Tag: voluntar

Apel închis: Stagii de voluntariat in Share Discovery Village, Northern Ireland (ongoing)

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Deadline: ongoing
Open to: internationals over 18,  long and short term volunteering is available
Venue: Share Discovery Village,


Do you have the time and skill to be a volunteer? Whatever your skills or experience, whatever your age or ability, whatever your time commitment, we have a wide range of volunteering opportunities at SHARE. Volunteers are needed to assist in all areas of the Share Centre both short-term and long-term. to work at SHARE.

Every summer the Share Centre in Northern Ireland welcomes about 15 international volunteers from all over the world, to come and help. These volunteers stay between 1 week to several months, living and working alongside our staff and volunteers. They participate in a variety of jobs from helping those with a disability, to working in the Centre’s garden, to assisting our water and land based activity programmes. Any young international volunteers, who are interested in short or long term volunteering at the Share Discovery Village please enquire.

The busy peak season runs from March to September – this is when volunteers will mostly be required to help our qualified instructors provide activity programmes and assist with the needs of our guests.  During the winter months we mainly carry-out maintenance and cleaning projects.


Share works closely with many different groups and societies every year. Many of our 10,000 guests come from the M.S. Society, the Down Syndrome Society, the Muscular Dystrophy Society, the RNIB, the NDCS as well as primary and secondary school groups, youth groups, church groups, scouts and guides and many, many more. All in all we work with a very diverse range of people for whom we need a diverse range of volunteers.


Food and accommodation are provided for all volunteers.  Volunteers have access to all the facilities offered at Share. Accommodation for long term volunteers is provided in two houses, both located one-quarter mile from the main Share site. All international volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years old.  SHARE offers not only food and accommodation but also opportunities to meet a huge variety of people of all ages and abilities from all around the world and make lifelong friends. You will be helping people and learning lots of new skills and you get all this on the beautiful shore of Lough Erne.


If you want to apply, please fill in the Application Form.

In order to provide a safe environment for the guests visiting SHARE, all staff and long term volunteers must be vetted in accordance with the guidelines provided by Access NI for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. It is requested that along with an application form you must provide a police check from your country of residence.  Joining the team at Share couldn’t be easier, simply pick up the phone and call Jacqui on +44 (0) 28 6772 2122 or e-mail jacqui@sharevillage.org. She will answer any questions you may have. If you have time on your hands or just want to try something different get in touch, it’s time to discover what you can share!

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.eu/blog/2012/08/14/share-discovery-village-volunteering-northern-ireland/#ixzz2sMKvzFSl

Apel închis: Stagiu de voluntariat in Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Slovacia (1 Apr. 2014 – 31 Ian. 2015)

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Asociatia Comunitatilor Interculturale impreuna cu Asociatia GMS (Gemerský mládežnícky spolok) din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Slovacia, cauta un baiat (18-29 de ani) pentru un stgiu de voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat. Stagiul incepe: in data de 1 aprilie 2014 si se termina in 31 ianuarie 2015. Voluntarii vor fi implicati in urmatoarele activitati:
1. Fotografierea si digitalizarea bisericilor, cimitirelor, muzeelor din regiunea Rožňava, respectiv colectarea de date si actualizarea bazelor de date despre satele din jur, ONG-uri, biserici, si atractii turistice. (www.rozsnyovidek.sk)
2. Activitati in cadrul cursurilor de tras cu arcul.
3. Ajutor in organizarea evenimentului Vara Gomor-Tornai 2013, editia a 3-a
4. Ajutor in implementarea evenimentelor organizate de GMS si asociatiile partnere – excursii, tabere de vara, seminarii, schimburi de tineri, ateliere de lucru etc.
5. Activitati in legatura cu functionarea biroului GMS- intretinere, vopsire, curatare etc.
In perioada stagiului, voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea de a invata limba slovaca cu ajutorul unui profesor. Voluntarii vor fi cazati in Pensiunea Jozefína din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka. Va avea la dispozitie o camera, o bucatarie complet utilata- aragaz electric cu cuptor, cuptor cu microunde, frigider, congelator, etc; baie, calculator, internet, biciclete pentru excursii in zona. 
Voluntarul va primi 95 de euro/luna bani de buzunar, si 150 de euro/ luna pentru alimente, deci in total 245 de euro/luna. 
Mai multe informatii despre activitatile voluntarilor:www.facebook.com/git.voluntarywww.face1book.com/git.voluntary
Asteptam cv-urile si scrisorile motivationale pe adresa de email:as.comunitatilor.interculturale@gmail.com

