Apel ÎNCHIS pentru voluntari cu scopul de a sprijini activitatea in cadrul World Scout Committee

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Vrei sa faci urmatorul pas in dezvoltarea ta si a experientei tale cercetasesti?

In urma celei de-a 40-a Conferinte Mondiale Scout ce a avut loc in Slovenia, a fost aprobat Planul Mondial Trienal pentru perioada 2014-2017 prin care Comitetul Modial Scout (WSC) initiaza  o serie de actiuni.

WSC a decis sa lanseze acest Apel Deschis pentru voluntarii interesati sa ajute in diferite domenii de lucru. Cei care doresc sa aplice la acest  apel vor fi adaugati intr-un “Volunteer Pool”, iar World Scout Committee va alege voluntarii pentru grupurile de lucru pe care doresc sa le infiinteze. Participarea la acest apel deschis nu implica o intalnire propriu-zisa. De asemenea, daca cei din WSC considera ca indemanarea necesara nu se regaseste dintr-un motiv sau altul in “Volunteer Pool”, pot sa apeleze in mod direct la persoane specializate.

Mai multe informatii gasiti pe:   http://scout.org/sites/default/files/news_files/C3314_OpenCallVolunteersforWSC2014-2017_e.pdf

Cei care doresc sa participe o pot face accesand : https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WOSMOpenCall ( se va completa un chestionar) 

Daca doriti sa va inscrieti trimite-ti un mail la international@scout.ro pentru a primi recomandarea Comisarului International si parola necesara completarii formularului.

Apel inchis: Sef contingent Roverway 2016, Franta (DDL: 25 sept.)

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 roverway2016_logoDeschis catre: lideri

 Perioada:  3-15 august 2016

 Deadline sef de contingent: 25 septembrie 2014, ora 24:00

 Locatia:   Franta (diferite rute)

 Costuri:  transport

Visezi de ceva vreme sa ajungi la Roverway? Ti-ar placea sa te bucuri de bucataria (si cercetasia) frantuzeasca, dar sa dai in acelasi timp si o mana de ajutor la organizarea contingentului romanesc pentru acest eveniment? Iti place sa comunici cu exploratorii mai mari si seniorii si sa-i ajuti sa se organizeze? Ai niscaiva timp la dispozitie pentru asta? Ei bine, atunci esti omul potrivit pentru a fi seful contingentului romanesc la Roverway 2016!

Evenimentul este dedicat exploratorilor peste 16 ani si seniorilor si include diferite trasee (culturale, de aventura, sociale), cu grade variate de dificultate, pe care patrulele pot sa mearga. Mai multe detalii despre eveniment sunt disponibile in primul newsletter, la:

Click to access Newsletter-Europe-english-version.pdf

Persoanele interesate sa aplice pentru aceasta pozitie trebuie sa:

– aiba cel putin doi ani experienta ca lideri in cadrul ONCR

– aiba cotizatia platita la zi si acordul sefului de Centru Local pentru aplicatie

– vorbeasca engleza la nivel avansat

– fie disponbili pentru a participa la prima intalnire a sefilor de contingent langa Paris (28 – 30 nov 2014)

– realizeze un plan de pregatire al contingentului (maxim 500 cuvinte) in care sa prezinte ideea lor despre selectia participantilor, comunicarea cu ei ante si post eveniment, strangere de fonduri, identitate vizuala, evaluarea experientei, coordonarea grupului in timpul evenimentului etc.

– trimita un CV in format Europass, o scurta scrisoare de motivatie (limba engleza, maxim 200 cuvinte) si planul de pregatire al contingentului la adresa international@scout.ro pana la data de 25 septembrie 2014 ora 24:00.


Asteptam cu mare drag aplicatiile voastre!


L.E. Persoana selectata pentru a indeplini functia de Sef de Contingent este Alexandru But.

Apel ÎNCHIS: Jamboree “You’re up!”, Franta [DL: 15.10.2014]

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 Deschis catre: Exploatori (14-17 ani); lideri de exploratoriCaptură

 Perioada:  16 – 23 iulie 2015

 Deadline sef de contingent: 15 octombrie 2014

 Deadline paticipanti1 decembrie 2014

 Locatia:   Strasbourg, Franta

 Costuri: 110 euro pentru o persoana + transport

              Ai avut pana acum sansa de a te intalni cu cercetasii francezi? Vrei sa ai parte de experiente noi si o “patrula sora” din Franta? Jamboreea ce va avea loc in Franta in 2015 reprezinta oportunitatea perfecta pentru a forma noi prietenii.

