Tag: portugalia

16th World Scout Moot – Participanti/IST – Portugalia, 25.07 – 03.08.2025 [DDL prelungit 31.08. 2024]

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Nume proiect: 16th World Scout Moot 

Perioada: 25.07 – 03.08.2025

Locația: Portugalia

Cine poate participa: 

International Service Team (IST): Lideri și voluntari adulți cu vârsta de 26 de ani împlinită la momentul începerii evenimentului (născut/ă pe sau înainte de 26 iulie 1999).

Participanți: Seniori, lideri și voluntari adulți cu vârstele cuprinse între 18 și 25 de ani (născuți între 26 iulie 1999 și 25 iulie 2007)

Despre eveniment:

World Scout Moot este o întâlnire internațională a peste 5.000 de cercetași cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 25 de ani din întreaga lume, care se reunesc pentru a împărtăși cunoștințe despre culturile lor, a învăța unii de la alții și a dobândi noi abilități.

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16th World Scout Moot – CMT Contingent Management Team – Portugalia, 25.07 – 03.08.2025 [DDL prelungit 31.08.2024]

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Nume proiect: 16th World Scout Moot 

Perioada: 25.07 – 03.08.2025

Locația: Portugalia

Cine poate participa: Lideri și voluntari adulți cu vârsta de 26 de ani împlinită la momentul începerii evenimentului (născut/ă pe sau înainte de 26 iulie 1999).

Despre eveniment:

World Scout Moot este o întâlnire internațională a peste 5.000 de cercetași cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 25 de ani din întreaga lume, care se reunesc pentru a împărtăși cunoștințe despre culturile lor, a învăța unii de la alții și a dobândi noi abilități.

Continuă să citești “16th World Scout Moot – CMT Contingent Management Team – Portugalia, 25.07 – 03.08.2025 [DDL prelungit 31.08.2024]”

[APEL ÎNCHIS] Rover100 – Jamboreea Seniorilor Portughezi, 10-17 august 2019, Aveiro, Portugalia. DDL: 25 aprilie 2019

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Nume proiect: Rover100 – Portuguese National Rover

Perioada: 10-17 august 2019

Locația: Aveiro, Portugalia

Cine poate participa:  seniori

Despre eveniment:

La împlinirea a 100 de ani de senioriat, portughezii celebrează cu o Jamboree la care vor participa peste 1500 de seniori portughezi și 50 de seniori din diverse țări. Aceasta se va axa pe proiectele pentru comunitate, având ca obiectiv promovarea valorilor oferite de Baden Powell și întărirea relațiilor dintre seniorii de pretutindeni. Temele abordate vor face parte din sfera Păcii, a Datoriei, a Spiritualității, a Frăției, a Compromisului și a Coerenței. Înregistrarea se poate face ca participant (18-22 ani) sau IST (voluntar, ajutând la bunul mers al campului) (minim 22 ani).

Profilul participantului:

Acesta trebuie să cunoască limba engleză, fiind disponibil să întoarcă în organizație experiența acumulată pe parcursul evenimentului.


Contribuția de participare este de 150 EUR și include cazarea, mesele zilnice, materialele și activitățile. La această sumă se adaugă 10* EUR pentru Departamentul Internațional.

*Contribuția de 10 euro către Departamentul Internațional este cerută atunci când se participă la evenimente internaționale care se desfășoară prin intermediul parteneriatelor realizate de către ONCR. Pentru evenimentele menționate echipa lucrează pe parcursul anului să încheie aceste parteneriate sau să construiască relații care să ne aducă diverse beneficii (taxe reduse, deconturi de transport, locuri gratuite sau suplimentarea locurilor alocate pentru ONCR, grupuri de cercetași străini în țară cu care CL să poată colabora). Contribuția colectată se folosește pentru activitatea periodică a departamentului, în special pentru costurile impuse de materialele de protocol, comisioane bancare, întâlniri ale echipei și participarea la evenimente de networking.

