Apel inchis:Camp Kavala- Thasos

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Pentru cei ce nu si-au gasit inca destinatia pentru vara, va invitam la o experienta cercetaseasca in Grecia, Kavala !


Perioada: 7-10 zile, luna Iulie a.c.

Participanti: 30-35 persoane ;

Varsta:  intre 15-18 ani;

Pret: 200 euro

Pretul include mesele zilnice (mic dejun, pranz, cina) ,bilete pentru transportul intern din Grecia, biletele pentru muzee, situri arheologice.

Pretul nu include drumul catre si din Grecia, cercetasii romani fiind nevoiti sa si-l asigure! 

Detalii:  Kavala este un oras in nordul Greciei, situat in golful cu acelasi nume, foarte aproape de Thasos, si la jumatate de ora de Thessaloniki.

Cercetasii ne-au propus ca 2-3 zile sa fie petrecute in camp, pentru cunoasterea participantilor si acivitati cercetasesti, dupa se va pleca in Thasos, 2-3 zile, unde se vor desfasura,de asemenea, activitati cercetasesti.

Nu avem programul exact, imediat cum il primim il vom posta aici.

Va asteptam inscrierile si intrebarile la international@scout.ro!




Apel inchis: 9th Serbian Scout Jamboree, DL: 15 iunie 2014

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Dear friends in scouting,

The Scout Organization of Serbia would like to invite you to the 9th Serbian Scout Jamboree that will take place in Bela Crkva from 25th  July to 8th  August 2014.

Under the motto  “One idea, one dream – one goal” the event will bring scouts working together, exploring the rich and diverse Serbian culture and traditions, sharing ideas and engaging in diverse activities and programs.

The program of the jamboree is aimed at two different age sections in Serbian scouting: scouts aged 11-15 and venture scouts aged 15-19. Rovers aged 19-25 and adults can participate either as leaders, or as the members of the IST.


The participation fee is 60 Euros+10Euro (for Romanians). The fee covers all the meals, the program materials, participants pack and short field trips that will be organized as a part of the program.


Rovers aged 18-25 and adults can join the Jamboree as a part of the International service team. The full list of positions available for the IST will be published on the jamboree website. The participation fee for the members of the IST is 75% of the full participation fee.


Meals will be distributed from a centralized kitchen since cooking is not allowed on the site. There will be three meals per day served in disposable packaging. The participants will only have to bring their own utensils (knife, fork, spoon, etc). Special dietary needs will be observed in case they have been announced during the registration process.


Accommodation is in tents that participants bring with them. The full list of equipment needed will be distributed at the later stage.


Deadline for registration is May 31st 2014. The registration forms in English can be obtained by request. Deadline for payment and payment details will be announced at a later stage.


The website:  www.jamboree.rs

Taxa: 70 de Euro, Pentru inscrieri va rugam sa contactati departamentul (international@scout.ro) sau pe Ioana Frincu ioana.frincu@scout.ro

Apel inchis: Voluntar în țara Cocoșului Galic și a turnului Eiffel [DL: 10 aprilie 2014]

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Ça vaParlez vous francais?
Ești pasionat de animație? Vrei să înveți să lucrezi cu oameni cu dizabilități fizice sau psihice,  să înveți franceză sau doar să te bucuri de ‘macarons’ și ‘croissants’ în fiecare dimineață?
Dacă răspunsul  este da, atunci aplică până în data de 10 aprilie pentru unul dintre cele 4 plasamente EVS  oferite de MAS (Specialized Host Home Marc Toussaint).
Localizată în Reims, Franța, MAS este o organizație non-guvernamentală care oferă cazare și sprijin în activitatea zilnică persoanelor cu dezabilități fizice și psihice.
Cât mă costă?
Voluntarii vor avea cazarea și masa asigurată în Reims, într-un apartament localizat aproape de locul de muncă, iar pe durata întregului plasament (între 6 și 12 luni) vor oferi ajutor echipei de animație în organizarea de activități culturale și recreative pentru persoanele cu dizabilități ( jocuri, ateliere de gătit, muzică, poezie, balneoterapie, etc). În conformitate cu regulamentul programului ERASMUS+ voluntarilor li se va asigura și o alocație lunară (bani de buzunar) în valoare de 115 euro, iar transportul din România în Franta și retur le va fi decontat în proporție de 90%.
Cine poate aplica?
Una dintre condițiile pentru a fi selectat este cunoașterea limbii franceză la nivel intermediar, dar și deschiderea la mediul cultural și social.
Pentru aplicații este nevoie de CV-ul,  scrisoarea de motivație și formularul atașat completat (Questionnaire SVE), iar pentru mai multe informații accesați site-ul următor:  http://europa.eu/youth/organisation/2083_en sau  scrieți la  adresa de e-mail  sve@crij-ca.fr  