Programul este extrem de ofertant si cuprinde:

– o zi de acomodare;

– o zi in care vei putea participa la o vanatoare de comori in Strasbourg sau vei lua parte la dezbateri la Parlamentul European;

– o zi in oras in care vei putea descoperi lumea din jurul tau si in care vei ajuta la dezvoltarea urbana;

– cateva zile in care se vor desfasura diferite activitati in care vei lucra in echipa cu noii tai prieteni.

 Obiectivele educative ale evenimentului se regasesc mai jos:


Pentru orice intrebari lasati un comentariu mai jos sau un mail la: international@scout.ro                            
Mai multe informatii puteti gasi pe site-ul oficial al jamboreei franceze: www.sgdf.fr


Apel inchis: The Academy 2014, Belgrad [DL: 15.09]

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FB Profile pics

Deschis catre: Lideri si seniori

Perioada:  4-9 noiembrie

Deadline perioada: 15.09.2014 ora 10:00 AM

Locatia:   Belgrad, Serbia

Costuri:  pentru doi participanti 170 euro + 30% din transport ( daca se merge cu masina) 🙂

TaxaIncludePret euro
1 ZI (nici o noapte)1 cina si 1 pranz, costul materialelor50
2 ZILE (o noapteo noapte in camera dubla, o cina si un mic dejun, 2 pranzuri, costul materialelor125
3 ZILE (2 nopti)2 nopti in camera dubla, 2 mic dejun, 2 cine 3 pranzuri, coostul materialelor200
4 ZILE (3 nopti)3 nopti in camera dubla, 3 mic dejun, 3 cine, 3 pranzuri, costul materialelor275
5 ZILE (4 nopti)4nopti in camera dubla, 4 mic dejun, 4 cine 4 pranzuri, costul materialelor.350
TAXA COMPLETA5 nopti in camera dubla, 5 mic dejun, 5 cine, 4 pranzuri, costul materialelor390


Ati citit articolul despre Academia de anul trecut?! Daca da, si daca ati fost interesati, revenim cu vesti proaspete direct din Belgrad!

In primul rand, “The Academy” este un eveniment scout unic destinat sa ofere participantilor  un training de inalta calitate. Aceasta oportunitate este adresata tuturor celor care detin o pozitie la nivel national in organizatiile membre WAGGS sau Organizatiile Nationale ale WOSM.

Pe parcursul evenimentului, participantii vor putea alege dintr-o varietate de sesiuni, reusind astfel sa isi compuna propriul plan de lucru, in concordanta cu pozitia detinuta in organizatie sau nevoile particulare.

Subiectele sesiunilor: 

  • Strategia de crestere
  • Gestionarea schimbarilor
  • Management de proiect
  • Dezvoltarea strategiei organizationale
  •  Recrutarea & Fixarea voluntarilor
  •  Training Purtator de cuvant
  • Monitorizare și Evaluare
  •  Mentorat & Coaching
  • Planificarea succesiunii
  • Managementul voluntarilor
  • ADN Scout (fundamentele noastre și cum să le comunicam)


Transportul se asigura de catre participant, astfel incat recomandam balkan flexipass, deoarece este mai ieftin, link aici !

Linkul catre formularul de inscriere:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pjxNgGafBNkRtCWz6nFOc5OuijyJ8LsrjzEprDf4muk/viewform

Site-ul Academiei: http://academy.europak-online.net/

Facebook aici ! 

L.E. Persoana care va reprezenta ONCR la The Academy este Andreea Anghelea (singur candidat).

The 17th International Scout Gathering for Cultural Exchange, Egipt (28/8 -6/9/2014) [DL: 24.07.2014]

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In the light of the highly concern of the Arab Scout Region to deep rooted brotherhood  and friendship ties among Youth who are involved in Scouting, which will help in strengthening Youth abilities spiritually, physically, socially, mentally and psychologically; the region  cooperated with the Supreme Council of Antiquities, the Egyptian Tourism Authority, The Egyptian Organization for Information Supreme Council of Antiques & The Fund of Cultural Development in the organization of the previous Sixteen IYGs from 1998 to 2013 attended by some of 800 participants 18-23 years old representing 120 National Scout Associations from the six World Scout Regions.

Persistency to the success of the previous Gatherings, the Arab Scout Region agreed to hold the Gathering of the year 2014 during the period 28/8 -6/9/2014 in the following governorates (Cairo, Giza – Luxor & Aswan) which are very famous for their historical, cultural, religious, archeological and natural sites.

