Category: Arhivă Apeluri

Apel închis: Stagii de voluntariat in Share Discovery Village, Northern Ireland (ongoing)

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Deadline: ongoing
Open to: internationals over 18,  long and short term volunteering is available
Venue: Share Discovery Village,


Do you have the time and skill to be a volunteer? Whatever your skills or experience, whatever your age or ability, whatever your time commitment, we have a wide range of volunteering opportunities at SHARE. Volunteers are needed to assist in all areas of the Share Centre both short-term and long-term. to work at SHARE.

Every summer the Share Centre in Northern Ireland welcomes about 15 international volunteers from all over the world, to come and help. These volunteers stay between 1 week to several months, living and working alongside our staff and volunteers. They participate in a variety of jobs from helping those with a disability, to working in the Centre’s garden, to assisting our water and land based activity programmes. Any young international volunteers, who are interested in short or long term volunteering at the Share Discovery Village please enquire.

The busy peak season runs from March to September – this is when volunteers will mostly be required to help our qualified instructors provide activity programmes and assist with the needs of our guests.  During the winter months we mainly carry-out maintenance and cleaning projects.


Share works closely with many different groups and societies every year. Many of our 10,000 guests come from the M.S. Society, the Down Syndrome Society, the Muscular Dystrophy Society, the RNIB, the NDCS as well as primary and secondary school groups, youth groups, church groups, scouts and guides and many, many more. All in all we work with a very diverse range of people for whom we need a diverse range of volunteers.


Food and accommodation are provided for all volunteers.  Volunteers have access to all the facilities offered at Share. Accommodation for long term volunteers is provided in two houses, both located one-quarter mile from the main Share site. All international volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years old.  SHARE offers not only food and accommodation but also opportunities to meet a huge variety of people of all ages and abilities from all around the world and make lifelong friends. You will be helping people and learning lots of new skills and you get all this on the beautiful shore of Lough Erne.


If you want to apply, please fill in the Application Form.

In order to provide a safe environment for the guests visiting SHARE, all staff and long term volunteers must be vetted in accordance with the guidelines provided by Access NI for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. It is requested that along with an application form you must provide a police check from your country of residence.  Joining the team at Share couldn’t be easier, simply pick up the phone and call Jacqui on +44 (0) 28 6772 2122 or e-mail She will answer any questions you may have. If you have time on your hands or just want to try something different get in touch, it’s time to discover what you can share!

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Apel închis: Stagiu de voluntariat in Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Slovacia (1 Apr. 2014 – 31 Ian. 2015)

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Asociatia Comunitatilor Interculturale impreuna cu Asociatia GMS (Gemerský mládežnícky spolok) din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Slovacia, cauta un baiat (18-29 de ani) pentru un stgiu de voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat. Stagiul incepe: in data de 1 aprilie 2014 si se termina in 31 ianuarie 2015. Voluntarii vor fi implicati in urmatoarele activitati:
1. Fotografierea si digitalizarea bisericilor, cimitirelor, muzeelor din regiunea Rožňava, respectiv colectarea de date si actualizarea bazelor de date despre satele din jur, ONG-uri, biserici, si atractii turistice. (
2. Activitati in cadrul cursurilor de tras cu arcul.
3. Ajutor in organizarea evenimentului Vara Gomor-Tornai 2013, editia a 3-a
4. Ajutor in implementarea evenimentelor organizate de GMS si asociatiile partnere – excursii, tabere de vara, seminarii, schimburi de tineri, ateliere de lucru etc.
5. Activitati in legatura cu functionarea biroului GMS- intretinere, vopsire, curatare etc.
In perioada stagiului, voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea de a invata limba slovaca cu ajutorul unui profesor. Voluntarii vor fi cazati in Pensiunea Jozefína din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka. Va avea la dispozitie o camera, o bucatarie complet utilata- aragaz electric cu cuptor, cuptor cu microunde, frigider, congelator, etc; baie, calculator, internet, biciclete pentru excursii in zona. 
Voluntarul va primi 95 de euro/luna bani de buzunar, si 150 de euro/ luna pentru alimente, deci in total 245 de euro/luna. 
Mai multe informatii despre activitatile
Asteptam cv-urile si scrisorile motivationale pe adresa de

Apel închis: Stagii de voluntariat in Schio, Italia(03/03/2014 – 03/03/2015 – 07/04/2014 – 07/04/2015) [DL: 31.01.2014]

