Tag: 2014

Apel închis: Stagiu de Voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat 1 feb – 31 ian 2015

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Asociata Comunităților Interculturale în parteneriat cu Asociația GMS (Gemerský mládežnícky spolok) din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Slovacia, cauta tineri (18-29 de ani) Stagiu de Voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat.  Stagiul incepe: in data de 1 februarie 2014 si se termina in 31 ianuarie 2015. Voluntarii vor fi implicati in urmatoarele activitati:

1. Fotografierea si digitalizarea bisericilor, cimitirelor, muzeelor din regiunea Rožňava, respectiv colectarea de date si actualizarea bazelor de date despre satele din jur, ONG-uri, biserici, si atractii turistice. (www.rozsnyovidek.sk)

2. Activitati in cadrul cursurilor de tras cu arcul.

3. Ajutor in organizarea evenimentului Vara Gomor-Tornai 2013, editia a 3-a

4. Ajutor in implementarea evenimentelor organizate de GMS si asociatiile partnere – excursii, tabere de vara, seminarii, schimburi de tineri, ateliere de lucru etc.

5. Activitati in legatura cu functionarea biroului GMS- intretinere, vopsire, curatare etc.

In perioada Stagiului de Voluntariat, voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea de a invata limba slovaca cu ajutorul unui profesor. Voluntarii vor fi cazati in Pensiunea Jozefína din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka. Vor avea la dispozitie doua camere, o bucatarie complet utilata- aragaz electric cu cuptor, cuptor cu microunde, frigider, congelator, etc; baie, calculator, internet, biciclete pentru excursii in zona. 

Voluntarii vor primi 95 de euro/luna bani de buzunar, si 150 de euro/ luna pentru alimente, deci in total 245 de euro/luna. 

Mai multe informatii despre activitatile voluntarilor:https://www.facebook.com/git.voluntary

Apel închis: Supporters Weekend 2014, Kandersteg, 11-13 Aprilie 2014 [DL: 15 februarie]

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Din 1923 visul lui BP se materializeaza la Kandersteg, Elvetia. La centrul Cercetasesc Mondial are loc o mini-jamboree continua unde vei gasi peste 700 de alti cercetasi din intreaga lume.

Cu ocazia celebrarii jubileului de 90 de ani de la infiintarea centrului,  la Kandersteg se organizeaza Supporters Weekend, intre 11 si 13 aprilie 2014.

Este invitata cate o persoana din fiecare organizatie cercetaseasca din lume si TU poti reprezenta Romania si cunoaste o multime de cercetasi de peste tot in lume!

Costuri de participare:

– 10 euro taxa pentru evenimente internationale

– transport

– un pachet pentru decorarea camerei romanesti din Centrul International Scout Kandersteg.

Ce inseamna pachetul pentru decorarea camerei? Ei bine, Romania este una din putinele tari norocoase care are o camera in centrul scout. E vorba de o camera relativ mica, cu 4 paturi (2 supraetajate), care inca nu arata prea bine. De aceea, dorim ca persoana care aplica pentru acest loc la Supporters Weekend sa ne faca o propunere de amenajare a acestei camere si sa-si asume acest lucru. Te rog fa-ne propunerea de decorare a camerei (Atentie! Tu va trebui sa achizitionezi cele necesare si sa le duci la Kandersteg!) in campul “De ce vrei sa participi la eveniment?”.

Pentru a participa, te rugam sa completezi formularul de AICI si te vom contacta cat mai curand.



Apel închis: Stagiu de voluntariat pe termen scurt, in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Polonia (01-28 Feb 2014)

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FCASEC impreuna cu Europejskie Forum Młodzieży, selecteaza 4 tineri cu varsta intre 18-30 ani, in vederea participarii la un stagiu de voluntariat pe termen scurt, in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Polonia. Stagiul se va desfasura in perioada
Stagiu este finantat prin programul Tinert in Actiune – Actiunea 4.6. Voluntarului i se va deconta 50% din valoarea tansportului si cazarea si masa pe perioada stagiului. Orice tanar cu varsta 18-30 ani poate participa (inclusiv fosti voluntari SEV).
Cei interesati pot cere mai multe informatii la adresa: georgeta.mureanu@yahoo.com .
Pentru a participa, va rugam sa trimiteti CV + scrisoare de intentie + formular de inscriere la adresa:georgeta.mureanu@yahoo.com