In this regard, I would like to seize this opportunity to invite representatives from your national scout association to participate in this unforgettable and important event according to
regulations & eligibilities mentioned in the brochure.

The main objectives of the Gathering are as follows:

 Increasing awareness of the participants on the human values and principles including tolerance and peace.

 Developing ties of friendship and brotherhood among the participants from the different countries.

 Encouraging dialogue on the issues and challenges facing youth in the temporary world and youth role in dealing with these challenges.

 Spreading peace culture and mutual understanding among all the peoples of the world.

 Studying the nature and cultural heritage of the selected governorates.

Venue: Cairo International Scout Center, Cairo, Giza, Luxor & Aswan.

Axes of the Gathering:

1. Cultural axis:

This axis includes a visit to the following governorates:

 Cairo Governorate (old Cairo [old churches, old mosques…etc.], museums  [Egyptian museum, Islamic museum, Coptic museum], Saladin Citadel, Fatemic Cairo [khan al Khalili …Etc.]).

 Giza Governorate (Pyramids & Sphinx).

 Luxor Governorate {mummification museum, temple of Queen Hatshepsut …etc}

 Aswan Governorate {Philae Temple, the unfinished Obelisk …etc}.

2. Cultural Exchange axis:

 Holding 4 cultural Exchange sessions where each contingent speaks or makes a presentation about his own country {culture, geographical venue, relations with its

neighbors, traditions, customs …etc}.

 An International Evening where all the participants are invited to present different types of their traditional dishes, folklore. Coins, scouting souvenirs, gifts…etc}.

3. General Activities axis:

 Different sports, adventure and aquatic activities.

 Free tours.

The Participants:

The participation in this event is open for all Rovers all over the world as far as they meet the All National Scout Organizations are invited to send 2 rovers (males only) without any

registration fees according to the following conditions:

Age between 18-23 years old.

Good command of English.

Registered as members in his national scout organization..

Their applications must be approved by their National Scout Organizations.

Deadline is 24/8/2014

Preference for scouts having been involved in cultural projects (protection of historical and natural heritage) in their countries.

Costs & Visa:

Tickets to/from Egypt will be covered by the participant him self or his National

Scout Association.

The organizers will cover all accommodation from 28/8/2014 afternoon – Lunch to 6/9/2014 Breakfast, internal transportation during the program activities for a maximum of 2 rovers from each National Scout Association.

Each participant should cover – by himself – any extra expenses that do not mentioned in the accommodation (private telephone calls, Landry, coffee, tea. .etc).

Participants have to contact the nearest Egyptian Embassy or Consulate for obtaining an Entry Visa.

Each extra participant should pay $150 for his participation in the event.

What is to bring?

2 photos for the application form 4×6 cm.

Traditional costume or shirt which is unique to the country as part of the International Evening.

Scout Uniform for the official activities.

2 flags of the participant’s Country 80×120 cm.

Elements (documents, publications, handouts, posters, video taps, and traditional dishes. .etc) for exhibition and for any audiovisual presentation on scout project.

Swimming suite, suitable cloths for water and beach games.

Comfortable shoes compass, personal equipment …etc.



Pentru inscrieri, asteptam un mail la international@scout.ro

Apel inchis: “Zoom in”- Seminar cu tema incluziune sociala, Polonia (DL: 19 iulie)

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Youth Express Network is a European youth NGO working on social inclusion of young people since 1993. Their mission is “to make a more open, more accessible, more visible network of local youth organisation working on youth and social inclusion questions”.

The seminar “Zoom In!” is the second activity of Y-E-N Work Plan “ITINERAR-Y-E-N: On the Road of Social Inclusion of Young People”. It will take place in Miechucino in Northern Poland (40 km from Gdansk) from 7-12 of August 2014, gathering 26 participants from 22 countries.

The objectives of the seminar are:

  • to develop a common definition of social inclusion;
  • to share, learn and collect good practices on social inclusion of young people based on experience and expertise of the young people and youth workers;
  • to raise awareness on the impact of youth work as a tool to actively promote social inclusion.

The seminar will be based on non-formal education and will combine sessions of group/team building, theoretical inputs and individual/small groups work.


The seminar is designed for young people with fewer opportunities, who are pushed out of the society for many reasons, and for the youth workers who empower then to find their place.

The eligible countries are: Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Luxembourg and Sweden.


