
Apel închis: International scout camp in Zaječar, 1-9 august, Serbia [DL: 20 iunie]

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scout campPersoanele interesate sa participe sunt rugate sa trimita un e-mail cu CV-ul lor cercetasesc si o scrisoare de intentie de maxim 200 de cuvinte redactata in limba engleza la adresa

The best way to have fun this summer is to spend a week in the town of Zaječar and its surrounding area. This is the opportunity to take part in various scouting activities, meet scouts from many countries and learn about different cultures and traditions. If you want to try out your scouting skills, have fun spending time outdoors, enjoy making new friends and have memorable experiences, join in a summer adventure “International scout meeting – Feel the Nature 2013”.

Programme is intended for:

Boy scouts and Girl scouts (age 11 – 14)
Seniro Boy scouts and Senior Girl scouts (age 15 – 18)
Senior scouts and Lady scouts (age 18+)

*Each group having 6 to 12 members of the same scout category, except Senior scouts, must have one 18- year- old or older group leader.*


Participant fee: 85 euros

Participant fee includes:

– dinner on the day of the arrival, breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner seven days during the stay and breakfast and lunch (to go) on the closing day;

– transport to the campsite places

– campsite place tax

– transport to the Roman imperial palace”Felix Romuliana”;

– tickets and passes for all culture and historical sightseeing tickets

– Gifts, prizes, diplomas and certificates for competitions and activities


Programme activities:

* Staying outdoors for several days:
– Scout camp (11-14)
– Backpacking adventure (15+)

* Orienteering: use of map and compass, orientation without the use of compass, topography…

* Pioneering: use of pioneering tools, knot tying, shelter building, fire making, gadget making…

* Ecology and healthy living: workshops, medicinal herbs, healthy food…

* First aid: injuries, stretcher making…

* Scout all-around competition: fire making, fast knot tying, semaphore, first aid, air rifle shooting, scout and all around challenge…

Night orienteering competition (optional)

* Culture and history: sightseeing tour of the town and nearby area

* Trip to the Roman imperial palace “Felix Romuliana”

* Spiritual values

* Sport competitions: scoutball, football, beach volleyball, mini golf…

* Entertainment

Apel închis: Oportunitate de job la Biroul European Scout din Bruxelles [DL: 4 aprilie]

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safe from harm

Ti-ai dorit vre-o data sa lucrezi pentru cercetasie? Ei bine, acum ai ocazia!

Job vacancy in the European Regional Office – Administrative Assistant (Safe from Harm)

Brussels, Belgium
16 months
Start Date: 
ASAP, ideally from the beginning of May
Applications by:
midnight CET on 5 April 2013.

The European Region of WOSM is recruiting an Administrative Assistant for its office in Brussels

In order to support the implementation of the project, Safe from harm! Creating a safe environment for children and young people in youth organizations, funded by the DAPHNE III Programme of the European Commission – DG Justice, the European Region of WOSM is recruiting an Administrative Assistant for its office in Brussels.

This is a junior position to support the administration of the above-mentioned project and fulfill all the requirements related to the European Commission grant. The person is expected to have experience (as an intern, junior staff or as a volunteer) of project administration, maintaining accurate and detailed records (including bookkeeping), working with and supporting the Project Manager and staff and volunteers in the partner countries of the project. Experience in the management and administration of projects financed by the European Commission will be considered an asset. The successful applicant is also expected to arrange flight bookings, manage event administration and regular reporting.

The position requires being fluent in English and ideally having a good understanding of French.

The position will involve some travelling in the frame of the activities foreseen in the project.

If you are interested in applying, please send a CV and letter of motivation to the Regional Director at europe@scout.orgor by mail to Regional Director, WOSM – ERO, Box 327, 1211 Geneva 4, Plainpalais, Switzerland.

Please send your application, by midnight CET on 5 April 2013. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview in Brussels on 17 April 2013.

