Apel inchis: Summer Courses in Lithuanian Language and Culture [DL: 1 aprilie]

summer coursesDeadline: 1 April 2013
Open to: students, lecturers and researchers of higher education and research institutions
Venue: July – August 2013, Lithuania


Education Exchanges Support Foundation takes pleasure in offering Scholarships for the Lithuanian language and culture summer courses. The opportunity is opened to lecturers and researchers of higher education and research institutions.


  • 40 grants are offered for the candidates from the following countries: Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Philippines, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United States of America, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan (check III type of scholarships at the official website) 
  •  5 scholarships overall are offered for candidates from the countries not mentioned above (check IV type of scholarship at the official website)
  • The candidate has to be a student (not in the final year), lecturer or researcher of a foreign higher education or research institution.
  • Lithuanian state scholarships cannot be coupled with other grants or scholarships.


  • Cycle (Bachelor), 2nd cycle (Master) and 3rd cycle (Doctorate) students approved for the Lithuanian language and culture summer courses will receive a monthly stipend of 1.950 Lt (approx. 565 EUR);
  • Researchers and lecturers approved for the Lithuanian language and culture summer courses will receive a monthly stipend of 3.250 Lt (approx. 941 EUR).
  • Stipend is intended to cover scholarship holder’s expenses only. Additional amounts for accompanying partners or family are not provided.
  • Tuition fee for the studies or for Lithuanian language and culture summer courses will be paid on scholarship holder’s behalf by the host country. The maximum amount of the tuition fee will be determined by the normative costs that are approved by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Any other fees such as student union fee, library membership fee, etc. shall be paid by scholarship holder.
  • Accommodation costs shall be covered by the scholarship holder. Upon request, the host institution provides the scholarship holder with a place in a dormitory or a university guesthouse. Requests for accommodation in the international student dormitories must be submitted well in advance before arrival. Alternatively, foreign students and researchers may consider renting an apartment privately. Assistance with this is available from International Relations Office staff of the relevant higher education and research institution.


List of documents to be submitted (in the order given). Please do not put each individual document into plastic sheets or binders:

  • Printed and signed online application form
  • Official letter from the candidate’s higher education and research institution approving the status of a student, lecturer or researcher. (NB1. For students the letter must contain information on applicants current cycle of studies (1st, 2nd or 3rd cycle), year of studies and expected date of graduation.)
  • Transcript of academic records of the last two semesters issued by applicant’s present higher education and research institution.
  • Certified copy of obtained higher education diploma or diplomas.
  • Two recommendation letters from home higher education and research institution (written within past six months).
  • Copy of certificate of proficiency in English or Lithuanian (or another language acceptable for the host institution). (NB3. TOEFL, IELTS, CPE or other widely recognized exams of English proficiency are acceptable. If the candidate does not hold any of those certificates, then a signed letter confirming the proficiency in the language from the home university’s professor of English or Lithuanian is also acceptable).
  • Copy of the valid identity document.

The deadline for applications is 1 April 2013. 


Education Exchanges Support Foundation
Geležinio Vilko str. 12, LT-01112 Vilnius
Phone: (+370~5) 249 8189, fax: (+370~5) 249 7137
E-mail: state.scholarships@smpf.lt

The Official Website


Apel inchis: Visegrad Summer School 30 June-13 July in Cracow, Poland [DL: 31 martie]

summer_schoolDeadline: 31 March, 2013
Open to: students, graduates, PhD researchers, young professionals from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine and other eligible countries
Venue: Cracow, Poland, 30 June to 13 July 2013


The Visegrad Summer School is educational programme which provides an interdisciplinary learning space for young Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students, and for their peers from other Central and Eastern European countries. The project aims to deepen knowledge on regional and global challenges, eliminate mutual stereotypes and build ties and friendly relations. Previous editions of the School were attended by over 500 people from: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, France, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine.


Eligible participants should:

  • be students, graduates, PhD researchers, young professionals .
  • come from the eligible countries:  Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia
  • be active, open-minded and creative people.
  • The working language of the School is English, so good communication skills in English are essential

Students from non-eligible countries can apply providing they will cover the participation fee of 390 euro as well as individual insurance and travel costs to/from/in Cracow.


the organizers provide

  • educational programme and materials
  • special events
  • accommodation and board

participants cover

  • travel costs to/from/in Cracow
  • insurance
  • registration fee of 75 Euro

How to apply

Each candidate should register and provide an on-line application form.

Deadline for submitting on-line applications: 31 March 2013. No hard copies required.

Accepted participants will be informed by 30 April 2013.


