Pentru aplicatii trimiteti CV-ul cercetasesc si scrisoarea de motivatie (de ce doriti sa participati la acest eveniment- in engleza) la adresa international@scout.ro pana la data de 1 martie 2013)
The aim of the network meeting is to offer a motivating and informative opportunity for experts in the field of adult resources management, volunteering and training to share experiences and learn from each other.
The focus of this TCNM edition will be Innovation in Training.
The objectives of the meeting are to:
Stimulate participants to reflect on the needs of their organizations in the area of adult resources
Support participants to understand new trends in volunteering, their impact on the management of adult resources in NSOs and explore ways to react to them
Offer an opportunity for effective networking and partnerships in the area of adult resources management in NSOs
Inspire participants for the implementation of innovative methods in training
Participants profile: National Training Commissioners; Adult Resources and Volunteering experts; Able to communicate well in English and/or French
The event is designed to accept up to 50 participants. We shall accept up to three participants from an association. Priority will be given to have the largest number of different countries represented.
Participation fee: The participation fee is €175 (Euros). The fee covers all accommodation, meals, and event materials, from the evening of Friday, 17 May to lunch on Sunday, 19 May. The fee does not cover any travel costs to the venue.
Bank connections and details for paying the participation fee will be reported to all participants by the meeting acceptance letter.
We encourage participants to start planning their travel to gain from getting cheaper tickets for the trip.
Travel arrangements: Once participants have been selected they will receive acceptance letters by 15th April 2013. They should make their own travel arrangements and obtain a visa, if necessary. If you require an official invitation to obtain a visa, please indicate this clearly on your application form. Please be aware, that it may take up to six weeks to obtain a visa, so please send your visa form with the application form in order to allow sufficient time for that process.
Travel forms will be included in the information package to be sent to participants with the acceptance letter.
Preparation: In order to better answer to participants and NSOs’ specific needs an open online consultation will be made during the applications period. Participants will then have the opportunity to propose new topics or sessions to be part of the event programme.
Event web-site: http://tcnm.scouthub.org/