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FCASEC ( in parteneriat cu PROGETTO ZATTERA BLU SOCIETA’ COOPERATIVA SOCIALE ONLUS din Italia, selecteaza tineri pentru stagii de voluntariat in Schio (Italia).
Durata: 12 luni
Perioada: 03/03/2014 – 03/03/2015, respectiv 07/04/2014 – 07/04/2015
Nr voluntari: 2
Tematica: lucru cu persoane cu dizabilitati
Informatii despre stagii se pot gasi in documentul atasat sau se pot cere la adresa:
Data limita de inscriere: 31.01.2014
Scrisoarea de motivatie, CV-ul si formularul de inscriere atasat se vor trimite la adresa

Hug the differences” este un proiect SEV. Serviciul European de Voluntariat (SEV ) este un program finanatat de UE care asigura voluntarului 90% din transport, cazare, masa, transport local si alocatie lunara (difera de la tara la tara).
Informatii despre programul Serviciul European de Voluntariat puteti gasi aici:

Apel închis: Voluntari pentru un stagiu SEV, Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana “Kronika” din Bytom, Polonia (Martie 2014-Martie 2015) [DL: 2Februarie]

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logo-KRONIKAThe Centre for Contemporary Art KRONIKA is looking for volunteers for the
” Filling empty spaces” EVS project, to be implemented in Bytom, Upper
Silesia, Poland. The 12 months project will start in march/april 2014 and 
involve two volunteers, one from Germany and one from Romania. They will
support with the educational program in KRONIKA, organizing language
workshops and innovative artistic and cultural activities. The aim of the
program is to increase knowledge and skills of young people living in
postindustrial cities of Upper Silesia. Volunteers will be working mainly
with children and young people with lower opportunities . They will have a
chance to learn about the way contemporary art influences local
communities, they will explore the environment in which the young people
live on a daily basis, where they spend their time and try to make they
dreams come true . 
Also the volunteers will have the opportunity to help in the
implementation of contemporary art projects such as: exhibitions,
installations, discussions , artistic residences organized in KRONIKA .
They will be involved in work related to the organization of events and
their promotion and gain skills and experience in managing cultural events.

Project start: march (april) 2014

Project length: 12 months

Volunteer profile:

We are searching for 1 volunteer from Romania and 1 volunteer from
Germany, motivated to work with young people through innovative art
projects. Interest in contemporary art will be an advantage. Applications
including a CV and motivation letter should be sent to the project
co-ordinator Ms Agata Gomolinska-Senczenko at 

and in CC to the sending organization from the partner country:

Ulla Eberhard: 
Kölner Freiwilligen Agentur e.V.

Millennium Centre Association in Arad

Application deadline is the 2nd of February.

Pentru alte detalii, persoana de contact este Agata Gomolinska-Senczenko –
coordonator proiect, e-mail:

Apel închis: Stagiu de Voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat 1 feb – 31 ian 2015

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Asociata Comunităților Interculturale în parteneriat cu Asociația GMS (Gemerský mládežnícky spolok) din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Slovacia, cauta tineri (18-29 de ani) Stagiu de Voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat.  Stagiul incepe: in data de 1 februarie 2014 si se termina in 31 ianuarie 2015. Voluntarii vor fi implicati in urmatoarele activitati:

1. Fotografierea si digitalizarea bisericilor, cimitirelor, muzeelor din regiunea Rožňava, respectiv colectarea de date si actualizarea bazelor de date despre satele din jur, ONG-uri, biserici, si atractii turistice. (

2. Activitati in cadrul cursurilor de tras cu arcul.

3. Ajutor in organizarea evenimentului Vara Gomor-Tornai 2013, editia a 3-a

4. Ajutor in implementarea evenimentelor organizate de GMS si asociatiile partnere – excursii, tabere de vara, seminarii, schimburi de tineri, ateliere de lucru etc.

5. Activitati in legatura cu functionarea biroului GMS- intretinere, vopsire, curatare etc.

In perioada Stagiului de Voluntariat, voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea de a invata limba slovaca cu ajutorul unui profesor. Voluntarii vor fi cazati in Pensiunea Jozefína din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka. Vor avea la dispozitie doua camere, o bucatarie complet utilata- aragaz electric cu cuptor, cuptor cu microunde, frigider, congelator, etc; baie, calculator, internet, biciclete pentru excursii in zona. 

