
Apel închis: WURZL’14, Jamboreea Regionala a Cercetasilor din Salzburg (3-13 august 2014) [DL: ian 2014]

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WURZL’14, Jamboreea Regionala a Cercetasilor din Salzburg va alea loc intr 3 si 13 august 2014, in Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

Aplicatiile vor avea loc intre noiembrie 2013 si ianuarie 2014. Pana atunci puteti sa va pre-inregistrati.

From now on you can already pre-register.

The application will be possible from November 2013 to January 2014 . Until then, we need the exact dates of each participant!

Till the end of October 2013, we offer the opportunity to pre-regististration for the Wurzl’14on the website.

An accurate pre-registration is very important to us as it allows us to plan and prepare better. Pre-registration is easy: Just follow the link below and register your group. You’ll get an email instantly to activate your account. From there on you can enter your group data and the estimated members.

A small incentive to offer you to help us, we will be giving away under all pre-registered groups of 5 free-bearing participations – totaling € 1.650, –

Mai multe informatii puteti gasi aici:

Apel închis: GOOSE 2014, Dorset, UK (26.07-2.08.2014) [DL: nu a fost inca stabilit]

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goose 2014

What is the participant programme going to be like?

The programme from Goose 2014 will be offering something for all ages, will be very different to other camps you may have been to before, keeping you entertained from the morning through to bedtime…

During the daytime participants will spend their time in programme zones where there will a range of unique activities many of which you will never have seen at Goose or Buddens before!

Adventure Zone – example activities include aerial runway, mini railway, hot air ballooning, skating, obstacle course, high ropes, backwards cooking, quiet adventure and much more…

Challenge Zone – example activities include piano smashing, mini golf, geocaching, strip a car, skate boarding, low ropes, laser quest, mini diggers, radio control cars, lego, inflatables, small challenges and much more…

Speed Zone – example activities include zip wire, ice climbing, segways, kites, roller sakting, BMX, hover craft, quads, speed for small people and much more…

Wet Zone – example activities include pedelos, water zorbs, inflatables, water obstacle course, model boat making, coracle making, island challenge, radio controlled boats and much more…

World Zone – example activities include Global Development, TV Studio, Scouting skills from around the world, Radio, conservation, crafts and much more…

During the daytime there will be other drop in activities available including our media centre, event newspaper, radio station, internet cafe and chill out lounge.

At Goose things do not stop in the evening! We are planning an exciting evening ranging from large arena events and discos to challenges and quieter activities!

Will there be anything for the adults?

Whilst our programme is primarily for young people, we also want our leaders and staff to have some fun too and we will have some activities from the programme zones available for adults to try during the evenings.

There will also be facilities to socialise, meet friends, chill out or partake in entertainment each evening in the staff sub camp.

When and where?

Goose 2014 takes place 26 July – 2 August 2014 at Budden’s Scout Centre near Wareham, Dorset. BH20 7NU


Who is it for?

Any Scout or Guide from anywhere in the World aged 8 to 18 and their leaders.

Over 18s can join in the fun as part of our volunteer staff.  There are a range of vacancies to suit everyone!

What is the price?

·         Participants  £140

·         Leaders  £30

·         Staff  £30

·         Staff Catering  £30

·         Beaver/ Brownie (Day Visit)  £10

·         Beaver Leader (Day Visit)  £5

What is included?


  • All activities
  • Camping
  • Scarf  and badge


Leaders & Staff

  • Access to the adult hub (over 18s)
  • Camping
  • Scarf and badge

Formular inscriere grupuri: .

Formular pentru inscriere staff: .

Apel închis: Red Rose 2014

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red rose 2014Taxa participanti: 150 lire sterline (e necesar un depozit de 15 lire pentru garantarea locului)

Taxa lideri/ Staff: 75 lire sterline

Red Rose 2014 is an international Scout and Guide camp organised by West Lancs Scouts. The next Red Rose

camp happens 26 July – 2 August 2014 at Westmorland County Showground on the edge of the beautiful
English Lake District and within easy reach of a wide range of activities.
Bring your Scout Troop or Explorer, Guide or Senior Section Unit for a fun-filled week of adventure in summer 2014 at Red Rose.
A wide range of on- and offsite activities plus evening entertainment is planned for Red Rose 2014 – get on the water with Splash, Explore what the Lake District has to offer and Challenge yourself in the onsite activity zones. At night there will be something for everyone, whether you want to catch up with your sub camp neighbours, go down to the coffee bar or party the night away.
Red Rose wouldn’t be possible without a team of fantastic volunteer staff and you could be part of it.We’re looking for adult Scouts and Guides to fill a huge variety of roles. Whether you have specific national governing body qualifications or think you have some of the other skills we’re looking for, getting involved in Red Rose 2014 will be a great experience.

