Tag: brratislava

Apel închis: Training in Diversity, 5-10 iunie, Bratislava [DL: 11 mai]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

beyond clashesEsti interesat de activitati cercetasesti cu teme care privesc includerea minoritatilor?

Ai intre 18 si 25 de ani si esti deja implicat inorganizarea de diferite activitati cercetasesti in cadrul centrului tau local sau la nivel national?

Stii sa vorbesti fluent limba engleza?

Atunci citeste cu atentie anuntul de mai jos!

Cum aplic?

Trimite CV-ul tau cercetasesc si o scrisoare de intentie scrisa in limba engleza in care sa spui in maxim 250 de cuvinte de ce ai vrea sa mergi la acest eveniment si sa prezinti o scurta idee de proiect care sa includa minoritati din Romania pe care ai vrea sa il faci in viitor,  la adresa international@scout.ro pana la data de 11 mai,ora 20:00 pentru a intra in procesul de selectie pentru acest eveniment. Rezultatele vor fi facute publice pe blog cel mai tarziu pe data de 3 mai.

Training in Diversity “Minorities + Youth Organisations = Inclusion?” este un eveniment organizat de Regiunea Europeana Scout (WOSM), care va avea loc la Bratislava intre 5 si 10 iunie 2013.

Costuri de participare

10 euro, taxa de participare

Many National Scout Organisations across Europe are reaching out to young people from socially
excluded and culturally diverse backgrounds. However, these organisations recognise that reaching out
can be very challenging and also means the need to adapt their non-formal educational programmes to
be able to provide all young people with meaningful opportunities. The Training in Diversity “Minorities +
Youth Organisations = Inclusion?” is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of

The aim of this Training in Diversity “Minorities + Youth Organisations = Inclusion?” is to tackle the challenge of reaching out to young people from minority communities. Building on the positive experiences, practices and resources already known and available across
Europe, the training aims to improve the capacity of the NSOs to better reach out to young people from minorities by better tailoring the non-formal educational proposal to be more open and relevant to them.
The objectives of the Training in Diversity are to:
1) Explore the concept of minority and its possible differentiations and specificities.
2) Exchange examples of existing grassroots projects that are effectively involving young people from minorities.
3) Identify practices and methods that could help to review and improve the non-formal educational programmes of NSO.

The Training on Diversity will take place in the HOTEL CHOPIN in BRATISLAVA, Slovak Republic (see www.chopinhotel.sk)

Participants profile
• Young people aged 18 – 25 years active as volunteers at national and local level
• Interested in working in this field in the future
• Able to communicate well in English

Number of participants
The event is designed to accept up to 25 participants (24 from Members States of the Council of Europe or Signatories of the European
Cultural Convention and 1 non European country). Applications will be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated. Priority will be given to NSOs and young people having experience in the relevant fields and willing to review and open the nonformal educational programmes to young people from minorities. Particular attention will be given to the diversity of the group of participants.