This seminar is financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. The participants will be provided with accommodation, meals and visa support. The travel expenses will be 70% reimbursed.

A participation fee will be asked. Depending on your country of residence it will be between 20 € and 40 €.


The deadline to apply is 19 July 2014. Participants will be selected by 20 July 2014.

In order to apply interested participants must fill in the application form and send it via email to:  y-e-n@wanadoo.fr with the subject “ZOOM IN”.

For further information you can direct your questions to Véronique Bertholle at: y-e-n@wanadoo.fr or by phone at +33 3 88 35 37 45.

  Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.eu/2014/07/15/seminar-zoom-in-in-poland/#ixzz37Wzq8a90

Apel ÎNCHIS: Energy Globe [DL: 22 septembrie 2014]

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   With more than 160 participating countries, the Energy Globe Award is today’s most renowned worldwide environmental award. The international recipients of each category are presented with their awards as part of a ceremony that is broadcast all over the world. Also, they will receive a 10,000 euro cash award and are featured by international media.
We are particularly interested in youth projects each year because it is just as important to transmit knowledge and create more awareness for these issues as it is to implement environment-conscious and energy-saving projects.

As one focus of the scout movement is the environment we think that there are a lot of projects which are relevant for the award. So we beg you to forward this E-Mail to the scout groups in your country and ask them to hand in their projects. 

The process of applying is very simple. You find all instructions on this website:

Conditions of Participation

  • Projects focusing on the conservation of resources, the improvement of air and water quality, the efficient use of energy, the implementation of renewable energies as well as creating a heightened awareness for issues related to climate change can be entered. No project is too small and none too big. Such projects also include ideas involving ways to heighten awareness (for example in schools) or projects geared towards a better protection of the environment and creating a more sustainable and worthwhile future for generations to come.
  • Participation is free of charge for everyone.
  • Projects can be entered by individuals as well as companies, clubs, organizations, schools, universities, and public authorities. A single project may be jointly entered by several partners (please indicate the name of the primary contact partner).
  • It is also admissible for one contestant to enter several projects.
  • Excluded from participation are political initiatives such as online petitions.
  • Only projects that have already been implemented will be considered for the Energy Globe Award. ‘Implemented’ means that enough progress must have been made for a project to be assessable. Examples:
    • A functioning prototype –or–
    • Partial implementation of a project consisting of several stages. (For example: 10,000 new trees are due for planting in several stages. Such a project can be submitted as early as in the course of the first implementation stage. Or: A school project has been planned for 100 schools and the pilot project was successfully implemented for the first school during the project’s initial year.)
  • Continuous projects and initiatives (such as ongoing garbage collecting and recycling initiatives) that have not yet been completed but are already showing initial results may be entered as well.
  • Projects still at an early planning stage with no implementation results may be entered as well. However, they will not be considered for the Energy Globe Awards; instead they will be evaluated by Energy Globe partners willing to offer project financing or startup consulting.
  • In order to be considered for an award, projects must be submitted together with a complete description as described in the question categories provided on the submission form. In order to be entered into the Energy Globe online database, at least 25 percent of the total possible assessment points must be reached.
  • The international awards are presented for the categories of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Youth. A detailed description of these categories is providedhere. The final decision concerning a project’s category shall remain with Energy Globe. All international award winners will be presented with a cash award of 10,000 euros.
  • Depending on the project’s implementation location and partners, and depending on the fact if an award is presented on a regional or national level, winning projects may be presented with winner’s certificates or even gift awards or cash prizes. There is no legal claim to any prize.
  • Project assessment is performed in the course of a multi-stage process by independent experts not related to Energy Globe. Energy Globe has no influence on the assessment process and can therefore not provide any information on jury decisions.
  • By entering a project, participants agree that their data may be processed and utilized by Energy Globe and its partner networks.
  • Project submission deadline for the 2015 Energy Globe Award:
    22 September 2014.

Award Categories

Category Earth

Earth is our home and the only planet we know on which we can live. This planet provides us with everything we need in terms of living, heating, electricity, food and clothing. More and more people are living on this planet and ever more people utilize its natural resources and recreation areas, often excessively and without thinking about the future. Therefore conservational and sustainable treatment of our planet and its resources is the order of the day. Any measures that contribute to this effort can be submitted in this category, including projects on topics such as building materials, buildings, energy plants, and traffic routes.