The Czech Republic: Vít Dostál vit.dostal@amo.cz
Hungary: Patricia Pászt, Eszter Neuberger info@hungary.art.pl
Slovakia: Ivana Raposova ivana.raposova@gmail.com
Ukraine: Olga Maksymenko olga.maksymenko@gmail.com
Poland and others: Anna Kowalska, project coordinator ania@villa.org.pl

The Official Website


Apel inchis pentru moderatori on-line ai site-ului campaniei NO HATE Speech Movement [DL: 28 martie]

no hateBecome an online volunteer for the youth campaign for human rights online (2013-2014)

The first Training workshop for online volunteers will be on 15-16 April 2013, European Youth Centre Budapest.

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe calls upon young human rights and online activists interested to act as volunteer activists in our online campaign against hate speech to read and apply for this unique opportunity! The campaign is based on a European platform and programme of activities run by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The online volunteers are activists with special competencies and role for the online Campaign platform and tools. They are key actors in the campaign, particularly in the European and national aspects. They are the ones to shape and build the online community and to ensure the content of the online platform.

Profile of the volunteer:

· Good command of English or French;
· Age between 18 and 30 years;
· Motivated to take part as a volunteer in the Campaign;
· Competence and experience in online youth work (web 2.o, social media,
· Good understanding of hate speech and understanding of the human
rights framework in which the campaign takes place;

· Be available to attend the training course for online volunteer activists planned for 15-16 April 2013 in European Youth Centre Budapest.

The online volunteers role will be to:

  • create and maintain an active community around the platform and the campaign through reach-out initiatives to young people through online and offline means;
  • support the community to feed-in content on the platform, as it is very much user-focused, and work with the content provided;
  • develop and plan the monthly focus of the content;
  • develop, plan and implement the European Action Days together with the staff of the campaign, the partners mobilised for each action;
  • facilitate the online community and in coordination with the Online community manager solve any problems that might occur;
  • support the development of tools and of the platform and campaign in general;
  • liaise with national campaign committees, in supporting them with training, customisation of platform to national needs, linking the debates at national level with the ones at European level and ensuring communication and mutual support.
  • Equally they will liaise with youth organisations and young people.

The training workshop aims to support the group of online volunteer activists of the campaign to develop their competences in managing the platform of the campaign, to get to know each other, learn about the campaign and plan their work together. The training workshop will have a hands-on approach and will be a first step in the organisation of work to be done together. The selected participants will also have the chance to identify further learning needs that can be addressed via different online means of learning or potential meetings. The training workshop is organised on non-formal education approaches and will feature a high level of participation and interactivity. A team of trainers, facilitators and experts will lead the training course.

Volunteer work recognition and financial conditions for the training course
The work done by the volunteers will be recognised through volunteer certificates and other letters of support issued by the Council of Europe. Visual identity for the volunteers will be created for the platform and other social media channels to be used.
Travel, board and lodging costs for the training course for volunteers is paid for by the Council of Europe. Board and lodging will be provided in the European Youth Centre Budapest. Visa costs and support in obtaining visa to travel is also provided by the Council of Europe.

All those interested to apply to become online volunteer activists for the campaign are invited to complete the application form available at http://youthapplications.coe.int. The dead-line for applications is: 28 March 2013.

You can download the detailed call below.

Apel inchis TiA: Seminar ‘Video and youth projects: the Big Picture!’, Franta [DL:10.04]

youth-filmakerAi experienta in folosirea materialelor video ca o modalitate de a integra tinerii in proiecte, in special pe cei care se confrunta cu dificultati? Ai exemple de buna practica in utilizarea materialelor video pentru promovarea muncii tale si a implicarii tinerilor?

Daca raspunsul este da, s-ar putea sa avem seminarul potrivit pentru tine!

“Video and youth projects: the Big Picture!” este un seminar european organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Franta, ce se va derula in perioada 5 -9 mai 2013 in Montreuil (Franta), si care va reuni 30 de participanti (lucratori / lideri de tineret, formatori, coach, mentori SEV) din tarile programului.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este
miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune: http://www.tinact.ro/detaliu-calendar/IDevent/880

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel inchis: Stagiu de voluntariat EVS (2 luni) in Iordania, [DL: 8 aprilie]

down syndromeO organizatie din Iordania, Youth Achievement Forum – YAF, impreuna cu A.R.T. Fusion, din Romania, cauta voluntari pentru un stagiu EVS in Amman, Iordania pentru termenul limita 1 mai.
Titlu: Silver Bracelets
Durata: 2 luni
Perioada: 20 august – 20 octombrie
Numar voluntari: 30
Tematica: Lucru cu persoane cu dizabilitati – sindromul Down.
Mai multe detalii despre proiect puteti gasi in documentele de mai jos:
Data limita pentru inscriere este 8 aprilie 2013.
Scrisoarea de motivatie, cv-ul si formularul de aplicatie atasat se vor trimite la oana.mucea@yahoo.com.