Apel închis: Stagii de voluntariat in Schio, Italia(03/03/2014 – 03/03/2015 – 07/04/2014 – 07/04/2015) [DL: 31.01.2014]

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FCASEC (www.fcasec.com) in parteneriat cu PROGETTO ZATTERA BLU SOCIETA’ COOPERATIVA SOCIALE ONLUS din Italia, selecteaza tineri pentru stagii de voluntariat in Schio (Italia).
Durata: 12 luni
Perioada: 03/03/2014 – 03/03/2015, respectiv 07/04/2014 – 07/04/2015
Nr voluntari: 2
Tematica: lucru cu persoane cu dizabilitati
Informatii despre stagii se pot gasi in documentul atasat sau se pot cere la adresa: georgeta.mureanu@yahoo.com
Data limita de inscriere: 31.01.2014
Scrisoarea de motivatie, CV-ul si formularul de inscriere atasat se vor trimite la adresa georgeta.mureanu@yahoo.com

Hug the differences” este un proiect SEV. Serviciul European de Voluntariat (SEV ) este un program finanatat de UE care asigura voluntarului 90% din transport, cazare, masa, transport local si alocatie lunara (difera de la tara la tara).
Informatii despre programul Serviciul European de Voluntariat puteti gasi aici:


Apel închis: Voluntari pentru un stagiu SEV, Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana “Kronika” din Bytom, Polonia (Martie 2014-Martie 2015) [DL: 2Februarie]

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logo-KRONIKAThe Centre for Contemporary Art KRONIKA is looking for volunteers for the
” Filling empty spaces” EVS project, to be implemented in Bytom, Upper
Silesia, Poland. The 12 months project will start in march/april 2014 and 
involve two volunteers, one from Germany and one from Romania. They will
support with the educational program in KRONIKA, organizing language
workshops and innovative artistic and cultural activities. The aim of the
program is to increase knowledge and skills of young people living in
postindustrial cities of Upper Silesia. Volunteers will be working mainly
with children and young people with lower opportunities . They will have a
chance to learn about the way contemporary art influences local
communities, they will explore the environment in which the young people
live on a daily basis, where they spend their time and try to make they
dreams come true . 
Also the volunteers will have the opportunity to help in the
implementation of contemporary art projects such as: exhibitions,
installations, discussions , artistic residences organized in KRONIKA .
They will be involved in work related to the organization of events and
their promotion and gain skills and experience in managing cultural events.

Project start: march (april) 2014

Project length: 12 months

Volunteer profile:

We are searching for 1 volunteer from Romania and 1 volunteer from
Germany, motivated to work with young people through innovative art
projects. Interest in contemporary art will be an advantage. Applications
including a CV and motivation letter should be sent to the project
co-ordinator Ms Agata Gomolinska-Senczenko at biuro@pfee.org.pl 

and in CC to the sending organization from the partner country:

Ulla Eberhard: ulla.eberhard@koeln-freiwillig.de 
Kölner Freiwilligen Agentur e.V.

Cristina projectinfo.mc@gmail.com 
Millennium Centre Association in Arad

Application deadline is the 2nd of February.

Pentru alte detalii, persoana de contact este Agata Gomolinska-Senczenko –
coordonator proiect, e-mail: biuro@pfee.org.pl

Apel închis: Stagiu de Voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat 1 feb – 31 ian 2015

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Asociata Comunităților Interculturale în parteneriat cu Asociația GMS (Gemerský mládežnícky spolok) din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, Slovacia, cauta tineri (18-29 de ani) Stagiu de Voluntariat in cadrul Serviciului European de Voluntariat.  Stagiul incepe: in data de 1 februarie 2014 si se termina in 31 ianuarie 2015. Voluntarii vor fi implicati in urmatoarele activitati:

1. Fotografierea si digitalizarea bisericilor, cimitirelor, muzeelor din regiunea Rožňava, respectiv colectarea de date si actualizarea bazelor de date despre satele din jur, ONG-uri, biserici, si atractii turistice. (www.rozsnyovidek.sk)

2. Activitati in cadrul cursurilor de tras cu arcul.

3. Ajutor in organizarea evenimentului Vara Gomor-Tornai 2013, editia a 3-a

4. Ajutor in implementarea evenimentelor organizate de GMS si asociatiile partnere – excursii, tabere de vara, seminarii, schimburi de tineri, ateliere de lucru etc.