Voluntarii vor primi 95 de euro/luna bani de buzunar, si 150 de euro/ luna pentru alimente, deci in total 245 de euro/luna. 

Mai multe informatii despre activitatile voluntarilor:

Apel închis: Supporters Weekend 2014, Kandersteg, 11-13 Aprilie 2014 [DL: 15 februarie]

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Din 1923 visul lui BP se materializeaza la Kandersteg, Elvetia. La centrul Cercetasesc Mondial are loc o mini-jamboree continua unde vei gasi peste 700 de alti cercetasi din intreaga lume.

Cu ocazia celebrarii jubileului de 90 de ani de la infiintarea centrului,  la Kandersteg se organizeaza Supporters Weekend, intre 11 si 13 aprilie 2014.

Este invitata cate o persoana din fiecare organizatie cercetaseasca din lume si TU poti reprezenta Romania si cunoaste o multime de cercetasi de peste tot in lume!

Costuri de participare:

– 10 euro taxa pentru evenimente internationale

– transport

– un pachet pentru decorarea camerei romanesti din Centrul International Scout Kandersteg.

Ce inseamna pachetul pentru decorarea camerei? Ei bine, Romania este una din putinele tari norocoase care are o camera in centrul scout. E vorba de o camera relativ mica, cu 4 paturi (2 supraetajate), care inca nu arata prea bine. De aceea, dorim ca persoana care aplica pentru acest loc la Supporters Weekend sa ne faca o propunere de amenajare a acestei camere si sa-si asume acest lucru. Te rog fa-ne propunerea de decorare a camerei (Atentie! Tu va trebui sa achizitionezi cele necesare si sa le duci la Kandersteg!) in campul “De ce vrei sa participi la eveniment?”.

Pentru a participa, te rugam sa completezi formularul de AICI si te vom contacta cat mai curand.



Apel închis: Stagiu de voluntariat pe termen scurt, in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Polonia (01-28 Feb 2014)

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FCASEC impreuna cu Europejskie Forum Młodzieży, selecteaza 4 tineri cu varsta intre 18-30 ani, in vederea participarii la un stagiu de voluntariat pe termen scurt, in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Polonia. Stagiul se va desfasura in perioada
Stagiu este finantat prin programul Tinert in Actiune – Actiunea 4.6. Voluntarului i se va deconta 50% din valoarea tansportului si cazarea si masa pe perioada stagiului. Orice tanar cu varsta 18-30 ani poate participa (inclusiv fosti voluntari SEV).
Cei interesati pot cere mai multe informatii la adresa: .
Pentru a participa, va rugam sa trimiteti CV + scrisoare de intentie + formular de inscriere la

Apel închis: Activitate de constituire de parteneriate “MAKE the MOVE!”, Portugalia (18 Martie 2014 – 23 Martie 2014) [DL: 7 februarie 2014]

Loc de desfasurare: Vila da Marmeleira, Portugalia, jud.

Perioada: 18 Martie 2014 – 23 Martie 2014


APEL pentru PARTICIPARE la Activitatea de constituire de parteneriate “MAKE the MOVE!”
18-23 martie 2014 | Vila da Marmeleira, Portugalia

Scopul principal al acestui seminar este de a sprijini lucratorii de tineret si tinerii in gasirea de parteneri pentru a coopera si a dezvolta impreuna proiecte de schimburi de tineri de calitate, prin programul Erasmus+ Tineret in Actiune.

Profilul candidatului:
– este membru al unei organizatii non-guvernamentale de tineret care lucreaza direct cu tinerii (lucrator de tineret sau voluntar);
– este motivat sa dezvolte un proiect de schimburi de tineri prin programul Erasmus+ Tineret in Actiune;
– are varsta peste 18 ani;
– cunoaste bine limba engleza (scris, vorbit).

Criterii de selectie:
– capacitate de multiplicare, informare si formare;
– motivatie si asteptari personale;
– distributie geografica;
– abilitati lingvistice.

