
Apeluri inchise: Modulele de formare Leader2B, Mentor2B si Coach2B, 11-15 aprilie, Predeal [DL: 1 aprilie]

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In luna aprilie v-am pregatit o serie de cursuri de formare in contextul Programului Tineret in Actiune:

Pentru mai multe informatii despre Leader2B cat si pentru a aplica, acceseaza urmatorul link:

Pentru mai multe informatii despre Mentor2B cat si pentru a aplica, acceseaza urmatorul link:

Pentru mai multe informatii despre Coach2B cat si pentru a aplica, acceseaza urmatorul link:

Puteti sa accesati si platforma on-line daca doriti sa aflati mai multe informatii despre lideri, indrumatori(coach) si mentori daca accesati colturile persoanelor resurese mentionate in cadrul acestei platforme. Totodata puteti sa contribuiti cu experiente personale, resurse, materiale, instrumente si sa fiti la curent cu noile practici, provocari si experiente din viata unui lider, indrumator si mentor in proiectele finantate prin programul Tineret in Actiune.

URGENT! Se cauta voluntari pentru un proiect EVS in Spania, octombrie 2013-iulie 2014 [DL: 19 martie]

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Segovia-Spain-5We are looking nowadays for our next volunteers; we intend to host 6 volunteers who will start in October 2013 until July 2014 (10 months). Please, be aware that due to the characteristics of the project we are not flexible with the dates, so make sure the proposed dates and duration suits you.

Daca sunteti interesati sa fiti voluntari EVS pentru 10 luni in Spania, intr-un proiect in care veti lucra cu tineri pentru gasirea unor activatati interesante de ocupare a timpului liber, va rugam sa contactati asociatia de mai jos. Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei poate fi organizatie de trimitere pentru voi, fiind acrediatata EVS.

Mai multe detalii in fisierul de mai jos:

Descripcion 2013

We will apply on May 1st, but the last day we will be accepting complete applications will be 19th of march. We will select our volunteer the first week of April.

Please, read carefully all the information about our project, the activities, the dates, etc. If you are interested, please send us the following documentation in one email ( all together and in a pdf (file below).

Application form 2013


ü  Application form we are attaching,

ü  your CV

ü  and a specific motivation letter.

ü  And do not forget to send us a photo.

 Please, notice that we also need information about your sending organisation, a part of your application form should be filled by them. Without this, we won’t consider your application.

URGENT! Se cauta participanti pentru un schimb de tineri in Turcia (26 martie-1 aprilie)

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Action 1.1 Project called ‘Acting time against addiction’ will be implemented in Aksaray / Turkey. The Romanian partner needs participants to send from Romania to Aksaray / Turkey.
The project will be implemented between the dates 26 March – 01 April 2013.

If you are interested in please contact Anisia ( and / or Kerem Sahin (

Online Course on Human Rights Education, [DL: 15 martie 2013]

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human rightsDeadline: 15 March 2013
Open to: education practitioners, social workers, youth activists, as well as policy and decision makers with Internet access
Venue: 25 March to 19 April 2013; online


North-South Centre of the Council of Europe – Global Education programme is announcing its global education on-line training course “Global Education: The Human Rights Dimension.” This course will take place from 25 March to 19 April 2013.

This global education online learning course is designed for education practitioners, social workers, youth activists, as well as policy and decision makers. Please be aware that the course announced on this website regards an online learning course and does not involve any travelling. However, in order to participate, you need to have regular access to the Internet.

The course has been designed to complement the Global Education Guidelines, a pedagogical tool for educators and policy makers to understand and implement Global Education, and share with a wider audience concepts and approaches promoted by the North-South Centre’s Global Education programme.

This course, under the title “Global Education – The Human Rights Dimension”, provides an introduction to human rights education as part of the Global Education context, and deals with its concepts, approaches, strategies and action, by considering its interconnections between the global and local.


The North South Centre will provide scholarships of 400 euro, corresponding to the course value. The scholarships will be granted to selected applications on the basis of quality of the application.


This course explores the ways of addressing the issues in theory and practice, reflecting on the ideal state considering the evidence from the reality, and developing new ways of understanding and promoting human rights education in the contexts of the participants.

The specific contents include:

  • Introduction to global education
  • Human rights in the context of global education
  • Human rights education
  • Mapping of existing human rights action at a local level
  • Dilemmas and challenges in human rights education
  • Development of strategies for action
  • Reflecting on cross-cutting issues
  • Activities design
  • Action planning

Specific aims of the course

  • To offer a platform to exchange ideas on human rights education
  • To reflect on the concepts related to global education, human rights and human rights education
  • To develop a better understanding of human rights education in practice
  • To explore the dilemmas and challenges in human rights education
  • To assist in developing activities
  • To connect local and international practitioners and other relevant actors in the field
  • To strengthen the network of global and human rights education practitioners

The course has been developed in partnership between the North South Centre (NSC) and The Network University. North-South Centre’s mandate is to provide a framework for North-South co-operation to increase public awareness of global interdependence issues and promote policies of solidarity in conformity with the aims and principles of the Council of Europe: respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

The Network University (TNU) facilitates innovative learning and capacity building for a global network of professionals, students, non-profit organizations, agencies and networks, specializing in creating e-tools for education and networking in the field of development.