Apel închis: Voluntariat Polonia, 6 luni [DL: 15 ian. 2014]

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Team for Youth are un loc disponibil intr-un proiect de voluntariat in Polonia!
Activitatile se desfasoara in orasul Klodzko din regiunea Ziemia Klodzka, Polonia.  Proiectul este finantat prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, actiunea 2, Sericiul European de Voluntariat.
Perioada stagiului: 7 februarie 2014 – 7 august 2014 (6 luni).
Descrierea activitatilor: apasă aici
Criterii de selectie:


  • varsta: 18-30 de ani
  • completarea formularul de aplicatie atasat, in timp util. Formularul trebuie trimis pe adresa.ro, pana la data de 15 ianuarie 2014, ora 20:00, cu subiectul mailului: VOLUNTARIAT KLODZKO – 6 luni.
Rezultatele selectiei se vor anunta in data de 17 ianuarie, catre toti aplicantii. Cei neselectati vor intra automat in baza noastra de date si vor primii informatii legate de viitoare proiecte de voluntariat pentru care pot aplica.
(Mentionam ca ne este imposibil sa raspundem zilnic la zecile de emailuri ai astfel va rugam sa nu solicitati confirmare de primire. Toți cei inscrisi vor fi anuntati in 2-5 zile dupa deadline de rezultatul selectiei.)
Prin acest proiect, voluntarii vor avea oportunitatea sa invete urmatoarele:
  • cum sa administreze si sa coordoneze proiecte de tineret
  • cum sa pregateasca structura unor cursuri de limbi si sa le sustina
  • cum sa lucreze cu tineri si copii
  • cum sa lucreze cu un grup; metode de team building, comunicare si integrare
  • o introducere in a lucra cu oameni din culturi diferite
  • cum sa organizeze initiative locale
In majoritatea timpului, voluntarul va lucra in grup, impartind sarcinile cu voluntari din alte tari.
Fiind un proiect finanțat de Comisia Europeana prin programul Tineret in Actiune, sunt asigurate urmatoarele:
  • 90% din transport
  • asigurare medicala completa
  • bani de buzunar 85 euro/lună
  • bani de mancare
  • cazare
  • servicii de mentorat
  • cursuri de limba poloneza.

EVS: Stagiu de voluntariat in proiectul ‘LET’S DO IT!’ – Polonia

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Departament International Scout








O noua oferta de voluntariat pe termen lung in proiectul SEV “”LET’S DO
IT!” din Polonia.
Mai multe informatii in mesajul de mai jos.


Dear friends,
We are pleased to announce that it has been approved another EVS project –
“LET’S DO IT!” to host foreign volunteers in the placements of Caritas
Archidiecezji Gdańskiej. Therefore, at the beginning of May 2014 we can
expect a new team of 9 young people from different countries.

This time they will come to us for a whole year , full 12 months! from
countries such as: Germany, Spain, Turkey, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria,
Romania, Georgia, Macedonia.

more info about available projects:


Apel închis: WURZL’14, Jamboreea Regionala a Cercetasilor din Salzburg (3-13 august 2014) [DL: ian 2014]

Publicat pe de scout.ro



WURZL’14, Jamboreea Regionala a Cercetasilor din Salzburg va alea loc intr 3 si 13 august 2014, in Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

Aplicatiile vor avea loc intre noiembrie 2013 si ianuarie 2014. Pana atunci puteti sa va pre-inregistrati.

From now on you can already pre-register.

The application will be possible from November 2013 to January 2014 . Until then, we need the exact dates of each participant!

Till the end of October 2013, we offer the opportunity to pre-regististration for the Wurzl’14on the website.

An accurate pre-registration is very important to us as it allows us to plan and prepare better. Pre-registration is easy: Just follow the link below and register your group. You’ll get an email instantly to activate your account. From there on you can enter your group data and the estimated members.

