(Apel inchis) Seminar Youth And The City – Direct Democracy on spot, Azerbaijan (DL: 1 martie 2013)

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youth and the cityDeadline: 1 March, 2013
Open to: applicants coming from any Council of Europe member state, Belarus or Kazakhstan, interested in the topics of this event, aged between 18 and 30
Venue: 28th – 5thMay, April 2013, Azerbaijan


The Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe  is announcing a call for participants for the seminar Youth and the City – Direct Democracy on spot. This project will take place from the 28th April to 5th May 2013 Azerbaijan. It is so far financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Green Forum Sweden.

The seminar will explore the theory of direct democracy as a tool for ensuring the fair and sustainable development of our communities and society. The emphasis will be put on the local community as the arena in which everyday decision-making and citizenship activity takes place.

As well as studying theory, we will compare direct democracy practices around Europe, identifying commonalities, good practice and the stakeholders involved. Specifically, we will look at different urban communities based on direct democracy such as squats, recent social movements, communities who have reclaimed space for public use and collective activity outside traditional political institutions.


  • Promote direct democracy as tool for ensuring fair and sustainable development of societies, focusing on endorsing local community as arena for living out participation in decision making processes
  • Stress importance of active engagement of youth and civil society in creation and shaping today and tomorrow environment and society
  • Support participation and strengthen involvement of youth in improvement of urban environment in order to fight discrimination, inequality and ensure equal access to rights


  • This call is open for applicants coming from any Council of Europe member state, Belarus or Kazakhstan.
  • Applicants should be interested in the topics of this event, willing to take active part in the seminar and its follow-up, and able to be in Azerbaijan during the time period mentioned above.
  • It is to the applicant’s advantage (but not a condition) to have a green organisational background and some experience with the topics of the event.
  • Considering that this is a youth event, the participants must be aged between 18 and 30. The seminar preparation team will select the participants during their meeting in mid-March 2013.


  • The organizers will partly reimburse your travel expenses, likely to be 70 % of your travel costs, upon presentation of all original receipts (remember to scan/photocopy them before posting). There will likely be an overall limit for travel costs beyond which the estimated 70 % reimbursement will not  apply.
  • Participation fee for the event will be around €30 per participant, depending on how much the organizers are able to fund-raise. The succesful applicants will be informed about this once the selection  procedure has been completed around mid March 2013.
  • Accommodation, meals, educational materials and refreshments will be provided by organizers for the entire duration of the activity, free-of-charge.
  • The working language of this event is English

How to apply

Application form is available here

DEADLINE for completing and submitting this application to office@cdnee.org is: Friday 1st of March 2013, midnight CET.

For further details read the Official Call

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/2013/02/20/youth-and-the-city-direct-democracy-on-spot-seminar-in-azerbaijan/#ixzz2LRk0SGKx

Apel inchis: Jamboreea Nationala a Sloveniei 1-10 august 2013 (DL: 15 iulie 2013)

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Pentru inscrieri va rugam sa trimitei un e-mail cu CV-ul si scrisoarea voastra de intentie la international@scout.ro.
Zveza tabornikov Slovenije, the National Scout Organization of Slovenia would like to invite you to Zlet ZTS- The National Scout Jamboree Velenje 2013, Slovenia.
Zlet-Jamboree will take place from 1 to 10 August 2013 at Lake Velenje. It is an event for Rovers and Rangers aged between 14 and 20. Participants aged between 18 and 20 can choose to join the event either as participants or members of staff. The main theme of the event is ecology and energy.

