Beyond.”

The 2013 summer university will include a series of diverse but interconnected themes such as:

  • The European Crisis: New Opportunities for Central European Cooperation?
  • Creative Cities and City Assemblies: Can these ’New Players’ revitalize Europe within the context of the Danube Strategy?
  • The Viability of EU Citizenship: Special focus on Vulnerable Groups in East Central and South Eastern Europe such as the Roma, migrants, women, handicapped people, the aged and youth
  • The EU in a Global Context: What Can Europe and Latin-America learn from each other about integration and modernization

The workshops and conferences are sponsored and supported by the Central European Initiative, the International Visegrad Fund, the EU Commission DG Resarch and Innovation, the Jean Monnet Action, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry and the UNESCO.

Participants and speakers come from EU member states, mainly from the larger Danubian region, as well as from outside of Europe. The Central European Initiative has offered 20 scholarships for students coming from CEI countries (see list HERE). Further scholarships are available from ISES and the Hungarian Foreign Ministry. Normal participation cost is 500 EUR.

The summer university will be accompanied by a Central European and Roma Cultural Festival, the ’European Melange’, opened by Her Excellency Katalin Bogyay, the president of the General Assembly of UNESCO. The summer university will be opened by keynote speeches of Central European diplomats and politicians followed by a roundtable discussion that will include all the participants. During the two weeks of programs, Café Bloom will host outstanding public figures, writers, artists and journalists who will talk about their life experience with students and other participants.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the experience in 2013 – follow the ISES Summer University on Facebook!

Eligibility & Costs

Scholarships traditionally will be offered for V4 participants (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and Hungary), while further scholarships will be announced later.

Accommodation and subsistence expenses are covered for 20 CEI students, that is students from the countries of Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.


All application materials should be submitted in English and sent electronically in an email-friendly format to international.relations@ises.huThe deadline is 15 May 2013.

Applications must include the following:

  1. Completed Application Form with special attention to the Motivation Letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae

ECTS: Following all classes and holding a presentation participants will receive a certificate of participation and ISES values this course certificate with 5 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System which are transferable to all universities.

For further information please contact Izabella Szász, Academic Coordinator,, +36 94 563 055. Also see the official website HERE.


Apel inchis: Economic Forum of Young Leaders, Poland [DL: 17 mai]

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pusculitaDeadline: 17 May 2013
Open to: leaders of non-governmental organizations, social, economic, student, youth organizations and employers’ associations; plus young research fellows, journalists and entrepreneurs.
Venue:  3-6 September, 2013 in Nowy Sącz, Poland


You are kindly invited to take part in the 8th Economic Forum of Young Leaders which will be held on 3-6 September, 2013 in Nowy Sącz, Poland. Young leaders from all over Europe will meet in Poland to discuss current political, economic and social issues. The mission of the Forum is to create ideas for the future of Europe. Each year the Forum gathers around 350 leaders of political, social, economic and civil society organizations from 42 countries.

The Economic Forum of Young Leaders is a platform on which the views on the future of the European Union and the whole European continent are exchanged. The programme of the Forum consists of panel discussions, lectures, business presentations, thematic workshops and also a banquet and a reception organized in the Town Hall by the President of Nowy Sącz.

The subject area of the forum pertains to economic, political and international issues, the topics connected to the past and the vision of the European Union, the relations of the EU and its neighboring countries, the role of the young generation in contemporary world.

The official language of the Economic Forum of Young Leaders is English. They provide simultaneous interpreting into Polish, Russian and English of discussion panels, lectures and presentations in the plenary room.


Qualified participants of the Forum will be provided accommodation, catering, coffee breaks during the sessions, transportation between Nowy Sącz-Krynica-Nowy Sącz and simultaneous interpreting of the sessions. Because of limited budget Organizers will cover accommodation costs and catering costs only for some of the participants. Participants from Poland will not have their travel costs refunded.

All participants qualified for travel, board and accommodation costs coverage will be requested for paying participation fee in amount of 30 EUR. Participation fee for participants not qualified for travel, board and accommodation costs coverage is 200 EUR.

Due to financial limits, reimbursement of travel costs will be possible only for some participants. They cover travel costs up to € 300. Participants from Poland’s neighbouring countries or with short distance to Poland has limited travel allowance of maximum € 150. These are: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Hungary.


Economic Forum of Young Leaders serves the meeting of leaders from the European Union member states, the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. All leaders of non-governmental organizations, social, economic, student, youth organizations and employers’ associations are welcome. They are also inviting young research fellows, journalists and entrepreneurs. Age limit of the participants is 30 years old.


The recruitment process consists of two stages. Until 17 May 2013 they accept online applications HERE from everyone who is interested in participation in the Forum. Results of the first step of recruitment process will be announced by 31 May 2013.

The second stage of the recruitment process will last until 30 June 2013. All the participants that were qualified for the partial refund of participation costs (including accommodation and catering costs) will be asked to complete the registration process and pay their 30 EUR fee.

Contact with your questions. For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page HERE and the official website HERE.


Apel inchis TiA: Seminar JANUS, 2-9 august UK [DL: 2 iunie]

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inclusionAi experienta in proiecte Tineret in Actiune? Ti-ar placea sa sarbatoresti
sapte ani de Tineret in Actiune alaturi de alti tineri si lucratori de
tineret din tarile programului si sa reflectezi asupra realizarilor si
impactului pe care l-au avut proiectele tale?

Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din UK te invita sa
participi la Seminarul JANUS, un eveniment ce isi propune sa sarbatoreasca
tot ceea ce au realizat partenerii Tineret in Actiune din intreaga Europa
si impactul pozitiv asupra vietii tinerilor.

Seminarul se va derula in perioada 2-9 august 2013 in Londra, UK, si va
reuni lucratori/lideri de tineret, manageri de proiect cu experienta si
tineri participanti in proiecte TiA din toate tarile programului.

Participarea la acest curs se face in perechi formate din tineri (varsta
minima 18 ani) si persoane cu experienta in lucrul cu tinerii, membri in
aceeasi organizatie. Este de dorit ca cei doi sa fi impartasit experiente
in cadrul aceluiasi proiect TiA (in calitate de lider de grup/manager de
proiect, respectiv participant in acelasi proiect).

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 2 iunie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 3 iunie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…