Apel inchis: Let’s Stop Bullying, Ucraina [DL: 7 aprilie 2014]

“Let’s Stop Bullying” (LSB)

Training Course

23-31 May 2014 | Kyiv, Ukraine

This training course will be held on May 23-31, 2014 in suburbs of Kyiv for 39 youth leaders, youth workers, and active volunteers from 12 countries. The main topic of the training will be the prevention of bullying.

Main objectives:
-to raise young people’s awareness about the problem of bullying in our world, the importance of joint efforts in tackling this issue, and the dramatic differences in the understanding of bullying in various countries and cultures;
-to share current work practices currently taking place, who is doing it, and who is benefiting;
-to allow participants to hear about the best practices and successes in current anti-bullying work;
-to empower young people in spreading the word on bullying among youngsters using non-formal educational activities;
-and to provide participants with knowledge, skills, and confidence in the area of non-formal education, techniques, and messaging;
-to develop tools which would make the concept of anti-bullying attractive, cool, and fun to follow for youngsters;
-to enable young people to develop their own educational modules which they will in turn bring to their local communities and implement with youngsters living in rural and/or deprived urban areas;
-to build up a network of anti-bullying messengers which would allow participants to support each other.
After the training, participants will implement and evaluate non-formal education activities on the topic of bullying prevention in their countries.
Bullying is a problem experienced all over the entire world, including Ukraine. Ridicule, mockery, and bullying all restrict the emotional well-being and safety of children, young people. Without effective tools and teaching materials and ambassadors it is difficult for society to deal with these issues and difficult for people to learn. If a community consists of aware, considerate, caring citizens, then it becomes more safe and secure. When communities are safe and secure, communication, education, democracy, and equality all flourish.
One of main objectives of this project is involving young people in anti-bullying work through methods of non-formal education while empowering them for future educational work among youngsters. This promotes youth work and participation as they will be working with young people who have fewer opportunities. All of these values are in line with what many Europeans hope for.
The YiA program, training, and sharing sessions will help participants to support social development, open up new opportunities, acquire essential competencies, promote personal development, allow intercultural & diversity learning, and encourage creative/active participation. A wide variety of educational methods will be used and the participants will have the chance to try them out during the training.

Mai multe informatii: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/let-s-stop-bullying-lsb.4070/

Apel inchis: Coaching Flow Training, Croatia [DL: 25 aprilie 2014]

Coaching Flow Training

Training Course

24-30 May 2014 | Zadar, Croatia

”Coaching Flow Training” is a seven-day international training on practical coaching skills and methods aimed at everyone who is interested in coaching regardless of their experience as well as for those who work with individuals, teams or groups.

It is for those who work as volunteers or as professionals e.g. trainers, coaches, mentors, youth-workers, teachers, educators, managers, supervisors, consultants and other supporting professions.

The „Coaching Flow Training“ is a unique opportunity for you to:

– Get to know your communication style, learn new ones and how to use them flexibly
– Improve your relationship with yourself and others
– Master coaching skills that empower and support achievement of full potential
– Learn how to effectively use coaching for individuals, team and group development
– Learn examples of good coaching practice from experienced professionals from around Europe

The training is based on learning by doing and the approach we encoded in the concept of Coaching Flow: a mastery that stems from continuous application of knowledge, techniques and skills. A mastery obtainable by practicing until they become one´s naturally available ability. The result enables you to apply the approach of Coaching Flow – effortless doing.

Our approach to learning about coaching is based on experiential learning and learning by doing. You will practice the theory and content we deliver until you master it.
In the Coaching Flow Training we deliver a concise selection of tools and techniques that we practices and apply them immediately. We have a „tool box“ approach for using them: try one out and based on the result you continue using it or try another one from the tool box.

The direct outcome of the training for you is to develop your coaching skills and to apply what you have learned in different aspects of your personal and professional life.

There is 20 places on the training, we accept participants in the chronological order as long as there are places available.