Dacă eşti interesat/ă de această oportunitate, te invităm să completezi formularul de aici până la 25 aprilie 2019. În procesul de selecţie a participanţilor se va ţine cont atât de motivaţia de a participa la eveniment, cât și de vechimea (minim 2 ani), experiența și implicarea activă în cadrul organizației.

Totodată, persoanele selectate trebuie să aibă acordul de participare din partea Consiliului Centrului Local, sa fie membri activi în cadrul organizaţiei şi să aibă cotizaţia plătită la zi.

La evenimentele internaţionale pot participa doar cercetaşi din Centrele Locale legal înfiinţate şi în cadrul acestora se poartă uniforma naţională (eşarfa naţională şi cămaşa bej).

Pentru informaţii suplimentare, ne poţi scrie la adresa de e-mail: international@scout.ro

Apel inchis: Workcamps Cascais 2015 [DL: 25 mai 2015]

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Perioada: 4-18 iulie 2015

Locatie: Cascais, Portugalia

Cine poate participa: Cercetasi cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 30 de ani

Numar participanti: Vor fi in total 20 de persoane din toata lumea, 3 lideri si 1 coordonator

It’s a great opportunity to meet new people from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Participants are young volunteers who will work together and contribute with their efforts to make a positive impact in the local community.
Workcamps Cascais are organized by Cascais Town Hall and Youth Organization Rota Jovem.

This workcamp will be focused on the theme of community development, particularly on contributing to the recovery of the space and structures of an old school.
This space will be for a youth project to develop their activities.

1.To promote the intercultural learning through the contact with youngsters from different cultural background and activities designed to stimulate that;
2. To promote peer to peer learning (there’s the intention that the participants bring their own ideas, strategies and knowledge to share with the rest of the group members);
3. To stimulate tolerance (namely in what concerns the local population, through the contact with different people coming from different countries);
4. To motivate youngsters to a more active life style and participation in society, through the involvement in this kind of initiatives connected with volunteer work,
5. To contribute to a visible positive change in the local community, through the work done by the participants.
















– Remove all the old things from the school.
– Painting inside and outside of the building.
– Restore broken windows.
– Video about the workcamp.
– We also would like to ask you to prepare/think of a small workshop which you could present to the group. Try to keep in mind that it should be something simple and connected with the main theme of the workcamp. Something that you would like to share with others!



Accommodation, food, local transports, local insurance and activities will be covered by the organisation with the support of Cascais Town Hall.


Daca iti doresti iei parte la acest eveniment, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa completezi formularul:


Dupa aceea, daca nu raspundem in 3 ore, te rugam sa ne dai un mail la international@scout.ro si iti vom oferi passi de parcurs mai departe.

Apel dechis: ProAtlântico is looking for one EVS volunteer, Portugalia (durata 12 luni)

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youth empowerment
Begin: 01-10-2013
End: 24-09-2014
Length: 12 months
Monthly Subsidy (Pocket money): 95 €
Application: http://www.europeanvoluntaryservice.com/vaga/aberta/2464/ – only applications sent through the website will be accepted. Please include Cv, Motivation letter in English and also a portfolio with some design works
Short description: ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil is a non-profit youth organisation, founded in 2001 in Oeiras Council, based in Vila Fria (Porto Salvo) and carries out projects that aim the occupation of free time at the same time that gives the chance to young people to promote their active participation by taking part in European youth projects and in local voluntary activities.
ProAtlântico develops its work based in partnership with local Social Care organisations like Foster Homes, Support Centers for People with Disabilities, Senior Daily Centers offering the chance to their target groups to take part in the projects.

ProAtlântico is a sending, hosting and coordinating organisation in EVS that hosted and sent volunteers from different regions of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

It is located in a strategic development place: on the border of Lisbon city, crossed by main roads that link other cities to the capital and is next to the Tagus River and Atlantic Ocean.

Profile: This vacancy is only for romanian, spanish or italian volunteers.
Generally must be very human, self-motivated, with self-initiative, willing to take on new challenges and good adaption to different realities and to live with different conditions they are used to in their original country.

