Echipa Tineret in Actiune
Apel inchis: Cursuri TiA pentru lideri, indrumatori si mentori EVS, Romania [DL 18.09]
Apel inchis: EVS Project in Kukes, Albania [DL: 10 mai]
Nota: Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei este organizatie acreditata pentru trimitere si gazduire de voluntari EVS.
Deadline: 10 May, 2013
Open to: young people 18 – 30 years old, motivated enthusiasts ready for new experiences in life, interested in various topics related to youth participation, youth activism and social inclusion
Conditions: accommodation, food, pocket money, insurance and 90% of the travel costs are provided
Youth in Free Initiative (YFI) association is looking for four volunteer from EU and SEE countries available for the period January 2014 – September 2014. Volunteers will take part in the long term EVS project: “Promoting voluntarism through youth participation” hosted and coordinated by YFI association in Kukes, Albania.
YFI is a local NGO that seeks to inspire individual and collective transformation to create positive social change. YFI foster and protects human rights with young people, promotes youth participation, voluntarism, gender issues, and youth activism fostering a culture that is rooted in self reflection, sensitivity and participation.
Volunteers will work in a combination of three different environments which consists of:
- high schools;
- Social Service Center of Kukes Municipality;
- the host organization, YFI.
The biggest proportion of the volunteer’s time will be shared between Social service center and Hosting organization. The volunteers will be very welcomed to develop their own initiatives connected with youth people and children as well. Other activities will be proposed to the volunteers, in order to get them involved, such as; organizing intercultural evenings, presentations of their cultures and education system of their countries they come from.
The main activities that EVS volunteers will carry out during the project are:
- Helping in the elaboration and organization of public events and workshops of the hosting organization, especially regarding the communication, logistic and operational levels;
- Informing youngsters about existing opportunities of Youth in Action programme and other international exchanges;
- Assisting social service center staff in organizing animations for children with disabilities;
- Promoting volunteering among young people in the region, through EVS experience and YiA programme.
- Assisting and facilitating outdoor activities of young people from high schools of Kukes region.
- Updating the website and social network of YFI association with new activity information and announcements.
- Keeping contacts with international partner associations of YFI
- Learning Albanian language and culture
- The ideal candidate should be a young and motivated enthusiast, open for new experiences in life interested in various topics related to youth participation, youth activism and social inclusion.
- Volunteers should be cheerful, serious, open-minded, patient, eager to learn a lot, but also ready for new friendships. They also should be responsible for their tasks, enjoy working as part of a team, taking initiatives, are excited about living in Albania and have good communication skills.
- Interested and willing to learn Albanian language
- He/she has to be capable to deal with situations where unconventional methods concerning integration and activation practices of the people who are suffering from social exclusion.
- The call is open to the candidates from EU and SEE countries
- Candidates should be between 18 and 30 years old in the moment of application.
The EVS project will cover the following costs:
- Accommodation
- Food and pocket money
- Travel costs – 90%
- Health insurance – AXA
- Visa costs
All the candidates interested in the project should find sending organization ind their countries and send their CV and Motivation Letter to the email address or before Friday 10th May 2013.
Apel inchis: Short term EVS in Iordania! [DL: 24 aprilie] (doar pentru tineri din Romania)
Youth Achievement Forum – YAF din Iordania, impreuna cu FCASEC, cauta voluntari (romani) cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 30 ani, pentru un stagiu de 2 luni, in Iordania, pentru termenul 1 Mai.
Apel inchis: 1 year EVS Project at Messzelátó Association, Budapest, Hungary [DL: 31 martie]
We would prefer to hire volunteers who speak proficient English and/or Hungarian.
Messzelátó Association, Hungary
- Fill in our form. We don’t want you to write a motivation letter – please put down all your motivation to this form!
- Instead of a regular CV we prefer you make a video or a Prezi about yourself. We ask you to send their links in the above mentioned application form. (For another project we created some guides for our favorite online tools: Prezi and PicMonkey. You find them attached to this page.)
- Please try and send us a references as well. You can send us their links in our application form. The best is if your introuduction will contain this! 😉
Selection will be hopefully be made by 15.04.2013.
- He/she can be responsible for the content of the organisation’s webpage/Facebook page/green newsletter and blog writing, helps in office administrational work and offers support to our coordinators in planning and realising green communication campaigns.
- He/she can be responsible for assisting the organisation in on-going workshops and the educational projects of the association, and helps in making new workshops related to sustainable urban living. She/he can participate in our educational program that includes giving lectures and imparting training in environmental fields.
- The volunteer can be also included in the Association’s day to day work and has also the possibility to join the other projects of Messzelátó about which further details can be found on the above mentioned webpages.

- In the EVS database,
- on our webpage: or
- In the blog of our current volunteers:
Apel inchis: Stagiu de voluntariat EVS (2 luni) in Iordania, [DL: 8 aprilie]