Pentru mai multe informatii: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/coaching-flow-training.4124/

Apel inchis: Life Love Youthpass,Irlanda [DL: 4 aprilie 2014]

Life Love Youthpass

Training Course

25-30 May 2014 | The Clare Inn, Co. Clare , Ireland

The Youthpass support person (mentor) plays a crucial role in the educational processes of volunteers, helping them to identify the personal learning objectives and recognising learning outcomes through dialogue and feedback.

Are you a Youthpass support person in EVS? Are you aware of educational processes within EVS? Do you know how to support Youthpass process? If any of these questions spark an interest then this training is for you…

The “Life Love Youthpass” training course aims at highlighting and enhancing the quality of the educational aspects within EVS. The focus will be on exploring Youthpass as a tool for learning and how to transfer the learning outcomes into the Key Competences of Youthpass.

The methodology used in this training will be based on experiential learning and non-formal education. Participants will explore but also experience these processes themselves during the training through reflection of learning and methodology like learning to learn (L2L) and self-directed learning (SDL).

Additionally, this training course encourages participants to share and exchange experiences and knowledge about their role as a Youthpass support person.

• To understand the concept of EVS as an educational programme and to discover the philosophy behind Youthpass.
• To explore the dimension of learning within EVS project and to connect it with non formal/informal and self-directed learning
• To develop competences on facilitating the learning process and on the self-assessment of learning outcomes in EVS
• To develop competences on the implementation of the Youthpass as a process, learning how to use it as tool for learning recognition
• To provide a clear understanding of the key competence within Youthpass
• To reflect on the role of the Youthpass support person regarding the learning of the EVS volunteer
Target Group
The training course is designed for participants who are:

• Directly involved in the supporting EVS volunteers (e.g. mentors and task-related support persons) on the hosting, sending and coordinating side,
• Experienced in supporting Youthpass in EVS,
• Able to work and communicate in English (working language!),
• Aged over 18 years
• Resident of the EU Programme Countries

Pentru mai multe detalii: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/life-love-youthpass.4084/

Apel inchis: Sterie Stinghe Camp [DL: 30 aprilie 2014]

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Se apropie vara şi începem să ne amintim cu nostalgie de experienţa Centenarului şi a celorlalte evenimente ceretăşeşti de anul trecut. De aceea, Campul Sterie Stinghe (ce se va desfasura în inima Transilvaniei-Brasov) îşi propune să fie o nouă provocare şi totodată o nouă ocazie de educaţie şi distracţie.

Astfel, tradiţia, cultura, relaxarea, educaţia nonformală sunt doar câteva cuvinte cheie care vor fi notate în cartea amintirilor prin participarea la acest camp.

1150362_624458257574287_119041915_n   Singura condiţie este să ai între 15 si 24 ani  şi să plăteşti taxa de participare, care este de 180 de RON (pentru participanţi) ,120 de RON (pentru lideri) sau 50 de RON (pentru staff).În acest mod vei  putea participa la acest camp deosebit în care vei lega prietenii minunate.

  Bineîţeles că nu vor lipsi activităţile scout menite să-ţi dezvolte personalitatea cercetăşească , focul de tabără, dar şi bucuria întâlnirii. Dacă vreţi să aflaţi mai multe despre activităţi precum  Olimpiada , Poveştile, Urmele, Aventurile, Cărările şi Parada Breslelor, dar şi pentru înscriere vă invit să accesaţi site-ul oficial al campului:


Apel inchis: Stagiu de voluntariat EVS, Slovacia [DL: 9 martie 2014]

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Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca (CVCN) recruteaza un voluntar (cu varsta intre 18 si 30 de ani) pentru un stagiu de 10 luni (1 aprilie 2014 – 31 ianuarie 2015) in orasul Banska Bystrita – Slovacia. Stagiul se va desfasura in organizatia Centrul de Voluntariat Banska Bystrica (Centrum Dobrovolnictva) cu care CVCN are o foarte buna colaborare.

Cu suportul organizatiei si impreuna cu voluntarii locali si intrenationali, voluntarul va organiza minim 5 evenimente publice de promovare a voluntariatului si se va implica in programe de voluntariat locale bazate pe metoda service-learning (invatare prin voluntariat). Toate activitatile vor fi realizate prin metode de educatie nonformala. Stagiul de voluntariat ii va oferi voluntarului sansa sa isi dezvolte urmatoarele competente: relationare interpersonala, relationare institutionala, abilitati de organizare de evenimente, leadership, comunicare orala si in scris, lucru in echipa, managementul timpului, managementul resurselor umane si materiale, creativitate, gandire alternativa, etc.

Profilul voluntarului: varsta intre 18 si 30 de ani, capacitate de a lucra in echipa, abilitati de comunicare, flexibilitate si dorinta de a se adapta la situatii noi, cunoasterea limbii engleze la nivel mediu, creativitate, onestitate, deschidere pentru a interactiona cu persoane diverse. Costurile acoperite: cazarea si masa pe perioada stagiului, cheltuielile cu utilitatile, transport local, cursuri de limba slovaca, 90% din transportul international, alte materiale, bani de buzunar.

Singurul cost pe care voluntarul il va acoperi este 10% din transportul international dus-intors.

Voluntarul selectat va beneficia de o sesiune de pregatire inainte de plecare di de numeroase sesiune de pregatire pe perioada stagiului. Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa trimita un CV si o scrisoare de motivatie in limba engleza la adresa cluj@voluntariat.ro, pana in data de 9 martie 2014. Pentru detalii suplimentare puteti suna la 0729 83 77 73 (Nicoleta Racolta).

Rezultatele de la World Scout Education Congress sunt acum disponibile online!

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In noiembrie 2013 a avut loc primul Congres Educational al Cerctasilor (World Scout Education Congress ), in Hong Kong. Peste 400 de cercetasi din cel putin 100 de tari s-au strans ca sa discute despre viitorul educatiei in cercetasie.
Rezultatele si materialele stranse si create in urma congresului sunt disponibile aici: www.worldscouteducationcongress.org
Pe site puteti gasi paginile:
Facts and Figures
Online Library
Aftermovie & pictures

Aveti sansa sa urmariti toate sesiunile de la congres si sa cititi materialele!

In curand va aparea si un raport care va cuprinde toate concluziile si rezultatele la care s-a ajuns in cadrul congresului.

Sursa: http://scout.org/node/25576

Apel inchis: Stagiu EVS la Centrul Scout Kapraluv mlyn, Cehia (1.09.2014 – 31.08.2015) [DL: 20.06.2014]

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Vrei sa faci voluntariat si sa descoperi o noua cultura in acelasi timp? Daca raspunsul tau este DA, atunci avem o propunere pentru tine!

Centrul Scout Kapraluv mlyn cauta 1 voluntar roman pentru un stagiu in cadrul Serviciului European de voluntariat pe o perioada de 12 luni.

Mai jos aveti, in limba engleza detaliile legate ce implica munca voastra de voluntari acolo si de centru (locatie si facilitati).

Working place:

We work both outside and inside, dependently on the weather and the season. Outside we usually make some programme with children – in the garden, on the meadow or in the forest. There is also still enough work around the building so it is also part of our job (e.g. cutting gras, picking apples…). Sometimes the volunteers are taken to more remote place for the conservation work in the Protected Landscape Area or within a educational programme.
Inside there are three parts for the accommodation, small and big hall, canteen, kitchen and office. Except educational programme held in whole building, volunteers usually work in the kitchen (assist the cookers) or in the office which consists of one bigger room for staff, one smaller room for volunteers and small kitchen. Everybody has access to the computer with internet.

Leisure time opportunities:

Kapraluv mlyn is situated in the beautiful area of the Ricka valley ideal for outdoor activities from jogging and biking to rockclimbing and caving. Natural lake for swimming (with a restaurant in the summer) is 20 minutes walk. The ranch offering horse riding is 10 minute walk. There are plenty of leisure time opportunities in Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic.


The amount of the pocket money that a volunteer receives follows EVS rules. When you eat at Kapraluv mlyn and occasionally visit some culture event or buy some basic needs, it is enough. Official currency is the Czech crown (CZK). There are a lot of cash-machines and exchange offices in Brno.

Rules, preferences and restrictions:

Kapraluv mlyn is a non-smoking area. Consumption of alcohol and drugs is strictly forbidden here (a pub is 300 metres down the valley). Smoking is possible only outside the Kapraluv mlyn’s property. It is not possible to bring your own pets.


Kapraluv mlyn is located 2 kilometres from the Ochoz u Brna village (1200 inhabitants), there is a shop, post office, doctor, Roman Catholic church (service every Sunday) and several typical Czech pubs. However, Kapraluv mlyn is very close to Brno, a regional capital city with 400 000 inhabitants, five universities, a lot of historical monuments, great cultural life and sport opportunities. It is just 10 minutes to Brno by the public transport, Brno downtown is accessible within 30 minutes by public transport (bus going at least every hour except the night).