(Apel inchis) URGENT Call for EVS for approved project, Bulgaria, DL 20 februarie 2013

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evs bulgariaNota: ONCR este organizatie acreditata pentru trimitere si gazduire de voluntari EVS.

we need one volunteer for approved project “Volunteer Initiatives in Lovech – 2”. The main objective of the project is related to enhancement local community’s capacity for implementation of youth volunteer initiatives at local and international level. The project will be implemented in the town of Lovech, Bulgaria. EVS volunteers will help Ecomission team in daily administrative activities, organizing events, developing new projects and initiatives with their fresh ideas. We expect from them to present native traditions and culture through organizing national eves and developing local youth interests in introducing new cultures. We expect their own creative, artistic, sport ideas for activities directed to local youth and etc. THE PROJECT WILL LAST 9 MONTHS 1ST MARCH-1ST DECEMBER, 2013

Please send CV and Motivation letter in English before 20 February, 2013. Please in your motivation letter to describe your motivation to participate and to answer the following questions:Why are you applying to participate exactly in this project; How your qualification and previous experience are related to the tasks that you will have within the project.

PLEASE CONTACT US AT:  ilrai78@abv.bg

APEL TiA: Laborator pentru facilitarea invatarii ‘SHAREWARE!’, Romania [DL:15.04]

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Ai experienta ca lider, indrumator, mentor sau formator in proiecte
Tineret in Actiune?
Stii o metoda buna pentru facilitarea procesului de invatare a tinerilor?
Vrei sa o SHARE-uiesti si, la randul tau, sa afli de alte experiente
similare, care sa te ajute sa fii si mai bun in lucrul cu tinerii?

Daca ai raspuns cu DA, s-ar putea sa avem cursul potrivit pentru tine! 🙂

Vino la “SHAREWARE!” – un laborator pentru facilitarea invatarii, pentru a
impartasi si experimenta metode, instrumente si procese de invatare
alaturi de alti lideri, indrumatori, mentori si formatori in proiecte
Tineret in Actiune din Europa si regiunile invecinate! Evenimentul este
organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din
Romania (ANPCDEFP) intre 14-19 mai 2013, la Predeal, Romania.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea ONLINE, cat si pentru trimiterea
dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu CONFIRMARE de PRIMIRE, este 15
aprilie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (profilul
participantului, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc
in apelul national publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune:

Nu fi spectator! Candideaza!…shareware

TC on Youth Employability ‘Youth@Work’ -Istanbul, Turcia [DL:03.03.2013]

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Youth employment apprenticeshipsAgentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Romania (ANPCDEFP) va invita sa va inscrieti la un nou curs international de formare. Este vorba despre “Youth@Work: Training Course on Youth Employability”, un curs international aflat deja la a doua editie, gratie succesului pe care l-a avut in ceea ce priveste procesul de invatare si ideile generate pentru actiuni viitoare centrate pe angajabilitatea tinerilor.

Cursul se va derula in perioada 21-27 aprilie 2013 in Istanbul, Turcia, si va reuni lucratori de tineret (voluntari sau angajati) cu experienta de cel putin un an in domeniul tineretului, motivati sa dezvolte proiecte viitoare prin programul Tineret in Actiune. Continuă să citești “TC on Youth Employability ‘Youth@Work’ -Istanbul, Turcia [DL:03.03.2013]”


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Nota: ONCR este organizatie acreditata pentru trimitere si gazduire de voluntari EVS.

alonso-quijanoWe are looking for EVS Candidates for the a project that it is not on database, but in few weeks will be published.

    • CV
    • PHOTO

MORE INFO and APLICATION FORM: http://www.europaerestu.eu/registrationform/show/id/6

Apel inchis: Training Commissioners Network Meeting, Roma 15-17 Mai, [DL: 1 martie]

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trainin commissioners nm 2013

Pentru aplicatii trimiteti CV-ul cercetasesc si scrisoarea de motivatie (de ce doriti sa participati la acest eveniment- in engleza) la adresa international@scout.ro pana la data de 1 martie 2013)

The aim of the network meeting is to offer a motivating and informative opportunity for experts in the field of adult resources management, volunteering and training to share experiences and learn from each other.

The focus of this TCNM edition will be Innovation in Training.