A small incentive to offer you to help us, we will be giving away under all pre-registered groups of 5 free-bearing participations – totaling € 1.650, –

Mai multe informatii puteti gasi aici: www.wurtz14.at

Apel închis: Mission Adventure Jamboree, Schumen, Bulgaria [DL: 15 ianuarie 2014]

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mission adventure


Cercetașii bulgari ne invita la o noua jamboree!

Misiunea ta : Trăiește Aventura!

Detalii si provocari :

– Iti vei descoperi talentele necunoscute

– Vei invata si experimenta totul incpnjurat de 599 de prieteni

Sunt 550 de locuri disponibile pentru inscriere:

Taxele de inscriere sunt urmatoarele:

110 EUR – pentru participanti

100 EUR – pentru IST (International Staff Team)

*la taxele de mai sus se adauga 10EUR pentru Departamentul International pentru fiecare participant

Daca achitati taxa de inscriere pana la data de 28 februarie 2014 aveti 15% discount.

Pentru inscrierea in IST completati urmatorul formular:


Pentru a inscrie o patrula sau pentru informatii suplimentare te rugam sa ne contactezi la international@scout.ro printr-un mail cu subiectul: Mission Adventure 2014.



Apel închis: Central European Jamboree 2014, Cehia [DL: 25 decembrie]

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In 2014 cercetasii din Republica Ceha ne invita la Jamboreea Europei Centrale!

Ei ne-au transmis invitatia la eveniment si ne-au spus:

Adventure, rainbow after the rain, international friendships, bumblebee in the shoe,exploring the unknown, tingling fingers after playing the guitar, unforgettable experience.

Such can be your Jamboree!”

[Aventura, curcubeu dupa ploaie, prietenii internationale,  bondari in pantofi, explorarea necunoscutului, degete obosite de la cantatul la chitara, o experienta de neuitat. Asa poate fi Jamboreea ta!]

Evenimentul va avea loc intre 3-8 August 2014, in Doksy, Republica Ceha.

Conforma datelor de pe site-ul evenimentelor taxa de participare va fi MAXIM 120EUR pentru participanti si pentru Staff va fi in jur de 75EUR.

Asteptam aplicatia ta pana la 25 decembrie 2013. Aplicatia nu presupune plata taxei de participare ci reprezinta faptul ca doresti sa participi. Inscrierile oficiale vor avea loc de pe 1 februarie 2014, dar e necesar sa transmitem un numar estimativ de participanti sau membrii in IST (International Staff Team).

Pentru aplicarea ca sef de contingent sau membru in IST te rugam sa accesezi urmatorul link:


Pentru a inscrie o patrula te rugam sa ne contactezi la international@scout.ro printr-un mail cu subiectul: CEJ 2014.

Mai multe informatii gasesti aici:




Apel Deschis InterNational Jamboree Iceland 20-27 Iul [DL:nespecificat inca]

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interNational Jamboree in Iceland 2014


In the summer of 2014, on July 20th through the 27th, Icelandic Scouts and Guides will host a interNational Jamboree at Hamrar Akureyri.  Hamrar is a Scout centre own by the city of Akureyri but operated by Icelandic scouts.

The centre is located just outside of Akureyri which is the major town of the northern part of Iceland.  Scouts and Guides aged 10 and older from all over the world are welcome to join the Jamboree and take part on In Tune With Time of our international atmosphere.  The camp fee is  €350. 

There are around 700 – 800 scouts / guides from abroad attending our interNational Jamboree in Iceland which is held regularly – and they have all had a time of their life!  So now it is your opportunity this time.  How many of your friends or family have been to Iceland?  You might be the first one!

Where: Hamrar Scout Centre Akureyri
Theme: In Tune with Time
Who for: 3,000, 10-22 years old
Cost: Euros 350, incl. food
Host: Bandalag íslenskra Skáta (The Icelandic
Boy and Girl Scout Association)

When: 2014 July 20-27

Details here



Wanna come as IST? Here is your place! 

International Service Team

Are you looking for an adventure of a lifetime ?  We are looking for positive and hard working staff that is willing to take a trip to Iceland and experience adventure of a lifetime !  If you are willing to assist us in preparing and run this interNational event, aimed to give the participating children a great camp, then please contact us!