Red Rose 2014 takes place 26 July – 2 August 2014. The camp takes place at Westmorland Showground, positioned as the perfect gateway to everything the Lake District has to offer. The site is used to handling large events like the Westmorland County Show and we’ll be kitting it out with everything needed to turn rolling fields into a vibrant Scout and Guide village for a week!

Any Scout or Guide from anywhere in the World aged 10 to 18 and their leaders.
Over 18s can join in the fun as part of our volunteer staff. There are a range of vacancies to suit everyone!

Red Rose 2014 costs £150 for participants including all activities, camping, sub camp polo shirt, necker and badge. Cost for leaders is £75 includes access to the adult hub, camping, sub camp polo shirt, necker and badge. Price for staff is £75 including food or £25 self catered. There are flexible options for those unable to volunteer for the full week.

Transportul DIN si IN Romania nu este acoperit!

Apel inchis: Erasmus+, Germania, 3-7 feb 2014, [DL: 24 nov 2013]

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Cum stai cu apetitul? Nu ti-e pofta de proiecte si de ACTiune?!

Ce anume? Curs international de formare si initiere in programul
Erasmus+/Tineret in Actiune intitulat APPETISER
Pentru cine se recomanda? Pentru membrii organizatiilor care NU au avut
inca nicio experienta internationala in contextul programului Tineret in
Actiune (TiA)

Cand? 3-7 februarie 2014

Unde? Germania

Data limita pentru inscrierea online este 24 noiembrie 2013, iar pentru
trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire,
este 25 noiembrie 2013 (data postei).

Informatii detaliate despre curs si conditiile de participare se gasesc la
adresa de mai jos:

Apel închis: WINGS 2014, UK (2-9 aug 2014) [DL: 30 aprilie 2014]

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wings 2014Participanti:

Taxa de participare: 220 lire sterline (pana la 30 aprilie 2014) sau 230 lire sterline (dupa 30 aprilie 2014)

Taxa pentru lideri: 135 de lire sterline (pana la 30 aprilie 2014)

Link pentru detalii privind taxa de participare:

International Staff Team:

Taxa: 80 de lire sterline (pana la 30 aprilie 2014)

Link pentru detalii privind taxa de IST:

Costurile de transport DIN si CATRE Romania nu sunt incluse!

Mai multe detalii despre eveniment putrti gasi aici:

Flyer in limba romana:

Apel inchis: Cursul de formare “European Citizenship in Youth Work”, 24 feb – 2 mar 2014, Spania. [DL: 24 nov 2013]

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Language-lessons-006Esti o persoana activa in domeniul tineretului si iti doresti sa intelegi
mai bine si sa integrezi concepte legate de “cetatenia europeana” in
activitatile practice din proiectele Tineret in Actiune? Atunci, hai la

ANPCDEFP a lansat Apelul pentru participare la Cursul de formare “European
Citizenship in Youth Work”, ce va avea loc in perioada 24 februarie – 2
martie 2014 in Spania.

Cursul de formare isi propune sa sprijine dezvoltarea profesionala a
persoanelor active in domeniul tineretului (lucratori/lideri de tineret,
manageri de proiect), prin intelegerea si integrarea conceptelor legate de
“cetatenia europeana” in activitatile practice din proiectele de tineret.

Data limita pentru inscriere:
– 24 noiembrie 2013 – inscrierea online
– 25 noiembrie 2013 (data postei) – pentru trimiterea dosarului de
candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire

Mai multe informatii despre curs, profilul candidatului, criterii de
selectie si procedura de inscriere se gasesc pe link-ul de mai jos:

Creeaza-ti propriul profil de cercetas pe

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Organizatia Mondiala a Miscarii Scout (OMMS / WOSM) a creat o versiune superioara a  site-ului


Daca te-ai gandit vreodata ca ti-ar fi folositor un “profil de cercetas”, acum poti sa il faci si pe site-ul organizatiei mondiale.

Ca sa creezi un cont, trebuie doar sa intri pe, la sectiunea Create profile.

Oare cati cercetasi romani se vor inregistra?


