In the light of the highly concern of the Arab Scout Region to deep rooted brotherhood and friendship ties among Youth who are involved in Scouting, which will help in strengthening Youth abilities spiritually, physically, socially, mentally and psychologically; the region cooperated with the Supreme Council of Antiquities, the Egyptian Tourism Authority, The Egyptian Organization for Information Supreme Council of Antiques & The Fund of Cultural Development in the organization of the previous Sixteen IYGs from 1998 to 2013 attended by some of 800 participants 18-23 years old representing 120 National Scout Associations from the six World Scout Regions.
Persistency to the success of the previous Gatherings, the Arab Scout Region agreed to hold the Gathering of the year 2014 during the period 28/8 -6/9/2014 in the following governorates (Cairo, Giza – Luxor & Aswan) which are very famous for their historical, cultural, religious, archeological and natural sites.
In this regard, I would like to seize this opportunity to invite representatives from your national scout association to participate in this unforgettable and important event according to
regulations & eligibilities mentioned in the brochure.
The main objectives of the Gathering are as follows:
Increasing awareness of the participants on the human values and principles including tolerance and peace.
Developing ties of friendship and brotherhood among the participants from the different countries.
Encouraging dialogue on the issues and challenges facing youth in the temporary world and youth role in dealing with these challenges.
Spreading peace culture and mutual understanding among all the peoples of the world.
Studying the nature and cultural heritage of the selected governorates.
Venue: Cairo International Scout Center, Cairo, Giza, Luxor & Aswan.
Axes of the Gathering:
1. Cultural axis:
This axis includes a visit to the following governorates:
Cairo Governorate (old Cairo [old churches, old mosques…etc.], museums [Egyptian museum, Islamic museum, Coptic museum], Saladin Citadel, Fatemic Cairo [khan al Khalili …Etc.]).
Giza Governorate (Pyramids & Sphinx).
Luxor Governorate {mummification museum, temple of Queen Hatshepsut …etc}
Aswan Governorate {Philae Temple, the unfinished Obelisk …etc}.
2. Cultural Exchange axis:
Holding 4 cultural Exchange sessions where each contingent speaks or makes a presentation about his own country {culture, geographical venue, relations with its
neighbors, traditions, customs …etc}.
An International Evening where all the participants are invited to present different types of their traditional dishes, folklore. Coins, scouting souvenirs, gifts…etc}.
3. General Activities axis:
Different sports, adventure and aquatic activities.
Free tours.
The Participants:
The participation in this event is open for all Rovers all over the world as far as they meet the All National Scout Organizations are invited to send 2 rovers (males only) without any
registration fees according to the following conditions:
Age between 18-23 years old.
Good command of English.
Registered as members in his national scout organization..
Their applications must be approved by their National Scout Organizations.
Deadline is 24/8/2014
Preference for scouts having been involved in cultural projects (protection of historical and natural heritage) in their countries.
Costs & Visa:
Tickets to/from Egypt will be covered by the participant him self or his National
Scout Association.
The organizers will cover all accommodation from 28/8/2014 afternoon – Lunch to 6/9/2014 Breakfast, internal transportation during the program activities for a maximum of 2 rovers from each National Scout Association.
Each participant should cover – by himself – any extra expenses that do not mentioned in the accommodation (private telephone calls, Landry, coffee, tea. .etc).
Participants have to contact the nearest Egyptian Embassy or Consulate for obtaining an Entry Visa.
Each extra participant should pay $150 for his participation in the event.
What is to bring?
2 photos for the application form 4×6 cm.
Traditional costume or shirt which is unique to the country as part of the International Evening.
Scout Uniform for the official activities.
2 flags of the participant’s Country 80×120 cm.
Elements (documents, publications, handouts, posters, video taps, and traditional dishes. .etc) for exhibition and for any audiovisual presentation on scout project.
Swimming suite, suitable cloths for water and beach games.
Comfortable shoes compass, personal equipment …etc.
Pentru inscrieri, asteptam un mail la international@scout.ro