
Apel inchis: Eurocamp on European Diversity in Magdeburg, Germany [DL: 14 mai]

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diversityDeadline: 14 May 2013
Open to: Applicants between 18 and 25 years of age with basic knowledge of German language
Venue: Magdeburg, Germany from 28th July until 18th August 2013


Getting to know Europe on your own skin in region of Saxony – Anhalt  by having breakfast the Italian way, working with Finns, play theatre with Serbs, sing Latvian songs and hear Icelandic jokes… Seems impossible to have all of that in one day and place, right? Only Eurocamp in federal region of Saxony- Anhalt  offers you this once in a lifetime chance to discover, learn and feel Europe and different cultures!

Already for 22nd time will Eurocamp invite young people from 40 countries from 28th July until 18th August 2013 to Saxony Anhalt to discover European diversity, unity and also differences. The host for Eurocamp 2013 is Magdeburg, the capital of federal region Saxony-Anhalt. During the three weeks we will contribute with our work in making the city and Bildungshaus Ottersleben more pleasant and beautiful.


If you are interested in other cultures, have basic knowledge in German, are among 18 and 25 years of age, as well are motivated to find out more about intercultural exchange and Europe, you can apply for Eurocamp already now.


Participants will be accommodated in rooms with 3 beds. Bed linen and covers will be provided by organizers. Three meals per day will also be free of charge. About the travel costs, participants should contact partners in their countries to arrange their travel in accordance with basic rules. The amount of the allowance is based on the cost of the cheapest travel option depending on the country of origin and contains a reasonable amount. The list of partners is here.

How to apply

If you want to apply, please fill in the application form (currently only in German language) by 14 May 2013. The filled-in forms should be send to the partner organizations in the country of origin of each applicant. The list can be found here. The choice of participants in your country will be taken over by partner organizations. Please contact them directly if you have questions, inquiries or requests. They will be also the ones who will be able to explain about particular procedure of applications in your country.

The official website.


Apel închis: “International Jubilee Rover Week 2013”, 14th – 24th July 2013, Kandersteg (DL. 26 mai)

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Programme Poster - IRW 2013ONCR cauta 2 persoane (seniori sau tineri lideri cu varsta intre 18 si 30 de ani) care doresc sa participe la  “International Jubilee Rover Week 2013” care va avea loc la Kandersteg International Scout Centre in aceasta vara.

Rugam persoanele interesate sa ne trimita CV-ul lor in format Europass si o scrisoare de intentie in engleza la adresa pana la data de 26 mai 2013.

Costurile de participare sunt taxa de 350 franci elvetieni si 50% din transport.

In 1923 it all started and by now, more than 1 million Scouts and Guides from all over the World have visited KISC and experienced the magical spirit here in the Swiss alps.

We take the 90 years as an occasion to celebrate. Celebrate Scouting and Guiding, celebrating living the dream of international friendship at this amazing place. Therefore we plan several events in Kandersteg during the year. Please have a look at our webpage to find more information on those events soon.

We would like to introduce you to the “International Jubilee Rover Week 2013” from 14th – 24th July 2013. We invite 90 Scouts and Guides between 18 – 30 years old, representing at least 45 different countries to participate in this 10 days event.  The costs for the whole package (overnight, programme activities and food provided) are 350 CHF, travel not included.

To ensure the international spirit of the event, we will only accept two participants per nationality. This is where you come in to play an important role.

–        Find more information here:

We need your support to make the event a successful one!

Teaser - IRW 2013

Apel inchis TiA: TC ‘E-Factors:Empowering Education for European Employability’ – Suedia [DL: 28 aprilie]

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jobPoate educatia nonformala sa sprijine tinerii someri?
Cum poate un lucrator de tineret sa abordeze provocarea cresterii
alarmante a somajului in randul tinerilor?

Vino la cursul de formare “E-factors: Empowering Education for European
Employability” pentru a gasi raspunsul la aceste intrebari alaturi de alti
lucratori de tineret din tarile programului Tineret in Actiune.