Category Fire

Fire represents energy, a topic that commands everyone’s attention nowadays. Energy means progress and comfort on the one hand but pollution and climate change on the other. Over millennia humans have utilized various fuels, some of which are available only in limited supply: our oil reserves will be depleted in a few decades, while plants and trees, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power and solar power are renewable sources that do not harm the climate. Projects that involve energy production, the use of renewable fuels, energy distribution and transport, energy utilization, and energy optimization and thereby achieve optimized efficiency and sustainability can be submitted in this category.

Category Water

All life began in water, and without water there can be no life. Millions of people worldwide experience this dilemma daily, while millions of other people thoughtlessly waste or pollute this lifeblood of nature. The battle over distribution of water has long since begun, and war is its consequence. Conservational utilization of this resource on the part of all people accompanied by innovative technologies can make water available to everyone. Any measures that contribute in this direction can be submitted for an ENERGY GLOBE. This includes projects in areas such as drinking water supply, domestic water, irrigation, protection of waterways, shipping, and avoidance and treatment of waste water.

Category Air

Air is an element of life that always surrounds us and without which we could not survive for more than a few minutes. Thanks to the clever concept of nature, clean air is provided by trees and plants. Humans and animals need clean air to breathe, and air serves as the carrier for water that returns to the earth. The element air best symbolizes the unification of the cycles of nature. Any measures that contribute to improving air quality, including the avoidance of CO2 emissions (climate change), can participate in the ENERGY GLOBE. This includes projects involving optimization of combustion processes, reduction of greenhouse gases or emissions, indoor air quality, etc.

Category Youth

Young people of today are the architects of the world of tomorrow. What they learn today, they can apply tomorrow for the benefit of our environment. The knowledge of older generations and the good ideas of young people serve as the best combination toward this end. Any measures that promote sustainable thinking and action on the part of young people and any actions that young people implement for the benefit of our environment can be submitted for an ENERGY GLOBE in the category Youth.

Apel inchis: Expozitie de fotografie pentru Conferinta Mondiala Scout [DL: 10 iulie 2014]

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Iti place sa cercetasesti prin lume? Iti plac natura si fotografia? Atunci esti omul pe care il cautam! Nu rata sansa de a arata lumii de ce esti cercetas!

Dupa cum unii dintre voi stiti deja, anul acesta are loc Conferinta Mondiala Scout, in Slovenia. Aceasta conferinta se desfasoara o data la 3 ani, editia trecuta fiind in Brazilia. In cadrul conferintei se iau hotarari importante pentru dezvoltarea Organizatiei Mondiale a Miscarii Scout.

De asemenea, este si momentul in care avem sansa de a arata cum e sa fii cercetas, in fiecare tara. Cu aveasta ocazie, suntem invitati sa trimitem fotografii reprezentatice pentru cercetasi  si natura. Fotografiile vor fi expuse in cadrul unei expozitii care le va reuni pe cele sosite din toate tarile!


Mai jos aveti invitatia din partea cercetasilor sloveni:


Dear friends.

Zveza tabornikov Slovenije invites you to participate in an open call for photography exhibition. In August 2014, the association will host the 40th World Scout Conference that will coincide with a photography exhibition “Youth in Nature” at the main promenade of the busiest park in our capital Ljubljana. This will allow us to showcase Scouting activities in the nature from across the globe to inhabitants of Ljubljana, foreign visitors and tourists.

The contest is open to all photographers, amateurs or professionals. We are looking forward to see your photographs of unforgettable moments in nature with your fellow Scouts!

The photographs must be delivered by 30 June 2014.

Please find mere information here: http://www.wsc2014.si/docs/photo-exhibition-en.pdf

Va rugam sa ne trimiteti si un document impreuna cu pozele in care sa se regaseasca:

Name and Surname:

E-mail address:

Telephone number:

Title and short description for each file (photo):

Va rugam sa trimiteti toate fotografiile la adresa international@scout.ro pana pe 10 iulie.  Le vom reuni pe toate si le vom trimite catre expozitie.

Subiect: Expozitie WSC 2014

Apel inchis: Schimb tineri Spania [DL: 15 iulie 2014]

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Gata Oricand !!!

Cercetasii din Tg-Jiu sunt parteneri la un proiect de schimb de tineri in Spania vara aceasta si ar dori sa ii implice in acest proiect si pe alti cercetasi din tara in limita locurilor disponibile ( MAI SUNT DOAR 2 LOCURI DINSPONIBILE ).