5. Activitati in legatura cu functionarea biroului GMS- intretinere, vopsire, curatare etc.

In perioada Stagiului de Voluntariat, voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea de a invata limba slovaca cu ajutorul unui profesor. Voluntarii vor fi cazati in Pensiunea Jozefína din Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka. Vor avea la dispozitie doua camere, o bucatarie complet utilata- aragaz electric cu cuptor, cuptor cu microunde, frigider, congelator, etc; baie, calculator, internet, biciclete pentru excursii in zona. 

Voluntarii vor primi 95 de euro/luna bani de buzunar, si 150 de euro/ luna pentru alimente, deci in total 245 de euro/luna. 

Mai multe informatii despre activitatile voluntarilor:https://www.facebook.com/git.voluntary

Apel închis: Stagiu de voluntariat pe termen scurt, in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Polonia (01-28 Feb 2014)

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FCASEC impreuna cu Europejskie Forum Młodzieży, selecteaza 4 tineri cu varsta intre 18-30 ani, in vederea participarii la un stagiu de voluntariat pe termen scurt, in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Polonia. Stagiul se va desfasura in perioada
Stagiu este finantat prin programul Tinert in Actiune – Actiunea 4.6. Voluntarului i se va deconta 50% din valoarea tansportului si cazarea si masa pe perioada stagiului. Orice tanar cu varsta 18-30 ani poate participa (inclusiv fosti voluntari SEV).
Cei interesati pot cere mai multe informatii la adresa: georgeta.mureanu@yahoo.com .
Pentru a participa, va rugam sa trimiteti CV + scrisoare de intentie + formular de inscriere la adresa:georgeta.mureanu@yahoo.com

Apel închis: Voluntariat Polonia, 6 luni [DL: 15 ian. 2014]

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Team for Youth are un loc disponibil intr-un proiect de voluntariat in Polonia!
Activitatile se desfasoara in orasul Klodzko din regiunea Ziemia Klodzka, Polonia.  Proiectul este finantat prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, actiunea 2, Sericiul European de Voluntariat.
Perioada stagiului: 7 februarie 2014 – 7 august 2014 (6 luni).
Descrierea activitatilor: apasă aici
Criterii de selectie:


  • varsta: 18-30 de ani
  • completarea formularul de aplicatie atasat, in timp util. Formularul trebuie trimis pe adresa.ro, pana la data de 15 ianuarie 2014, ora 20:00, cu subiectul mailului: VOLUNTARIAT KLODZKO – 6 luni.
Rezultatele selectiei se vor anunta in data de 17 ianuarie, catre toti aplicantii. Cei neselectati vor intra automat in baza noastra de date si vor primii informatii legate de viitoare proiecte de voluntariat pentru care pot aplica.
(Mentionam ca ne este imposibil sa raspundem zilnic la zecile de emailuri ai astfel va rugam sa nu solicitati confirmare de primire. Toți cei inscrisi vor fi anuntati in 2-5 zile dupa deadline de rezultatul selectiei.)
Prin acest proiect, voluntarii vor avea oportunitatea sa invete urmatoarele:
  • cum sa administreze si sa coordoneze proiecte de tineret
  • cum sa pregateasca structura unor cursuri de limbi si sa le sustina
  • cum sa lucreze cu tineri si copii
  • cum sa lucreze cu un grup; metode de team building, comunicare si integrare
  • o introducere in a lucra cu oameni din culturi diferite
  • cum sa organizeze initiative locale
In majoritatea timpului, voluntarul va lucra in grup, impartind sarcinile cu voluntari din alte tari.
Fiind un proiect finanțat de Comisia Europeana prin programul Tineret in Actiune, sunt asigurate urmatoarele:
  • 90% din transport
  • asigurare medicala completa
  • bani de buzunar 85 euro/lună
  • bani de mancare
  • cazare
  • servicii de mentorat
  • cursuri de limba poloneza.

EVS: Stagiu de voluntariat in proiectul ‘LET’S DO IT!’ – Polonia

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Departament International Scout








O noua oferta de voluntariat pe termen lung in proiectul SEV “”LET’S DO
IT!” din Polonia.
Mai multe informatii in mesajul de mai jos.


Dear friends,
We are pleased to announce that it has been approved another EVS project –
“LET’S DO IT!” to host foreign volunteers in the placements of Caritas
Archidiecezji Gdańskiej. Therefore, at the beginning of May 2014 we can
expect a new team of 9 young people from different countries.

This time they will come to us for a whole year , full 12 months! from
countries such as: Germany, Spain, Turkey, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria,
Romania, Georgia, Macedonia.

more info about available projects:


Apel închis: Aplica acum si poti face parte din cea mai tare echipa! [DL: 20.01.2014]

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Mai ții minte cercetașii străini din campul de asta-vara? Acum ai șansa sa lucrezi cu ei!