Cursul se va derula in perioada 14-20 iunie in Suedia.

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 28 aprilie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 29 aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul national publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

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Apel inchis: Global Entrepreneurship Summer School, Germany [DL: 30 aprilie]

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summer_schoolDeadline:  April 30, 2013 (for Early Bird applications) and May 31, 2013 (regular deadline)
Open to: MBA and PhD students enrolled in any university at any time during 2013
Venue: Munich, Germany from Sep 17 to Sep 27 2013

About The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School in Munich

Don’t miss the chance to be part of the most exciting Summer School around the Globe. Apply now and meet leading Entrepreneurial Talents from around the World for more than one week in Germany! This is not just a conventional Summer School.

The vision of the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is based on the claim „Billion Dollar Projects to Foster Societal Change“The organizers want to encourage and connect outstanding students from all over the world to challenge society’s problems by entrepreneurial means. Organizers want the students to think big and contribute to sustainable change in the dimension of billion. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is a collaborative project of the four leading university-based Entrepreneurship Centers in Munich – that’s why organizers believe in the power of entrepreneurial thinking for a better und sustainable future.

During the Summer School the student teams develop ideas that have both a sustainable impact for society and a self-sustaining, profitable business model. The students learn about entrepreneurship, develop their own sustainable business ideas and build a long-lasting network of international excellent and entrepreneurial students. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer Schools fosters the important role of education, entrepreneurship and networking for a sustainable development. You can have more insight in the curriculum HERE!

Who can Apply?

Applicants have to be enrolled in any university at any time during 2013 and have to be between 18 – 27 years old. Example: If you are enrolled only until February 2013 you can apply even if you won’t be enrolled in September 2013.”Enrolled” applies in our definition also to MBA or PhD students.

Costs & Scholarships

Participants will be provided for free accommodation from Sep 17 until Sep 27
 either in the guesthouse of the LMU or at other places such as apartments of other participants from Munich.

Food & Travel in Munich
Participants will be provided for free some exclusive dinners as well as many snacks and coffee during the whole week. Travel expenses for the public transport in Munich throughout the whole week will be covered as well.

Global Scholarships
International students who are invited to Munich will automatically receive a travel scholarship. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School will contribute 50% of your total travel costs (mostly flight tickets) up to a cap of € 500,-. Just to remind you, accommodation, travel during your stay and lots of food during the week is also included!

There is a small tuition fee of € 79,- for early bird applicants and € 119,- for regular applicants per selected participant.

If you are a student from Germany and you can provide accommodation to an international participant you won’t have to pay a tuition fee – no matter when you apply.

How to Apply?

This year 35 outstanding students will be accepted from around the world who will get an invitation to Munich. In addition 15 virtual participants will be accepted. All applications will go through a very strict, but fair selection process. The deadline for Early Bird applications will be April 30, 2013. The regular deadline will be May 31, 2013 (GMT -12). We will inform everybody at the latest during the last week of June about their application status.

Please apply HERE with your CV and motivational letter (max. around 200 words) as PDF attachments 
If you have any questions please check first the FAQ Page and if you still have questions please send a mail to

For more information please visit the official website!


Apel inchis: International Seminar on Democratic European Citizenship, Sofia [DL: 28 aprilie]

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evs bulgariaDeadline: 28 April 2013
Open to: Young people between 18-30 from EU member states
Venue: Sofia, 7 – 14 May 2013


The National Student Confederation along with JEF and UEF-Bulgaria have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the international seminar “Democratic European Citizenship: Turning the Concept into Reality”. 2013 has been designated as the European Year of Citizens to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the European Union Citizenship under the Maastricht Treaty. Today, European citizenship is more than a concept. It is a practical reality that brings tangible benefits to citizens. The better Europeans understand their rights as EU citizens, the more informed decisions they can take in their personal lives. This will lead to a more vibrant democratic life in Europe at all levels.