Apel inchis: JOTA-JOTI (Jamboreea-on-the-Air si Jamborea-on-the-Internet) – 19-20 octombrie 2013

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JOTA(Jamboreea-on-the-Air)  și  JOTI( Jamborea-on-the-Internet) sunt evenimente de talie mondiala, care reunesc  in fiecare an mai mult de 500 000 de cercetasi si ghizi. In timpul unui singur week-end, cercetasii pot participa in mod normal , timp de 48 de ore, de sambata(19 octombrie 2013)ora 00:00 pana duminica(20 octombrie 2013), ora 24:00, ora locala.
JOTA-JOTI este singurul eveniment care ofera fiecarui cercetas  individual experienta de care el sau ea are nevoie pentru a face parte din Organizatia Mondiala. Si-n plus ca ai ocazia sa te imprietenesti cu cercetasi de pe toate cele 6 continente!
Motto-ul de anul acesta este: “ Hai sa impartim!”
Deci hai sa-mpartim cercetasia, peste tot in Romania!
Pentru a va pune la curent cu ceea ce se va intampla anul acesta accesati:

Apel inchis: “COP19-21”-dream, 1st seminar, Berlin, Germania (Oct 31-Nov. 3rd 2013) [DL: 27 oct 2013]

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SEW 3„Leave the world a little better than you found it“

How can we do it?
The start point is an „Education&Networking Event“ for Scouts
who want to work on ecological politics topics, especially climate. This is the initial
meeting to work from now on until the climate summit (COP21) in Paris 2015.
Core ideas of this network are:
• Build up a network which works on environmental-oriented topics
• Educating each other and other scouts on ecological themes
• Develop ways to increase our influence on world climate summits
• Creating contact with decision-makers and discuss perspectives of Youth
• Collaboration with civil society organisations
Who can participate?
You are 18-30y, member of an european scout/guiding organisation and
interested in networking on ecological topics on European level?
You are able to communicate in English and interested to become part of an
international team?
Great! Join in!
Costs: 60,00€
Date: Thursday, 31.10.2013 till Sunday, 3.11.2013 Venue: Gaeste-Etage, Berlin
Closing date for registration: 27.10.2013


Plata transportului se face individual, de catre participanti.

Cei interesati in participarea la acest seminar pot aplica printr-un mail la

Apel inchis: Erasmus+ – Curs PLUS de scriere de proiecte, 18-20 oct [DL: 13 oct]

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erasmus_new-664x609PLUSam! Pilotam un curs de scriere de proiecte de tineret in contextul noului program european de finantare, Erasmus+, program ce urmeaza a fi implementat in perioada 2014-2020! Astfel, avem in oferta nu unul, ci sase cursuri pilot de formare care se vor desfasura simultan in perioada 18 – 20 octombrie la Bucuresti, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Iasi si Timisoara la care te poti inscrie pana pe 13 octombrie.Ai derulat proiecte Tineret in Actiune? Acum ai posibilitatea sa continui cu proiecte de tineret si in contextul noului program european de finantare, Erasmus+.

Ai vrut sa derulezi proiecte europene de tineret, dar nu ai facut asta pana acum? Poti sa te pregatesti acum si sa inveti sa scrii proiecte de tineret in contextul noului program european de finantare, Erasmus+.

Prezentul curs se adreseaza EXCLUSIV reprezentantilor ONG-urilor de tineret si institutiilor publice care lucreaza cu tinerii care doresc sa initieze proiecte de tineret in cadrul programului Erasmus+.
Apelurile de inscriere pentru cursuri sunt disponibile pe in Lista Evenimentelor. Mai multe detalii si formularele de inscriere gasiti in apelul pentru fiecare curs (pentru detalii click pe oras):
•    Bucuresti
•    Brasov
•    Cluj-Napoca
•    Craiova
•    Iasi
•    Timisoara
Erasmus+ este programul european de educatie, tineret, formare si sport pentru perioada 2014-2020. Acesta continua generatia de programe “Tineret in Actiune” si “Invatare pe tot parcursul vietii”. Decizia oficiala a Comisiei Europene de lansare a programului este asteptata la finalul acestui an. Chiar daca documentele oficiale ale programului nu au fost inca adoptate, in cadrul cursului se va lucra cu documentele-propunere care contin informatiile publice si care cel mai probabil se vor regasi si in Erasmus+. Variantele oficiale vor fi disponibile in momentul publicarii deciziei de catre Comisia Europeana.Cursul de formare este dezvoltat de ANPCDEFP, impreuna cu Reteaua Nationala a Formatorilor Programului Tineret in Actiune, ca modul pilot de pregatire in vederea continuarii proiectelor de tineret in cadrul programului european de finantare Erasmus+.

Prezentul modul de formare va fi pilotat in luna octombrie. In baza procesului testat si rezultatelor de la cele sase cursuri pilot, in luna noiembrie va fi lansat si modulul de scriere de proiecte de tineret in contextul programului Erasmus+.