As the volunteer should do posters for activities, edit the webpage of ProAtlântico, create flyers for divulgation of ProAtlântico projects, take photos of the activities or make promotional videos it is required knowledge of graphic programs such as Photoshop and Ilustrator. The volunteer should be creative.

The volunteers will be working directly with the team of ProAtlântico in different contexts: office, outdoors, schools, universities, youth clubs, etc.
Tasks at the Office (Graphic tasks and support administrative tasks):

– Do posters for activities, edit the webpage of ProAtlântico, create flyers for divulgation of ProAtlântico projects, take photos of the activities, make promotional videos about ProAtlântico, etc.

– Help the team of ProAtlântico with administrative tasks: organizing folders, sending e-mails, fax’s, letters;

– Make contacts with European partners to establish partnerships for projects;

Tasks in Logistic Support (to be done before, after and during the projects take place)

– Give support in Summer Camps, New Year’s Eve, sports tournaments, cultural activities, intercultural evenings, picnics, festivals, training courses, youth exchanges, work camps, and other events. The tasks include moving furniture, shopping, organisation and transport of materials and people, cleaning, decoration, building stages, cooking, etc.

Tasks in Divulgation of Youth in Action Programme (in schools, Universities, youth clubs and youth events):
– Organisation of exhibitions, presentations and conversations with Portuguese young people or future EVS volunteers to motivate young people to be more active or give visibility to their EVS project;
– Inform young people about the EVS experience as a volunteer in Portugal and also provide information about some aspects of the volunteer’ country (ex: culture, language, cultural places, etc.);

Schedule: The volunteers will collaborate 35 hours per week during 5 days a week (30 hours of activities + 5 hours for trainings, language support, mentorship meetings, etc.).

The schedule will be defined by the hosting organisation on arrival of the volunteer and it can change according to the activities.

The volunteers will have 2 free days each week that can vary from week to week according to the needs of the hosting organisation. However, when the hosting organisation has activities on volunteer’s free days and the volunteers are asked to work, they might have to choose another free day, since the collaboration of the volunteers is important.

The volunteers have the right to take the Portuguese National official holidays as free days, when they match with working days.

The volunteers will have 2 days of holidays per month for the duration of the project, to be taken in agreement between the volunteers and the team. The volunteers can join the holidays or take them by month. The volunteers must discuss with the project supervisor from the hosting organisation the dates of holidays at least one month before.

Conditions: ProAtlântico provides € 150,00 to cover costs of food and extra expenses (ex: cleaning materials, …) during non-working time. The food allowance is paid in the beginning of each month. The volunteer can use the food money as wished (ex: to buy own food, cook in the apartment, eat in a restaurant, etc.). As hosting organisation, ProAtlântico provides food during working time (ex: lunch, dinner) or money to cover these expenses.

ProAtlântico provides accommodation in an apartment, University residence or hosting family, double or triple bedroom with fully equipped kitchen, toilet, laundry facilities and living room. The costs with electricity, water, gas, TV and Internet are covered by the Coordinating Organisation.

ProAtlântico will provide towels and bed clothes for the entire period of the project. The apartment usually hosts local volunteers, Erasmus/Leonardo da Vinci students, etc.

The volunteer will share the room with another person from the same gender. If needed, the coordinating organization might have to change the volunteers from their rooms in order to accommodate new volunteers.

A monthly local transport allowance is provided by the hosting organisation that covers at least the costs between the accommodation and project place. The volunteer must ask for receipt and keep it safe to give to the hosting organisation team in order to be reimbursed.

Formation: The Language Support will be provided 2 or 3 times a week with a minimum duration of 60 hours in total until B1 level. The language training courses in school are not intensive. The learning will depend much of the volunteers work at home and in their daily contact with the local community.

The Language Support will be given by a school or private teacher/volunteer. The total duration can vary, depending on the school or availability of the teacher/volunteer.