Informatii suplimentare cu privire la aceasta activitate si la obiectivele acesteia, gasiti accesand urmatoarea adresa:

Formularul de candidatura se va completa ONLINE in LIMBA ENGLEZA (fiind necesara in prealabil inregistrarea pe site-ul SALTO-Youth) la adresa:

Dosarul de candidatura va contine urmatoarele documente COMPLETATE in LIMBA ENGLEZA:

1. Formularul de candidatura, completat, printat de la adresa de mai sus si obligatoriu SEMNAT (SAU se poate trimite confirmarea primita via e-mail, printata si semnata)

2. CV in format european.

NOTA: Persoanele care nu vor semna formularul de aplicatie sau nu vor trimite prin posta dosarul complet de candidatura (incluzand cele 2 documente) nu vor participa la selectie.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea ONLINE, cat si pentru trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu CONFIRMARE de PRIMIRE, este 7 februarie 2014 (data postei).

Conditii de participare:
a. Numar maxim de participanti din Romania: 2
b. Preselectia se realizeaza de catre ANPCDEFP.
c. Selectia finala la nivel european se realizeaza de catre Agentia Nationala din Portugalia.

Adresa de trimitere a dosarului de candidatura, cu confirmare de primire, este:
Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Calea Serban Voda nr. 133, Corp A, etaj 3, Sector 4
Bucuresti, cod 040205
cu specificatia “TCP – Candidatura ‘PBA – MAKE the MOVE!’ Portugalia”.

1. Costurile de participare vor fi acoperite in totalitate. Costurile de transport vor fi acoperite de catre ANPCDEFP pe baza de contract, iar cele legate de subzistenta (cazare si masa) de catre organizatori.

2. Candidatii selectionati trebuie sa-si avanseze sumele necesare acoperirii costurilor de transport pana la locul de desfasurare a cursului, utilizand cel mai ieftin mijloc de transport: bilet de avion (clasa economic, low-cost), bilet de tren (clasa a II-a), autocar etc. Aceste costuri vor fi rambursate in totalitate de ANPCDEFP.

3. Suma de 10 euro va fi perceputa ca fiind co-finantarea participantilor la curs (si ea va fi retinuta din cheltuielile de transport, la decont).

4. Agentia Nationala din Portugalia va asigura costurile privind cazarea, masa participantilor si costurile aferente programului de activitati.

Apel închis: Non-Formal Education for the Next Generation!-France (10 – 17 March 2014) [DL: 02 februarie 2014]

Non-Formal Education for the Next Generation!

Training Course

10 – 17 March 2014

Base de Loisirs de Rouffiac – Lanouaille – France


“Non-Formal Education for the next Generation” is a six days training course taking place close to Limoges (France) between the 10th and 17th of March 2014.

The general aim of this project is to improve the quality of youth work on local and international levels, using Non-Formal Education.

We will bring together youth workers from different cultures, backgrounds, countries, allowing them to develop a certain knowledge of intercultural learning;

We will give them the opportunity to discover and experiment new Non Formal Education methods; we plan to bring international NFE knowledge to local youth working; and we hope to

work on future projects together, promoting mobility.

In total, twenty participants (four from each country : France, Spain, Romania, Poland, Croatia) will be able to take part in this project.

Their profile will be diverse (youth workers, holiday camp coordinators and leaders, volunteers, etc.) as we would like to question youth work national specifities.

A european team of three trainers will permit us to reach our goals – through non-formal educational methods, role games, simulation exercises, peer to peer education, workshops,

debates… – and also thanks to visits, intercultural evenings, reflections groups and – last but not least – informal moments.

To participate, you have:

– To have 18 years old at the beginning of the training course

– To be able to communicate in english

– To be a youth leader, holiday camp leader, youth worker, volunteer, anyone working or dealing with youth issues…

– To be able to take part in the full duration of the training course

How to apply

Please download the application form and send it to before 02.02.2014.

Working methods

This training course is a concrete expansion of the field in which all the participants work or volunteer, as to know youth-working, leading camps, …

This TC will permit them to discover and explore non-formal education methods, new tools, share their own methods and confront their daily practice to what can exist abroad, by sharing an international and intercultural experience.

Moreover, by experiencing the basic process learning in an intercultural setting, it will improve the participants awareness towards other cultures and it will increase their abilities to work in an international team.

We will use Non-formal education methods, tools from non-violent communication and intercultural understanding.

We will focus on role games, simulation exercises, team-building, debates and discussion…

Each participant is going to have the opportunity to play an active role on each stage of the project.

From the beginning, they will be able to share some information, start presenting themselves, through a blog (or web-page) and a facebook page.

We also would like them to prepare, using video or photo, a small insight of their daily practice corresponding to the training course.