For more information about Safe from Harm project and job description consult letter bellow:

Re-thinking Youth Participation Seminar 23-27 aprilie, Vantaa, Finlanda [DL: 24 martie]

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youth and the cityDeadline: 24 March 2013
Open to: youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Activists, volunteers, professionals working with youth participation from Youth in Action Programme Countries
Venue: 23-27 April 2013 in Vantaa, Finland


“Re-thinking Youth Participation: Breaking Patterns, Changing Practice” is a seminar to be held 23-27 April 2013 in Vantaa, Finland.

Youth participation is on everybody’s lips. But what do we mean by it? In people’s minds youth participation can be a fossilized term meaning only things that young people are not willing to do. Save yourself – break away from old misconceptions!

Whether you work for an NGO, a community or city, whether you are active in a youth initiative or youth democracy project, whether you volunteer in a youth group or are a youth worker, youth trainer, youth leader, youth activist — join this seminar to think again!

Together with you, they want to improve the variety, innovation, quality and sustainability of participation projects in and beyond the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme –

  • through widening our overall understanding of youth participation and its diverse concepts, approaches, forms and formats,
  • through looking and going beyond standard aims (such as influencing politics), standard formats (such as round tables), standard target groups (such as very motivated and active young people), standard themes (such as how can we can get young people to vote), standard approaches, standard networks, …..,
  • through tackling common and uncommon obstacles met while implementing participation projects,
  • through developing ideas for projects covering the entire range of possibilities within the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme.

The seminar will be facilitated by an experienced team of trainers using exciting non-formal participative methods. They are looking for people to join them who would like to re-think youth participation (within and beyond the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme) with them.


The Finnish National Agency of Youth in Action Programme will cover international participants’ costs considering travelling to Finland, accommodation and meals during the activity and the activity costs. The participants are entitled to acquire a travel insurance, which will cover unused travel tickets in the situation when tickets are not used.

Sending participants to the activity will not cost anything for the sending National Agencies, if the NAs will not cover the participants domestic travel costs. The Finnish NA will cover all the international travel costs of the participants. We ask interested sending National Agencies to open the call in their country in good time and make the selection by the time provided. The Finnish National Agency will make the final selection of participants according to the availability of places.


This Seminar is for 30 participants from Youth in Action Programme Countries and recommended for youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Activists, volunteers, professionals working with youth participation.

They expect participants to:

  • be willing to re-think youth participation
  • be able to actively communicate in English
  • be able to attend the whole seminar
  • be at least 18 years old
  • be prepared to share your experiences with youth participation projects
  • be willing to develop project ideas with new international partners
  • come from a YOUTH IN ACTION Programme Country


Applications must be submitted by 24 March 2013 using the online application process AVAILABLE HERE. The date of selection is 3 April 2013.

The seminar is being organized by CIMO National Agency of Youth in Action Programme in Finland. Please contact Hilma Ruokolainen for further inquiries and information at or by phone at +358 295 338 505.

For more information please see the official website HERE.


Youth Democracy Contacts Making Seminar, Dublin [DL: 22 martie]

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YouthDemocracyBigMouthDeadline: 22 March 2013
Open to: youth workers from Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania or Austria.
Venue: 15-18 May 2013 in Balbriggan, Dublin, Ireland


This Seminar will bring together 34 participants from 17 countries (Ireland, Denmark, France Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania and Austria) with the aim of creating Partnerships for Youth Democracy Projects.

What is a Youth Democracy project?
Youth Democracy projects allow young people to increase their participation in democratic practices. The projects are for young people, aged 13-30 and their leaders and enable participants to make their voices heard on issues that affect them. A project involves working with a partner organisation from your own country and that national partnership will cooperate with a duo partnership elsewhere in Europe, carrying out activities that are linked to active youth participation and democratic issues for 3 to 18 months.


This project is financed by the TCP budget of the Youth in Action Programme and is being coordinated by a local NGO. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project – except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. If you come from a country other than Programme Countries, please contact the host NA for further information about the financial details.

Aim of the Contact Making Seminar
The aim of the CMS is to establish partnerships for Youth Democracy Projects and to develop projects and skills to apply for this action in the YIA programme.


