Tag: Bulgaria

Apel închis: Mission Adventure Jamboree, Schumen, Bulgaria [DL: 15 ianuarie 2014]

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mission adventure


Cercetașii bulgari ne invita la o noua jamboree!

Misiunea ta : Trăiește Aventura!

Detalii si provocari :

– Iti vei descoperi talentele necunoscute

– Vei invata si experimenta totul incpnjurat de 599 de prieteni

Sunt 550 de locuri disponibile pentru inscriere:

Taxele de inscriere sunt urmatoarele:

110 EUR – pentru participanti

100 EUR – pentru IST (International Staff Team)

*la taxele de mai sus se adauga 10EUR pentru Departamentul International pentru fiecare participant

Daca achitati taxa de inscriere pana la data de 28 februarie 2014 aveti 15% discount.

Pentru inscrierea in IST completati urmatorul formular:


Pentru a inscrie o patrula sau pentru informatii suplimentare te rugam sa ne contactezi la international@scout.ro printr-un mail cu subiectul: Mission Adventure 2014.



Apel închis TiA: Curs de formare pe tema ‘Cetateniei Europene’-ECTC, Bulgaria [DL:8.09]

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evs bulgariaEsti o persoana activa in domeniul tineretului si iti doresti sa intelegi
mai bine şi sa integrezi concepte legate de “cetaţenia europeana” in
activitatile practice din proiectele Tineret in Actiune? Atunci, hai la

ANPCDEFP a lansat Apelul pentru participare la Cursul de formare “European
Citizenship in Youth Work”, ce va avea loc in perioada 9-15 decembrie 2013
in Bulgaria.

Cursul de formare isi propune sa sprijine dezvoltarea profesionala a
persoanelor active in domeniul tineretului (lucratori/lideri de tineret,
manageri de proiect), prin intelegerea si integrarea conceptelor legate de
“cetatenia europeana” in activitatile practice din proiectele “Tineret in
Actiune” si in lucrul cu tinerii.

Data limita pentru inscriere:
– 8 septembrie 2013 – inscrierea online
– 9 septembrie 2013 (data postei) – pentru trimiterea dosarului de
candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire

Mai multe informatii despre curs, profilul candidatului, criterii de
selectie si procedura de inscriere se gasesc pe link-ul de mai jos:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel inchis: International Seminar on Democratic European Citizenship, Sofia [DL: 28 aprilie]

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evs bulgariaDeadline: 28 April 2013
Open to: Young people between 18-30 from EU member states
Venue: Sofia, 7 – 14 May 2013


The National Student Confederation along with JEF and UEF-Bulgaria have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the international seminar “Democratic European Citizenship: Turning the Concept into Reality”. 2013 has been designated as the European Year of Citizens to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the European Union Citizenship under the Maastricht Treaty. Today, European citizenship is more than a concept. It is a practical reality that brings tangible benefits to citizens. The better Europeans understand their rights as EU citizens, the more informed decisions they can take in their personal lives. This will lead to a more vibrant democratic life in Europe at all levels.


The international seminar “Democratic European Citizenship: Turning the Concept into Reality” to be held in Sofia from 7 to 14 May, 2013 will meet the need to inform the young people how the EU works and the rights and obligations the EU citizenship brings in order to provide young people with knowledge and skills for active participation in the democratic life of the union. The political, social, economic and cultural aspects that the seminar addresses will contribute to shape a vision how to strengthen European democracy and reaffirm the concept of active European citizenship.

The participants will acquire competence about how to develop activities fostering active European citizenship and build capacity for preparation and conduct of campaigns aiming to boost the turnout in the European Elections. The ideas and knowledge generated during the course can be used by every participant and be implemented at local level.


Panel discussions, working groups, lectures, plenary sessions, simulation games and information market will be some of the methods used to debate these issues. The rich social program will enable the participants to explore the night life in Sofia , enjoy a horse ride in Vitosha mountain (optional) and see the Rila Monastery, one of the most significant and picturesque monuments on the Balkans, part of the UNESCO book of world heritage.


  • Age 18-30
  • Countries EU Member states


  • 70% of Travel Costs will be reimbursed (up to 230 Euro)
  • Fee/person 75 Euro participation fee/person
  • Board & lodging covered by the organisers

How to apply

More details and application form can be obtained by contacting the organizers at nsc@scas.acad.bg; ehsofia@hotmail.com. 


URGENT: Call for EVS for approved project,Lovech,Bulgaria- 1 martie – 1 decembrie

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evs bulgariawe need one volunteer for approved project “Volunteer Initiatives in Lovech – 2”. The main objective of the project is related to enhancement local community’s capacity for implementation of youth volunteer initiatives at local and international level. The project will be implemented in the town of Lovech, Bulgaria. EVS volunteers will help Ecomission team in daily administrative activities, organizing events, developing new projects and initiatives with their fresh ideas. We expect from them to present native traditions and culture through organizing national eves and developing local youth interests in introducing new cultures. We expect their own creative, artistic, sport ideas for activities directed to local youth and etc. THE PROJECT WILL LAST 9 MONTHS 1ST MARCH-1ST DECEMBER, 2013

Please send CV and Motivation letter in English as soon as possible. Please in your motivation letter  describe your motivation to participate and to answer the following questions: Why are you applying to participate exactly in this project; How your qualification and previous experience are related to the tasks that you will have within the project.