Also, during the TC, we want to make everyone able to propose activities or methods, to lead a training session according to his skills, wills, abilities… and also to learn new from the others.

Logistical organisation

The training course will take place in the « Base de Loisirs de Rouffiac », in Lanouaille, France.

This project receives the support of the European Program Youth in Action, the expenses of accommodation, food and activities are totally covered.

Travel costs are covered in the limit of 70%.


The training is organized by AROEVEN du Limousin, in partnership with ACCENT OBERT,  CARPE DIEM, EDUQ Association and ADDO – The Centre for Development and Training.

Youth in Action Program

The project is financed by the Youth in Action programme, which makes an important contribution to the acquisition of competences and is therefore a key instrument in providing young people with opportunities for non-formal and informal learning with a European dimension.



Reflective Practice, a UK Perspective

Training Course

Burnley, UK, 9-15th March 2014 (Open for participants from Estonia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey and UK)


This course aims to explore the theory of reflective practice in youth work from a UK perspective. The UK has over 60 years history of professional youth work which this course plans to highlight and demonstrate how this came to be. This course is open to participants based in EU countries as well as Turkey.


The course will take place in the town of Burnley, England (nearest airport is Manchester). During the course, participants will be taken to visit youth work settings in the region and have a chance to interact and ask questions to UK youth workers.


We will be exploring reflection based practice in order to better understand it so we can use it effectively in our own work setting. We will be using reflection throughout the week in order to assess our progress and see it in practice in UK based settings. From what we explore we hope that each participant will be able to implement what they learn into their own work in their own country. We will seek to share the benefits that we all see in order to get the most out of reflection and then look at how we might use it with others in our own culture.


During the course, participants will engage in various activities that explore the topic and look at reflective practice while discussing models for its growth and development in Europe. The course will also foster new collaborations between the partner countries and explain how to gain funding for future cooperation for international youth activity.


This project is the result of a desire to share reflective practice between European Countries, by taking a process-based approach that does not assume a level of understanding. Instead it builds on introducing the subject, exploring its relevance and applying it in the context of each country so the each participant will return home with something of real value.


Through the teaching of theory and practice via the use of interactive training we will share this knowledge and skills base with a range of professionals from other countries. The training will be facilitated by experienced and qualified professional Youth Workers, trained in reflective practice, from the UK. The trainers will deliver a curriculum on a range of subjects centered around the course objectives. These are focused on the learners participating and we aim to achieve the following:


Participants will be able to:

  • Identify what reflective-based practice is
  • Understand and explain the use of reflective practice
  • Locate reflective practice in the context of your own work
  • Share the benefits of reflective practice with others/those around you
  • Understand the challenges of implementing reflective practice in your work


The course also aims to foster partnerships between countries while also explaining how participants involved can continue activity with their new partners and where to access funds to do so.


The working language of this course is English, so participants will need to be proficient in their skill level. Participants are also expected to attend the full duration of the events.


Our organisation will cover participant’s food and accommodation costs, as well as 70% of your travel cost.


If you are interested to apply to participate in this training course, please fill this short online application form.


Closing Date for applicants: 27th January 2014


Date of selection: 3rd February 2014


Partners for this project are:

Apel închis: “CONNECTOR – Un Happening Nonformal” (9-15 septembrie 2014) [DL: 23 ianuarie 2014]

9-15 septembrie 2014, Cluj-Napoca
Sute de oameni din toata Europa impartasind aceeasi pasiune: invatarea nonformala! Motivul: “CONNECTOR – Un Happening Nonformal“, prima editie a unui lung sir care isi propune sa devina un punct de referintaeuropean si sa puna nonformalul in lumina reflectoarelor.
Pentru ca acest lucru sa devina realitate avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru!

“CONNECTeaza-te la nonformal”  este o invitatie deschisa tuturor celor care vor sa contribuie si in care ne pregatim impreuna. Ce se va intampla? Discutam idei de activitati relevante pentru organizatiile voastre care se pot regasi in cadrul CONNECTOR, cum se pot completa si integra in proiectele organizatiei si care sunt sursele de finantare cele mai relevante pentru ele. Toate acestea intr-un proces participativ, la inceputul lui februarie.

Numar de locuri disponibile: 20
Termen limita pentru inscriere:  23 ianuarie

Mai multe detalii si inscriere: