Category: Arhivă Apeluri

APEL inchis TiA: TC The Power of Non Formal Education, Bulgaria, 9 [DL:15.09]

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evs bulgariaUltimele zile de inscriere!

“Do you want to feel the power of nonformal education? Go to this

Cine? Membrii organizatiilor non-guvernamentale care doresc sa
experimenteze diverse tehnici si metode utilizate in educatia nonformala
pentru a constientiza rolul si importanta acestora in lucrul cu tinerii si
in activitatile din proiectele Tineret in Actiune/Erasmus+.

La ce? La cursul international de formare intitulat “The Power of Non
Formal Education”

Cand? 9-14 noiembrie 2013

Unde? Sofia, Bulgaria

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 15 septembrie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 16 septembrie 2013 (data postei).

Daca deja ti-am trezit interesul, atunci toate informatiile despre curs si
modul in care poti candida le gasesti la urmatoarea adresa:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!… sau trimite acest mesaj mai departe
persoanelor interesate! 🙂

Apel inchis: Training Rehearsal for Life, UK [DL:25.09]

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CA.0820.beatlesTraining Course 1-10 December 2013 | Bettle, United Kingdom

Rehearsal for Life

This training course will be dynamic, focusing mainly on Forum, Invisible
and Image Theatre. Through interactive and non formal methods we will
introduce participants to new ways of dealing with social problems,
conflicts and oppression.

Organizer: Youth With a Global Vision (NGO)

This activity is for participants from: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia,
Kosovo, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Romania,
Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom

Application deadline: 25 September 2013

More details and application:

Apel inchis: Cursuri TiA pentru lideri, indrumatori si mentori EVS, Romania [DL 18.09]

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evsVeste buna (credem)!

Am decis sa prelungim perioada de inscriere a candidaturilor pentru modulele de formare Leader2B, Coach2B si Mentor2B. Asadar, aveti posibilitatea sa va inscrieti pana cel tarziu 18.09.2013.

Aceste cursuri sunt dedicate celor care au experienta sau vor sa devina lideri la schimburi, indrumatori pentru initiative si mentori SEV ca facilitatori de invatare nonformala in proiectele Tineret in Actiune.

Pentru mai multe informatii si inscrieri vezi link-urile de mai jos.


Succes si asteptam candidaturile voastre,

Echipa Tineret in Actiune


�/div> Va incurajam sa accesati si platforma on-line daca doriti sa aflati mai multe informatii despre lideri, indrumatori(coach) si mentori daca accesati colturile persoanelor resurese mentionate in cadrul acestei platforme. Totodata puteti sa contribuiti cu experiente personale, resurse, materiale, instrumente si sa fiti la curent cu noile practici, provocari si experiente din viata unui lider, indrumator si mentor in proiectele finantate prin programul Tineret in Actiune.

Apel inchis: Training Act for Human Rights!, Republica Moldova [DL: 18 septembrie]

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human rights

Acesta este un training pentru voluntari, lucratori de tineret, activisti si lideri implicati in promovarea si educatia pe drepturile omului in comunitatea din care provin.

Asociația Start Focus lanseaza apelul pentru participanti la training-ul ACT for HR! The role of educators in promoting Human Rights:

This is a call for Romanian participants for ´ACT for HR! The role of educators in promoting Human Rights´, a training which will be held in Moldova 7th to 15th of October 2013.

About the project

This project is dedicated to local volunteers, youth workers, activists and youth leaders involved in the promotion and education of Human Rights in their local societies. During the training course the participants will gain knowledge about Human Rights including Children Rights, Refugees Rights, Responsibility to protect( R2P), international institutions and organizations supporting and promoting Human Rights education such us United Nations and Council of Europe. The aim of the training is to deliver practical tools and working methods to the youth workers, youth leaders and others, in order to facilitate their work as HR Educators.

The objectives of the training are

-to familiarize the participant with speaking and presentations techniques;
-to strengthen their knowledge on Human Rights and to familiarize the participants with ¨Right to Protect¨ (R2P)document which focuses on  Civil Society organizations, regional organizations and international institutions, mass violations of human rights children’s rights and the particular rights of the Refugees
-to give to participants a better understanding of Children Rights and Refugees Rights.
-to introduce the participants to the  European Commission and Council of Europe programs aimed to promote and raise awareness on Human Rights.
-to familiarize the participants with the international institutions and organizations such as U.N. that work with Human Rights.
-to present to participants specific methods on Human Rights Education work
– to offer tools to work as Human Rights Educator.

Criteria for participation. Participants should

– Be fluent in English;
– Be able to attend the full program;
– Be extremely interested in Human Rights field and involved in all the activities;
– Be a resident in one of the participant countries.

Candidates who do not meet the conditions above will NOT be taken into consideration.

In the process of selection, gender-balance is highly important.


In order to apply for the training, participants should fill in the online form available at and an e-mail about the application at .
The deadline for participant’s application is 18th of September.

All participants must send us proof of their purchased ticket along with a copy of the invoice and a copy of the e-ticket by September 23rd.

Cost details

Participation in the program is for free as this training course will be implemented in  the frame of the EU Youth in Action Programme. In addition, the accommodation and  food supply for all participants will be totally covered. As long as the participant is active.
The participants are expected to cover 30/of the travel cost, as 70 % of the travel
expenses will be reimbursed from EU funds in no more than 2 months after the end of the training.
Please take into consideration that only the cheapest ways of transportation are subject to reimbursement.
To ensure reimbursement, participants must retain all original boarding pass and tickets.

For the travel cost to be eligible for reimbursement the travel should be:

– The cheapest means of transportation
– To be able to present documentation for all travel made (boarding passes, etickets etc.);
– The participant must attend the whole program.
The cost for local transport and the entry fees for additional activities are to be covered by the participant.

APEL inchis: Curs formare ‘TYE-Tools for Youth Exchanges’, Islanda [21.09]

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Youth employment apprenticeshipsDaca esti lucrator de tineret si ai experienta in proiecte de schimburi de
tineri, te invitam sa te inscrii la cursul international de formare TYE

Cursul “TYE – Tools for Youth Exchanges 2013” isi propune sa prezinte
lucratorilor si liderilor de tineret diferite instrumente care pot fi
utile in dezvoltarea si imbunatatirea calitatii proiectelor de schimburi
de tineri. In cadrul cursului se va pune un accent special pe
instrumentele folosite in educatia pentru drepturile omului.

Cursul se va derula in perioada 18-24 noiembrie 2013 la Reykjavik, in
Islanda, si va reuni 30 de lucratori si lideri de tineret din tarile

Mai multe informatii despre profilul participantului, criteriile de
selectie si procedura de inscriere se gasesc in apelul national:

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 21 septembrie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este: 23 septembrie 2013 (data postei)

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!.. sau trimite acest mesaj mai departe
persoanelor interesate! 🙂

APEL inchis TiA: TC ‘RLB – Removing the linguistic barriers’ – Spania [15.09]

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Language-lessons-006Esti lucrator de tineret si ai pe agenda un viitor proiect Tineret in
Actiune? Stii engleza, dar simti ca ai avea nevoie de o imbunatatire
rapida a comunicarii in limba engleza?
Avem cursul potrivit, la momentul potrivit!

Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Spania
organizeaza, in perioada 3-9 noiembrie 2013, Cursul de formare intitulat
“RLB – Removing the linguistic barriers”. Scopul acestui curs este de a
oferi participantilor suficienta incredere in folosirea limbii engleze
pentru: derularea unor proiecte europene, imbunatatirea prestantei in
activitatile internationale de tineret, intelegerea situatiilor
interculturale in echipele internationale de lucru si in parteneriate.

Cheltuielile de participare la acest seminar sunt suportate de AN din
Romania (transport) si AN din Spania (cazare, masa, activitati).

Mai multe informatii despre profilul participantului, criteriile de
selectie si procedura de inscriere se gasesc in apelul national:

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 15 septembrie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este: 16 septembrie 2013 (data postei).

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!.. sau trimite acest mesaj mai departe
persoanelor interesate! 🙂

Apel inchis TiA: Curs de formare ‘Coaching Gets You 2’, Slovacia [DL:15.09]

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youth empowerment

Esti lucrator de tineret, coordonator de proiect, mentor SEV sau formator
in reteaua de formatori Tineret in Actiune si vrei sa stii cum sa indrumi
si sa sustii procesul de invatare al tinerilor in viitoare proiecte in
domeniul tineretului (Erasmus+)?

Raspunsul ar putea sa ti-l ofere Cursul de formare “Coaching Gets You 2”.

Cursul este organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in
Actiune din Slovacia, in perioada 17-23 noiembrie 2013, si va reuni 30 de
tineri interesati de coaching din tarile programului.

Mai multe informatii despre profilul participantului, criteriile de
selectie si procedura de inscriere se gasesc in apelul national:

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 15 septembrie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este: 16 septembrie 2013 (data postei)

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!.. sau trimite acest mesaj mai departe
persoanelor interesate! 🙂


Apel inchis: Training ‘Nutrition 4 YOUth’, Lisabona [DL: 20.09 ora 23:59]

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volunteer spain
Consiliul Tineretului din Romania este partener alaturi de Consiile Nationale de Tineret din Portugalia, Italia si Grecia intr-un proiect finantat Prinprogramul Tineret in Actiune al Comisiei Europene intitulat ”Nutrition 4 YUOth” in cadrul caruia se va organiza un training pentru 24 de tineri din cele 4 state partenere, in perioada 31.10-5.11.2013 in Lisabona, Portugalia.
In cadrul trainingului participantii vor invata sa gateasca sanatos, incadrandu-se intr-un buget rezonabil pentru un tanar, retete culinare internationale, vor dezbate modalitati de implicare a tinerilor in activitati care sa contribuie la promovarea unui stil de viata sanatos, vor contribui la elaborarea unui e-book destinat tinerilor si a unei pozitii publice a celor 4 consilii de tineret vizand promovarea sanatatii, ca un drept al tinerilor.
Asadar, lansam apelul, pentru inscrierea a 3 tineri (cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 30 de ani), cunoscatori ai limbii engleze, care sa se fi implicat pana acum in proiecte vizand promovarea unui stil de viata sanatatos in randul tinerilor (prin intermediul promovarii unor principii sanatoase de nutritie si a activitatilor sportive in viata unui tanar). Descarcati apelul la participare si formularul de aplicatie. Doritorii sunt rugati sa completeze formularul de aplicatie si sa il transmita pe adresa pana la data 20.09.2013 ora 23.59.
Selectia participantilor va fi realizata de catre CTR in functie de experienta anterioara a aplicatilor, modul in care acestia raspund cerintelor proiectului si disponibilitatea lor de a contribui la dezvoltarea proiectului “Nutrition4YOUth” dupa participarea la training, iar lista finala a participantilor va fi anuntata pe site-ul CTR in 23 septembrie 2013.
Costurile de cazare, masa pe durata trainingului si a transportului pana in Portugalia vor fi asigurata de catre organizatori – mai multe detalii se gasesc in documentele mentionate.

Apel deschis: Selectie 3 participanti pentru proiectul “The street is my bed”,Turcia

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summer courses
Asociatia UMANIA
 anunta selectia a 3 participanti cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 25 ani care sa participe la activitatile proiectului “The street is my bed” in Turcia, in perioada 11-19 Noiembrie 2013.
Proiectul este finantat de Comisia Europeana prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, 1.1.Schimb de tineri, fiind coordonat de organizatia Sokağın Çocukları din Turcia (, +90 539 315 33 34), in parteneriat cu 4 organizatii din Romania, Lituania, Grecia, Polonia.
Pentru detalii, consulta informatiile de mai jos:
Profile of the participants
Motivated young people, actively involved in youth work in the field of unemployment, inter-ethnic conflict, minorities or volunteering. Volunteers,  youth workers, youth leaders, NGOactivists, educators, social workers.
• Aged between 18 and 25 years old
• Are interested to share experience and learn about the subject of the youth exchange
• Are able to work in English
• Have basic experience related to the topic of the youth exchange
• Can act as multipliers within their own organization or community
• Are able to attend for the full duration of the activity.
About the project
“The street is my bed” will be realized between 11st of November and 19th of November, 2013 in Erzurum, Turkey. Within the framework of the project, the principal activity will last 9 days and will engage 35 young people, in the 18-25 age range, from 5 different countries (Romania, Turcia, Lithuania, Greece, Poland). Activities will be realized on the topics of homeless young people and European citizenship.
During the activities, participants will discover ways of strengthen the work in the field and to provide better facilities to homeless young people. Sharing good practices and experience, identifying shortcomings and methods of work are important points during the meeting.
The aim of the Project is to present the point of view towards the homeless young people in accordance with European Awareness and is aimed to eliminate the prejudice about the homeless young people.
English will be the project language.
We will reimburse 70% of the travel costs for the Youth Exchange on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, APEX-flights etc. by bank transfer after the Youth Exchange. The maximum travel costs reimburse for 1 participant per organization from home town to Erzurum and back is 350 €.
The ticket is around 250/350 euro in this period.
Participants shall send the arrival/ departure forms (attached), indicating SUM and CURRENCY paid for the tickets (as stated in the invoice/ticket) and a copy of the travel ticket until September  29 2013to organizers.
Also they must send the receipt of complete and original tickets, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc.
Arrival day in Turkey is 11th of November 2013 (later arrivals are not possible). Official departure day is 19th of November 2013 (earlier departure times are not possible). An emergency phone contact number will be given in time by email to future participants. Participants must travel from country of sending organization, and back.
Please note!
1. On this event there is no participation fee
2. Any costs for taxi are not eligible (exceptions possible after consultancy)!
3. The Project is not pay for visa if you will need one.
4. In case persons will arrive before 11th of November 2013 or will leave after 19th of November 2013 any related costs (e.g. for booked hotel room) will be reduced from the travel cost reimbursement.
5. Following the guide lines of the Youth in Action program, the travel must be realized by the participants on direct way within maximum 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel etc.) there is no reimbursement of travel costs!
6. The reimbursement of travel costs will happen not before all participants from your country will have sent their complete travel documents as described above.
7. Missing tickets will not be reimbursed. Any faked tickets/documents will not be reimbursed.
Please, fill and send the form attached with your Passport Page (only page with photo) to umania.ffs@gmail.comtill 14th August, 2013. *
* If you do not own a valid passport but you are motivated to participate in this project, you can send the completed application form within the time stipulated above and the passport copy till 1st October.
I am here for your questions with great pleasure.
See you soon J
Ioana-Delia Rusu
Asociatia UMANIA
+40 749 914 856

Apel închis TiA: Curs de formare ‘The melting iceberg’, Austria [DL:13.09]

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melting iceEsti un formator (trainer) activ, lucrator de tineret sau facilitator in
domeniul tineretului, cu experienta in planificarea si derularea
activitatilor internationale in context Tineret in Actiune (cursuri de
formare, schimburi de tineri etc.)?
Atunci esti candidatul potrivit pentru Cursul de formare “The melting
iceberg – Learn to swim in the sea of diversity and ambiguity”, care se va
derula in perioada 20-25 octombrie 2013 la Viena, in Austria.

Cursul isi propune sa inspire participantii sa aprofundeze abordarea si
intelegerea culturii si a invatarii interculturale, sa experimenteze ce
inseamna sa fie constienti de diversitate si sa reflecteze asupra
practicilor educationale folosite in invatarea interculturala.

Mai multe informatii despre profilul participantului, criteriile de
selectie si procedura de inscriere se gasesc in apelul national:

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este: 13
septembrie 2013 (data postei)

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!..