URGENT! Se cauta voluntari pentru un proiect EVS in Spania, octombrie 2013-iulie 2014 [DL: 19 martie]
We are looking nowadays for our next volunteers; we intend to host 6 volunteers who will start in October 2013 until July 2014 (10 months). Please, be aware that due to the characteristics of the project we are not flexible with the dates, so make sure the proposed dates and duration suits you.
Daca sunteti interesati sa fiti voluntari EVS pentru 10 luni in Spania, intr-un proiect in care veti lucra cu tineri pentru gasirea unor activatati interesante de ocupare a timpului liber, va rugam sa contactati asociatia de mai jos. Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei poate fi organizatie de trimitere pentru voi, fiind acrediatata EVS.
Mai multe detalii in fisierul de mai jos:
We will apply on May 1st, but the last day we will be accepting complete applications will be 19th of march. We will select our volunteer the first week of April.
Please, read carefully all the information about our project, the activities, the dates, etc. If you are interested, please send us the following documentation in one email ( all together and in a pdf (file below).
ü Application form we are attaching,
ü your CV
ü and a specific motivation letter.
ü And do not forget to send us a photo.
Please, notice that we also need information about your sending organisation, a part of your application form should be filled by them. Without this, we won’t consider your application.
URGENT: Call for EVS for approved project,Lovech,Bulgaria- 1 martie – 1 decembrie
we need one volunteer for approved project “Volunteer Initiatives in Lovech – 2”. The main objective of the project is related to enhancement local community’s capacity for implementation of youth volunteer initiatives at local and international level. The project will be implemented in the town of Lovech, Bulgaria. EVS volunteers will help Ecomission team in daily administrative activities, organizing events, developing new projects and initiatives with their fresh ideas. We expect from them to present native traditions and culture through organizing national eves and developing local youth interests in introducing new cultures. We expect their own creative, artistic, sport ideas for activities directed to local youth and etc. THE PROJECT WILL LAST 9 MONTHS 1ST MARCH-1ST DECEMBER, 2013
Please send CV and Motivation letter in English as soon as possible. Please in your motivation letter describe your motivation to participate and to answer the following questions: Why are you applying to participate exactly in this project; How your qualification and previous experience are related to the tasks that you will have within the project.
Open Call Voluntari-3 locuri vacante Argentina si Brazilia. Aplica acum! (DL: 4 martie)
Iata o noua oportunitate EVS pe care v-o oferim cu mare placere.
Asociatia Regionala pentru Dezvoltare Rurala are un numar de 3 locuri disponibile pentru un stagiu de voluntariat cu o durata de 7 luni incepand cu data de 1 mai 2013. Este vorba despre un proiect EVS care se va desfasura in cadrul a doua organizatii, una din Brazilia si cea de-a doua din Argentina, pentru Brazilia fiind disponibil un loc iar pentru Argentina 2 locuri.
Tema proiectului “WAVE 2” este tineretul si interactiunea cu tinerii localnici, pentru dezvoltarea acestora. Activitatile sunt diverse si se vor decide impreuna cu coordonatorii proiectului din cele 2 tari, putand varia de la promovarea oportunitatilor europene, la informare, lectii de limba
engleza/spaniola/romana, crearea de filmulete, organizarea unui schimb de tineret, implicarea in workshop-uri , pana la organizarea de evenimente pentru comunitatea locala in cadrul celor doua organizatii sau a institutiilor unde se vor desfasura activitatile.
Detalii puteti afla citind documentul atasat sau accesand urmatorul link si va incurajam sa ne contactati pentru intrebari suplimentare la adresa
Inscrierile se pot face pana in data de 4 martie, trimitand un CV european (in limba engleza) si o scrisoare de motivatie aplicata pe proiect, la adresa mai sus mentionata.
Ii asteptam pe toti cei care sunt in cautarea unei oportunitati de dezvoltare personala si profesionala, a unei aventuri a autocunoasterii si depasirii propriilor limite, pentru a aduce valorile promovate prin intermediul Serviciului European de Voluntariat mai aproape de tinerii din Brazilia si Argentina, punandu-si in aplicare talentele, ideile si intreaga energie.
(Apel inchis) URGENT Call for EVS for approved project, Bulgaria, DL 20 februarie 2013
Nota: ONCR este organizatie acreditata pentru trimitere si gazduire de voluntari EVS.
we need one volunteer for approved project “Volunteer Initiatives in Lovech – 2”. The main objective of the project is related to enhancement local community’s capacity for implementation of youth volunteer initiatives at local and international level. The project will be implemented in the town of Lovech, Bulgaria. EVS volunteers will help Ecomission team in daily administrative activities, organizing events, developing new projects and initiatives with their fresh ideas. We expect from them to present native traditions and culture through organizing national eves and developing local youth interests in introducing new cultures. We expect their own creative, artistic, sport ideas for activities directed to local youth and etc. THE PROJECT WILL LAST 9 MONTHS 1ST MARCH-1ST DECEMBER, 2013
Please send CV and Motivation letter in English before 20 February, 2013. Please in your motivation letter to describe your motivation to participate and to answer the following questions:Why are you applying to participate exactly in this project; How your qualification and previous experience are related to the tasks that you will have within the project.
SEVine la tine! Formeaza-te pe Serviciul European de Voluntariat, la cele 10 cursuri din toata tara! (DDL 17, 24 februarie, 03 martie)

Se cauta, pentru asta:
• coordonatori de proiecte
• persoane din organizatii nonguvernamentale implicate in lucrul cu tinerii
• membrii din cadrul echipelor de proiecte ale Actiunii 2 – Serviciul European de Voluntariat
• fosti voluntari SEV care doresc sa deruleze proiecte SEV
• reprezentanti ai institutiilor publice implicate nemijlocit in lucrul cu tinerii,
• reprezentanti ai scolilor speciale pentru tineri cu dizabilitiati… pentru a se inscrie la cele 10 cursuri SEV din toata tara, in urma carora participantii vor cunoaste elementele esentiale ale acreditarii SEV si vor putea scrie proiecte eligibile si de calitate pe Serviciul European de Voluntariat – Actiunea 2 din cadrul programului Tineret in Actiune!