Proiectul o sa fie organizat sub forma unui camp unde o sa participe cercetasi din Romania, Cipru si Spania :

Proiect Spania – IMPEESA

De pe 28 Iulie pana pe 9 August

Activitatea incepe in orasul San Fernando, iar din a 4-a zi ne mutam in natura.

Activitatile vor fi specifice unui camp, primele zile la o scoala iar din a 4-a zi la corturi.

O suma maxima de 270 Euro va fi rambursata pentru transport prin intermediul proiectului. Masa si cazarea sunt asigurate. Daca aveti nevoie de ajutor pentru acoperirea transportului va rugam sa ne anuntati. Taxa de participare este de 20 de Euro.

Varsta si numarul participantilor:
15 tineri cu varste cuprinse intre 13 si 22 de ani (cautam in special baieti!!).

Activitatile din program:
Vizite culturale: cunoașterea oraselor , Cadiz și Sevilla
Sport: cum se fac trasee caiac, drumeții în natură, etc …
Activități de mediu: excursii la plaja, cunoașterea mediului natural, flora și fauna, specii invazive, etc …
Activități interculturale ar fi jocuri de limbaj și conversații cu alți tineri din alte naționalități.
Activități manuale: ateliere de lucru, meșteșuguri, etc …
Și multe altele

Interesat? Aplica pana pe 24 iunie aici:


Apel inchis: Youth Exchange Sucevita [DL: 18 iunie 2014], 22-29.06

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Ai intre 15 si 25 ani?

Vrei sa petreci 8 zile deosebite intr-un proiect international impreuna cu alti tineri romani si estonieni?

Vrei sa-ti dezvolti competentele multiculturale, abilitatile sociale si organizationale?

Asociatia UMANIA selecteaza 14 tineri romani pentru a participa in proiectul de schimb de tineri, Every Me and Every Me in Our World, finantat de Comisia Europeana prin Programul Tineret in Actiune, Actiunea 1 Tineri pentru Europa, Sub-Actiunea 1.1 Schimburi de tineri, gestionat si monitorizat de catre Agentia Naţionala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale (ANPCDEFP).

Activitatile vor avea loc in perioada 22-29 iunie la o pensiune din Sucevita, jud. Suceava si se vor desfasura in limba engleza.

Cazarea si masa vor fi acoperite 100% pentru toti participantii timp de 8 zile.

Scopul proiectului este sa promoveze cetatenia europeana, diversitatea si cooperarea in randul a 32 de tineri cu varste cuprinse intre 15 si 25 ani din doua tari europene, prin crearea unui schimb intercultural de tineri.

Participantii vor avea ocazia de a se cunoaste pe ei insisi si radacinile lor mai bine, invatand totodata sa traiasca intr-un mediu multicultural. Ei îsi vor cunoaste reciproc obiceiurile, traditiile si cultura cu scopul de a creste increderea in sine si spiritul de initiativa. Crearea “spatiului” pentru descoperirea propriei identitati si pentru dezvoltarea imaginii de sine sunt puncte esentiale ale proiectului.

Tinerii vor participa activ la activitatile proiectului: workshopuri despre prejudecati si discriminare, atelier de photovoice, invatand mai multe despre Programul Tineret in Actiune, dezvoltand planuri pentru noi proiecte s.a. Ei vor organiza o activitate publica in Radauti si vor promova diversitatea si cetatenia europeana prin diferite metode de educatie non-formala: teatru forum, photovoice, prezentarea unei lazi de zestre interculturale si planuri de actiune pentru alte proiecte TiA.

Daca vrei sa faci parte din echipa noastra, APLICA PANA MIERCURI, 18 IUNIE, completand formularul:


Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!… sau trimite acest mesaj mai departe persoanelor interesate! 🙂

Produse finale ale proiectului: filmulete, fotografii, testimoniale ale tinerilor, afise, brosuri in care sunt prezentate rezultatele si activitatile proiectului, planul a 4 idei de noi proiecte marca TiA dezvoltate si prezentate in broşura ce va fi diseminata atat in mediul on-line cat si in format print, un targ local al tanarului european, evenimente de diseminare si valorizare in cele doua comunitati.

Pentru mai multe informatii nu ezita sa ne contactezi prin e-mail: umania.ffs@gmail.com, persoana de contact: Ioana-Delia Rusu, coordonator proiect.

“Acest proiect este finanţat cu susţinere din partea Comisiei Europene. Această publicaţie (comunicare) reflectă doar vederile autorului, iar Comisia sau Agenţia Naţională nu pot fi făcute responsabile pentru utilizarea informaţiei pe care o conţine”.