Apel inchis: JOTA-JOTI (Jamboreea-on-the-Air si Jamborea-on-the-Internet) – 19-20 octombrie 2013
Apel deschis: FEEL MONTENEGRO, the 5th National Jamboree of Montenegro (11-20 iulie 2014)
Dear Scouts,
We are honored to invite you to the fifth Montenegrin Scout Jamboree “Feel
Montenegro” which will be held from 11th till 20th of July 2014.
Challenges, adventures, music and other various activities for all categories from
cubs to rovers will make sure that our participants have a great time in
Montenegro! We will not forget the adults as well, and they too will be able to
feel Montenegro every day of the Jamboree!
This Jamboree will be different from others, because Montenegro itself is a
different country. Seas, lakes, canyons, mountains and forests all within your
reach will surely be a great place to enjoy! In just one day you can feel the magic
of our mountains, see our unique shore and fall asleep with the starry sky as your
It is guaranteed that you will have memorable ten days and we will make sure
that you leave our country with many dear memories!
We welcome you to Montenegro!
Association of Scouts of Montenegro
Apel închis: A IV-a Jamboree Nationala a Republicii Moldova, 25 iulie-2 august, Cahul (DL: 15 aprilie)
Persoanele doritoare sa participe sunt rugate sa trimita un e-mail la international@scout.ro cu o scrisoare de intentie si CV-ul lor cercetasesc pentru inscriere.
National Jamboree is the biggest scout camp held once in 4 years in different parts of Republic
of Moldova. Over 500 scouts and volunteers join this event. This year the Jamboree’s
motto is: ‘’Un pic maimult” (“A little more”) and will be organized in the south partof our
What is different in this Jamboree?
7 scout branches of Moldova will come together in a beautiful place to celebrate 20 years
of Scouting in Moldova. We expect also guests from other countries.
Date 25th July- 2nd August, 2013
Albota de Jos. It is a beautiful place located in the south of Moldova. All the participants are
going to stay in a campsite near the lake surrounded by forests.
Participants:Members of National Scout Association of Moldova and members of foreign
National Scout Organizations.
13-17 years
Volunteers (IST )
Scouts and non- Scouts over 18 years old.
Volunteers will be divided into different working groups such as registration, catering,
program, security, etc. Volunteers must be ready to come 1 week before the event starts
and 2 days after the Jamboree.
The Jamboree will include a wide and varied program, and will provide a nine-day expedition
as well as various physical activities including hiking, sailing, etc.The program
will also include opportunities to explore numerous famous landmarks within and next to
camp side areas.
Food will be provided during the Jamboree. Catering is included in the fee and will be provided
to all participants of the Jamboree.Participants must bring their personal sleeping
Fees and registration
Fees: 25 euros until 1st of May
45 euros until 10th of July
Apel închis: Jamboree internationala “Feel the Nature”, 1-9 August 2013, Serbia (DL: 15 mai 2013)
Pentru inscrieri va rugam sa trimiteti CV-ul si scrisoarea de motivatie prin e-mail la adresa international@scout.ro.
Time: 01-09 August 2013
Place: City of Zajecar, Timocka Krajina Region, Serbia
Host: City of Zajecar
To find out more about Zajecar go to:
http://www.zajecar.info http://toozajecar.co.rs
Organizer: Scout Group “ Djordje Simeonovic”, Zajecar
First founded in 1927 and reestablished in 1955 after the World War II, the scout group
now has 300 members. It actively participates in many scout events and jamborees. It is
decorated with the “Eagle Scout Group” every year. It is the member of the Scout Association of
Serbia and WOSM… https://www.facebook.com/zajecarscouts
Members of the Scout Association of Serbia and other national associations members of the
Boy scouts and Girl scouts (age 11 – 14)
Senior Boy scouts and Girl scouts (age 15 – 18)
Senior scouts and Lady scouts (age 18+)
Each group having 6 to 12 members of the same scout category, except Senior scouts, must
have one 18- year- old or older group leader.
Leaders with groups of 12 scouts pay NO participant fee!
Programme & Activities
Life and work outdoors, scout and sports activities, aquatics, trips, visiting historical,
cultural and tourist locations in Zajecar and nearby area.