Documentation: CV, Motivation Letter and portfolio

ProAtlântico makes the selection of the participants, initially based on practical issues, selecting only the candidates that send CV and motivation letter.
After reading the documents, ProAtlântico does a preliminary choice, considering the interest of the volunteers to work with the target group according to activity they applied, their commitment to volunteering service and the reason presented to choose the project.
During this process some phone interviews are done to understand better the motivation of the volunteers and to eventually to explain the details of each project, the environment of the hosting organization, the role of the volunteer, the logistic conditions provided and clarify some doubts the volunteers might have.

When the selection is finished, all candidates will be informed about the results.

Apel inchis: Training ‘Nutrition 4 YOUth’, Lisabona [DL: 20.09 ora 23:59]

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volunteer spain
Consiliul Tineretului din Romania este partener alaturi de Consiile Nationale de Tineret din Portugalia, Italia si Grecia intr-un proiect finantat Prinprogramul Tineret in Actiune al Comisiei Europene intitulat ”Nutrition 4 YUOth” in cadrul caruia se va organiza un training pentru 24 de tineri din cele 4 state partenere, in perioada 31.10-5.11.2013 in Lisabona, Portugalia.
In cadrul trainingului participantii vor invata sa gateasca sanatos, incadrandu-se intr-un buget rezonabil pentru un tanar, retete culinare internationale, vor dezbate modalitati de implicare a tinerilor in activitati care sa contribuie la promovarea unui stil de viata sanatos, vor contribui la elaborarea unui e-book destinat tinerilor si a unei pozitii publice a celor 4 consilii de tineret vizand promovarea sanatatii, ca un drept al tinerilor.
Asadar, lansam apelul, pentru inscrierea a 3 tineri (cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 30 de ani), cunoscatori ai limbii engleze, care sa se fi implicat pana acum in proiecte vizand promovarea unui stil de viata sanatatos in randul tinerilor (prin intermediul promovarii unor principii sanatoase de nutritie si a activitatilor sportive in viata unui tanar). Descarcati apelul la participare si formularul de aplicatie. Doritorii sunt rugati sa completeze formularul de aplicatie si sa il transmita pe adresa delia.gologan@ctr.ro pana la data 20.09.2013 ora 23.59.
Selectia participantilor va fi realizata de catre CTR in functie de experienta anterioara a aplicatilor, modul in care acestia raspund cerintelor proiectului si disponibilitatea lor de a contribui la dezvoltarea proiectului “Nutrition4YOUth” dupa participarea la training, iar lista finala a participantilor va fi anuntata pe site-ul CTR in 23 septembrie 2013.
Costurile de cazare, masa pe durata trainingului si a transportului pana in Portugalia vor fi asigurata de catre organizatori – mai multe detalii se gasesc in documentele mentionate.

Apel inchis: Training “Sporting Young Citizens” Portugalia, 7-13 iulie [DL: 28 mai]

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SPORTING YOUNG CITIZENS: Creating inclusive sport activities for the
active involvement of our Youth
Training Course 7-13 July 2013 | Cascais, Portugal

This interactive training is designed to motivate youth workers to use
sport and physical activity as a tool for increasing the active
participation and inclusion of young people in society, with a focus on
those with fewer opportunities.

Organizer: Who’s Got Game (NGO)

This activity is for participants from: Youth in Action Programme

Application deadline: 28 May 2013

More info and application:

APEL TiA: TC ‘POWER to YOU(th)!’, Portugalia [DL:25.03]

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youth power“POWER TO YOU(th)!” este un curs de formare organizat de Agentia Nationala pentru programul Tineret in Actiune din Portugalia, care se adreseaza lucratorilor de tineret cu experienta in proiecte de schimburi de tineri (Actiunea 1.1)!

Cursul se va derula in perioada 24-29 mai 2013 in Almada (Portugalia).

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea online, cat si pentru trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu confirmare de primire, este 25
martie 2013 (data postei).

Toate informatiile si detaliile referitoare la acest curs (conditii de participare, criterii de selectie, procedura de inscriere) se gasesc in
apelul publicat pe site-ul programului Tineret in Actiune: http://www.tinact.ro/detaliu-calendar/IDevent/864

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