Accomodation and food:

Accomodation for volunteers is provided at Kapraluv mlyn in lockable rooms with two or three beds and own bathroom (photos at www.kapraluvmlyn.cz). It is possible that during the night there are only volunteers, not staff, in the Centre. When we cook meals for the guests we can provide the perfect home-made cuisine 3 times a day for volunteers as well. Small kitchen with a sink is located in the corridor providing opportunity to make continental breakfasts, cook tea or coffee, heat in microwave etc. Wireless internet is available for free, but cell phone signal in most indoor spaces is poor. Washing machine is available for free.

Social environment:

The Kapraluv mlyn team consists of full and part time staff members and a group of Czech volunteers who provide great support. Most of the staff members are 25-30 years of age and together with a head and a deputy directors below 40 they make relax and welcoming atmosphere based on mutual respect and confidence. Nevertheless they all are hard-workers often staying overnight to finish their jobs. They love their work and want to kickstart the newly established institution.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:

Kapraluv mlyn offers to volunteers learning possibilities in the following topics: conservation management, environmental education methods, sustainable technologies and environment-friendly building techniques. Throughout the volunteer experience the participans will have a chance to meet with different Brno NGOs, city representatives and to explore successful environmental projects. As a result of the everyday contact with Kapraluv mlyn guests (mostly Czech and foreign high school students), volunteers will be given the opportunity to explore different cultures and on the other hand a volunteer represents his own culture to the guests.
Language training will be part of the voluntary experience.

Volunteers will become members of the Kapraluv mlyn staff. Although it is impossible for volunteers to lead environmental education programme on their own, they could help leaders by carrying props etc. and watch the programmes. They will also help with preparation of the environmental programmes and with everyday operation of the centre. Personal project of a volunteer should focus on application of the experience obtained at Kapraluv mlyn (either in nature conservation, environmental education, sustainable technologies, environmentaly friendly building techniques) in his homeland and/or a career. Thanks to informal connections between the Kapraluv mlyn and many Brno NGOs it is also possible to visit organizations with different missions and methods of work: conservation, civil rights, animal rigths, social inclusion, anti-discrimination campaigns. In this case, volunteers will obtain possibility to explore activities of different Czech NGOs.

During EVS service at Kapraluv mlyn, volunteers will pass through different kinds of jobs. The work scheme is balanced to mix manual and intellectual activities. Volunteers are supposed to participate at Kapraluv mlyn everyday duties (looking after the garden and animals, help in kitchen, clean-up, maintenance of Kapraluv mlyn grounds, etc.), environmental education programmes (assisting lecturers, creating, testing and evaluating their own environmental education programmes and projects), natural management (cutting grass and invasive plants in natural reservations under supervision of the Moravian karst rangers with special training in natural management techniques). They should also participate in a long-time project of construction of house for future volunteers made of natural materials.
Working hours are flexible and up to agreement between volunteers and coordinator. Main point affecting the working time are programmes for children (usually Monday-Friday, the most in Summer). Volunteer has right to two free days per week (usually weekend) but he has to arrange it always with coordinator in advance. It is also possible to go home for longer time (e.g. Christmas).
Time schedule:
35 hours per week

8 hours of manual work
8 hours of supporting works for environmental education
6 hours for volunteers personal project
4 hours of occasional works
3 hours of language courses
2 hours of meeting and service evaluation with coordinator and other volunteers
2 hours of meeting with mentor
2 hours of special educational programme (NGO, environment, conservation)

In time schedule are also included two hour spent with mentor. Every volunteer has a mentor (usually person of same gender and similar age) who can help him with orientation in local environment, with problems in the work, with other people, or how spend leisure time etc. Time spent with mentor in addition to these two hours is up to agreement between volunteer and mentor.

Volunteer profiles and recruitment process:

Volunteer profiles:
In line with the mission of the Kapraluv mlyn Scout Environmental Education Centre we prefer volunteers interested in nature conservation topics, environmental education, sustainable technologies and leisure time activities for kids and youth.

Although we appreciate skilled volunteers, we take our EVS participation as a way to share our knowledge and teach the necessary skills. Open-mindedness, will to learn new things and discipline are qualities we are asking for.

Reason, why we want to host the EVS volunteers, is clear. Although other volunteers are coming to us, most of them are Czech and their activities are occasional. We want to work with volunteers on long-term basis and also provide them possibility of intercultural exchange. Also we have good experience from 2005-8 when we hosted some EVS-ers. We think that this type of cooperation can bring big additional value to both sides.