The course in general is targeted at people working in or with human rights education, either as part of international organisations, national educational institutions or those working for national and local civil society organisations. The course also welcomes students with a special interest in the topic.

Course requirements:

Please note that all participants should:

  • be in command of the English language;
  • be able to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week (every week) on course work;
  • have basic ICT skills and a minimum of internet access.


The deadline for submitting the complete application is 15 March 2013. Please be aware that an application should consist of the online form HERE and the Word document HERE.

If you would like more information do not hesitate to contact one of the course tutors at For more information, review the official website HERE.


International Leadership Training Programme, USA, [DL: 8 martie 2013]

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Deadline: 8 March 2013
Open to: young people all over the world at least 18 years old
Venue: August 9-18, 2013 at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Connecticut, USA


In appreciation of the dynamics of an interdependent world, the UNESCO Chair will host an annual intergenerational forum that brings together young leaders from all regions of the world in the field of human rights once annually. The forum will be held from August 9-18, 2013 at the University of Connecticut, USA, to coincide with the International Youth Day, taking place on August 12, commemorated at the United Nations Headquarters in the USA. This will provide opportunities for participants to participate in Youth Day activities and meet with UN leaders.

TRAVEL AND HOUSINGThe UNESCO Chair Office will provide all conference participants with dormitory housing, meals and ground transportation in Connecticut during the Forum. The applicant is responsible for securing their own visa, air travel to the United States and travel to Connecticut. Due to the volume of applications, only successful candidates will be notified

The main objectives of the Forum are to: involve young leaders in finding solutions to emerging human rights problems; nurture individuals to be effective leaders in the field of human rights; promote the sharing of experiences and understanding; provide an impetus for, and the empowerment of, youth leaders that will enable them to play a crucial and constructive role in the development of human rights in their communities; build a network of solidarity among future leaders in the field of human rights; hone the skills and expand the knowledge relevant to human rights practice; and provide tools and a platform for open debates about policies, programmes, activities and processes necessary for human rights leadership.

Participants will receive training in areas such as grassroots organizing, building coalitions, effective communication, use of media for human rights education, and understanding of the processes and relevance of restorative justice. It is planned that discussions will be conducted under the rubric of four principal areas; namely poverty, education, health, conflict resolution and/or transformation. Specific areas of focus will include issues such as human trafficking, the plight of children, refugees and war, hunger, HIV/AIDS, religious intolerance, gender discrimination, racism and classism, peace education and environmental concerns.

Selected young people will engage through dialogue with experienced and older human rights practitioners to gain management skills and techniques and a greater understanding of human rights issues on a global level. A principal objective is to nurture individuals to be effective leaders in the field of human rights. Forum presenters/speakers/facilitators have been asked to serve in an ongoing capacity as mentors to the young participants upon their return to their home communities and countries.


Participants at the forum will be individuals (minimum age for participation is 18) from all over the world who have been involved in some capacity in human rights work in their communities.

Fluency in English is required. forum will be held in English only.


Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Application deadline is March 8, 2013. In order to be considered for admission to the International Leadership Programme, please submit the following:

  1.  A completed and signed application form
  2.  Letter of intent (please attach as word, pdf, or text document)
  3.  Curriculum Vita/Resume (please attach as word, pdf, or text document)
  4.  Names and contact information for three professional references
  5. Application Essay: Upon acceptance, you will be required to submit a final essay to complete the application process within three weeks of notification. Please click here for further details.


Applicants who are not able to commit to the week-long conference in its entirety should not apply. If you have questions regarding the application/registration, program content, special needs requirements, or housing, please call the UNESCO Chair Office at 860-486-0647 or email ALL applications must be submitted electronically or via facsimile no later than March 8, 2013 to / fax: 860.486.2545.

For more information, please see the official website HleadershipERE.


URGENT: Call for EVS for approved project,Lovech,Bulgaria- 1 martie – 1 decembrie

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evs bulgariawe need one volunteer for approved project “Volunteer Initiatives in Lovech – 2”. The main objective of the project is related to enhancement local community’s capacity for implementation of youth volunteer initiatives at local and international level. The project will be implemented in the town of Lovech, Bulgaria. EVS volunteers will help Ecomission team in daily administrative activities, organizing events, developing new projects and initiatives with their fresh ideas. We expect from them to present native traditions and culture through organizing national eves and developing local youth interests in introducing new cultures. We expect their own creative, artistic, sport ideas for activities directed to local youth and etc. THE PROJECT WILL LAST 9 MONTHS 1ST MARCH-1ST DECEMBER, 2013

Please send CV and Motivation letter in English as soon as possible. Please in your motivation letter  describe your motivation to participate and to answer the following questions: Why are you applying to participate exactly in this project; How your qualification and previous experience are related to the tasks that you will have within the project.



Apel închis: A IV-a Jamboree Nationala a Republicii Moldova, 25 iulie-2 august, Cahul (DL: 15 aprilie)

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moldovaPersoanele doritoare sa participe sunt rugate sa trimita un e-mail la cu o scrisoare de intentie si CV-ul lor cercetasesc pentru inscriere.

National Jamboree is the biggest scout camp held once in 4 years in different parts of Republic
of Moldova. Over 500 scouts and volunteers join this event. This year the Jamboree’s
motto is: ‘’Un pic maimult” (“A little more”) and will be organized in the south partof our
What is different in this Jamboree?
7 scout branches of Moldova will come together in a beautiful place to celebrate 20 years
of Scouting in Moldova. We expect also guests from other countries.
Date   25th July- 2nd August, 2013
Albota de Jos. It is a beautiful place located in the south of Moldova. All the participants are
going to stay in a campsite near the lake surrounded by forests.
Participants:Members of National Scout Association of Moldova and members of foreign
National Scout Organizations.
13-17 years
Volunteers (IST )
Scouts and non- Scouts over 18 years old.
Volunteers will be divided into different working groups such as registration, catering,
program, security, etc. Volunteers must be ready to come 1 week before the event starts
and 2 days after the Jamboree.
The Jamboree will include a wide and varied program, and will provide a nine-day expedition
as well as various physical activities including hiking, sailing, etc.The program
will also include opportunities to explore numerous famous landmarks within and next to
camp side areas.
Food will be provided during the Jamboree. Catering is included in the fee and will be provided
to all participants of the Jamboree.Participants must bring their personal sleeping
Fees and registration
Fees: 25 euros until 1st of May
45 euros until 10th of July

About Moldova

Invitation to NSAM’s Jamboree

Apel inchis: Curs de formare “Internet Action” – Ucraina [DL:3.03]

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internet-marketingOrganizatia IVO “SVIT-Ukraine” organizeaza un curs de formare (Actiunea
3.1) intitulat “Internet Action”. Cursul va aborda modul in care pot fi
folosite retelele sociale de catre tineri si organizatiile active in
domeniul voluntariatului. Cursul se va derula in perioada 17 – 24 martie
2013 in Ucraina si va reuni participanti din: Germania, Italia, Romania,
Spania, Marea Britanie, Armenia, Azerbaijan si Ucraina.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 3 martie 2013

Pentru mai multe detalii despre curs si inscriere, accesati linkul:

Apel inchis: Training Course ‘Beyond Clashes’ – Serbia [DL:5.03]

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beyond clashes“The Youth Dialogue Programme” organizeaza un curs de formare pe tema
interculturalitatii intitulat “Beyond Clashes, Training focused on dealing
with Intercultural Clashes”. Scopul acestui curs este de a dezvolta
competentele lucratorilor de tineret si ale formatorilor din proiectele
Tineret in Actiune de a gestiona procesele si conflictele interculturale
in activitatile organizate in contextul programului Tineret in Actiune.

Cursul se va derula in perioada 5-14 aprilie 2013 in Serbia si va reuni
lucratori de tineret si formatori din: Germania, Italia, Romania, Marea
Britanie, Turcia, Albania, Bosnia si Hertegovina, Macedonia, Serbia si

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 5 martie 2013

Pentru mai multe informatii despre curs si inscriere, accesati linkul de
mai jos:

Cursul de formare este finantat prin programul Tineret in Actiune
(Actiunea 4.3). Participantii vor avea asigurate cheltuielile de cazare si
masa si 70% din cheltuielile de transport.

Pentru alte detalii, persoana de contact este: Snezana Baclija Knoch

APEL TiA: TC ‘Value the Difference: Diversity and Citizenship’, Cipru [DL:22.03]

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diversityAi peste 18 ani, esti membru ONG si vrei sa reflectezi, sa explorezi si sa
inveti mai multe despre diversitatea culturala in lucrul cu tinerii?

Iti recomandam un nou curs de formare: “Value the Difference: Diversity
and Citizenship”!
Cursul de formare este organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul
Tineret in Actiune din Cipru si se va derula in perioada 23-28 mai 2013 in

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este 22
martie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (conditii de
participare, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc in
apelul publicat pe  site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune: