Author: Mihaela Girleanu

Apel inchis: Let’s Stop Bullying, Ucraina [DL: 7 aprilie 2014]

“Let’s Stop Bullying” (LSB)

Training Course

23-31 May 2014 | Kyiv, Ukraine

This training course will be held on May 23-31, 2014 in suburbs of Kyiv for 39 youth leaders, youth workers, and active volunteers from 12 countries. The main topic of the training will be the prevention of bullying.

Main objectives:
-to raise young people’s awareness about the problem of bullying in our world, the importance of joint efforts in tackling this issue, and the dramatic differences in the understanding of bullying in various countries and cultures;
-to share current work practices currently taking place, who is doing it, and who is benefiting;
-to allow participants to hear about the best practices and successes in current anti-bullying work;
-to empower young people in spreading the word on bullying among youngsters using non-formal educational activities;
-and to provide participants with knowledge, skills, and confidence in the area of non-formal education, techniques, and messaging;
-to develop tools which would make the concept of anti-bullying attractive, cool, and fun to follow for youngsters;
-to enable young people to develop their own educational modules which they will in turn bring to their local communities and implement with youngsters living in rural and/or deprived urban areas;
-to build up a network of anti-bullying messengers which would allow participants to support each other.
After the training, participants will implement and evaluate non-formal education activities on the topic of bullying prevention in their countries.
Bullying is a problem experienced all over the entire world, including Ukraine. Ridicule, mockery, and bullying all restrict the emotional well-being and safety of children, young people. Without effective tools and teaching materials and ambassadors it is difficult for society to deal with these issues and difficult for people to learn. If a community consists of aware, considerate, caring citizens, then it becomes more safe and secure. When communities are safe and secure, communication, education, democracy, and equality all flourish.
One of main objectives of this project is involving young people in anti-bullying work through methods of non-formal education while empowering them for future educational work among youngsters. This promotes youth work and participation as they will be working with young people who have fewer opportunities. All of these values are in line with what many Europeans hope for.
The YiA program, training, and sharing sessions will help participants to support social development, open up new opportunities, acquire essential competencies, promote personal development, allow intercultural & diversity learning, and encourage creative/active participation. A wide variety of educational methods will be used and the participants will have the chance to try them out during the training.

Mai multe informatii:

Apel inchis: Coaching Flow Training, Croatia [DL: 25 aprilie 2014]

Coaching Flow Training

Training Course

24-30 May 2014 | Zadar, Croatia

”Coaching Flow Training” is a seven-day international training on practical coaching skills and methods aimed at everyone who is interested in coaching regardless of their experience as well as for those who work with individuals, teams or groups.

It is for those who work as volunteers or as professionals e.g. trainers, coaches, mentors, youth-workers, teachers, educators, managers, supervisors, consultants and other supporting professions.

The „Coaching Flow Training“ is a unique opportunity for you to:

– Get to know your communication style, learn new ones and how to use them flexibly
– Improve your relationship with yourself and others
– Master coaching skills that empower and support achievement of full potential
– Learn how to effectively use coaching for individuals, team and group development
– Learn examples of good coaching practice from experienced professionals from around Europe

The training is based on learning by doing and the approach we encoded in the concept of Coaching Flow: a mastery that stems from continuous application of knowledge, techniques and skills. A mastery obtainable by practicing until they become one´s naturally available ability. The result enables you to apply the approach of Coaching Flow – effortless doing.

Our approach to learning about coaching is based on experiential learning and learning by doing. You will practice the theory and content we deliver until you master it.
In the Coaching Flow Training we deliver a concise selection of tools and techniques that we practices and apply them immediately. We have a „tool box“ approach for using them: try one out and based on the result you continue using it or try another one from the tool box.

The direct outcome of the training for you is to develop your coaching skills and to apply what you have learned in different aspects of your personal and professional life.

There is 20 places on the training, we accept participants in the chronological order as long as there are places available.

Pentru mai multe informatii:

Apel inchis: Life Love Youthpass,Irlanda [DL: 4 aprilie 2014]

Life Love Youthpass

Training Course

25-30 May 2014 | The Clare Inn, Co. Clare , Ireland

The Youthpass support person (mentor) plays a crucial role in the educational processes of volunteers, helping them to identify the personal learning objectives and recognising learning outcomes through dialogue and feedback.

Are you a Youthpass support person in EVS? Are you aware of educational processes within EVS? Do you know how to support Youthpass process? If any of these questions spark an interest then this training is for you…

The “Life Love Youthpass” training course aims at highlighting and enhancing the quality of the educational aspects within EVS. The focus will be on exploring Youthpass as a tool for learning and how to transfer the learning outcomes into the Key Competences of Youthpass.

