URGENT! Se cauta voluntari pentru un proiect EVS in Spania, octombrie 2013-iulie 2014 [DL: 19 martie]

Publicat pe de scout.ro

Segovia-Spain-5We are looking nowadays for our next volunteers; we intend to host 6 volunteers who will start in October 2013 until July 2014 (10 months). Please, be aware that due to the characteristics of the project we are not flexible with the dates, so make sure the proposed dates and duration suits you.

Daca sunteti interesati sa fiti voluntari EVS pentru 10 luni in Spania, intr-un proiect in care veti lucra cu tineri pentru gasirea unor activatati interesante de ocupare a timpului liber, va rugam sa contactati asociatia de mai jos. Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei poate fi organizatie de trimitere pentru voi, fiind acrediatata EVS.

Mai multe detalii in fisierul de mai jos:

Descripcion 2013

We will apply on May 1st, but the last day we will be accepting complete applications will be 19th of march. We will select our volunteer the first week of April.

Please, read carefully all the information about our project, the activities, the dates, etc. If you are interested, please send us the following documentation in one email (evs@asociaciones.org) all together and in a pdf (file below).

Application form 2013


ü  Application form we are attaching,

ü  your CV

ü  and a specific motivation letter.

ü  And do not forget to send us a photo.

 Please, notice that we also need information about your sending organisation, a part of your application form should be filled by them. Without this, we won’t consider your application.