  • To find partners and develop an International Youth Democracy Project
  • To gain an in-depth understanding of Youth Democracy Projects and how to apply for grants from Youth in Action programme
  • To develop a project plan and identify the competences needed to implement an international project
  • To reflect on the added value and impact of international projects, particularly Youth Democracy Projects, for local communities.
  • To get ideas and inspirations on activities that can be implemented in the local community to deepen the dialogue between young people and decision makers.


Participants have to be residents of one of the following countries: Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania or Austria.

The programme is designed for (youth) workers who represent youth organisations, local authorities, or work in local governments or other public institutions that are already active in the area of youth participation or have an interest in getting young people involved in democratic processes. Participants are expected to spend time before the seminar preparing a project proposal together with their National project partner and a group of young people.

Participants are expected to:

  • Have ideas and potential partners to develop a 1.3 project
  • Have interest and the possibility within their organisation/group to set up a 1.3 project after the seminar
  • Are able to communicate and work in English
  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of the Youth in Action Programme


Applications must be submitted using the online application process AVAILABLE HERE by 22 March 2013. Participants will be selected by 5 April 2013. Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.For questions, please contact Mieke McMahon at

For more information, please review the official website HERE.


Traineeships At The Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market, Alicante, Spania [DL: 31 martie]

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logo_ohimDeadline: 31 October (for February training period), 31 March (for September training period)
Open to: graduates of EU Member States and nationals from candidate countries and third countries
Remuneration: trainees receive a monthly grant, insurance and travel allowance

The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) – Trade marks and Designsorganizes traineeships twice a year, lasting five months each, for young university graduates of Member States of the European Union and for a number of nationals from candidate countries and third countries. These traineeships consist of work experience in one of the services of the Office. They commence on 1 February (Spring training period) and 1 September (Autumn training period) of each year. Each application should make reference to the training period immediately following the application. It is difficult to give an exact description of the type of work given to trainees, but the traineeships shall aim principally to:

  • provide training in industrial property and more specifically in trade mark law;
  • extend and apply knowledge acquired in the course of studies or working life;
  • enable trainees to acquire personal experience through the contacts they make in their everyday work.

The principal areas of the OHIM’s work are as follows:

  • industrial property: trade marks; litigation; appeals; designs; international technical cooperation.
  • other areas, in particular: finance; information technology.

Description of posts of the last selection procedure


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be nationals of the Member States of the European Communities and candidate countries. However, a limited number of nationals of  third countries may be accepted.
  • have a recognised university degree, proving completion of a full cycle of study, or in the case of trainees who are at the end of their studies, an official attestation from the university stating the marks obtained;
  • some initial experience;
  • have a thorough knowledge of one official language of the European Communities and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the European Communities; one of these languages must be a language of the OHIM (Spanish, German, English, French, Italian). For applicants from candidate countries and third countries, a good knowledge of only one of the OHIM’s languages is required.


Trainees will be awarded a monthly grantThe amount of the grant is decided by the Traineeships Office on a yearly basis and is dependent on budgetary constraints. The trainees will receive health and accident insurance. Recruited trainees may receive a travel allowance, subject to budget availability.


For logistical reasons, the Office is only able to accept applications made using the APPLICATION FORM provided for you. It is therefore essential that you use the official application form.

It is very important to enclose scanned copies of university certificates with your application (for applicants who have not yet received their official degree certificate, a statement from their university confirming their degree result is sufficient). Failure to comply with this criterion is the main reason for the rejection of applications. Please keep a copy of all documents sent to the Office. It is not necessary to send certified copies of your certificates.  It is important that you specify your preferences with regard to the department to which you wish to be attached. We strongly advise you to read Decision ADM-06-26, which contains all the necessary information with regard to traineeships at the Office.

•  31 October (for February training period)
•  31 March (for September training period).

You can contact the Traineeships Office directly at For more informal information about living and working in Alicante, you can also consult a useful practical guide created by previous trainees.

The Official Webpage


Committee Of The Regions Traineeship, Belgium [DL: 31 martie]

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committee of the regionsDeadline: 31 March 2013
Open to: Graduates from EU Member States or official candidate countries who have a knowledge of two of the official EU languages.
Costs: All costs are covered

Every year, the Committee of the Regions (CoR) offers a limited number of university graduates a five-month traineeship:

  • from 16 February to 15 July (spring session);
  • from 16 September to 15 February of the following year (autumn session).

Each trainee is assigned to a specific department of the CoR. The nature of the work depends largely on the unit. Some units are more politically oriented, others are more administrative. In general, the type of work assigned is equivalent to that performed by junior executive-grade officials (AD5).

The aim of the traineeship within the CoR is:

  • to provide a unique, first-hand experience of the workings of the CoR in particular, and of the EU institutions in general;
  • to acquire practical experience and knowledge of the day-to-day work of the Committee’s departments;
  • to work in a multicultural and multilingual environment;
  • to put into practice knowledge acquired during studies, particularly in your areas of competence.

The CoR offers trainees the possibility to organize a study visit, under the supervision of the Traineeships Office. The subject of the study visit is selected by the trainees and should be related to areas of CoR’s main political interests. The study visit allows/enables the trainees to fulfil the following objectives:

  • learning how to cooperate in a professional setting and in a multicultural environment;
  • living the reality of European integration, with a focus on the local and regional perspective;
  • contributing to the CoR’s work by drafting a report which can be used by units;
  • attending a wide range of conferences/forums/seminars on diverse subjects.

Traineeship period
There are two training periods per year:

  • Spring session: from 16 February to 15 July
  • Autumn session: from 16 September to 15 February (of the following year)


To apply for a traineeship at the CoR, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • be a national of one of the Member States of the European Union or of a State which is an official candidate for accession;
  • have completed at least the first cycle of a higher education course and obtained a full degree by the closing date for applications;
  • have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another EU-working language (French or English).


CoR-trainees are entitled to a monthly grant. The amount of the grant is equivalent to 25% of the salary of AD*5 officials (step 1) at the start of the traineeship for the full 5-month period. If a CoR trainee in receipt of a grant is also in receipt of income from a source external to the CoR during his/her in-service training period, he/she shall have no claim to any financial contribution from the CoR, save insofar as that external remuneration is less than the in-service training grant. In that event, he/she shall receive the difference up to the amount of that grant.

An additional monthly allowance of €100, 00 is awarded to:

  • a married trainee whose spouse is not gainfully employed;
  • a trainee who has dependent children (€100, 00/child/month).

A supplementary grant amounting to up to half of the monthly grant may be granted to a handicapped trainee after consideration of his/her individual situation.

Health insurance
The Health insurance is compulsory. If the trainee is not covered by any other health insurance scheme, he/she will be insured by the CoR’s health insurance policy. The contribution of the trainee shall be one third of the premium, which will be deducted from the monthly grant, the remainder being borne by the CoR.

If a trainee wishes to use a different health insurance policy, proof of this insurance must be presented to the CoR before the start of the traineeship period. If this is not done within the provided deadline, the premium for the CoR insurance scheme will be deducted from the trainees’ grant by default and the trainee will be automatically insured through the CoR health insurance scheme.

Accident insurance
The accident insurance is compulsorily as well.All trainees must also be insured against risk of accident under the conditions set out in the insurance policy taken out by the CoR. The trainees’ contribution shall be one tenth of the premium, deducted automatically from the trainee’s grant, the remainder being borne by the CoR.

Travel expenses

  1. A trainee who is recruited from anywhere except Brussels shall be entitled to the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred at the beginning and the end of the traineeship period, provided that his/her place of recruitment is within the geographical limits of the European Union, or of a State which is an official candidate for accession.
  2. A trainee whose place of recruitment is within 50km of his/her place of assignment shall not be entitled to the reimbursement of travel costs.
  3. Travel expenses are calculated on the basis of the most economical route.
  4. In order to receive the reimbursement for your travel expenses, you must present supporting documents (such as train or plane tickets, compulsory boarding pass, electronic booking form, invoices, etc.).
  5. The cost of the return journey equals the cost price of the inward journey and is reimbursed at the end of the traineeship, without the documents having to be produced. 