– Staying outdoors for several days:
– Scout camp (11-14)
– Backpacking adventure (15+)
– Orienteering: use of map and compass, orientation without the use of compass,
topography training…
– Pioneering: use of pioneering tools, knot tying, shelter building, fire making, gadget
– Finding food outdoors and medicinal herbs
– First aid: injuries, stretcher making
– Scout all-around competition: fire making, fast knot tying, semaphore, first aid, air rifle
shooting, sport skills…
– Night orienteering competition – NOC 2013*
– Ecology and protection of the environment
– Culture and history: sightseeing tour of the town and nearby area
– Spiritual values
– Trip to the Roman Imperial Palace Felix Romuliana
– Entertainment
– Aquatics
– Sport competitions
Individual and group equipment of the participants:
To find out more go to: http://www.feelthenature.in.rs/equipment.php
The organizer provides the campsite for the accommodation of all participants.
*Participants bring their own tents and sleeping equipment.
The organizer provides dinner on the day of the arrival, breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven
days during the stay and breakfast and lunch (to go) on the closing day. The organizer also
provides the dining tent, tables and benches.
Participants who need a special diet because of religion, health or other reasons, should
inform the organizer about that in their application forms.
The organizer provides the transport for all the participants to the locations planned for the
Security measures
There will be police officers on duty. The commissioner of the camp will organize scout security
in the camp. During the camp, a firefighter unit will also be on duty with the necessary
Sanitary supplies
The organizer provides presence of a medical unit.
All the participants must bring their medical-care cards. Participants from countries other
than Serbia must bring their health insurance policies. Each scout group should bring their
own first-aid kits.
Hygiene measures
The organizer provides toilets and showers as well as a sufficient number of trash cans and
plastic trash bags.
The organizer provides water supply pipes, electricity supply as well as sewerage and drainage
Participant fee
– Participants should send applications and pay 85 euros fee until 31st of May, 2013
Leaders with groups of 12 scouts pay NO participant fee!
(Beneficiary): /RS35160005080001367134 ODRED IZVIĐAČA, VAŠARIŠTE BB,
ZAJEČAR, Republic of Serbia
Purpose of pay: ISC „FEEL THE NATURE“
Application forms for the participants from countries other than Serbia
and information about the Scout Association of Serbia:
Milena Pecarski – International commissioner of the Scout Association of Serbia
e-mail: milenapec@gmail.com
Detailed information about the camp, as well as application forms, will be available from 1st of
February, 2013 at our website, Facebook page, or through contact persons:
Web site : www.feelthenature.in.rs
Facebook page Feel the nature 2013
Office mail office@feelthenature.in.rs
Information about camp:
Biljana Andrejević
Information about activities:
Ivan Andrejević
Stefan Gramić
Apel inchis: Jamboreea Nationala a Sloveniei 1-10 august 2013 (DL: 15 iulie 2013)
Apel inchis: Invitatie la Polish Rover Jamboree „Wedrownicza Watra”- 19-22 august (DDL 15 aprilie)
Jamboreea nationala a seniorilor din Polonia se adreseaza tinerilor cu varste intre 16-25 de ani.
Ea va avea loc intre 19-22 august, iar taxa de participare este de 49PLN (trebuie platita inainte de 15 aprilie in contul evenimentului).
Mai multe detalii despre eveniment gasiti la:
Apel inchis: Apel inscriere participanti pentru Jamboreea Nationala a Islandei, 20-29 iulie 2012
In luna iulie 2012 cercetasii din Islanda organizeaza Jamboreea lor nationala, care este deschisa cercetasilor de pretutindeni. Cu experienta Roverway 2008 in spate, aceasta Jamboree se anunta una spectaculoasa (mai ales avand in vedere caracteristicile tarii in care se tine). Continuă să citești “Apel inchis: Apel inscriere participanti pentru Jamboreea Nationala a Islandei, 20-29 iulie 2012”
Apel inscrieri pentru participarea la Jamboreea Nationala a Danemarcei, 21-29 iulie 2012 (DDL 1 martie)
Perioada: 21 Iulie-29 Iulie 2012
Unde: Holstebro, oras din nordul Danemarcei
Participanti: Toate ramurile de vârstă.
Cine poate participa?
Orice cercetaș cu vechime minimă de 6 luni, cotizația plătită la zi și care vorbește engleza la nivel cel puțin mediu. Continuă să citești “Apel inscrieri pentru participarea la Jamboreea Nationala a Danemarcei, 21-29 iulie 2012 (DDL 1 martie)”