Tag: UK

Overture Diversity Network 2024 – Marea Britanie, 7-9 iunie 2024 [DL 12 aprilie 2024]

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Nume proiect: Overture Diversity Network 2024

Perioada: 7-9 iunie 2024

Locația: Centrul Cercetășesc Crawfordsburn, Belfast, Marea Britanie

Cine poate participa: seniori, lideri și voluntari adulți

Despre eveniment: Întâlnirile Overture Diversity Network au ca scop consolidarea înțelegerii diversității și incluziunii în cadrul Regiunii Europene Scout și WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), concentrându-se pe teme cheie pentru a sprijini realizarea unui program interesant și educațional pentru participanți. Acest lucru se realizează prin intermediul atelierelor de lucru, a schimbului de cunoștințe și experiențe, sesiuni de informare care acoperă principiile esențiale ale diversității și incluziunii în cadrul unei serii de subiecte detaliate în programul de mai jos.

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Apel închis: GOOSE 2014, Dorset, UK (26.07-2.08.2014) [DL: nu a fost inca stabilit]

Publicat pe de scout.ro



goose 2014

What is the participant programme going to be like?

The programme from Goose 2014 will be offering something for all ages, will be very different to other camps you may have been to before, keeping you entertained from the morning through to bedtime…

During the daytime participants will spend their time in programme zones where there will a range of unique activities many of which you will never have seen at Goose or Buddens before!

Adventure Zone – example activities include aerial runway, mini railway, hot air ballooning, skating, obstacle course, high ropes, backwards cooking, quiet adventure and much more…

Challenge Zone – example activities include piano smashing, mini golf, geocaching, strip a car, skate boarding, low ropes, laser quest, mini diggers, radio control cars, lego, inflatables, small challenges and much more…

Speed Zone – example activities include zip wire, ice climbing, segways, kites, roller sakting, BMX, hover craft, quads, speed for small people and much more…

Wet Zone – example activities include pedelos, water zorbs, inflatables, water obstacle course, model boat making, coracle making, island challenge, radio controlled boats and much more…

World Zone – example activities include Global Development, TV Studio, Scouting skills from around the world, Radio, conservation, crafts and much more…

During the daytime there will be other drop in activities available including our media centre, event newspaper, radio station, internet cafe and chill out lounge.

At Goose things do not stop in the evening! We are planning an exciting evening ranging from large arena events and discos to challenges and quieter activities!

Will there be anything for the adults?

Whilst our programme is primarily for young people, we also want our leaders and staff to have some fun too and we will have some activities from the programme zones available for adults to try during the evenings.

There will also be facilities to socialise, meet friends, chill out or partake in entertainment each evening in the staff sub camp.

When and where?

Goose 2014 takes place 26 July – 2 August 2014 at Budden’s Scout Centre near Wareham, Dorset. BH20 7NU


Who is it for?

Any Scout or Guide from anywhere in the World aged 8 to 18 and their leaders.

Over 18s can join in the fun as part of our volunteer staff.  There are a range of vacancies to suit everyone!

What is the price?

·         Participants  £140

·         Leaders  £30

·         Staff  £30

·         Staff Catering  £30

·         Beaver/ Brownie (Day Visit)  £10

·         Beaver Leader (Day Visit)  £5

What is included?


  • All activities
  • Camping
  • Scarf  and badge


Leaders & Staff

  • Access to the adult hub (over 18s)
  • Camping
  • Scarf and badge

Formular inscriere grupuri: http://dorsetscouts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/Reserve-my-place-at-Goose-2014-groups.pdf .

Formular pentru inscriere staff: http://dorsetscouts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/Reserve-my-place-at-Goose-2014-staff.pdf .

Apel închis: WINGS 2014, UK (2-9 aug 2014) [DL: 30 aprilie 2014]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

wings 2014Participanti:

Taxa de participare: 220 lire sterline (pana la 30 aprilie 2014) sau 230 lire sterline (dupa 30 aprilie 2014)

Taxa pentru lideri: 135 de lire sterline (pana la 30 aprilie 2014)

Link pentru detalii privind taxa de participare: http://www.wings2014.org.uk/wings-2014-costs/participant-fees/

International Staff Team:

Taxa: 80 de lire sterline (pana la 30 aprilie 2014)

Link pentru detalii privind taxa de IST: http://www.wings2014.org.uk/wings-2014-costs/staff-fees/

Costurile de transport DIN si CATRE Romania nu sunt incluse!