Jamboree staff will sleep in tents and is requested to bring complete camping equipment, including tents, sleeping bags, etc. The Jamboree Staff Camps are situated at the main Camp area border. You are required to camp in the Staff Camp, even though you’re Group. Troops and Units camp at the participant sites. We expect you to be at the camp site no later than lunch time 18th of July, and until lunch time on the 29th of July.

The Staff fee is €275 pr. person. It includes: All meals during the Jamboree week and the working days before and after. (breakfast, lunch, dinner and hot soup before silence each night) Staff neckerchief and identification. We can not guarantee acceptance of staff applications after 1st of March 2014.


Staff fee of €275 is to be paid before 15th April 2014.




Apel închis: Scoutingtrain 2014 – 1st international conference of Wagon-Conductors

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scoutingtrain 2014

Cercetasii germani ne invita la un nou camp mai… deosebit! Intr-un tren! Mai jos aveti invitatia trimisa de acestia. Va rugam sa ne trimiteti un mail sau sa lasati un comentariu cu toate intrebarile :).
Academy of ScoutingTrain 1st international conference of Wagon-Conductors
ScoutingTrain 2014’s Directorate kindly invites you to our conference of wagon conductors on the occasion of the International Conductors Academy.
The first international Meeting is scheduled from November 6 through 11, 2013 in Kronberg, close to Frankfurt/Main Germany
Wednesday (Nov. 6) and Monday (Nov.11) are considered travel days for those traveling from afar and possibly intent spending some extra time in Germany.
The core program commences on Thursday, (Nov. 7) at 8:00 pm until Sunday (Nov. 10) at 2:00 pm.
During that time, your uninterrupted presence is requested

Our conference venue will be BdP‘s Fritz Emmel Hostel http://www.fritz-emmelhaus.de (you will find travel directions on the website in German – English Translations on request)
This invitation extends to all ScoutingTrain Conductors, the Train Directorate as well as representatives of Switch women and Switch men (Project Mentors).Representatives of participation scouting organizations in support of this project will also be present.
Those wagons that have not yet been connected to the train but have received concept approval by the Directorate until November 1st are also invited.
Please contact the ScoutingTrain Directorate as soon as possible (scoutingtrain@pfadfinden.de)
Besides getting to know each other, this meeting is geared towards detailed presentations of the current planning status of „ScoutingTrain 2014“ as well as program-details that will enable this international project.
It is essential that a minimum of two conductors from Germany and conductors from our international partners of each wagon will participate. The Directorate further invited potential foreign conductors to allow them to “hook-up” to German wagon
teams. Under http://geschichten.scoutingtrain.org/pool/ we have provided the opportunity for introductions to each other. Make use of this great opportunity!
A Project of BdP and its Partners

Cost – Travel – Visa
Meeting costs are covered by sponsorship. Accommodation, food and transportation expenses will be covered by the ScoutingTrain project.
Co-payment will be at 20 % of individual travel expenses at a minimum of € 6 per day.
For late cancellations (after Nov. 1st) no travel expenses will be reimbursed and cancelation fees might have to be borne by the individual.
German conductors will only receive reimbursement of travel expenses after payment of the first installment (€ 150) of their total ScoutingTrain travel cost.
Approval for air-travel or other travel expenses in excess of € 100 will be granted by the directorate member Enno (strudthoff@scoutingtrain.de)
We request to make use of car-pooling http://mitfahren.pfadfinden.de/ or the use of ticket specials for trains.
Visa support should immediately being requested from directorate member Jan Schütte (schuette@scoutingtrain.de)!
Conference language will be English. Worries of insufficient language skills are unfounded. You can always ask a colleague for support. We do not require formal Oxford English! During breaks, networking and communication in your mother tongue are permissible. We further will provide translation support in case of difficulties during planning discussions.

Accommodation and Food
The hostel will provide shared rooms for all participants. Alternatively, tents can be pitched on the lawn. Linen has to be brought along or can be rented at € 5 (not reimbursable) locally. No sleeping bags are allowed on the beds.
We will have full board to allow us maximum time focusing on our project. Please let us know with your invitation if you have food allergies or are vegetarian
Program and List of Participants:
Prior to the conference, all participants will be provided with a program as well as a
listing of all participants (name, country, organization, e-mail contact) for better

Since space is limited, your registration requires confirmation. This will happen shortly
after receipt.