Youth Democracy Contacts Making Seminar, Dublin [DL: 22 martie]

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YouthDemocracyBigMouthDeadline: 22 March 2013
Open to: youth workers from Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania or Austria.
Venue: 15-18 May 2013 in Balbriggan, Dublin, Ireland


This Seminar will bring together 34 participants from 17 countries (Ireland, Denmark, France Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania and Austria) with the aim of creating Partnerships for Youth Democracy Projects.

What is a Youth Democracy project?
Youth Democracy projects allow young people to increase their participation in democratic practices. The projects are for young people, aged 13-30 and their leaders and enable participants to make their voices heard on issues that affect them. A project involves working with a partner organisation from your own country and that national partnership will cooperate with a duo partnership elsewhere in Europe, carrying out activities that are linked to active youth participation and democratic issues for 3 to 18 months.


This project is financed by the TCP budget of the Youth in Action Programme and is being coordinated by a local NGO. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project – except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. If you come from a country other than Programme Countries, please contact the host NA for further information about the financial details.

Aim of the Contact Making Seminar
The aim of the CMS is to establish partnerships for Youth Democracy Projects and to develop projects and skills to apply for this action in the YIA programme.


  • To find partners and develop an International Youth Democracy Project
  • To gain an in-depth understanding of Youth Democracy Projects and how to apply for grants from Youth in Action programme
  • To develop a project plan and identify the competences needed to implement an international project
  • To reflect on the added value and impact of international projects, particularly Youth Democracy Projects, for local communities.
  • To get ideas and inspirations on activities that can be implemented in the local community to deepen the dialogue between young people and decision makers.


Participants have to be residents of one of the following countries: Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Belgium(FR), Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Norway, Turkey, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania or Austria.

The programme is designed for (youth) workers who represent youth organisations, local authorities, or work in local governments or other public institutions that are already active in the area of youth participation or have an interest in getting young people involved in democratic processes. Participants are expected to spend time before the seminar preparing a project proposal together with their National project partner and a group of young people.

Participants are expected to:

  • Have ideas and potential partners to develop a 1.3 project
  • Have interest and the possibility within their organisation/group to set up a 1.3 project after the seminar
  • Are able to communicate and work in English
  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of the Youth in Action Programme


Applications must be submitted using the online application process AVAILABLE HERE by 22 March 2013. Participants will be selected by 5 April 2013. Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.For questions, please contact Mieke McMahon at

For more information, please review the official website HERE.