Departamentul International mai are doar doua locuri libere! Aplica acum și poți face parte din cea mai TARE echipa!

Poți fi cel mai international din departament? Dovedește-ne fiind noul:

1. Scouts’ News Editor

2. Events Promoter


Iepurașul de Paste iți va aduce cadouri doar dacă iți faci treaba bine, amice!

Cum poți face asta? Citește mai jos…

Scout news editor:

  1. Vei posta apelurile pentru evenimente ( și răspund la comentariile de pe site);
  2. O sa scrii articolele despre evenimentele la care au fost participanți;
  3. Vei updata evenimentele care necesita asta;
  4. Pentru postarea evenimentelor care urmează sa aibă loc te informezi din diferite surse și ceri eventualele detalii, dacă este cazul.

Events Promoter:

1. Vei creea cel mai “jmecher” newsletter (nu-ți face griji, te vor ajuta News Editorii dacă ai întrebări legate de evenimente);

2. Vei promova apelurile deschise pe rețelele de socializare în grupurile de cercetași.

OK, si tu cu ce te alegi?

  1. Un tricou misto;
  2. Carti de vizita ca sa fii profi;
  3. Sansa de a reprezenta Romania la evenimente internationale
  4. Iti vei slefui diplomatia si calitatile lingvistice;
  5. Vei avea prieteni pe 6 din cele 7 continente.
  6. Daca te tii de treaba, vei primi un certificat oficial de recunoastere a contributiei tale;


Daca ai ajuns pana aici, apasa, apasaa, apasaaa pe următorul link si completează formularul de aplicatie, pana pe 20 ianuarie:



Apel inchis pentru moderatori on-line ai site-ului campaniei NO HATE Speech Movement [DL: 28 martie]

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no hateBecome an online volunteer for the youth campaign for human rights online (2013-2014)

The first Training workshop for online volunteers will be on 15-16 April 2013, European Youth Centre Budapest.

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe calls upon young human rights and online activists interested to act as volunteer activists in our online campaign against hate speech to read and apply for this unique opportunity! The campaign is based on a European platform and programme of activities run by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The online volunteers are activists with special competencies and role for the online Campaign platform and tools. They are key actors in the campaign, particularly in the European and national aspects. They are the ones to shape and build the online community and to ensure the content of the online platform.

Profile of the volunteer:

· Good command of English or French;
· Age between 18 and 30 years;
· Motivated to take part as a volunteer in the Campaign;
· Competence and experience in online youth work (web 2.o, social media,
· Good understanding of hate speech and understanding of the human
rights framework in which the campaign takes place;

· Be available to attend the training course for online volunteer activists planned for 15-16 April 2013 in European Youth Centre Budapest.

The online volunteers role will be to:

  • create and maintain an active community around the platform and the campaign through reach-out initiatives to young people through online and offline means;
  • support the community to feed-in content on the platform, as it is very much user-focused, and work with the content provided;
  • develop and plan the monthly focus of the content;
  • develop, plan and implement the European Action Days together with the staff of the campaign, the partners mobilised for each action;
  • facilitate the online community and in coordination with the Online community manager solve any problems that might occur;
  • support the development of tools and of the platform and campaign in general;
  • liaise with national campaign committees, in supporting them with training, customisation of platform to national needs, linking the debates at national level with the ones at European level and ensuring communication and mutual support.
  • Equally they will liaise with youth organisations and young people.

The training workshop aims to support the group of online volunteer activists of the campaign to develop their competences in managing the platform of the campaign, to get to know each other, learn about the campaign and plan their work together. The training workshop will have a hands-on approach and will be a first step in the organisation of work to be done together. The selected participants will also have the chance to identify further learning needs that can be addressed via different online means of learning or potential meetings. The training workshop is organised on non-formal education approaches and will feature a high level of participation and interactivity. A team of trainers, facilitators and experts will lead the training course.

Volunteer work recognition and financial conditions for the training course
The work done by the volunteers will be recognised through volunteer certificates and other letters of support issued by the Council of Europe. Visual identity for the volunteers will be created for the platform and other social media channels to be used.
Travel, board and lodging costs for the training course for volunteers is paid for by the Council of Europe. Board and lodging will be provided in the European Youth Centre Budapest. Visa costs and support in obtaining visa to travel is also provided by the Council of Europe.

All those interested to apply to become online volunteer activists for the campaign are invited to complete the application form available at http://youthapplications.coe.int. The dead-line for applications is: 28 March 2013.

You can download the detailed call below.