The international seminar “Democratic European Citizenship: Turning the Concept into Reality” to be held in Sofia from 7 to 14 May, 2013 will meet the need to inform the young people how the EU works and the rights and obligations the EU citizenship brings in order to provide young people with knowledge and skills for active participation in the democratic life of the union. The political, social, economic and cultural aspects that the seminar addresses will contribute to shape a vision how to strengthen European democracy and reaffirm the concept of active European citizenship.

The participants will acquire competence about how to develop activities fostering active European citizenship and build capacity for preparation and conduct of campaigns aiming to boost the turnout in the European Elections. The ideas and knowledge generated during the course can be used by every participant and be implemented at local level.


Panel discussions, working groups, lectures, plenary sessions, simulation games and information market will be some of the methods used to debate these issues. The rich social program will enable the participants to explore the night life in Sofia , enjoy a horse ride in Vitosha mountain (optional) and see the Rila Monastery, one of the most significant and picturesque monuments on the Balkans, part of the UNESCO book of world heritage.


  • Age 18-30
  • Countries EU Member states


  • 70% of Travel Costs will be reimbursed (up to 230 Euro)
  • Fee/person 75 Euro participation fee/person
  • Board & lodging covered by the organisers

How to apply

More details and application form can be obtained by contacting the organizers at; 


Apel inchis: Traineeship at the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training [DL: 25 aprilie]

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Youth employment apprenticeshipsDeadline: 25 April 2013
Open to: Nationals of EU Member States and of candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy
Remuneration:  1030.85 EUR per month


CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, offers one nine-month period of in-service training (stage) for young university graduates but also to PhD students, without excluding those who –in the framework of lifelong learning – have recently obtained a university diploma and are at the beginning of a new professional career. The training period involve work experience in one of the departments of CEDEFOP and run from 1 October to end of June each year.

The total number of trainees for the 2013 will not exceed 10.  Along with the various traineeships in the following Areas:

  1.  Research and Policy Analysis
  2.  Enhanced Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning
  3.  Communication, Information and Dissemination
  4.  Resources

The main aims

  • to give trainees a general idea of the objectives of and problems associated with the development of initial and continuing professional training within the framework of European integration;
  • to provide them with practical knowledge of the working of Cedefop departments;
  • to enable them to acquire personal experience by means of the contacts made in the course of their everyday work;
  • to enable them to further and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies.

Eligibility criteria

  • Applicants should be nationals from EU Member States and of candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy.
  • Trainees should not have already benefited from in-service training in another European institution or body.
  • Trainees must have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the closing date for applications.
  • Candidates from Member States must have very good knowledge of at least two Community languages, of which one should be English. Candidates from pre-accession countries must have a very good knowledge of at least English.

How to apply

Applications for in-service training must be submitted via the on-line application form. The deadline for applications is 25 April 2013.


The grant is currently EUR 1030.85 per month. In order to facilitate equal participation, disabled trainees may receive a supplement of 50% of the basic grant. Trainees resident in Thessaloniki prior to the start of their in-service training receive EUR 773.14 per month.

The official website.


Apel inchis TiA: Curs de formare “Get in Net”, Predeal [DL: 27 mai]

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safety_net“Take the initiative! Get this chance and… GET in NET!”

Cine? Membrii organizatiilor non-guvernamentale care doresc sa aiba o
experienta internationala in care sa gaseasca metode si / sau instrumente
cu ajutorul carora proiectele de initiativa transnationala sa poata fi
imbunatatite calitativ.

La ce? La cursul international de formare pentru Actiunea 1.2 (Initiative
ale tinerilor) intitulat “Get in Net! Training Course focused on youth
entrepreneurial learning”

Cand? 9-14 iulie 2013

Unde? Predeal, Romania

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu CONFIRMARE DE PRIMIRE, este: 27
mai 2013 (data postei)

Toate informatiile despre curs si modul in care puteti candida se gasesc
pe site-ul Tineret in Actiune la adresa de mai jos:

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Apel inchis TiA: “Feel. Share. Act.”-Belgia [DL: 22 aprilie]

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Multicultural_Education2-300x200Societatea pluralista in Europa este esentiala in aceste zile. De aceea,
este important sa invatam sa pretuim atat asemanarile, cat si deosebirile,
in special in context urban. O buna cunoastere a propriilor valori
constituie un real ajutor in acest proces.