APEL TiA: TC ‘POWER to YOU(th)!’, Portugalia [DL:25.03]

youth power“POWER TO YOU(th)!” este un curs de formare organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Portugalia, care se adreseaza lucratorilor de tineret cu experienta in proiecte de schimburi de tineri (Actiunea 1.1)!

Cursul se va derula in perioada 24-29 mai 2013 in Almada (Portugalia).

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este 25
martie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (conditii de participare, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc in
apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune: http://www.tinact.ro/detaliu-calendar/IDevent/864

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

URGENT!!! APEL TiA: TC ‘Value the Difference: Diversity and Citizenship’, 23-28 mai, Cipru [DL: 22 martie]

value differenceAi peste 18 ani, esti membru ONG si vrei sa reflectezi, sa explorezi si sa inveti mai multe despre diversitatea culturala in lucrul cu tinerii?

Iti recomandam un nou curs de formare: “Value the Difference: Diversity and Citizenship”!
Cursul de formare este organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Cipru si se va derula in perioada 23-28 mai 2013 in Nicosia.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este 22 martie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (conditii de participare, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc in
apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune: http://www.tinact.ro/detaliu-calendar/IDevent/856

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…

Apel inchis: Leader Training “Lead for Reason”, 17-22 aprilie, Sicilia [DL: 22 martie]

Asociatia InformaGiovani din Italia, cu sprijinul programului Tineret in Actiune al Comisiei Europene, organizeaza cursul de formare pentru lideri – “United for social inclusion”. Cursul se va derula in Alcamo, Italia, intre 17-23 aprilie 2013 si va reuni 15 lucratori si lideri de tineret din tarile programului Tineret in Actiune.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 22 martie 2013

Association InformaGiovani with the support of the European Commission “Youth in Action programmes” organize Leader Training “United for social inclusion”. Leader training will take place in Alcamo, western part of Sicily, Italy from 17-23 April 2013.

Workcamps, international youth and volunteer projects play central role in activities of many NGOs, and most of them need a camp leader, or coordinator, or teamer, or group leader. Names could be many, functions may vary – still, the leader is one of the keys to success of the workcamp and of other international projects.
With the proposed training we aim to prepare leaders in international atmosphere, discuss different aspects of workcamps and international volunteer activities and their preparation, international cooperation among organizations, leadership, preventing and solving conflicts and other issues related to leading an international youth project.
Training have a special feature too: we’d like to address educational aspect of international youth and volunteer activities, how to enhance possibilities for mutual learning and exchange in international context of a workcamp or youth exchange or any other international or local volunteer project.
Training is organized by InformaGiovani and its national and international partners in the frame of EU programmes, namely Youth in Action.
Training is going to take place in Alcamo, western part of Sicily, Italy.
Working language of the training course will be English.

Training is targeted at activists of youth and voluntary service organizations, who will be leading international volunteer workcamps or youth exchanges during summer 2013, who already have experience of participating to a workcamp or youth exchange as a volunteer/participant.

The program will include the following topics:
– Types of international youth and volunteer projects – workcamps and youth exchanges
– Responsibilities of different sides involved in a workcamp
– Leadership and group-dynamics, decision-making in the group
– Intercultural communication and learning in a workcamp
– Practical arrangements
– Self-organization of the group, delegating responsibilities
– Contact and activities with local community in international workcamp
– Conflicts and emergency situations, how to prevent and solve
– Educational activities in international youth and volunteer projects, how to make them interesting and engaging. Sharing topics
and methods (human rights, social inclusion, environmental sustainability issues will be covered here as well)
– Practical volunteering activity involving also local youth.

How to participate
Applications should be compiled and submitted at the following link:

The application deadline is March 22th, 2013.
The candidates will be informed about the selection result till 26. Of march directly by Informagiovani.

For more information or questions – please contact

Apel închis: Training in Diversity, 5-10 iunie, Bratislava [DL: 11 mai]

beyond clashesEsti interesat de activitati cercetasesti cu teme care privesc includerea minoritatilor?

Ai intre 18 si 25 de ani si esti deja implicat inorganizarea de diferite activitati cercetasesti in cadrul centrului tau local sau la nivel national?

Stii sa vorbesti fluent limba engleza?

Atunci citeste cu atentie anuntul de mai jos!