Mai multe detalii despre eveniment putrti gasi aici: http://www.wings2014.org.uk/

Flyer in limba romana: http://temp.wings2014.org.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/05/WINGS_2014_Flyer_FINAL_ROMANIAN.pdf

Apel inchis: Hampshire’s Jamboree 2014 [DL:1 Noiembrie]

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DSC07141-1024x768Hampshire’s 2014 Jamboree will provide a rich and exciting experience for everyone from the youngest Beaver to the oldest Explorer, and all the Adult leaders, helpers, Network & Active Support – in Hampshire and beyond.

The deadline to register interest for campers is the 1st November with a £75 deposit. Registration for Day Visitors will close next year.

We wish to take the best from the 2007 ‘H007’ camp and combining this with Dorset Scouts’ fantastic campsite at Buddens near Wareham.

We would like everyone involved in Hampshire to celebrate Scouting, as a group or a section, with a fantastic week of activities and a special day midweek, called “Hampshire Calling”, for day visitors to join us and enjoy a whole series of activities and a Carnival.

Scout Groups from the UK and overseas are very welcome to join us.


£158  Full week
£95    Cubs – Sunday to Wednesday (inclusive)
£126  Cubs – Sunday to Thursday (inclusive)

£20   Hampshire Calling + overnight stay

 Leaders / Staff / Young Leaders / Over 18s & non-participant children


£25 Full week
£15 Cub leaders Sunday – Wednesday (inclusive)
£20 Cub Leaders Sunday – Thursday (inclusive)

£7   Hampshire Calling + overnight stay

£7   Day Visit + overnight stay

Day Visit:2

£5   Hampshire Calling
£5   Day Visit

2 Plus an additional £7 for T shirt and badge


More details Here!

Oricine doreste sa se inscrie este rugat sa trimita un mail la adresa international@scout.ro !

Apel inchis: Training Rehearsal for Life, UK [DL:25.09]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

CA.0820.beatlesTraining Course 1-10 December 2013 | Bettle, United Kingdom

Rehearsal for Life

This training course will be dynamic, focusing mainly on Forum, Invisible
and Image Theatre. Through interactive and non formal methods we will
introduce participants to new ways of dealing with social problems,
conflicts and oppression.

Organizer: Youth With a Global Vision (NGO)

This activity is for participants from: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia,
Kosovo, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Romania,
Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom

Application deadline: 25 September 2013

More details and application:

Apel inchis TiA: Seminar JANUS, 2-9 august UK [DL: 2 iunie]

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inclusionAi experienta in proiecte Tineret in Actiune? Ti-ar placea sa sarbatoresti
sapte ani de Tineret in Actiune alaturi de alti tineri si lucratori de
tineret din tarile programului si sa reflectezi asupra realizarilor si
impactului pe care l-au avut proiectele tale?

Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din UK te invita sa
participi la Seminarul JANUS, un eveniment ce isi propune sa sarbatoreasca
tot ceea ce au realizat partenerii Tineret in Actiune din intreaga Europa
si impactul pozitiv asupra vietii tinerilor.

Seminarul se va derula in perioada 2-9 august 2013 in Londra, UK, si va
reuni lucratori/lideri de tineret, manageri de proiect cu experienta si
tineri participanti in proiecte TiA din toate tarile programului.

Participarea la acest curs se face in perechi formate din tineri (varsta
minima 18 ani) si persoane cu experienta in lucrul cu tinerii, membri in
aceeasi organizatie. Este de dorit ca cei doi sa fi impartasit experiente
in cadrul aceluiasi proiect TiA (in calitate de lider de grup/manager de
proiect, respectiv participant in acelasi proiect).

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 2 iunie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 3 iunie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest seminar (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

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