In acest context, Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune
din Belgia organizeaza Cursul de formare intitulat “FEEL.SHARE.ACT!
Training course for youth workers to empower multicultural urban youth”.
Cursul isi propune sa ofere lucratorilor de tineret cunostinte, abilitati
si perspective pentru a lucra cu tinerii intr-un context multicultural

Cursul se va derula in perioada 1 – 7 iunie 2013 in Antwerp, Belgia, si va
reuni lucratori/lideri de tineret, manageri de proiect si voluntari din
tarile programului, interesati sa implice in proiectele lor tinerii din
mediul urban.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea prin
posta, cu confirmare de primire, a dosarului de candidatura este: 22
aprilie 2013 (data postei)

Toate informatiile despre curs si modul in care puteti candida se gasesc
pe site-ul Tineret in Actiune la adresa de mai jos:

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Apel inchis TiA: Apel curs formare lobby & advocacy, Predeal [DL: 15 mai]

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advocacy-umbrellaIn perioada 31 mai 02 iunie 2013, “Nu fi spectator! SETeaza-te!” la cursul de Lobby si Advocacy!
Unde? Cand ? Cum? Citeste mai departe….
Ce iti propunem noi? Sa fii activ! Sa fii optimist! Sa fii creativ! Sa fii TU! Sa te SETezi! De ce? Pentru ca poate fi un ALFEL de saptamana prin implicarea voastra.
Saptamana  Europeana a Tineretului. Adica… peste cinci sute de evenimente sunt asteptate sa se desfasoare in tarile participante la programul Tineret in Actiune si in toata Europa. Evenimente organizate cu si pentru tineri si avand un singur scop: sa puna tot ce este legat de tineret in lumina reflectoarelor. 
Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale- ANPCDEFP  prin Programul Tineret in Actiune in parteneriat cu Centrul de Resurse pentru Participare Publica- CeRe  organizeaza in cadrul Saptamanii Europene a Tineretului Cursul de formare de lobby si advocacy in perioada 31 mai – 02 iunie 2013 la Predeal.
Scopul cursului il reprezinta instruirea tinerilor si reprezentantilor organizatiilor de tineret in utilizarea tehnicilor de lobby si advocacy pentru solutionarea problemelor acestora la nivelul comunitatii locale/ regionale.
Advocacy este procesul prin care cetateni organizati ii influenteaza pe factorii de decizie in luarea unei decizii pe un subiect specific.
Lobby este o tactica de advocacy, un instrument in campania de advocacy si presupune intalniri directe formale sau informale cu factorul de decizie.
Termenul lmita de inscriere este 12 mai 2013
Obiectivele cursului, conditiile de participare, profilul candidatului si alte informatii utile sunt disponibile deja atat pe la adresa

Apel inchis TiA: “Removing the liguistic barriers in English”, Franta [DL: 5 mai]

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Language-lessons-006Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Franta
organizeaza, in perioada 10-16 iunie 2013, Cursul de formare intitulat
“Removing the linguistic barriers in English within intercultural
communication”. Scopul acestui curs este de a oferi participantilor
suficienta incredere in folosirea limbii engleze pentru: derularea unor
proiecte europene, imbunatatirea prestantei in activitatile internationale
de tineret, intelegerea situatiilor interculturale in echipele
internationale de lucru si in parteneriate.

Cheltuielile de participare la acest seminar sunt suportate de AN din
Romania (transport) si AN din Franta (cazare, masa, activitati). 
Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 5 mai 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea cu confirmare de primire a dosarului de candidatura este 7 mai
2013 (data postei).
Mai multe informatii despre acest curs si inscriere se gasesc pe link-ul
de mai jos:
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