Apel închis: Participare World Scout Moot Canada 2013 [DL: 27 martie ]

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Pentru cercetasii dornici de aventura, va propunem ceva nou! World Scout Moot Canada 2013.

Data: 8-18 august 2013

Locatie: Ottawa, Canada

Se cauta doi participanti, un baiat si o fata, varste cuprinse intre 18 si 26 de ani, pentru a concura pentru un loc la acest eveniment.

Aveti nevoie de o scrisoare motivationala, cuprinsa intre 700 si 1000 de cuvinte, in engleza sau franceza, care sa indeplineasca urmatoarele cerinte:

  • cum te-a ajutat cercetasia in dezvoltarea personala, dand exemple de abilitati pe care le-ai obtinut ori dezvoltat
  • de ce acest eeniment reprezinta o continuare a acestor experiente si abilitati castigate.

Indrumari:     Poti  vorbi despre tine, iti poti folosi imaginatia.  Uita-te atent in  trecut, inca de la inceputul cercetasiei, urmareste firul, identifica lucrurile care te-au ajutat sa te dezvolti. Este foarte important sa mentionezi ce ai invatat si ce ai putea invata pe viitor, cu ajutorul acestui eveniment. Fa un exercitiu, uita-te la evolutia ta ca cercetasi si scrie tot ce simti!

DDL: 27 martie

Trimite scrisoarea redactata in engleza sau franceza la adresa international@scout.ro

Detalii mai jos:

Dear friends

As you are probably aware, the next World Scout Moot will be held in Canada from 8 to 18 August 2013 in Ottawa.

The Moot organisers have offer some support packages and we have been able to negotiate that 2 participants from category B countries (according to the WOSM fee system) will be able to

participate in the event – all expenses paid – providing that they can arrive in Ottawa under their own resources. This package is worth CAD 1000 per person, about €750.

Last weekend, the European Scout Committee agreed to contribute €500 to each of these participants towards the travel.

The conditions that applicants should meet are:

• To be a member (young leader or Scout) involved actively in the youth programme of his or her association

• Be aged between 18 and 26 – on 8 August you must have reached your 18th birthday, but not reached your 26th birthday

• Proficient in English or French (written or spoken)

• Candidates who have never before participated in an international Scout event outside their own country

• In good physical health

In order to select the two sponsored participants from Europe, please advise young people in the correct age bracket that there is an open competition for 1 male and 1 female participant. They will come from two different countries.

The initial task is:

Write a motivational letter indicating what you have gained for your personal development by being a Scout, giving examples of what you have achieved and why the Moot would be a good

continuation of these experiences. You may support the letter with an innovative mechanism –

video, text, cartoon, drawing, ……

The letter should be 700-1000 words in length, in either English or French, and should be submitted before 1 April 2013. Successful candidates will be advised by 16 April 2013.

There will be an ongoing commitment to provide short articles foreuroscoutinfo.com  and a full report of 1000 words will be required no later than 1 month after the event.

You can find background information on the Moot here

We will endeavour to put you in touch with other European delegations so that you may share their preparations and travel plans – maybe even travel with them

Best wishes

David McKee

Regional Director