Cum aplic?

Trimite CV-ul tau cercetasesc si o scrisoare de intentie scrisa in limba engleza in care sa spui in maxim 250 de cuvinte de ce ai vrea sa mergi la acest eveniment si sa prezinti o scurta idee de proiect care sa includa minoritati din Romania pe care ai vrea sa il faci in viitor,  la adresa international@scout.ro pana la data de 11 mai,ora 20:00 pentru a intra in procesul de selectie pentru acest eveniment. Rezultatele vor fi facute publice pe blog cel mai tarziu pe data de 3 mai.

Training in Diversity “Minorities + Youth Organisations = Inclusion?” este un eveniment organizat de Regiunea Europeana Scout (WOSM), care va avea loc la Bratislava intre 5 si 10 iunie 2013.

Costuri de participare

10 euro, taxa de participare

Many National Scout Organisations across Europe are reaching out to young people from socially
excluded and culturally diverse backgrounds. However, these organisations recognise that reaching out
can be very challenging and also means the need to adapt their non-formal educational programmes to
be able to provide all young people with meaningful opportunities. The Training in Diversity “Minorities +
Youth Organisations = Inclusion?” is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of

The aim of this Training in Diversity “Minorities + Youth Organisations = Inclusion?” is to tackle the challenge of reaching out to young people from minority communities. Building on the positive experiences, practices and resources already known and available across
Europe, the training aims to improve the capacity of the NSOs to better reach out to young people from minorities by better tailoring the non-formal educational proposal to be more open and relevant to them.
The objectives of the Training in Diversity are to:
1) Explore the concept of minority and its possible differentiations and specificities.
2) Exchange examples of existing grassroots projects that are effectively involving young people from minorities.
3) Identify practices and methods that could help to review and improve the non-formal educational programmes of NSO.

The Training on Diversity will take place in the HOTEL CHOPIN in BRATISLAVA, Slovak Republic (see www.chopinhotel.sk)

Participants profile
• Young people aged 18 – 25 years active as volunteers at national and local level
• Interested in working in this field in the future
• Able to communicate well in English

Number of participants
The event is designed to accept up to 25 participants (24 from Members States of the Council of Europe or Signatories of the European
Cultural Convention and 1 non European country). Applications will be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated. Priority will be given to NSOs and young people having experience in the relevant fields and willing to review and open the nonformal educational programmes to young people from minorities. Particular attention will be given to the diversity of the group of participants.


Apel închis: International scout camp in Zaječar, 1-9 august, Serbia [DL: 20 iunie]

scout campPersoanele interesate sa participe sunt rugate sa trimita un e-mail cu CV-ul lor cercetasesc si o scrisoare de intentie de maxim 200 de cuvinte redactata in limba engleza la adresa international@scout.ro.

The best way to have fun this summer is to spend a week in the town of Zaječar and its surrounding area. This is the opportunity to take part in various scouting activities, meet scouts from many countries and learn about different cultures and traditions. If you want to try out your scouting skills, have fun spending time outdoors, enjoy making new friends and have memorable experiences, join in a summer adventure “International scout meeting – Feel the Nature 2013”.

Programme is intended for:

Boy scouts and Girl scouts (age 11 – 14)
Seniro Boy scouts and Senior Girl scouts (age 15 – 18)
Senior scouts and Lady scouts (age 18+)

*Each group having 6 to 12 members of the same scout category, except Senior scouts, must have one 18- year- old or older group leader.*


Participant fee: 85 euros

Participant fee includes:

– dinner on the day of the arrival, breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner seven days during the stay and breakfast and lunch (to go) on the closing day;

– transport to the campsite places

– campsite place tax

– transport to the Roman imperial palace”Felix Romuliana”;

– tickets and passes for all culture and historical sightseeing tickets

– Gifts, prizes, diplomas and certificates for competitions and activities


Programme activities:

* Staying outdoors for several days:
– Scout camp (11-14)
– Backpacking adventure (15+)

* Orienteering: use of map and compass, orientation without the use of compass, topography…

* Pioneering: use of pioneering tools, knot tying, shelter building, fire making, gadget making…

* Ecology and healthy living: workshops, medicinal herbs, healthy food…

* First aid: injuries, stretcher making…

* Scout all-around competition: fire making, fast knot tying, semaphore, first aid, air rifle shooting, scout and all around challenge…

Night orienteering competition (optional)

* Culture and history: sightseeing tour of the town and nearby area

* Trip to the Roman imperial palace “Felix Romuliana”

* Spiritual values

* Sport competitions: scoutball, football, beach volleyball, mini golf…

* Entertainment