Asociatia UMANIA anunta selectia a 3 participanti cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 25 ani care sa participe la activitatile proiectului
“The street is my bed” in Turcia, in perioada 11-19 Noiembrie 2013.
Proiectul este finantat de Comisia Europeana prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, 1.1.Schimb de tineri, fiind coordonat de organizatia Sokağın Çocukları din Turcia (
sokagincocuklari53@gmail.com, +90 539 315 33 34), in parteneriat cu 4 organizatii din Romania, Lituania, Grecia, Polonia.
Pentru detalii, consulta informatiile de mai jos:
Profile of the participants
Motivated young people, actively involved in youth work in the field of unemployment, inter-ethnic conflict, minorities or volunteering. Volunteers, youth workers, youth leaders, NGOactivists, educators, social workers.
• Aged between 18 and 25 years old
• Are interested to share experience and learn about the subject of the youth exchange
• Are able to work in English
• Have basic experience related to the topic of the youth exchange
• Can act as multipliers within their own organization or community
• Are able to attend for the full duration of the activity.
About the project
“The street is my bed” will be realized between 11st of November and 19th of November, 2013 in Erzurum, Turkey. Within the framework of the project, the principal activity will last 9 days and will engage 35 young people, in the 18-25 age range, from 5 different countries (Romania, Turcia, Lithuania, Greece, Poland). Activities will be realized on the topics of homeless young people and European citizenship.
During the activities, participants will discover ways of strengthen the work in the field and to provide better facilities to homeless young people. Sharing good practices and experience, identifying shortcomings and methods of work are important points during the meeting.
The aim of the Project is to present the point of view towards the homeless young people in accordance with European Awareness and is aimed to eliminate the prejudice about the homeless young people.
English will be the project language.
We will reimburse 70% of the travel costs for the Youth Exchange on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second class railway tickets, APEX-flights etc. by bank transfer after the Youth Exchange. The maximum travel costs reimburse for 1 participant per organization from home town to Erzurum and back is 350 €.
The ticket is around 250/350 euro in this period.
Participants shall send the arrival/ departure forms (attached), indicating SUM and CURRENCY paid for the tickets (as stated in the invoice/ticket) and a copy of the travel ticket until September 29 2013, to organizers.
Also they must send the receipt of complete and original tickets, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc.
Arrival day in Turkey is 11th of November 2013 (later arrivals are not possible). Official departure day is 19th of November 2013 (earlier departure times are not possible). An emergency phone contact number will be given in time by email to future participants. Participants must travel from country of sending organization, and back.
Please note!
1. On this event there is no participation fee
2. Any costs for taxi are not eligible (exceptions possible after consultancy)!
3. The Project is not pay for visa if you will need one.
4. In case persons will arrive before 11th of November 2013 or will leave after 19th of November 2013 any related costs (e.g. for booked hotel room) will be reduced from the travel cost reimbursement.
5. Following the guide lines of the Youth in Action program, the travel must be realized by the participants on direct way within maximum 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel etc.) there is no reimbursement of travel costs!
6. The reimbursement of travel costs will happen not before all participants from your country will have sent their complete travel documents as described above.
7. Missing tickets will not be reimbursed. Any faked tickets/documents will not be reimbursed.
Please, fill and send the form attached with your Passport Page (only page with photo) to umania.ffs@gmail.comtill 14th August, 2013. *
* If you do not own a valid passport but you are motivated to participate in this project, you can send the completed application form within the time stipulated above and the passport copy till 1st October.
I am here for your questions with great pleasure.
See you soon J
Ioana-Delia Rusu
Asociatia UMANIA
+40 749 914 856