The objectives of the meeting are to:

Stimulate participants to reflect on the needs of their organizations in the area of adult resources
Support participants to understand new trends in volunteering, their impact on the management of adult resources in NSOs and explore ways to react to them
Offer an opportunity for effective networking and partnerships in the area of adult resources management in NSOs
Inspire participants for the implementation of innovative methods in training

Participants profile: National Training Commissioners; Adult Resources and Volunteering experts; Able to communicate well in English and/or French

The event is designed to accept up to 50 participants. We shall accept up to three participants from an association. Priority will be given to have the largest number of different countries represented.

Participation fee: The participation fee is €175 (Euros). The fee covers all accommodation, meals, and event materials, from the evening of Friday, 17 May to lunch on Sunday, 19 May. The fee does not cover any travel costs to the venue.

Bank connections and details for paying the participation fee will be reported to all participants by the meeting acceptance letter.

We encourage participants to start planning their travel to gain from getting cheaper tickets for the trip.

Travel arrangements: Once participants have been selected they will receive acceptance letters by 15th April 2013. They should make their own travel arrangements and obtain a visa, if necessary. If you require an official invitation to obtain a visa, please indicate this clearly on your application form. Please be aware, that it may take up to six weeks to obtain a visa, so please send your visa form with the application form in order to allow sufficient time for that process.

Travel forms will be included in the information package to be sent to participants with the acceptance letter.

Preparation: In order to better answer to participants and NSOs’ specific needs an open online consultation will be made during the applications period. Participants will then have the opportunity to propose new topics or sessions to be part of the event programme.

Event web-site: http://tcnm.scouthub.org/


(Apel inchis) Mind the Gap, Conference in Belgrade (DL: 25 februarie)

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titles Mind the GapDeadline: 25 February 2013
Open to: social science researchers, scholars and policy-makers
Venue: 18-20 April 2013, Belgrade, Serbia


International Interdisciplinary Conference “MIND THE GAP – FAMILY SOCIALISATION AND GENDER” is organised by Centre for Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy in partnership with Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade within the project “Gender Perspectives in Family Socialisation”; supported by Regional Research Promotion Program ⁞ Western Balkans.

The main idea is to bring together scholars, researchers, policy makers and activists from various disciplines and open up spaces for possible critical issues in the study of family, gender, role of the early-age educational system and connection between media and value system in South-East European countries. Continuă să citești “(Apel inchis) Mind the Gap, Conference in Belgrade (DL: 25 februarie)”

(Apel inchis) Volunteer – Teaching Your Native Language in Alicante, Spain (DL: 15 februarie)

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Deadline: 15 February 2013
Open to: Young people, trainers, educators, who have some experience teaching languages
Remuneration: Travel costs, accomodation & meals are covered + 75 euros pocket money

The organization Libertas International is preparing some language courses in Alicante because young people and young adults have a low level of languages which difficults the access to qualified employments. It is planned to give them an opportunity to learn a new culture and new language. The course will take place in Alicante city (Spain) during 1 month from 8th April to 3rd May 2013.

The 4 selected teachers will arrive by Sunday 7th April and will be accommodated at the university residence LA FLORIDA and will live there during the whole month. Continuă să citești “(Apel inchis) Volunteer – Teaching Your Native Language in Alicante, Spain (DL: 15 februarie)”

(Apel Inchis) Volunteer with Rural Youth EVS Project, Hungary (DL: 10 februarie)

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in-india-volunteers-at-schoolDeadline: 10 February 2013
Open to: youth from Italy, Croatia or other EU countries
Benefits: experience designing and realizing your own youthwork projects through European Voluntary Service

Volunteers from Italy, Croatia or from EU countries are needed for an ALREADY APPROVED project in Hungary. They are looking for EVS volunteers for long-term (6 months) EVS project at Creative Space Centre in Hollókő, Hungary. This is your unique opportunity to to be part of an EVS project without wasting your time by searching for a host project and sending organisation!

The activity will last from 6 April to 30 September 2013. Continuă să citești “(Apel Inchis) Volunteer with Rural Youth EVS Project, Hungary (DL: 10 februarie)”