Applications are exclusively submitted online via an internet Application Form in EnglishFrench or German.

About the application form:

  • Before you start the form, please make sure that you have all the required information.
  • There are mandatory and optional fields to complete. It will be impossible for you to submit your application unless you complete all the mandatory fields. The other fields are optional, and are intended to help the Traineeships Office to establish a more detailed profile of you.
  • Please check that all the information you provide is correct.
  • Also check your form thoroughly before submitting.
  • You can return to your application form and make changes at any time before the submission deadline. After this date, no changes are allowed.
  • Once your application is submitted electronically, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail. With this e-mail you will receive a personal access code. This is to allow you to check your status during the selection process.
  • Any false statement or omission in the application form, even if unintentional, may lead to rejection of the application or cancellation of a traineeship.

Application deadline
The electronic application form must be submitted within the following
timeframe (unless otherwise stated on the website):

  • Spring session: Between 1st April and 30th September (midnight, Brussels local time) of the preceding year
  • Autumn session: Between 1st October and 31st March (midnight, Brussels local time) of the same year

Any application received outside this period will not be accepted by the Traineeships Office.
Any application not submitted electronically will not be accepted by the Traineeships Office.

For further information on the application process and the required documents visit

The Official Webpage.


Apel închis: RoverNet4 – VentureNet1x [DL: 9 aprilie]

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A 4-a întâlnire pentru responsabilii naționali de Seniori și prima întâlnire pentru responsabilii naționali de Exploratori va avea loc între 9 și 12 Mai 2013.

Ultima astfel de întâlnire datează din anul 2008. La Forumul Scout European privind Metodele Educaționale desfășurat în România, a existat un accent puternic pe oportunități de networking pentru responsabilii naționali care lucrează în aceleași domenii. Ca urmare, regiunea Europeană Scout a decis să reînnoiască tradiția de evenimente menite responsabililor de Seniori și să pornească un eveniment menit responsabililor de Exploratori.

Desi aceasta este o invitație (RoverNet-VentureNet-invite) pentru ambele evenimente, programul și conținutul reuniunilor sunt separate și foarte diferite.

RoverNet, fiind la ediția a patra și venind în urma unui lung șir de inițiative europene definite pentru această secțiune de vârstă (, RoCoReKi, Roverway, Agora, ESVP, etc), va încerca să se bazeze pe proiectele existente și cadrele program, în timp VentureNet, la prima editie, are drept scop de a stabili rețele și de a explora posibilitățile de cooperare în viitor: parteneriate potențiale și susținerea inițiativelor regionale.

Taxa de participare este de 150 EUR pentru fiecare eveniment. Însă, pentru organizațiile care ăși trimit reprezentanți la ambele evenimente, ‘pachetul de taxe’ va fi de doar 250 EUR în total. Înscrierile se pot face folosind formularul de aici, iar persoanele acceptate vor primi scrisori de confirmare până pe 9 Aprilie. Mai multe detalii puteți găsi pe site-ul oficial.

Apel inchis: LEADERS School revine cu editia a 11-a, 31 martie-6 aprilie, Predeal

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Orice decizie pe care o vei lua iti va influenta intr-o anumita proportie viitorul si destinatia in care te vei ajunge. In aceasta primavara iti propunem o experienta care iti poate schimba parcursul profesional si personal, purtandu-te catre cele mai inalte idealuri ale tale – LEADERS School, editia a 11-a.

 Experienta unica de transformare personala si profesionala, LEADERS School, este deja o traditie pentru tinerii romani de elita. Fundatia LEADERS a reunit de-a lungul timpului in cadrul programului lideri romani precum: Raed Arafat – SMURD, Dorin Dumitru Prunariu – Cosmonaut, Justin Capra – Inventator, Carol Novak – Campion Paralimpic, Mircea Albulescu – Actor, Gabriel Liiceanu – Filozof, Serban Toader – KPMG. Editia din aceasta primavara va continua sa aduca in fata tinerilor atat o parte din vorbitorii deja consacrati, care vor deveni astfel mentori permanenti in cadrul programului, cat si noi invitati de exceptie din business, arta, sport, mediul militar si societatea civila.  Tiberiu Soare, Dirijor Orchestra Radio si Opera Romana, Cristian Gatu, Presedintele Federatiei Romane de Handbal, Liviu Floria, Supravietuitor al atacului din Algeria,Ilie Gageatu, Sales Director Ursus Breweries Romania, Andreea Ionescu, Managing Partner ConsultWare si Rares Manolescu, Consulting Partner Human Invest sunt doar o parte din invitatii care vor fi prezenti la cea de-a 11-a editie LEADERS School.