PLEASE CONTACT US AT:  ilrai78@abv.bg


Balkan Summer School on Religion & Public Life, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (DL: 11 martie 2013)

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summer_schoolDeadline: 11 March 2013
Open to: agents of change from universities, clergy, media, NGO sector leaders and activists.
Venue: Paissiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria; 10-24 August 2013


From 10 to 24 August 2013, the Paissiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, is hosting the Balkan Summer School on Religion and Public Life (BSSRPL) on the theme “Syncretic Societies – Bridging Traditions and Modernity?” The organizers proceed from the idea that religion and  religious identities are central for the life of both individuals and society, and that our religious communities are often those to which we devote our greatest loyalties. In our diverse but increasingly interconnected world, we need to find ways to live together in a world populated by people with very different political ideas, moral beliefs and communal loyalties.


The Balkan Summer School in Religion and Public Life 2013 is paying all the travel and accommodation costs for its participants as long as they are from EU. If you are not an EU resident and there is no way you can get an institution or other party to pay for your travel and stay in Bulgaria, they will cover all your expenses once you contact the organizers at  fif@uni-plovdiv.bg.


The goal of the Summer School is to provide a laboratory for the practical pedagogy of tolerance and living with difference in a global society.  Its focus is on religion as a basic identification marker of the individual and society, and its aim is to produce new practices and understandings for living together in a world populated by “differences”.

The Balkan Summer School takes up this very real challenge and tries to critically define differences, especially communal and religious differences between people as the starting point of a publicly shared life. Its basic aim is to help participants realize their prejudices and question their taken-for-granted assumptions of the other through the construction of a safe social space of exploration and interaction that includes an innovative mixture of academic teaching, experiential field experience (practicums) and affective engagement with the challenges of “living together differently”.

For centuries, if not millennia, the Balkans have been characterized by a diverse and complex mixture of religions, nations and ethnicities; of orthodoxies and heterodoxies, normative and subaltern beliefs, practices and ways of life. Not surprisingly, it has also been a cauldron of different forms of religious syncretism, with fractal boundaries between communities and a strong “lived” or practical tolerance of shared practices (rather than of homogenous beliefs). As in many other global spaces, this culture came under the assault of modern ideological agendas (nationalism, communism, fascism, liberal-secularism, etc.) with serious consequences for the practices of shared life that had characterized more traditional communal life-worlds.

The 2013 summer school will explore the issue of religious syncretism (in the Balkans and elsewhere), as a unique form of accommodating difference (in law, community organization, religious practice, family obligations, definitions of gender, etc.). Inquiry into religious syncretism as lived practice in the area of the Rhodope Mountains and the Thracian plain around the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv will thus serve as the sharp lens of our inquiry. Ultimately, however the conference shall be  focusing on the experience of our own boundaries, preconceptions, lived practices, prejudices and preconceptions – to better appreciate how to live with difference rather than deny, trivialize or abrogate it.


The target groups of the Balkan Summer School are the so called “secondary elites” and “agents of change” – from universities, clergy, media, NGO sector leaders and activists.

Drawing on over 10 years experience of the International Summer School on Religion and Public Life the BSSRPL seeks to bring together some 30 fellows from different walks of life and different religious and confessional communities, (as well as those who define themselves as members of no such communities and have no religious identities) to explore these themes together, in conditions of mutual respect and recognition. They look forward to an enriching mix of post-graduate students, professors, NGO leaders, journalists, religious leaders, policy analysts, and teachers from the area of the Balkans, Europe and beyond to join them.


The application for the first Balkan Summer School on Religion and Public Life is due by 11 March 2013. All applications should be sent electronically as a Word document to  fif@uni-plovdiv.bg. All queries and questions can be sent to the same address. You should include:

I. Applicant Details

  • Surname (family name)
  • Forename (personal name)
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Home Address
  • Current Address
  • Electronic Mail Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Educational Background
  • Areas of Specialization
  • Language Skills
  • Institutional Affiliation and Address
  • Names and Email Addresses of Two References

II. Short Essay

The essay should not exceed five pages, double-spaced type, and should address the following question: Explain the role and importance of difference within your community and how you think participation in the Balkan Summer School on Religion and Public Life will help you in engaging with these issues.

III. Curriculum Vitae

Note on Telephone Interview: Applicants may be contacted by telephone as a means to test their fluency in the English language. Fellows who fail to provide a telephone number will not be taken into consideration.

For more information, consult the BSSRPL blog HERE and the official call for applications HERE.

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/2013/02/18/balkan-summer-school-on-religion-public-life/#ixzz2LOQ8KxbE

(Apel inchis) URGENT Call for EVS for approved project, Bulgaria, DL 20 februarie 2013

Publicat pe de scout.ro

evs bulgariaNota: ONCR este organizatie acreditata pentru trimitere si gazduire de voluntari EVS.

we need one volunteer for approved project “Volunteer Initiatives in Lovech – 2”. The main objective of the project is related to enhancement local community’s capacity for implementation of youth volunteer initiatives at local and international level. The project will be implemented in the town of Lovech, Bulgaria. EVS volunteers will help Ecomission team in daily administrative activities, organizing events, developing new projects and initiatives with their fresh ideas. We expect from them to present native traditions and culture through organizing national eves and developing local youth interests in introducing new cultures. We expect their own creative, artistic, sport ideas for activities directed to local youth and etc. THE PROJECT WILL LAST 9 MONTHS 1ST MARCH-1ST DECEMBER, 2013

Please send CV and Motivation letter in English before 20 February, 2013. Please in your motivation letter to describe your motivation to participate and to answer the following questions:Why are you applying to participate exactly in this project; How your qualification and previous experience are related to the tasks that you will have within the project.

PLEASE CONTACT US AT:  ilrai78@abv.bg