Tag: exploratori

Apel închis: A IV-a Jamboree Nationala a Republicii Moldova, 25 iulie-2 august, Cahul (DL: 15 aprilie)

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moldovaPersoanele doritoare sa participe sunt rugate sa trimita un e-mail la international@scout.ro cu o scrisoare de intentie si CV-ul lor cercetasesc pentru inscriere.

National Jamboree is the biggest scout camp held once in 4 years in different parts of Republic
of Moldova. Over 500 scouts and volunteers join this event. This year the Jamboree’s
motto is: ‘’Un pic maimult” (“A little more”) and will be organized in the south partof our
What is different in this Jamboree?
7 scout branches of Moldova will come together in a beautiful place to celebrate 20 years
of Scouting in Moldova. We expect also guests from other countries.
Date   25th July- 2nd August, 2013
Albota de Jos. It is a beautiful place located in the south of Moldova. All the participants are
going to stay in a campsite near the lake surrounded by forests.
Participants:Members of National Scout Association of Moldova and members of foreign
National Scout Organizations.
13-17 years
Volunteers (IST )
Scouts and non- Scouts over 18 years old.
Volunteers will be divided into different working groups such as registration, catering,
program, security, etc. Volunteers must be ready to come 1 week before the event starts
and 2 days after the Jamboree.
The Jamboree will include a wide and varied program, and will provide a nine-day expedition
as well as various physical activities including hiking, sailing, etc.The program
will also include opportunities to explore numerous famous landmarks within and next to
camp side areas.
Food will be provided during the Jamboree. Catering is included in the fee and will be provided
to all participants of the Jamboree.Participants must bring their personal sleeping
Fees and registration
Fees: 25 euros until 1st of May
45 euros until 10th of July

About Moldova

Invitation to NSAM’s Jamboree

Apel inchis: Watra 2013 for Rovers and Rangers – August 2013, Poland (DDL 12 aprilie)

Publicat pe de scout.ro

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11th POLISH ROVER AND RANGER CAMP WATRA 2013 to be held from 19-25 August 2013 in the Malopolska/Krakow Region, southern Poland. Watra is an event for 16-25 year olds. It consists of a hike (several routes) and a camp at Piaski-Druzkow.

WATRA is a Polish event for 16-25 year old Rovers and Rangers that get together to share their experience and enjoy common program.
This year we would like to invite YOU to join us on a route and meet 19-25 August 2013 in the surroundings of a beautiful southern region
of Poland, located between the two top Polish “must-sees” – Tatra Mountains and Cracow. Give yourself a unique chance to explore
Malopolska together with over 1000 scouts and guides from Poland and all over the world! Continuă să citești “Apel inchis: Watra 2013 for Rovers and Rangers – August 2013, Poland (DDL 12 aprilie)”