Tag: fun

Apel inchis: AGORA in Strasbourg [DL:10.03.2014]

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AGORA 2014 !!! :>

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Participant’s profile
•    Participant profile: willing to talk about personal experiences and have a knowledge of how Rovers operate in their own countries
•    Participants should be members of the last age section (aged 16-24) and be enthusiastic, motivated, open to new ideas and willing to share their own experiences.
•    Agora being held in English, the participants will be expected to understand and communicate well in English.
•    NSAs are encouraged to ensure that their delegations are as diverse as possible (gender, geographical or economic background)
•    The main goal of an agora is to empower its participants. In order to appreciate the full potential of Agora, the representatives should not have too much prior experience in adult roles within their NSO/NSAs or in international work.
•    Once accepted, the NSA should provide them with sufficient knowledge of the Rover Programme in their own country.
•    Each NSA should consider the best ways in which the experience accumulated during the event could be used for the benefit of the programme for the Rover section in the country


Aware that each National Scout Association has different names for the different age sections; for the purpose of this event we will define Rovers as being members of the last age section (aged 16-24). Be convinced that if your NSA is in the process of creating a Rover Programme, the Agora remains an interesting opportunity for these Scouts who will soon be called Rovers!

Number of participants

This event is designed to accept up to 60 participants. The acceptance letters will be sent to the participants after the 15th of March 2014. By then, more information will be sent.

By the end of the Agora, the participants will:
•    Benefit from Agora, learning something new and gaining positive experiences from each other and the event.
•    Work constructively and productively in an open and positive environment.
•    Come away with the skillset to use and apply what they have learned and shared.
•    Acquire knowledge about international rover opportunities as well as about Rovering in other countries, through interaction with peers who have experienced the events first hand, if possible.
•    Develop concrete and detailed plans for future community based projects.
•    Gain experience in how to effectively verbalise the main benefits, positive aspects and opportunities which Rovering offers.
•    Experience the diversity of participation between European countries
•    Be inspired, be helped to maintain the momentum; to impassion participants to sustain and encourage them to stay motivated within Scouting and Rovering.
•    Benefit from an organised network of Agorians.
•    Have fun!

Transportation costs & Participation fee
The transportation costs are covered by the participant and/or the Scout association.
The participation fee is €200. The fee covers all accommodation and meals from the evening of Wednesday, April 23rd to the lunch on Sunday, April 27th. The fee does not cover travel costs. Bank connections and details for paying the event participation fee will be reported to all participants by the Agora acceptance letter.

The financial support received from the European Union allows the organizers to sponsor a total of 46 Rovers coming from the 11 partner associations (SGDF-France, SI-Ireland, CNE-Portugal, CNGEI-Italy, Junak-Czech Republic, ASDE-Spain, DDS-Denmark, TSA-UK, ESü-Estonia, ONCR-Romania and BIS-Iceland).
4 participants from each of the partners will benefit from a reduced participation fee: € 110.

!!!!!!! Additionally, approx. 70% of their travel costs will covered (up to the amount agreed in the project proposal).


Travel arrangements

  • Accepted participants will receive an acceptance letter by March 17th, 2014. They should make their own travel arrangements and obtain a visa if necessary.
  • If you require an official invitation to obtain a visa, please indicate this clearly on your application form. Be aware that it may take up to six weeks to obtain a visa, so please send your visa form with the application form in order to allow sufficient time for that process.
  • You will be asked to send us your arrival and departure details to ensure your proper welcome at Strasbourg.


We do not cover the participants during the event neither during the travel to or from the venue. Please, note that this is the exclusive responsibility of the NSA to check and be sure that the participants are covered by insurance (illness, accidents, repatriation etc…).


If for any reason you find that you are not able to attend the Agora, please notify the panning team immediately. If you cancel your participation without notice after the 16th of March 2014, we are obliged to charge you/your association for the full price of the event.


Pentru inscrierea completati urmatorul formular (Registration form):