Daca vrei sa prinzi curajul care te va inalta catre performanta inscrie-te in cea de-a 11-a editie LEADERS School:

 Participarea in program se face pe baza de selectie (chestionar online si interviu), iar pachetul de acces include participarea la toate cursurile scolii, cazare si acomodare timp de 6 zile la Hotel Orizont din Predeal, mentorat lunar gratuit pana la varsta de 25 ani, includerea in comunitatea LEADERS (peste 3000 de membri), oportunitati exclusive de job-uri si discouturi la evenimentele LEADERS si evenimentele partenere. Incepand de anul acesta, participantii vor avea de asemenea oportunitatea de a-si descoperi punctele forte pe baza Testului Clifton StrengthsFinder, oferit de Gallup Romania. Astfel, participantii vor avea raspuns la urmatoarele intrebari: Care imi sunt punctele forte? Cum le pot pune in valoare? Ce rezultat concret imi aduc ele? Cum pot construi echipe eficiente de lucru?


Pentru mai multe detalii puteti accesa si site-ul programului

URGENT: Selectie participanti Training “My first job” – 22-30 martie, Celje, Slovenia

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jobAvem doua locuri disponibile in proiectul Tineret in Actiune, Actiunea 4.3 TRAININGS
- Youth initiative - My first job - Celje, Slovenia.
Perioada trainingului: 22.03.2012 - 30.03.2012
Conditii participanti:
- nu este limita de varsta
- ideal este ca participantii sa fie lucratori de tineret
- limba engleza la nivel mediu este necesara pentru participarea la training
- nationalitate romana
Masa si cazarea sunt asigurate de organizatori. Cazarea este la MCC Hostel . De asemenea, se
deconteaza 70% din costurile de transport, fiind necesara suportarea
acestora de catre participanti, urmand ca, la finalul trainingului, sa se
realizeze, prin transfer bancar, decontarea transportului.
Pentru inscriere, trimiteti un e-mail pe adresa in
care specificati:
- numele
- varsta
- profesia, descrieti, specificati - in ce domeniu lucrati cu tinerii.
- numar de telefon- adresa facebook - daca aceasta exista.
- specificati intentia si motivatia de a participa la training

Atasat veti gasi mai multe detalii despre proiect!

URGENT: SELECTIE participanti Youth Exchange AUSTRIA, 23-31 martie

Publicat pe de
art bridgesSelectam participanti cu sau fara experienta in dans, muzica, teatru cu varste intre 16 - 25 ani, nationalitate
romana, care sa participe in proiectul Youth Exchange Project ABBB - Art Builds Bridges that Bind, finantat de Comisia Europeana prin programul "Tineret in Actiune", ce se va desfasura in perioada 23 - 31 martie 2013
in Austria, Stift Gurk, Carinthia.

Parteneri si participanti in proiect: Austria, Italia, Romania, Polonia, Croatia, Grecia, Turcia, Letonia, Spania, Bulgaria

Proiectul presupune workshopuri de dans, muzica si teatru 

Cazarea si masa este asigurata (deci gratuita), 70 % din transport (bilete de avion, tren etc.) se deconteaza.

Pentru inscriere, trimiteti un e-mail pe adresa in care specificati:

• Intentia si motivatia de a participa in proiectul din Austria
• Experienta in teatru, dans, legatura cu teatrul, daca aceasta exista.
• Data nasterii
• Un numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail, adresa facebook (daca exista)

Un CV atasat la e-mail este binevenit