The methodology used in this training will be based on experiential learning and non-formal education. Participants will explore but also experience these processes themselves during the training through reflection of learning and methodology like learning to learn (L2L) and self-directed learning (SDL).

Additionally, this training course encourages participants to share and exchange experiences and knowledge about their role as a Youthpass support person.

• To understand the concept of EVS as an educational programme and to discover the philosophy behind Youthpass.
• To explore the dimension of learning within EVS project and to connect it with non formal/informal and self-directed learning
• To develop competences on facilitating the learning process and on the self-assessment of learning outcomes in EVS
• To develop competences on the implementation of the Youthpass as a process, learning how to use it as tool for learning recognition
• To provide a clear understanding of the key competence within Youthpass
• To reflect on the role of the Youthpass support person regarding the learning of the EVS volunteer
Target Group
The training course is designed for participants who are:

• Directly involved in the supporting EVS volunteers (e.g. mentors and task-related support persons) on the hosting, sending and coordinating side,
• Experienced in supporting Youthpass in EVS,
• Able to work and communicate in English (working language!),
• Aged over 18 years
• Resident of the EU Programme Countries

Pentru mai multe detalii:

Apel inchis : ACCESSIBILITY INSPECTORS!-Ankara,Turcia [DL:23.02.2014]

Training Course

4-11 April 2014 | Ankara, Turkey

“Accessibility Inspectors” is a 7 days Training Course,organized in Ankara-Turkey to support youth organisations to improve their work with young people having disabilities in terms of designing accessible youth activities for mixed ability groups.


-to learn more about disability and accessibility concept through UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)
-to develop mutual understanding and build empathy between young people with and without disabilities
-to promote equality and social inclusion in upcoming Erasmus+ programme
-to develop together strategies and methodology which fulfill the explored learning and participating needs of young people with disabilities
-to learn how to design and implement inclusive and accessible youth activities
-to gain new skills to organize youth events with mixed ability groups


Non-formal training methods will be used

Profile of participants:

-Youth workers, leaders, trainers, multipliers having both need and experience in working with young people having disabilities
-Also participation of youth workers, leaders, trainers having disabilities will be encouraged
-High motivation to implement accessible and inclusive youth projects
-Over 20 years old
-English will be the working language. Participants must have sufficient understanding of English.

Mai multe detalii pe:

Apel inchis : Facilitator Survival Kit-Malaga,Spania [DL:15.04.2014]

Training Course

8-16 April 2014 | Mollina (Málaga), Spain

Do you start to work with a group of people? Wants to know about facilitation? Here is the opportunity for you to get a “survival kit” in this theme, where you will be able to improve your knowledge and skills in facilitation, from theory to practice!

Facilitating group processes is a key component and an essential competence in present day youth work. For this reason, the aim of Facilitator Survival Kit is to provide participants with basic competences in facilitating group process with young people both in local, national and international context.

It will be a long training (9 days including travelling), where we will work the basic competences in facilitation, from a theoretical point of view (definition, styles, roles) as well as practice (experience from the participants and partner organizations, study cases; resources and tools in facilitation).
Please see the attached program for more info.

– Gain basic understanding of the concept of facilitation;
– share experiences regarding facilitation;
– raise awareness about the process of group dynamics;
– practice the facilitation competences gained during the course;
– gain knowledge about different aspects of the facilitation process;
– discuss different facilitation styles;
– promote cooperation between the different partners after the course;
– promote the Youth in Action programme as a tool for working with young people;
– provide resources and tools about facilitation (books, manuals, NFE centres, trainings…)

During the training the participants will be taking part in a number of activities where they will gain or increase their knowledge about the basic theory in facilitation and their own style as facilitators, sharing experiences and understanding the roles that are established within the group dynamics. They will develop skills, attitudes and strategies that a facilitator needs when leading a group, and they will acquire resources and tools that will allow them to keep on working on their competences as facilitators in the future.

The methods that will be applied are those of non formal education, where the learning is active and participative and it is centered in the learner and based in the experience.

This course is the second edition of this training; a couple of comments from the participants of the first edition were:
• I’m super satisfied with this course, I’ve learned some new things that I wasn’t expecting
• I’m very satisfied, mostly because of the self-development that I made. I really liked that there was many practical exercises. Everything was logically arranged and games supported theory
• The things I wanted to learn were addressed. I got inspiration, from the content and also from the trainers. They have spirit to the training I stretch, gained new resources and ways of efficient facilitating.


Alte detalii pe:

Apel închis: Activitate de constituire de parteneriate “MAKE the MOVE!”, Portugalia (18 Martie 2014 – 23 Martie 2014) [DL: 7 februarie 2014]

Loc de desfasurare: Vila da Marmeleira, Portugalia, jud.

Perioada: 18 Martie 2014 – 23 Martie 2014


APEL pentru PARTICIPARE la Activitatea de constituire de parteneriate “MAKE the MOVE!”
18-23 martie 2014 | Vila da Marmeleira, Portugalia

Scopul principal al acestui seminar este de a sprijini lucratorii de tineret si tinerii in gasirea de parteneri pentru a coopera si a dezvolta impreuna proiecte de schimburi de tineri de calitate, prin programul Erasmus+ Tineret in Actiune.

Profilul candidatului:
– este membru al unei organizatii non-guvernamentale de tineret care lucreaza direct cu tinerii (lucrator de tineret sau voluntar);
– este motivat sa dezvolte un proiect de schimburi de tineri prin programul Erasmus+ Tineret in Actiune;
– are varsta peste 18 ani;
– cunoaste bine limba engleza (scris, vorbit).

Criterii de selectie:
– capacitate de multiplicare, informare si formare;
– motivatie si asteptari personale;
– distributie geografica;
– abilitati lingvistice.

Informatii suplimentare cu privire la aceasta activitate si la obiectivele acesteia, gasiti accesand urmatoarea adresa:

Formularul de candidatura se va completa ONLINE in LIMBA ENGLEZA (fiind necesara in prealabil inregistrarea pe site-ul SALTO-Youth) la adresa:

Dosarul de candidatura va contine urmatoarele documente COMPLETATE in LIMBA ENGLEZA:

1. Formularul de candidatura, completat, printat de la adresa de mai sus si obligatoriu SEMNAT (SAU se poate trimite confirmarea primita via e-mail, printata si semnata)

2. CV in format european.

NOTA: Persoanele care nu vor semna formularul de aplicatie sau nu vor trimite prin posta dosarul complet de candidatura (incluzand cele 2 documente) nu vor participa la selectie.

Data limita atat pentru inscrierea ONLINE, cat si pentru trimiterea dosarului de candidatura prin posta, cu CONFIRMARE de PRIMIRE, este 7 februarie 2014 (data postei).

Conditii de participare:
a. Numar maxim de participanti din Romania: 2
b. Preselectia se realizeaza de catre ANPCDEFP.
c. Selectia finala la nivel european se realizeaza de catre Agentia Nationala din Portugalia.

Adresa de trimitere a dosarului de candidatura, cu confirmare de primire, este:
Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Calea Serban Voda nr. 133, Corp A, etaj 3, Sector 4
Bucuresti, cod 040205
cu specificatia “TCP – Candidatura ‘PBA – MAKE the MOVE!’ Portugalia”.

1. Costurile de participare vor fi acoperite in totalitate. Costurile de transport vor fi acoperite de catre ANPCDEFP pe baza de contract, iar cele legate de subzistenta (cazare si masa) de catre organizatori.

2. Candidatii selectionati trebuie sa-si avanseze sumele necesare acoperirii costurilor de transport pana la locul de desfasurare a cursului, utilizand cel mai ieftin mijloc de transport: bilet de avion (clasa economic, low-cost), bilet de tren (clasa a II-a), autocar etc. Aceste costuri vor fi rambursate in totalitate de ANPCDEFP.

3. Suma de 10 euro va fi perceputa ca fiind co-finantarea participantilor la curs (si ea va fi retinuta din cheltuielile de transport, la decont).

4. Agentia Nationala din Portugalia va asigura costurile privind cazarea, masa participantilor si costurile aferente programului de activitati.

Apel închis: Non-Formal Education for the Next Generation!-France (10 – 17 March 2014) [DL: 02 februarie 2014]

Non-Formal Education for the Next Generation!

Training Course

10 – 17 March 2014

Base de Loisirs de Rouffiac – Lanouaille – France


“Non-Formal Education for the next Generation” is a six days training course taking place close to Limoges (France) between the 10th and 17th of March 2014.

The general aim of this project is to improve the quality of youth work on local and international levels, using Non-Formal Education.

We will bring together youth workers from different cultures, backgrounds, countries, allowing them to develop a certain knowledge of intercultural learning;

We will give them the opportunity to discover and experiment new Non Formal Education methods; we plan to bring international NFE knowledge to local youth working; and we hope to

work on future projects together, promoting mobility.

In total, twenty participants (four from each country : France, Spain, Romania, Poland, Croatia) will be able to take part in this project.

Their profile will be diverse (youth workers, holiday camp coordinators and leaders, volunteers, etc.) as we would like to question youth work national specifities.

A european team of three trainers will permit us to reach our goals – through non-formal educational methods, role games, simulation exercises, peer to peer education, workshops,

debates… – and also thanks to visits, intercultural evenings, reflections groups and – last but not least – informal moments.

To participate, you have:

– To have 18 years old at the beginning of the training course

– To be able to communicate in english

– To be a youth leader, holiday camp leader, youth worker, volunteer, anyone working or dealing with youth issues…

– To be able to take part in the full duration of the training course

How to apply

Please download the application form and send it to before 02.02.2014.

Working methods

This training course is a concrete expansion of the field in which all the participants work or volunteer, as to know youth-working, leading camps, …

This TC will permit them to discover and explore non-formal education methods, new tools, share their own methods and confront their daily practice to what can exist abroad, by sharing an international and intercultural experience.

Moreover, by experiencing the basic process learning in an intercultural setting, it will improve the participants awareness towards other cultures and it will increase their abilities to work in an international team.

We will use Non-formal education methods, tools from non-violent communication and intercultural understanding.

We will focus on role games, simulation exercises, team-building, debates and discussion…

Each participant is going to have the opportunity to play an active role on each stage of the project.

From the beginning, they will be able to share some information, start presenting themselves, through a blog (or web-page) and a facebook page.

We also would like them to prepare, using video or photo, a small insight of their daily practice corresponding to the training course.

Also, during the TC, we want to make everyone able to propose activities or methods, to lead a training session according to his skills, wills, abilities… and also to learn new from the others.

Logistical organisation

The training course will take place in the « Base de Loisirs de Rouffiac », in Lanouaille, France.

This project receives the support of the European Program Youth in Action, the expenses of accommodation, food and activities are totally covered.

Travel costs are covered in the limit of 70%.


The training is organized by AROEVEN du Limousin, in partnership with ACCENT OBERT,  CARPE DIEM, EDUQ Association and ADDO – The Centre for Development and Training.

Youth in Action Program

The project is financed by the Youth in Action programme, which makes an important contribution to the acquisition of competences and is therefore a key instrument in providing young people with opportunities for non-formal and informal learning with a European dimension.



Reflective Practice, a UK Perspective

Training Course

Burnley, UK, 9-15th March 2014 (Open for participants from Estonia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey and UK)


This course aims to explore the theory of reflective practice in youth work from a UK perspective. The UK has over 60 years history of professional youth work which this course plans to highlight and demonstrate how this came to be. This course is open to participants based in EU countries as well as Turkey.


The course will take place in the town of Burnley, England (nearest airport is Manchester). During the course, participants will be taken to visit youth work settings in the region and have a chance to interact and ask questions to UK youth workers.


We will be exploring reflection based practice in order to better understand it so we can use it effectively in our own work setting. We will be using reflection throughout the week in order to assess our progress and see it in practice in UK based settings. From what we explore we hope that each participant will be able to implement what they learn into their own work in their own country. We will seek to share the benefits that we all see in order to get the most out of reflection and then look at how we might use it with others in our own culture.


During the course, participants will engage in various activities that explore the topic and look at reflective practice while discussing models for its growth and development in Europe. The course will also foster new collaborations between the partner countries and explain how to gain funding for future cooperation for international youth activity.


This project is the result of a desire to share reflective practice between European Countries, by taking a process-based approach that does not assume a level of understanding. Instead it builds on introducing the subject, exploring its relevance and applying it in the context of each country so the each participant will return home with something of real value.


Through the teaching of theory and practice via the use of interactive training we will share this knowledge and skills base with a range of professionals from other countries. The training will be facilitated by experienced and qualified professional Youth Workers, trained in reflective practice, from the UK. The trainers will deliver a curriculum on a range of subjects centered around the course objectives. These are focused on the learners participating and we aim to achieve the following:


Participants will be able to:

  • Identify what reflective-based practice is
  • Understand and explain the use of reflective practice
  • Locate reflective practice in the context of your own work
  • Share the benefits of reflective practice with others/those around you
  • Understand the challenges of implementing reflective practice in your work


The course also aims to foster partnerships between countries while also explaining how participants involved can continue activity with their new partners and where to access funds to do so.


The working language of this course is English, so participants will need to be proficient in their skill level. Participants are also expected to attend the full duration of the events.


Our organisation will cover participant’s food and accommodation costs, as well as 70% of your travel cost.


If you are interested to apply to participate in this training course, please fill this short online application form.


Closing Date for applicants: 27th January 2014


Date of selection: 3rd February 2014


Partners for this project are:

Apel închis: “CONNECTOR – Un Happening Nonformal” (9-15 septembrie 2014) [DL: 23 ianuarie 2014]

9-15 septembrie 2014, Cluj-Napoca
Sute de oameni din toata Europa impartasind aceeasi pasiune: invatarea nonformala! Motivul: “CONNECTOR – Un Happening Nonformal“, prima editie a unui lung sir care isi propune sa devina un punct de referintaeuropean si sa puna nonformalul in lumina reflectoarelor.
Pentru ca acest lucru sa devina realitate avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru!

“CONNECTeaza-te la nonformal”  este o invitatie deschisa tuturor celor care vor sa contribuie si in care ne pregatim impreuna. Ce se va intampla? Discutam idei de activitati relevante pentru organizatiile voastre care se pot regasi in cadrul CONNECTOR, cum se pot completa si integra in proiectele organizatiei si care sunt sursele de finantare cele mai relevante pentru ele. Toate acestea intr-un proces participativ, la inceputul lui februarie.

Numar de locuri disponibile: 20
Termen limita pentru inscriere:  23 ianuarie

Mai multe detalii si inscriere:


Apel închis: BITRIMULTI Gives you(th) wings-Grecia (11-15 June 2014) [DL: 9 martie 2014]

BiTriMulti (BTM) in Greece – Multilateral Training Course for newcomers in youth exchanges

Training Course

11-15 June 2014 | Greece

The aim of the BiTriMulti course is to offer an international learning experience for practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects;especially newcomers to this field

The BiTriMulti training supports voluntary as well as full-time youth workers dealing directly with young people in developing their first international Youth Exchange in the framework of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme starting from 2014.

The aim of the BTM training course is to offer an international learning experience to practitioners active in the youth work field, enabling them to develop their competences in setting up quality Youth Exchange projects.

Objectives of BTM:
– To provide an informed introduction to the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme starting from 2014., focusing on Youth Exchanges and their capacity to enhance young people’s active engagement in the making of Europe (though not exclusively) for newcomers to the programme;
– To offer an individual and group learning experience through a simulated process on setting up a Youth Exchange project;
– To develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to organise a Youth Exchange, based on the non-formal learning practice, principles, and quality standards of the EU youth programmes;
– To enable participants to reflect on their learning and to familiarise themselves with Youthpass – the strategy on the recognition of non-formal learning in the youth field, its technical tool to produce Youthpass Certificates, and its application in Youth Exchanges in particular and the EU youth programmes in general;
– To offer the opportunity to meet possible partner groups and to make contacts in other countries.
Programme: The BTM training is a learning-by-doing experience, built on a simulation exercise which is interspersed with workshops, info sessions, activities to improve the group dynamics, and ends with an evaluation.

The Network of National Agencies for “Youth in Action” organises a series of BTMs each year. You’ll find an overview on all the upcoming BTMs at

Apel închis: Curs de formare pe proiecte de formare si retele – TIC TAC, Romania (7-13 aprilie 2014) [DL: 19 ianuarie 2014]


TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme projects.

TICTAC is a training course targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies in line with the goals of their organizations.The TICTAC training aims to support participants in designing qualitative projects and becoming the pioneers of the new programme Erasmus+ Youth in Action starting from 2014.

The overall aim of the TICTAC TC is to develop participants’ competences for implementing projects within the new EU Programme on Youth, as support measures in an organization’s long term strategy.

The specific objectives of the course are:
_ to promote the new EU Programme for Youth as an educational tool;
_ to explore the new programme with a special focus on quality international cooperation;
_ to understand the role of the new EU Programme for Youth within a long term local strategy;
_ to simulate the first steps of organizing a project in the youth field within an international team;
_ to develop participant’s competences in planning Non Formal Education and Intercultural Learning processes;
_ to promote Youth Participation and Active Citizenship as key elements when designing a European project.
The training course is designed for youth workers and youth leaders, who
_ have experienced an international event/activity before (not necessarily a project under the Youth in Action programme);
_ are motivated to learn about and make use of the new EU programme for Youth for creating or strengthening international partnerships;
_ are willing to work on the quality of their international projects;
_ have the support of an organisation to attend the TICTAC course and are in the position to implement european youth projects in their organisation,
_ are minimum 18 years old,
a_ re able to use English as a working language in order to establish effective communication during group-work and sessions. A low level of English will limit your learning opportunities.

The Network of National Agencies organises several TICTAC training courses per year. You’ll find an overview on the upcoming TicTacs at